nighthunts · 3 years
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(theo james, cis man, roseport clan leader) VIGILANTE has their eye on JULIAN HAYES. HE is a 540 YEAR-OLD VAMPIRE who lives in THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as the OWNER OF DELIRIUM and are known for being AMBITIOUS and UNFORGIVING. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. (rose, 26, she/her, est, n/a)
Meet my fourth and final character (for now), Julian Hayes!
Quick Facts:
Julian was born into a poor family and always dreamed of more for himself. When he met and fell in love with a woman he believed to be a wealthy noble, he thought he finally had his ticket to bigger and better things. As it turned out, she was a vampire who bit and turned him.
But life as a vampire was actually better for Julian. He traveled with his sire for years before they grew tired of each other. They parted ways less than amicably, and Julian set out to find his own corner of the world to conquer.
He eventually wound up in Roseport, where he joined the local vampire clan and schemed his way into becoming its leader.
After 50 years of leading the clan, Julian is growing restless again. He wants more power and authority, and he isn’t afraid to play dirty to get it.
The VIGILANTE threat gave him an excuse to ask that all Roseport Clan members cut ties with the slayers and for him to close ranks. He’s doing his best to convince his members that the time has come for vampires to throw out the treaty and live the way they want to.
In protest of the slayers treating supernaturals harshly after VIGILANTE revealed itself, Julian opened the nightclub Delirium as a place where his vampires can have snack and let loose as an alternative to the Euphoria Lounge.
Julian doesn’t really ‘love’ his fellow clan members. He loves the power they give him, and he’ll protect and shelter them for that reason alone. He does do a lot for them and is almost always willing to help when they come to him. It’s important to him that he keeps their respect.
He’s great at networking, and he’s very charming. In fact, he’s rather charming unless you cross him. Then, all bets are off. He can go from smiling and laughing to ripping out throats in .2 seconds under the wrong circumstances.
He suffers from some jealousy issues. He always wants what others have - whether it’s influence, money, or the attention of other people.
Julian is the type of lover who showers his current woman with gifts and affection. Sometimes his relationships last a few decades, sometimes they last a few days. He has no real preference when it comes to sleeping around or getting serious. It all depends on the woman and what he wants at that moment.
Secretly, he has an addiction to shapeshifter & siren blood.
He lives in the Industrial District at the Roseport Clan headquarters in a spacious suite at the top of the remodeled warehouse.
Connection Ideas:
Click here to see the connections Julian has so far. I have a few starting point ideas below, but these are not by any means the only plots I’m open to or want. Never be afraid to reach out to me for plots! Even if an idea doesn’t work right off the bat, I’m always happy to brainstorm something that will.
Slayers: Julian is encouraging everyone he knows to turn against those that enforce the treaty. He’s not above playing dirty to get what he wants, and he sees the slayers as nothing more than an obstacle in his way to more power.
Other Covens/Clans/Packs: Julian puts his own interests (and therefore the interests of his clan) first. I’d love a few allies and maybe a few enemies from the other groups in the city. He’s more than willing to team up with other supernaturals to get what he wants.
New Vampires: I’d love to have Julian mentor someone! He might not be the best moral role-model, but he definitely can show newer vampires how to control their bloodlust and adjust to night living.
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midnightxraine · 3 years
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VIGILANTE has their eye on EMMA BEAUMONT. She is a 31 YEAR OLD, WITCH who lives in ROSEPORT, OLD TOWN PLAZA. According to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as an WAITRESS AT EXPRESS-O-CAFE and are known for being LOYAL and CAREFREE. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. 
Name: Emma Lana Beaumont
Age: 31
Birthday: 12th September
Zodiac: Virgo
Species: Witch
Specialty: Fire Magic
Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Waitress Express-O Cafe
Residence: Old Town Plaza
Roseport has been home to the Beaumont family for generations and they have always possessed influence. Emma’s mother was once supreme and now Emma’s brother; Oliver is the reigning supreme. 
Emma sees her parents fleeting relationship as passionate and romantic, even if it ended in flames. But as she’s often reminding Oliver... the Beaumont’s have an affinity for the flames. It’s only natural that their relationships end the same way. In flames.
 Although knowing the reasoning behind the movement in her childhood and the lack of relationship with her father, Emma is not very accepting of it. She believes that power in the coven leads to misery and she worries that her brother is next in line for a life of misery. 
Knowing that life of supremedom didn’t await her; Emma had more freedom then her brother. She grew up and had a number of passions outside of magic. Her two favourite being boys and Literature. Emma attended Roseport college and completed a degree in English Literature and when she didn’t know what to do after that a masters in creative writing. She’s now desperately trying to put those degrees to good use and finish some sort of novel. 
Emma has a close relationship with her brother and even leant on him when she finished college with no job. She’s been working in the cafe for a few years while she finishes her ‘novel’. Truth be told she has no idea what to write and worries she isn’t cut out for the world of writing. She knows that writing about magic could lead her to big trouble with the coven... but her muse is built around her own life. And her life is the coven. 
Oliver Beaumont - Older brother and Supreme of Coven. 
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speakswithdead · 3 years
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(tyler posey, cis male, n/a) VIGILANTE has their eye on EZRA TORRES. HE is a 28 YEAR-OLD WITCH who lives in THE SOUTHSIDE. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as OFFICE STAFF AT A FUNERAL HOME and are known for being COMPASSIONATE and AVOIDANT. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. (emm, 28, she/her, pst, n/a)
(CW for death, drugs, addiction, overdose, suicide attempt depression ?? I don’t know I’m sorry he’s got a lot going on)
Necromancy. A bit of a touchy subject, even when it comes to the supernatural community. Often viewed with confusion, suspicion, even fear, magic with death and the dead tend to evoke negative reactions in others. However, like just about every other brand of magic some witches have a natural inclination towards it. Rose was one such witch, belonging to a coven of other similarly gifted witches. 
For a long time things were fine, great even, maybe they weren’t the most well regarded coven, but communing with spirits always brought Rose joy. Unfortunately, like many good things, it didn’t last. A new Supreme came to power, one with new ideas, they weren’t content to merely commune with the already did, no they wanted to increase the spirit population. 
Rose wouldn’t be party to such plans, and upon an unsuccessful challenge to the Supreme’s rule she fled. For some time she wasn’t pursued and she was able to settle down in California. She met a man, Rafael, and together they had two children, Ezra, and later Alexa. They couldn’t immediately tell if the kids would be magical like their mother, or a human like their father, but either way Rose had decided not to tell them. The magic world had caused a lot of suffering, and she wanted to protect them. 
Unfortunately for Rose, both children started showing traits. Even still, she tried to avoid it, continued keeping her secret. She loved these kids more than anything, and she really thought she was doing what was best for them. Then, to make matters even more complicated her old coven finally found her and she disappeared. This left the children, nine year old Ezra, and seven year old Alexa with their human father, still none the wiser about their origin or who they were. 
Ezra grew up confused. Loved by his family, but confused. Why could he and his sister do things that other kids couldn’t do? Why did he hear voices in his head when he touched certain objects, or walked past the cemetery on his way home from school? Why didn’t he like girls the way most other boys did? Why did his mother suddenly disappear with barely a word of explanation or goodbye? Where did she go? Would she ever come back? Was she even alive? 
Feeling so lost and alienated Ezra fell in with a rougher crowd. Probably not the best idea, Alexa was always telling him off about it, but alcohol, drugs, and sex all made more sense, than the rest of the world around him. If his friends were using him or didn’t really care about him? So be it. 
Finally in high school the Big Family Secret came out. Ezra and Alexa were magical, the voices he heard were the dead. On some level it helped, now he knew he wasn’t insane, but on another level it just added to the weirdness, and he really struggled to handle it. With help from his father he was able to start to pull himself together. His father helped him and Alexa to find a witch willing to help them train their skills. 
This proved immeasurably helpful for Ezra, things actually started to make sense, he could use this magic to help people. General magic had a lot of use, and the ability to communicate and interact with the dead could help to ease the pain of their grieving friends and family. He really took to this, and maybe even wanted to make a career of it, which meant graduating high school and going on to college. 
In college things fell apart again. Money problems, alienation, insecurity, loneliness, good old depression all reared their ugly heads and Ezra fell back to his old coping mechanisms, the three staples, sex, drugs, and alcohol. This time they managed to drag him down and he dropped out at the end of his second year, moving home and getting a job as a server, squirreling away money to help make sure Alexa would be able to go to college. 
For a few years he was able to keep his head above water, but his addictions finally dragged him down and after an overdose left him in the hospital Ezra followed in his mothers footsteps and left California. The shame and self loathing were too much for him to take. What started out as an escape turned into an as of yet unsuccessful hunt for his lost mother. He has traveled around to different places, never staying too long, until he reached Roseport. 
Finding that this was something of a supernatural hub he thought maybe it would be a good idea to settle down for a while, see if maybe he could catch wind of his mother’s whereabouts. While he didn’t make it far enough in school to be a funeral director or mortician or anything, he was still able to get a job at the local funeral home. For the most part he does secretarial and other office type work, but still if he gets the chance to speak to grieving families he sometimes tries to pass along messages or words of comfort he picks up from the other side. 
OKAY TLDR: Ezra’s a generally sweet but often melancholic gay necromancer who works at a funeral home, struggles with addiction, and wants to find his mom? Hit up ya boi?
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iseul-choi · 3 years
(ok taecyeon , cismale, n/a) VIGILANTE has their eye on CHOI ISEUL. HE is a THIRTY FIVE YEAR-OLD FAERIE who lives in THE SOUTH SIDE. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as a MERCENARY  and are known for being CLEVER and DISLOYAL. hopefully, they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike.
Iseul’s childhood, if asked, he’d say was unremarkable. He could recall easily the smell of his home, a small backyard painted in perpetual autumn colors - dull browns and vibrant yellows. His mother picking up leaves and pressing them between the pages of heavy books that lined the shelves of father’s study. Daehyun Choi was a quiet, unassuming man who spent more time with his books than with people. He spoke in quotes and carried the scent of ink and pages with him. The only magical thing about Daehyun was his wife - a faerie.
Jiwon had yellow spots in her eyes and the sound of her laughter echoed clear like mischievous bells. The family had two children - Iseul and Ilsung. Iseul and his brother couldn’t have been any different. Their mother joked that Iseul had inherited their father’s sullen nature, the love for quiet and solitude where Ilsung was her spitting image - fiery, bright and with a desire for adventure, for exploring.
Jiwon couldn’t have been more right. But the boys loved each other. Inseparable, always by each other’s side - Iseul quiet, ever willing to follow his brother’s unwise ideas that more often than not got them in trouble. He did so patiently, quietly, and without protests. When Iseul’s university letter of acceptance arrived, Ilsung decided he’d enlist instead. Without a moment of doubt, Iseul followed him in that too, balling up the letter and tossing it in the trash without a word.
Five years ago in September 2016 his brother was declared MIA and Iseul still refuses to accept that. It seems impossible, he knows, deep down somewhere that it can’t be true. That somehow he would know. His parents begged, pleaded with him to stop searching, to mourn - properly, to move on. It’s what Ilsung would’ve wanted, they’d say. Iseul hadn’t spoken to either of them in years. Now he works as a mercenary - selling his skills for those who have use of them to make money while hoping to figure out what happened to Ilsung.
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easyprcy · 3 years
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(rafael silva, cis male, n/a) VIGILANTE has their eye on CAIO PREY. HE is/are a 353 YEAR-OLD FAERIE who lives in the LAKEFRONT DISTRICT. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as a ART BROKER and are known for being IMPISH and RUTHLESS. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike.
hello hello! i’m kitty and this is my brain-child caio (he usually goes by stag for reasons solely related to his desire to portray himself more as prey than predator...hence the surname). below, you’ll find some backstory, headcanons, etc. i am excited to get to write with you all ♥ there’s also a tl;dr because i went a lil crazy with the writing in here
Somewhere deep within the trees between the countries of Brazil and Columbia, the union of twelve fae brought about the next generation of protector figures for the local green clime. This union was purely methodical in nature, lacking love and affection that most would attribute to couples as the sole and primary directive was to create more of those who could stand before the ever encroaching humans.
The one who came to refer to himself as Caio was the fourth of twenty-eight offspring to grow from this union and his youth was spent honing and developing the trades necessary to combat the human war efforts that threatened the livelihood of the forest. Times were less than favorable among different human groups and as they intended on taking stands against one another, they were a destructive force for the environment. The mission of the fae was simple: keep the outsiders...out.
Most of the siblings did just that, leading with their glamours and natural charm to steer men away from entering the brush of the trees and that was as far as their involvement extended. Those born of a particular fae known as Nightshade in the polyamorous union each received an animal moniker appropriate to their methodology. The eldest was Fox. She was sly and cunning, small yet ferocious when necessary. The next born was Owl, wise and true who preferred to warn and guide rather than trick. The third was Bear, strong and intimidating, glamouring others through fear. The fourth, our Caio Prey, was referred to as Stag. He used his looks and appeal to draw people into unfavorable situations where he’d gore them later, ruthless in his endeavors in a way that unsettled his siblings. The fifth was Wolf, every bit as noble and stoic as a wolf and cared the most for the humans. These five children referred to themselves as the Keepers, the eldest of the twenty-eight second generation fae.
As the siblings grew older, they spread themselves across the border of the rainforest, becoming sentinels for regions designated to them. Stag had spent much of his time in Brazil, watching the humans grow and learn and envied their freedom to explore and conquer beyond their country-bound limits. He watched as they returned with riches, new spouses, and a myriad of knowledges that he craved so dear. It was because of this reason that he abandoned his post and issued in a new era for the Amazon.
As he ventured out into the world, he made sure to blend in with human society to the best of his own ability. He was careful, but every moment in which he let himself slip into his true nature, he would glamour his way out of these situations and flee for greener pastures. This caught the attention of a coven of witches. From them, he learned more practical uses of his abilities and through him, they were granted access to the knowledge of the trees. After years of peaceful negotiations and sharing of each other’s cultures, he brought this coven to his siblings and the first unions between fae and witches in the area took place.
New envoys were born in bulk between the crossings of fae and witch, all of whom worked and served to protect the fragile natural clime from outsiders. Stag served as the progenitor of the union, but never sired his own children or fell in love with the witches. Of the Keepers, only he and his younger brother Wolf never paired off, never giving away their vitality for the sake of mortality. Many of their kin who were not born of Nightshade had also paired off, but the remaining few continued to breed with the witches to ensure that more sirens and shapeshifters could be born.
Much like he once did, Stag grew tired of this life and set out into the world again, this time vowing not to return. He felt that his job was over. Two hundred years of service had awarded the forest a great deal, but there were new protectors now. Some were stronger and wiser than he would ever be. Besides, he was always more fascinated with the humans and their trinkets...their little things that they held more preciously than their own lives.
Only, being raised outside of human culture meant not knowing how or why it functioned the way that it did. Stag had no concept of money or its value. He wanted so many of these little trinkets to call his own but did little more than cheat and steal his way into acquiring so many before he realized that this wasn’t the acceptable way to go about. Within that was something sinister: Stag enjoyed the thrill of stealing and trickery as much as he did acquiring things legitimately. Fae habits die hard, it seemed.
For a hundred more years, Stag would take on a moniker and insert himself into a population. He’d taken on so many jobs that brought him closer to the trinkets of his fancy, from archeologist to treasure hunter to bounty hunter and the like. His propensity for the finer things never died, but he took less time being a burglar and more time striking impossible deals and contracts that when they inevitably fell through, he’d get all that he wanted in the end.
Stag now works as an independent art broker. Officially, at least. He has certainly not stopped his cat-burglary ways, but he manages to only allow his sticky fingers to get ahold of something when he’s exhausted all other options. He’s since taken on the name of Caio Prey as well, very human and yet...so strangely not.
Stag, aka Caio, is an art broker who likes shiny things and tricking people into giving him those shiny things. He has no care for authority or human convention, but likes to pretend like he does sometimes. Think somewhere between Poison Ivy and Selina Kyle in terms of morality.
Caio is the name that Stag tends to tell people, but he only ever refers to himself internally as Stag, which is why it’ll mostly be the thing seen when writing him trouncing about.
True to the stereotypes of mythological fae, Stag never outright lies. He is allowed to spin the truth to his advantage, use clever word-play to deceive, and the like, but he cannot lie. This is an entirely personal thing, however, and is not reflective of faerie culture as a whole.
There is a lot of blood on his hands that he seems completely comfortable sharing.
Of the different types of supernatural creatures, the only ones that Stag trusts are fae and witches. He never puts up a guard against the others, but views their methods and histories as far more barbaric in nature. Even still, the opportunity to work alongside someone of a different species brings him a level of thrill he can’t quite place.
English is Stag’s third language. His first is Brazilian and then Spanish, all of which he speaks fluently. He is conversational in French, Mandarin Chinese, and Italian due to trade.
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shiftingheart · 3 years
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(poppy drayton, cis woman, n/a) VIGILANTE has their eye on EVELYN DEVEAUX. SHE is a 27 YEAR-OLD SHAPESHIFTER who lives in THE BUSINESS DISTRICT. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as a CONWOMAN/THIEF and are known for being CLEVER and PETTY. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. (rose, 26, she/her, est, n/a)
Meet Evie, a mischievous shapeshifter who makes a living using her gifts for evil...or at least, not for good. As always, I’m always down for plots and threads, so hit me up if you have any ideas!
Quick Facts:
She’s the result of a faerie mother and a witch father, and she grew up in her father’s coven. Unfortunately, she never really felt like she belonged there. While she can do basic magic, it took her a long time to learn, and the other children weren’t exactly accepting of her.
Though she’d never admit it, Evie and her mother are extremely similar. Evie has the faerie taste for chaos and loves stirring up trouble.
She has a younger half sister, Caprice Valentine, who she constantly claims is the only good thing to come from her faerie mother. She loves Caprice dearly and would do anything for her.
Evie makes good money with her cons and thievery. Some of her schemes are small, some are elaborate.
Usually, she doesn’t leave a trail behind or get caught, but some of her bigger ‘business plans’ recently caught the attention of the slayers. They let her know that if she harmed any humans at all, she’d pay the price. Evie has been purposefully toeing the line between ‘legal’ and ‘illegal’ for the past few months to tease the slayers after their warning.
She uses her con money to fund a luxurious lifestyle. Her upscale apartment in the Business District costs more than she’ll ever admit. She lives alone, but likes to entertain. She’s constantly throwing parties, both fancy and trashy ones.
Loves to hang out at the Euphoria Lounge. She claims she’s “studying” vampire fangs for shifting purposes, but she may or may not have let a few bloodsuckers take a bite out of her.
Evie isn’t uptight or “proper”, but she is awfully judgy. She’s a total gossip. Any secrets you tell her will be repeated to someone else at least once.
She’s petty as hell. Even slight wrongdoings could end in an elaborate scheme for revenge. She’s not above using her gifts to wreak havoc on someone’s life.
Evie cycles through friendships and relationships like seasonal fashion trends. Most of her relationships are superficial. She’d never admit it, but she’s terrified to get close to anyone and have them not accept her once they see her for who she really is. When it’s all said and done, she’s sure no one will stick around for the long haul. She’s never had a serious romantic relationship, and it would take a lot of trust to get her to even consider it.
As a shapeshifter, she always felt she was part of multiple worlds, but never really fit into any of them. Although she loves her gifts and uses them to her advantage, she does feel like she might never belong anywhere.
Connection Ideas:
Click here to see the connections Evie has so far. I have a few starting point ideas below, but these are not by any means the only plots I’m open to or want. Never be afraid to reach out to me for plots! Even if an idea doesn’t work right off the bat, I’m always happy to brainstorm something that will.
Human She Exposed to the Supernatural World: Check out the wanted connection on the main!
People She’s Wronged: There are a lot. Seriously. Whether she conned them, straight up stole from them, or did something petty that seriously impacted their life, I’m down to hear ideas and for Evie to deal with the consequences!
Slayers: The Slayers have been keeping tabs on her businesses dealings, and Evie has been toeing the line of rule breaking to tease them the past few months. It’s a cat and mouse game that she might very well regret playing.
Friends: Evie only has a few true friends. Because it takes so much time to earn her trust, these are people she would have known for a while and who have seen her at her worst and best.
Lovers: Mostly friends with benefits and one-night stand situations.
Witches: Evie isn’t exactly kind to witches, despite her father being one. She’ll never forget what an outcast she was in a coven as a child. She loves to mess with them, even if they don’t necessarily deserve it.
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firebringcr · 3 years
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(luke macfarlane, cis man, beaumont coven supreme) VIGILANTE has their eye on OLIVER BEAUMONT. HE is a 35 YEAR-OLD WITCH who lives in OLD TOWN PLAZA. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as the OWNER OF EXPRESS-O CAFE and are known for being INNOVATIVE and HEADSTRONG. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. (rose, 26, she/her, est, n/a)
Hey everyone! I’m Rose, and this is my first role, Oliver Beaumont. I couldn’t be more excited to start plotting and writing with everyone. If you have any plot ideas, feel free to reach out here or on discord!
Quick Facts:
Oliver was born & raised in Roseport. He loves this city and will never leave. He plans to stay even if things go to shit with the slayers and VIGILANTE.
He owns EXPRESS-O CAFE in Old Town Plaza. Aside from the coven, the coffee shop is his pride and joy. He’s there almost all the time. Watch out, though, because his cat hangs around the tables and counter to demand pets.
His cat’s name is Smelly. Yes, like the song from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Luckily, he doesn’t actually smell.
He lives about a block away from the coffee shop. The house is old and was cheap as hell when he bought it five years ago. He claims he’s renovating it, but so far, he’s only fixed up his bedroom and the kitchen.
He’s been Supreme of the Beaumont Coven for a little over six months, and in that time, he’s pushed for a lot of changes. Mainly, he wants all covens to open up and stop being so secretive with one another - starting with his own. He’s also looking to renegotiate the long-standing treaty that is the subject of so much discord right now.
His official position with the VIGILANTE threat is that the Beaumont Coven should keep obeying the terms of the treaty and maintain their relationship with the slayers.
Ollie is super outgoing. He’ll chat with anyone, whether they’re a customer at the coffee shop or just a stranger in line for the bus, but he’s loyal first and foremost to his coven, and then his friends. He holds grudges and finds it hard to let go of wrongdoings, especially when they’re transgressions about the people he cares about.
He’s incredibly stubborn. He’ll die on any hill, even when he realizes he’s wrong. He rarely apologizes, so when he does, it’s genuine.
Oliver has major relationship commitment issues. Every single serious romantic relationship he’s had ended because of his own hesitations about the idea of forever. It probably stems from the disaster that was his parents’ relationship. Flings feel safer to him, so he’s more likely to date a woman casually, or a few women casually, and call it off quickly.
Right now, he’s incredibly busy with the coven. Between trying to salvage the relationship between the witches and the slayers, forging a new future for the coven, and dealing with the ins and outs of being a new Supreme, his life has turned into almost entirely witch business. He’s been a little hard to get in contact with, but he’s trying to get back to a new normal - which means reaching out to his friends, starting to go back out, and dating again. 
Connection Ideas:
Click here to see the connections Ollie has so far. I have a few starting point ideas below, but these are not by any means the only plots I’m open to or want. Never be afraid to reach out to me for plots! Even if an idea doesn’t work right off the bat, I’m always happy to brainstorm something that will.
Opposing Witches: Ollie’s hopes to open up the covens is a known thing throughout the witch community. I’d love to have some witches, both in his own coven and in others, who disapprove of these ideas and dislike him for it.
Flings: Again, Ollie is more likely to have flings than full on serious relationships. I’m down for a few of these, whether they’re current or past! We can figure out the details of whether they ended well or badly, etc. etc.
Supernatural Friends: Ollie is trying really, really hard to maintain relations with everyone despite the VIGILANTE threat. He’s been a little off the grid the past few months while adjusting to being Supreme, but he’s getting back out there and catching up with his friends now.
Allies: People who think renegotiating the treaty is a good idea! This can be straightforward where they’re both on the same page, or maybe they have ulterior motives and are using Ollie as a means to an end.
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a-law · 3 years
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 VIGILANTE has their eye on CHRISTOPHER BRACKEN. HE is a 40 YEAR-OLD, SLAYER who lives in ROSEPORT, LAKEFRONT DISTRICT. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as a HOUSE RENOVATOR/ARCHITECT and are known for being CHARMING and CHEEKY. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. 
When you want to become something else so badly, you often find a way to make that happen. And that is how Chris  ended up stepping out of the Slayer life.  Chris grew up in Roseport and has lived there is whole life. He’s never left the state and although it was a dream of his to go backpacking. He never has. But that’s not what he’ll tell you. In a former life, Chris was a slayer. He was shown by his father and brother’s to hunt and it’s all he ever knew.  He learnt to be the best of the best, he learnt how to cover any weakness in confidence. He was good at what he did. That doesn’t mean it was ever what he wanted to do.
As a kid, Chris was a football star, particularly thanks to his advanced reflexes. He was good at it and he even got average grades despite the lack of effort he put in. But when the college scouts came, it was clear to Chris that he only had one life ahead of him. The life of a slayer. Chris worked with his father and his two brother’s until tragedy struck. When Chris’ older brother died, Chris began to think about how short life was. How he had wasted his whole life on hate and pain. His brother had a wife and a child, and that child was now fatherless. He wasn’t going to put any future family through that pain. Chris lost contact with his father and brother for many years. He went back to school and did an architecture degree, that he now uses to buy and renovate old houses in Roseport. Of course, once you’re a slayer... it’s not something you can shake and that is often reflected in his style. 
Chris’ father died recently and the first time had had seen his mother and brother for years, was his father’s funeral. He also has now seen his nephew; Holden. There is so much of the father in the son, but Chris is determined to prevent his brother from ever dragging Holden into the life that he had fought so hard to leave. He knows that his brother wouldn’t have wanted that life for him. 
Holden Bracken
Open Bracken brother
Roseport connections
Old slayer connections (slayers and supernaturals) 
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missxbelle · 3 years
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(Hande Erçel, Cis woman, n/a) VIGILANTE has their eye on CLAUDIA BALCAN. SHE is a 400 YEAR OLD VAMPIRE who lives in LAKEFRONT. According to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as a WHATEVER SHE FEELS LIKE and are known for being SMART and MANIPULATIVE hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike.
I know it’s long!
tw: vampire, tw: death Claudia Balcan was a high-born woman and raised in what later became Turkey and her world filled with culture, literature and art. She was born around four centuries ago as Cihanbaht Balcan to a high lord and his wife. Her father was an intelligent and respected man, he owned a lot of land and estates and Claudia had a very privileged and sheltered childhood due to her father’s wealth. Her father did business with many noblemen and when Claudia was just an infant he’d arranged her engagement to the son of another lord. Her father was a smart and power-hungry man and he had many ideas for the course of his daughter’s life but until she came of age, Claudia spent her time with her servants and scholars who educated her. As a child she was kind and loyal, traits which were influenced by her mother. However, at times she was also rather opinionated and strong-minded like her father which often got her into trouble with the lord. Her education was extensive, she could read and write, appreciated literature and science and she could speak many languages. Claudia loved horse riding, spending more time outside than a girl of her status should have. She could be selfish and spoilt and she had little need to leave her home. Though that didn’t mean the girl did not wish to. Her father forbade her from leaving her home and Claudia would often rebel against him and sneak out of the grounds. Though this rarely ended well for her and her father would keep her in her room.
On her eighteenth birthday, her father announced they were travelling to meet her suitor. Claudia hated the thought of getting married, she wanted her independence, she wanted to explore the world. She did not want to be a wife and provide him with heirs, it was not the life she wanted. However, the wedding was not to happen when her intended passed away before they could be married. Claudia did not know the man enough to grieve his death. Though saddened, she mostly felt relief that she did not need to marry. A few years passed and with no sons, her father often used Claudia to help him with his work. She was a smart and determined girl with many ideas and she travelled to new places with him often. Claudia had great interest in mythical and unearthly stories, she did not know if the supernatural was real but she was intrigued by the idea of such magic. Claudia was excited about travelling to new places and finally convinced her father to let her go to America. The journey was long with months spent on a boat. It was nothing like home and Claudia loved it. The lakes, the nature, how freeing this new land felt felt. This place felt like it was made for her.
She had lived in America for almost a year when she seemed to catch the attention of a young man and Claudia was intrigued by him. Unknowingly to Claudia, he would later become her maker. Oliver was an attractive man with eyes that drew her in, he was charming and shared many stories with her. He was a man of words and actions, showing her a world she had only read of in her books. She fell in love with Oliver and despite what she had been told her whole life, she gave the boy her virtue. One night Oliver gave her a choice, he could leave or he could make her his forever. The young girl was in awe of Oliver, how spontaneous he was and she was pulled into his offer. But death… wasn’t exactly the forever she’d expected. After the initial shock of being a vampire had passed, she soon adapted to her new life. She spent the years travelling with Oliver, she never saw her family again but she saw the world, doing anything he wanted, learning everything she knew from him. They played with humans for their own gain, going to lavish parties, using fake names, being different people for a night. This when she became Claudia. She had this freedom and power she’d never had before and at times she’d abuse it. She used her beauty and abilities to manipulate and use people and with encouragement for Oliver, more often than not… killing them.
However, as the years went by, Claudia realised she had more control than Oliver, she had embraced her new life and she was good at being a vampire. But Oliver was reckless and impulsive and he became obsessed with finding a way to walk in the sunlight. He tracked down witches and the ones who couldn’t help him, he fed from and sometimes even killed. She realised then that she couldn’t allow this man to walk in the sun and despite the feelings she’d thought she had for her maker, she hadn’t given up her humanity to be controlled by a man. She began seeing a witch behind his back. What started as just a search for knowledge, lead to Claudia having feelings for the witch Gilbert. Falling for her too, Gilbert gave her a potion that she slipped into Oliver’s drink. Oliver was left him weak enough for her to escape and she fled, never looking back. Claudia stayed with Gilbert until his death and she mourned him despite never admitting her love for the witch to anyone. He had been her companion but his mortal life was nothing to her eternal one.
Claudia returned to her hometown. Though one thing Claudia began to feel was loneliness… her whole human life gone. Years had passed and she had not realised just how many. Though she did not dwell on these emotions, she was determined to make a new life. She soon came across a fun fair and a young girl peaked her interest. The girl Ezra was telling fortunes and Claudia knew there was something special about her. Claudia seemed to be in the right place at the right time when she saw a fire and she pulled Ezra from the flames… turning her into her first progeny. Claudia is intelligent and good with words and she usually has a plan. In her human life she was a dreamer, she loved telling stories and she was good at making people see things her way. She can make people believe things and she’s good at making people see what she wants them to see and not what she is. She continued to travel over the years and hasn’t settled for many decades. She is in constant contact with Ezra and despite often living their separate lives, they can easily stay in touch thanks to the 21st century technology. However, she has recently found herself in Roseport. Intrigued by the place with supernatural seemingly at every corner. Claudia is making herself at home.
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slaycrmarked · 3 years
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(dominic sherwood, cis man, n/a) VIGILANTE has their eye on NOX EVANS. HE is a 27 YEAR-OLD SLAYER who lives in THE SOUTHSIDE. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as a VAMPIRE SLAYER and are known for being ASSERTIVE and COMBATIVE. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. (rose, 26, she/her, est, no triggers)
Meet Nox Evans! Born and raised in Roseport, Nox learned of his slayer bloodline later than most. He’s competitive and a bit rough around the edges, but he loves who he is and what he does. When he’s not training his ass off at the Slayer Hub, you can find him hanging around The Spot, challenging people to bet money on games of pool and darts. His full bio is here, but this should be enough to plot with!
Nox had no idea that he was a slayer until he was about 18/19 years old. He was adopted by a human lesbian couple as a child, who had no idea that their child’s strange birthmark was anything more than that.
Growing up, Nox always stood out for his athletic talent. He eventually found a passion for hockey and dedicated himself to that sport. However, he was a bit of a wild child, and almost got kicked off his city team in high school because of posting pictures online of his partying and getting into fights. 
He managed to clean up his act enough to get into Roseport College and earn a place on the hockey team. It was during this time that one of his teammates noticed his birthmark and asked about it. Weeks later, Nox was lured to the Slayer Hub and learned the truth about what he was. 
It took Nox a few months to answer the call, but he eventually decided it was the right move. He quit the hockey team, dropped out of college, moved to the Southside, and started training.
Being a slayer was everything he wanted and more. He found his place and purpose. Because of this, he’s extremely loyal to the slayers. Even if he disagrees with them, he’ll go down swinging, doing as they ask.
Nox is super competitive. Like, super competitive. He turns everything into a game and has no chill about it. He hates losing and will challenge anyone to multiple rematches.
Trains super hard and super often. He’ll spar with anyone, but he doesn’t hold back, so be prepared to go hard if you train with him.
He’s got opinions. A lot of them. He voices them often, usually at the wrong time. 
Still has a bit of a temper and a love for partying, but slaying comes first.
He still has human friends, but he strives to be a part of the supernatural world as much as possible. He only gets into serious relationships with supernaturals because he doesn’t want to have to hide who he is from them.
He tells humans (including his mothers) that he works as a trainer at an elite athletic gym. 
Always up for a challenge, Nox quickly learned that hands-on slayer work was for him. He mostly tracks down rogue vampires.
Thinks he works best on his own, but really, he’s a team guy at heart, and always does good work when he’s got someone to back him up.
His full name is Lennox, but hardly anyone knows that.
Connection Starting Points
Here are just a few bare-bones ideas that we can build off:
Fellow Slayers: Rivals, friends, partners. I’m down to start & build off any of those dynamics.
Neighbors/Roommate(s): Nox lives in an apartment in the Southside. I’d love some neighbors and even a roommate or two! Whether or not they get along is something we can work out. 
Romantic Stuff: Nox is heterosexual and heteroromantic. He’s super busy and has a hard time prioritizing romance, so when he does get into relationships, they’re usually short-lived. He just hasn’t learned a good balance, and honestly, he enjoys the freedom of being single. Hook-ups and flirtationships are more his speed, unless someone really special comes into his life. Any serious relationships have to be with a supernatural, because he doesn’t want to have to hide that he’s a slayer from a human!
Vampire Enemies: He hunts down rogue vampires. Let’s get some drama going here!
Literally any other basic connection starting points!
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moonhxwler · 3 years
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(sean teale, cis man, roseport pack member) VIGILANTE has their eye on CASSIAN RAMIREZ. HE is a 26 YEAR-OLD WEREWOLF who lives in THE SOUTHSIDE. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as a DRUMMER and are known for being LOYAL and SHAMELESS. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. (rose, 26, she/her, est, n/a)
It’s me, Rose, back at it again with my third character, Cassian! He’s a member of the Roseport Pack and the drummer in a local band. He’s living his best life, and he won’t let anything, especially VIGILANTE, ruin his dreams.
Quick Facts:
Cass is a rare born werewolf. His parents were members of the Roseport pack before the VIGILANTE threats began. They moved somewhere more remote to stay safe when VIGILANTE came to light.
Cassian refused to leave his band and city behind to go with them, and he’s still a member of the pack.
His parents were always overprotective, and Cass got good at being sneaky to get around their rules. As an adult, he’s taken on some of their protective traits. He’s the total mother hen of every group.
His dream is to make it big with the band he’s a drummer in - known as ‘The Band’, because they can never decide on a name. He lives in a house on the Southside with all of them and loves every second of the starving artist lifestyle.
Sometimes he picks up a shift or two at Pop’s Diner to make a few extra bucks when money is tight.
“Live in the moment” is his motto. Chasing his dreams and having a good time is all he really cares about. He wants to live life to its absolute fullest. He’s always the first one down for an adventure or to party.
For now, Cass is ignoring the VIGILANTE threat and just letting his alpha deal with it. All he wants is peace. He’s hopeful that everything will work itself out.
The Band members are Cassian’s best friends, but he’s a social guy, and is always willing to get to know new people.
When it comes to relationships, he has a fine track record. He has his fair share of hook-ups, but he hopes that one day he’ll be lucky enough to find his mate. He definitely believes in fate and thinks that people are meant to come into his life when they do and leave when it’s time.
Connection Ideas:
Click here to see the connections Cassian has so far. I have a few starting point ideas below, but these are not by any means the only plots I’m open to or want. Never be afraid to reach out to me for plots! Even if an idea doesn’t work right off the bat, I’m always happy to brainstorm something that will.
Bandmates: Check out Caprice Valentine’s wanted connection on the main!
Pack Members: Cass has been a member of the Roseport Pack since birth. I’d love for him to have a bunch of connections with the other werewolves. Friendships, rivalries, romances, mentors - you name it!
Exes: Cass goes with the flow when it comes to relationships. If he falls, he’s not afraid to admit it, and when it’s over, he’s ready to walk away even if it hurts. I’d definitely love an ex or two for him!
Enemies: Usually, Cassian is a pretty chill guy, but everyone is bound to have a few enemies. He’s particularly cross with anyone who insults his bandmates or the pack.
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alcbaster · 3 years
(Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey, cisgender female, Roseport Clan) VIGILANTE has their eye on FÉLICIE CHEVALIER. SHE is a 325 YEAR-OLD VAMPIRE who lives in OLD TOWN PLAZA. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as an AUTHOR and are known for being RESOURCEFUL and ALOOF. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. 
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Félicie remembers little of who she was before she became a vampire, she would say this is because she has spent more time dead than she did alive. Whispers of a noble woman who traversed Europe, married to a wealthy man who kept her carefully hidden in his expansive home in the woods. When she disappeared it was no surprise, not really but stories told of a figure only ever seen by night staff, the ghost of a dark haired woman with fearful eyes and whispers of a ghost that wandered the halls of the home have eerie similarity. All legends have some grain of truth after all. 
Roseport has been home for the last one hundred years of her three hundred and twenty five. Currently apathetic to the VIGILANTE threat Félicie is more concerned with protecting the integrity of her clan, fiercely loyal and vicious when necessary Félicie burns with anger she has never resolved. 
Félicie was born into a noble household in France, somewhere in the late 17th Century. As the third born daughter, Félicie’s concerns were not with social climbing but with defending her current position, therefore when she married a strange man, of great wealth it was nothing but protection of her position and family reputation. 
While married Félicie was turned by a woman named Delphine, who she was having an affair with whom she stole away with in the night, they parted on less than amicable terms and Félicie has not seen her for a considerable length of time. 
Félicie had never intended to stay in Roseport for longer than a few short months but has ended up making a secure, comfortable home for herself that she doesn’t plan on leaving anytime soon. The security of the clan, and local connections allows her to feel secure. 
Félicie is an author by trade, and writes under a pseudonym, she publishes romance novels and is an accomplished poet. 
While her reception to most people is cool, and aloof Félicie posts a fierce temper that can be known to flare. Her age and status have lead her to have little patience for the nonsense of others, already uncomfortable in the spotlight she prefers to act defensively so as not to be bothered.
Félicie resides in a comfortably sized home, that feels lived in. Exposed brick, a large amount of almost tacky decor and plenty of houseplants to keep her company alongside a languid, fat, ginger tom cat who often sleeps in her living room window. 
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slayerporter · 3 years
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(danielle rose russell, female, n/a) VIGILANTE has their eye on NATASHA PORTER. SHE is/are a 21 YEAR-OLD SLAYER who lives in LAKEFRONT DISTRICT according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as a/an/the BARTENDER AT EUPHORIA LOUNGE/SLAYER IN TRAINING and are known for being COURAGEOUS and WRATHFUL. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike.
Natasha or as she prefers to be called Asha was born to two Slayers, her mother being more of a diplomatic stance in the institute while her father had more field work. The two were always worried about whether or not the slayer gene would skip over their child, not that they would have loved normal human baby in their life it simply just felt all the more dangerous in their lines of work. 
Being the apple of her father’s eye, Asha followed the man everywhere, wanted to learn everything he had to teach her and wanted to be just like him. Finding her mother’s work far too tame and boring compared to the excitement of being out in the field. Enforcing the treaties, keeping people safe, she always thought the highest of her father.
However the life of a slayer is nothing to glorify, it was dangerous and it was reckless at times. When Asha was fourteen her father went on a mission to help another slayer hub with treaty violators the whole team went silent, a few of the bodies were found but not all. Asha’s father was listed as MIA, as his body was never discovered.
Being close to her father she took the loss hard, for a long time she tried to tell herself that he was out there and needed to be saved. And if the hub wasn’t going to send anyone out there to get him, she was just going to have to train her butt off to send herself out looking. It was why she became so serious about her training, why she felt the need to top the class, why she took slayer business in general so serious. As she got older though she realized how silly of a thought process it was, even if she did go out looking for him, he was likely long gone and buried somewhere. 
To this day she still is a tad more serious about things than she needs to be but she knows the price of being careless and she knows the threats that supernaturals can pose on not only humans but slayers and even other supernaturals as well. Her interests were always peaked when it came to witches, she found them far more dangerous than most others and therefore studied their arts. Call it a hobby or perhaps research incase the worst should happen.
Wanted connections:
Her Mother: They are likely close enough but there is always a bridge between the two. Her mother can never make up for the lack of her father being around and they but heads about things often as Asha rather reaction with violence than rationally.
Her Personal Trainer: This is someone who she feels most close to ever since her father died, they knew her goal and supported it even if they might have agreed with the idea in general. They don’t only train her but they allow her to vent in ways that no one else could.
 The Witch Mentor: A witch who allows Asha to learn theory from them, study spells or potions anything she can pick up in theory even if she can’t practice magic.
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sweetflcwers · 3 years
(sydney sweeney, cisfemale, roseport clan) VIGILANTE has their eye on NATALIE FOX. SHE is a 135 YEAR-OLD VAMPIRE who lives in LAKEFRONT DISTRICT. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as a DIGITAL ARTIST and are known for being TENACIOUS and NAIVE. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. 
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When you have lived as long as Natalie Fox you learn a thing or two about a name, the first is that most people will eventually shorten the name Eloise Natalie Fox to something less wordy, the second is that Natalie sounds much more fun than any other option you’ve heard so far. The portrait of a light haired woman that hung in a prosperous man’s house, her features crafted and carefully exaggerated is eventually stripped away and her name long lost. 
The moment Natalie Fox first arrived in Roseport, and set her delicate feet on the ground of a new city it was easy to become all the things she had already been. Often considered vapid, and rather ditzy it is easy to underestimate her despite her history of careful social climbing and ability to read the mood of those around her. Charming, graceful and creative she navigated her way through the art scene carefully and given her nature, felt it best to let the resident Vampiric Clan become aware of her existence. Since her arrival some sixty years prior, Natalie has remained despite her wanderlust. 
Born to a prosperous father, and narrowly avoiding the scandal involving the identity of her mother Natalie has always lived in the lap of luxury and rather continued to do so when she was eventually married off. As such, even now, she has amassed a small fortune through smart investment and building connections with others.
Natalie’s husband, Albin Delvaux was a Vampire and artist who married Natalie in December of 1908, and turned her into a vampire shortly after. When he inevitably tired of her company, fickle as he was, Natalie left for better horizons. They are not on good terms but are often civil and have remained married despite both of them seeing others. 
Natalie and Albin often have minor arguments over his refusal to move towards a more modern future, hence Natalie becoming a Digital Artist to spite him.
She has lived in Roseport for some sixty years, and kept close ties to her clan for that time. While she has occasionally travelled back and forth to France she had always returned back to the city where she feels the safest. 
Despite an outwardly friendly and charming appearance, Natalie can be vicious when pressed to be so. Comfortable socially with her current status she is not likely to take any move to uproot her or her circle of connection well, the VIGILANTE threat and subsequent exclusivity of her own clan is something she views as a threat to their future prosperity, though not an opinion she voices openly. This is especially true because she is still relatively young as far as vampires go and would rather be safe than outwardly question her leadership. 
Currently Natalie lives in a large, expensive home, where her privacy is protected and she is mainly left to her own devices. Old, upscale and clearly luxurious she makes no qualms about changing the internal décor of her haven, often doing so regularly to ensure she doesn’t grow bored of its flowing staircases and high ceilings. 
She can speak, read and write in French, and is able to speak very basic Spanish. 
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livbright · 3 years
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(penelope mitchell, female, beaumont coven) VIGILANTE has their eye on LIV BRIGHTON. SHE is a 22 YEAR-OLD WITCH who lives in THE SOUTHSIDE. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as an TATTOO ARTIST INK ENVY AND BARISTA AT EXPRESS-O CAFE and are known for being CREATIVE and SARCASTIC. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike.
Liv Brighton is the youngest daughter of Nathaniel Brighton and Carina Wilson, making her the little sister of Lillian Brighton. If anyone were to ask people would likely agree that Lily got all the bright and bubbly of the gene pool and Liv got the moody and sarcasm. She makes up for it in creative ways, started at a young age of drawing pictures for those she liked well enough, moved onto her drawing onto people with pens and to this day she is training as a tattoo artist in the local shop.
While her sister went and joined the Wildes coven, Liv found herself more comfortable in the Beaumont. It wasn’t just only the coven that their family was involved with for years but also just fit her more so than plants and hippy like funny business she suspects her sister of being in now. Liv is more a spitfire about things and direct most of the time. She is the wild child and wears the name proudly most of the time, she bold and blunt some take it as abrasive. Since her parents decided to move to Cali she couldn’t leave a good place like Ink Envy in hopes another shop would take her up. So she found her own little place on Southside to the dismay of her sister, not that she doesn’t end up going to their parents old place that Lily bought and taking things like its her own personal store where everything is free.
When she’s not tattooing she picks up shifts at Express-o cafe, got to make rent anyway she can without being a complete mooch. While most witches love the woods and nature Liv stays as far away from it as possible. When she was young she remembers getting lost in the woods, running off chasing something and then realizing she was in the middle of no where and the sun was going down. The young witch was lost for two days and when she was found it took her two weeks to utter any sort of sentence. And when she did all she could talk about was a bear that helped her in the woods, which was cast aside as the coping mechanism of a child. Eventually she stopped talking about the event at all and details are still questioned to this day.
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scorpixnsting · 3 years
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(jessica alba, cis woman, n/a) VIGILANTE has their eye on VIVIAN REYES. SHE is a 36 YEAR-OLD HUMAN who lives in THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. according to VIGILANTE’s intel, they work as a DETECTIVE and are known for being PERCEPTIVE and DETATCHED. hopefully they don’t give VIGILANTE a reason to strike. (rose, 26, she/her, est, no triggers)
Meet Vivian Reyes, a human detective who technically works for the Slayers. While she’s generally easy to get along with, Viv has been through a lot the past few years. She’s a problem solver who doesn’t have time for people’s bullshit. If you need a situation fixed, come to her, but don’t you dare question her intelligence or talent unless you want to find out just how sharp her tongue can be. You can find her full bio here, but the info below should be more than enough to plot with! 
Viv moved to Roseport 9 years ago with her now deceased husband. He was a slayer who got transferred from the Los Angeles hub to Roseport’s hub. The Slayers hooked Vivian (who was previously a normal, human detective) up with a job in Roseport’s human law enforcement to deal with and refer supernatural crimes to them.
Her husband was killed in a mysterious routine supernatural treaty-breaking investigation gone wrong. The Slayers never released the details to her, and still refuse to tell her what happened.
She chose to keep working as a detective in tandem with the Slayer Hub and continues to handle supernatural crimes.
Viv grew up in a big family, and as such, was always fighting for attention. She’s a classic over-achiever and still falls into the habit of using her accomplishments to define who she is. 
She’s still grieving in private, but refuses to let it show. A total workaholic, she tends to drown her pain in paperwork.
Very organized. Has a place for everything and everything has its place. Do not misplace any of her stuff, or she’ll be livid.
Generally speaking, Viv is easy to get along with. She’s naturally curious and extremely perceptive. She makes an effort to relate to people and understand different points of view. But she doesn’t tolerate bullshit, and if you question her authority or intelligence, her tongue turns sharp fast.
She’s a problem solver. If you come to her with an issue, she’s going to want to fix it, not just listen.
She’s still friends with most of the people she met before her husband died, which means she’s friends with and knows people from all walks of life - supernaturals, slayers, and humans. It’s hard for her to relate to anyone these days, but she makes an effort to appear less detached from reality than she is.
She’s super distrustful of the slayers now. While she hasn’t ditched her job or her old friends, she isn’t as open with slayers as she is with others, which really blows, considering they’re some of the only ones that can understand her loss and what she deals with at work on a daily basis.
After years of handling supernatural crimes that spill over into the human system and her husband’s death, Vivian isn’t sure the slayers are really protecting the right people, and it might be time to do something about it.
Connection Starting Points
Here are just a few bare bones ideas that we can build off:
Flirtationships/hook ups: I’m going to be a little picky as far as anything serious-relationship wise goes for Viv, as she’s still working through losing her husband. However, I’m down for flirtations, maybe a one night stand or two, or even something one sided! She’s bisexual & biromantic.
Friends: Can be literally any species, though she’s grown a little more distant with slayers in the past three years. 
Someone she busted and handed over to the slayers: Viv has been investigating supernatural-related crimes in Roseport for 9 years now. There’s likely a person or two that she brought to the hub’s attention and might be bitter about it!
Neighbors: Viv lives in a small apartment in the Industrial District. I’m down for neighbors!
Rivals: Maybe at work? Gimme it all!
Literally any other basic connection starting points!
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