moonhxwler · 3 years
Dorian: I’m worried about what the hell that means.
Cassian: too bad you already agreed to help me
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moonhxwler · 3 years
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Fianna smiled softly as she followed him towards the stairwell,humming softly to herself as she walked behind him. “I would have to agree with you on that I do enjoy living in the city. Yeah I mean one of the things that I do not enjoy about the city is the traffic, I mean some people can be so rude when it comes to it and that gets me more annoyed than anything.”She admitted to him as they went up the stairs. “That’s how I used to study, I would listen to something,some people like quiet when they study, I don’t”
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Just the word study made Cassian cringe, but he understood where Fianna was coming from. “I take the bus pretty much everywhere. You’re totally right. The traffic blows.” He pushed open the roof door and stopped short when he saw just how many people were gathered there. “Looks like I underestimated how many people were up here,” he laughed, looking around for a free spot. “I guess we all want to see the stars. There’s a free space over there we can sit.” He pointed for half a second before making a straight line for the free area. “How long have you lived in Roseport?”
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Dorian: right…
Dorian: fine, dinner is a better bribe.
Cassian: I’m not saying it will be a ~good~ dinner
Cassian: but it will *count* as dinner
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Dorian: You’re kidding
Dorian: You still want my help? Lol
Dorian: beginning to think you’re helpless
Cassian: helpless isn’t the right word
Cassian: i live a ~fun~ life
Cassian: but yes pls help i’ll buy you dinner if you find me!!
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Dorian: I was concerned but not that concerned. Clearly.
Cassian: Clearly
Cassian: If i ever make it out of here let’s find some food
Cassian: I’m starving
Cassian: but like something that resembles a meal, not just candy, all i’ve eaten today is sweets
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moonhxwler · 3 years
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“Alright then, please lead the way.”She replied with a gentle smile appearing on her lips. “I am with you on that, I honestly couldn’t tell you when I just took the time to sit and look at the stars. I didn’t get to see them too many times growing up, I grew up in the city too.” She said to him thinking back to the times when she went to countryside and saw them perfectly. 
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Cass did as she asked, leading the way down the hallway to the stairwell. With his werewolf ears, he could hear the distant chatter on the roof. It seemed everyone was fairly excited about the prospect of seeing the stars and the clear sky. “I think growing up in the city was the best - it’s so exciting here.” Cass genuinely meant that. He wouldn’t trade where he grew up for anything. “But there are some drawbacks. I don’t think I even know what quiet is. The last time I went camping, I couldn’t sleep. I need some kind of background noise. The Southside always has something going on - some noise to listen to, even during the night.” His footsteps clanged on the metal stairs as they ascended. 
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Cass ↗ Rhys
Rhys: if you eat all the cotton candy then I'm eating your pretzel.
Rhys: wow what an amazing sense of direction you have
Rhys: okay I'm walking to the lake, wave if you see me!
Cass: better get here quick so we can share these snacks
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Cass ↗ Rhys
Rhys: if i get you a pretzel you better save some cotton candy for me!!
Rhys: okay i found the iced lemonade stand
Rhys: which way did you go from there?
Cass: fine fine i'll save some cotton candy if you get me a pretzel unless i need to eat it all to sustain myself
Cass: uuuuuh left
Cass: no right
Cass: it was definitely right
Cass: and then cut toward the lake!!
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Cass ↗ Rhys
Rhys: maybe try going towards the lake and walk along the shore until you see something familiar??
Rhys: ooooh that sounds fun!
Rhys: if i find the iced lemonade stand do you want one?
Cass: okay fine, that sounds like a good enough plan
Cass: obviously, i want an iced lemonade. how else am i supposed to have the energy to go kayak thieving?
Cass: ...if you see a pretzel stand get me one of those too
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Dorian: quite the headline
Cassian: i feel like you should be more concerned about my fate
Cassian: :( so unhelpful
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Cass ↗ Rhys
Rhys: omg you are hopeless
Rhys: can't you use your phone's map to find your way??
Rhys: dude i don't know where the iced lemonade stand is
Rhys: uh huh right sure you are
Cass: i tried that! it just shows that i'm by the lake. i *know* i'm by the lake
Cass: okay if i ever find my way back to the festivities, let's see if we can steal a kayak to go watch the fire works FROM THE LAKE!!
Cass: ugh okay i'm gonna start wandering again maybe i'll see a street sign
Cass: you start looking for the iced lemonade stand, and if you're nice to me, maybe i'll share the cotton candy
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Dorian: perish then
Cassian: :( okay my blood is on your hands then!!
Cassian: I can see the headline now
Cassian: ‘man perishes at summer fest because his bribe wasn’t good enough’
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Cass ↗ Rhys
Rhys: but you COULD, if there weren't so many people?
Rhys: where do i even start tho? look for a landmark or something
Rhys: i guess i'll have to move in with evie and sleep on her couch forever then
Rhys: you should've lead with that!
Cassian: yeah if there weren't a kajallion smells around here i could probably find my way back but it mostly just smells like sweet and candy soooo
Cassian: look around, find where it looks like i might've thought there would be a bathroom and head in that direction
Cassian: i think i took a wrong turn at the iced lemonade stand :(
Cassian: i hate that you have such a good back up plan
Cassian: HEYYYYY i am worth saving even without my cotton candy!!!
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Cass ↗ Open
Rhys: i thought wolves couldn't get lost?
Rhys: can't you just follow your own scent back?
Rhys: or howl at the moon until someone howls back directions?
Rhys: how can i send help if i don't know where you are tho?
Cassian: first of all, wolves can get lost
Cassian: second of all, there are waaaay too many ppl here for me to follow my own scent
Cassian: :( come look for me
Cassian: if i get lost forever who will help pay the bills
Cassian: how will we ever get famous if u have no drummer
Cassian: also i have cotton candy to share
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Dorian: no, but you need better bribes.
Cassian: why should i even have to bribe u in the first place!!!
Cassian: just help out of the goodness of your heart
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Dorian: ew.
Cassian: are you just going to leave me here, lost???
Cassian: very rude
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moonhxwler · 3 years
Dorian: what is my reward for finding u
Cassian: the reward is feeling good that i am not lost anymore
Cassian: i am not going to bribe you
Cassian: i don’t even know what i would have to bribe you with
Cassian: like 10 cents and some cotton candy
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