"... I mean, I suppose I'm related to the imps?" Rosea shrugged, placing her elbows on the armrest of the couch as she rested her head on top of her hands. "I meant my name, can you guys guess my name!" She huffed. "Maybe this'll help-" She got off the couch and stood up, brushing her hair out of her eyes, and raised her arms in a sort of 'look at me!' pose. "Do I look familiar at all? Ringin' any bells?" She gave a grin. "Maybe you've seen me in a book or something...?" ~ Rosea
They all stared at her blankly for a moment. 
Then, suddenly, Aiden nearly broke his own no-swearing-in-the-apartment rule. Journal and Roo sharply looked over at him, the surprise on their faces nearly mirroring the older questor’s. Aiden looked a little pale, glancing Rosea up and down. “Youre... don’t... don’t tell me you’re Rosea Malificium...?” he gulped, brows furrowed. “Rosea whatsherface?” Journal echoed, confused. “Aiden, what’re you-?” “That’s a demon goddess.”  Journal’s mouth fell open. He squeaked for a moment, then just shut it. Roo was still simply staring at Aiden. His eyes darted between Rosea and his originator. Hesitantly, he found his voice. “... she’s... w-what...?” “A demon goddess. There’s a demon goddess. In our living room.” Aiden said faintly. “... I think i need to sit down.” 
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