thefairygodmonster · 7 years
Hello! I was reading up on your monster office stuff and I noticed one of the descriptions was that lesser dreamons handle extra stuff around the departments. I was wondering is fair a lesser dreamon? And if there are any lesser dreamons we don't know about that you've made! :D
There are many different types of lesser dreamon! Lets start with some dreamons that are more or less like animals amongst the dreamons.
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Sleyems and Meyems.
Meyems are dreamons who try to blend into an environment by mimicking objects in the vicinity. Theyre slight pranksters but not malicious. In fact with lots of contact and kindness they can become friendly and helpful. 
Sleyems are very low tier dreamons that pretty much only think about eating. These critters are more or less scavengers and not good with confrontation so they tend to stay in places like vents and drains until everyone is gone where they will then come out looking for something to snack on. Theyre not malicious but they do spook easily. Their slime has a thicker film on the outside so that folks can touch and pick them up but be careful not to press too hard. The goopier slime under the film is highly acidic. 
They can also fuse to form bigger sleyems like this:
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Next are some more sentient dreamons, Handsels and Greyettels.
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These two dreamon types always work in a pair. Handsels do well with handywork but tend to be clumsy so Greyettels tag along to monitor their work to make sure it is done properly. You’ll see pairs of them mainly helping the Red Dept. They may accompany other employees to help them make a task go faster if its a big job. They are all referred to as handsels and greyettels, its rare that they have names other than those.
Next to answer your question about Fairy, they are a lesser Dreamon. They are known as the Dreamon of Sweet Dreams but they dont fall into the category of Hueminns which includes oranhamme and his kin. Fairy is the only dreamon of their kind and there are other dreamons that are also unique like Baruti.
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(Not to scale)
These kinds of dreamons basically have more specific purposes and special abilities to aid them in carrying out their designated task. For example. Baruti is a chief dreamon under Violson and has great powers of clairvoyance and more. Fairy as the dreamon of sweet dreams has powers that help folks have well…sweet dreams.
You wont see a lot of these dreamons around the office though. So far Fairy is the only one that works in Rem. You will see sleyems, meyems, and handsels and greyettels though!
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merriway · 7 years
sooo since dreamons were created by MuuM, I was wondering do they keep making more? Can dreamons be "born"? Or is there just a set amount of dreamons in the merriway
MuuM as far as everyone is aware created the 12 Hueminn’s. Some of those Hueminns might have had a hand in creating Dreamons that would aid them like Baruti and Tickety. 
However most of the lesser Dreamons basically just popped up. MerreM is a reality that kinda mirrors other worlds. In a way the reality itself is kinda like one big mimic or just a collection of many mimics. 
While dreamons like meyems and sleyems are bottom of the chain in terms of sentience and just kinda mimic inanimate objects there are dreamons who mimic more complicated concepts and possess more of a personality. Canti and Kass are a good example of this as their purpose and inspiration centers around the concept of games which require a bit more comprehension than being an armchair. I suppose in a way they are ‘born’ but not from any planned activity. Rather as more information comes into Merrem there is more that can inspire new creations. This is all prone to change though. Its kinda stuff Im making as I fly by the seat of my pants.
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themonsteroffice · 7 years
Dreamon Asks
Also, I apologize if I’ve never mentioned this before but this is technically an ask blog as well.
Basically messages about the blog and community in general are answered by Fairy because, hey, its yours truly. I act as a sort of info booth both in universe and out of universe.  However, if you have asks for any other dreamons here feel free to direct some messages their way. Just make sure you name them in your ask or else it will probably be answered by Fairy (Moi!)  I will say MO is always updating and always kind of a WIP though so some appearances and answers may change over time.  You can talk to any of the dreamons in the building (even the meyems and sleyems if you so desire though I can’t say they are a very chatty lot) but if you need some ideas on who works here then I have this handy dandy list for ya! Reddington- Director of Maintenance (Shouts a lot) Magerite- Director of Monster Resources Violson- Director of Strategics and Statistics Indignus- Director of something. (May or may not answer depending on the question) Blubert- Director of Security and Communications Tealing- Director of IT  Greegori- Director of Health Resources Chartrand- Director of In House entertainment Yelloneus- Director of Filing, Mail, and all that other paper...stuff  Theres also Handsels and Greyetals around the office. Anywho, just thought to let you know in case anyone was curious about these folks.
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puddledock-games · 6 years
Know Your Enemies
Another week, another update!
We’re officially updating the Puddledock Games website so it looks fancy and shiny and can make it easier for us to show off what’s new and up and coming. Sam literally spent all weekend on it, and she’s knocking it out of the park. I really can’t wait to launch it. The goal is to hopefully wrap it up tonight.
The plan right now is to keep the blog on Tumblr and we’ll have a blog feed on the site so it can be viewed there. So the only change is that puddledockgames.com will take you to the website instead of directly to this blog.
In game news: I’ve just released lvlDown update 0.3 on itch.io. Last week’s focus was on adding more variety to the game, mainly by way of new enemies. Now there’s three new baddies for you to deal with as you venture deeper into the world:
Sleyem - a poison specialist (and Sam’s personal favorite):
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Thumper - a fire specialist:
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Eyecer - an ice specialist:
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In addition to the new enemies, you’ll also have to navigate around new Lava tiles.
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These changes serve to make the game much more difficult, even adding another level to the world. Everything that has been added has been focused around the central theme of the game: planning your movement carefully. We’re really trying to keep this in mind when Sam and I brainstorm new ideas, always asking ourselves how new additions impact the player’s movement decisions, and what we can do to make those decisions feel important and fair.
I also added a super hard to find secret in the game. The goal is to add one each major update, mostly to be mean. Mwuhahahah!!! There’s a hint about what it is on game’s devlog.
You can check out the full update notes over on the game page here: https://puddledockgames.itch.io/lvldown/devlog/41111/update-03
And you can always join the Puddledock Discord to get in on the conversation to help mold the game. We’re always tuning and balancing as we go, so any community feedback toward this effort is much appreciated.
Until next time, thanks for reading!
- Matthew
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themonsteroffice · 7 years
Is fusion possible in MO? If so how does the whole process work? Does it not work with certain monsters?
Fairy here. Dreamons are able to fuse but I am not certain how or if it works for other creatures. 
I suppose you can say we dreamons are not completely solid. Rather we seem to be composed of some lofty dreamlike material thats capable of interacting with reality. However, we’re also particularly flexible, just flexible enough to merge our forms with one another. I would compare it to mixing paints honestly. Fusion isn’t an immediate or clean thing, it takes some figuring out to get that perfect mixture. The more complex a dreamon the messier it tends to be, meanwhile, less complex dreamons like the sleyems seem capable of doing it effortlessly. Due to the ‘mixing’ portion of fusion being pretty taxing most dreamons dont like to do it, especially if theres no guarantee it will work out in the end.A fused dreamon is a combination of both dreamons, they are both themselves still but also co-piloting this new form they have created. Unlike paints, both dreamons can part and return to their normal selves. 
When it comes to fusing with non-dreamons, things get really weird. Its vastly different from one entity to the next and it depends on what they’re composed of and many other factors. Most dreamons avoid fusing with non-dreamons because of this. Many times fusions ended up more like possessions? I suppose due to the nature of dreamons being mental type entities sometimes fusing with another creature more just ends up ‘taking over’ them. Its not intentional it just seems some physical creatures aren’t prepared or capable of handling that sort of process?
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