#slight byclair but same as for my wip: don't want to add it when it's so subtle (chapter five will have it. maybe even four)
evil-ontheinside · 2 years
I saw a brighter world beyond myself: Chapter 2
"He must have something useful in his bag, right?
Michael moves slowly when he shifts his bag into a more accessible position. Holly’s arm moves along with his, letting go seemingly the last thing on her mind. Her eyes are still fixed on Batty who crouched down to examine the paper. They’re wide, a little terrified even though she has nothing to fear. Michael will face the consequences, no matter what happens.
With a hand deep in his bag, trying not to make a noise he will regret instantly, Michael tries to recall what exactly he threw inside. He doesn’t remember much other than Dustin’s bewildered look when he cut off the curtains—which he mostly only did to see his reaction and because he can. If he leaves the castle in a cloak-and-dagger operation he will leave his parents with a present. Or steal something, seems more accurate.
It isn’t like Michael has never done anything illegal before, and stealing half the curtains in his own room should hardly count as a crime.
The object he finally feels at the bottom of his bag is a different story."
Chapter 1
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