#sluppy thoughts
sluppytime2 · 11 months
Fuck fuck fuck fuck im so horny 🥺🥺🥺
Umm 👉👈 im trying to /\ practice... //// Practice at talking
I think its fun and im normally so shy talking hard...
I dont... Mmake posts myself i just lookies but i want to hang out with other s-silly... dumb sluts like me...
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gay-artificer · 1 year
For the slugpups and eating insects thing - would that be sort of an empathy thing, and less a moral choice thing? A "If other creatures want to eat me, then I die. I don't like dying. If I eat this, then it will die" sort of thing?
I'm not knowledgeable about these sorts of things in any way, so there is probably a better way of rationalizing a wild animals understanding than putting human level empathy, though I know at a certain point some species do seem to understand death and mourning for the dead - elephants come to mind-
So then would a slugcats process be less "I am killing other things, and that's Evil" and more "I am hurting other things. I don't like being hurt. Then they don't like being hurt?" sort of thing ?
In the Artificer's case, then would that be an understanding of being in pain themself, and choosing to place that pain on others, knowing what it feels like?
(..I have little idea what I'm talking about, but you're someone with better understanding of nonhuman intelligence/sentience sort of, so would empathy fit in any way?)
Honestly im not great at this either (so forgive me if I get some things wrong here), but I was framing it in that way due to the fact that morals are defined as 'A person's standards for what behaviors or beliefs are acceptable to do" Which, in the context of how I was describing slugpups, would be a choice made from a discomfort with the idea of harming an organism (potentially because it understands it itself doesn't like to be harmed, and understands it has the ability to harm another) (The confusion might be more that Im using the term 'moral' just to define the concept of a code of behaviors that are fine and ones you make the personal choice to avoid doing, and not a full understanding of like, something being 'good or bad' as how we define it. I don't think slugpups think eating a bug is bad, but they do have the capacity understand that harming the bug themselves isn't something they like or want to do) I'm not really smart enough to get to deep into the subject of like, emergent cultures and the development of moral codes in animals. But I think if an animal was smart enough to understand the 'weight' of harming something or killing, and have a discomfort with being the one to do that enough to make the active choice to avoid it- than that could be called a 'moral' because its a behavior that the creature is deciding it wants to avoid. Even if its less for an understanding that the behavior is 'wrong' and more that it understands that doing it isn't something it wants to do. Slugcats in particular are omnivorous, so they can make the choice to shift their diets if directly killing prey is an issue for them- so in theory that can be a behavior it teaches to offspring. Potentially creating a subcommunity of slugcats with a completely separate set of food behaviors that wasn't formed from environmental pressures and adaptive learning, but out of preference for actions.
Slugcats are at least semi-social too, so they absolutely have the capacity for the development of what we could call empathy for others, which emerge in social animals to help guide behaviors with their fellows. Although I agree that you have to be careful ascribing 'human' emotions to animals, we are also social animals- and things like empathy are important to social bonds and communication. I'd have to refresh my reading a bit, but in particular animals that we've seen displays of empathic reactions in tend to be particularly responsive if its a friend vs. an unknown individual, so there is a social angle to it. (I should also note that in-game, the behavior is attributed to the trait 'sympathy' which is the understanding and reaction to the pain of others. 'Sympathy' is used for all the creatures in RW with personality values, however in lizards (non social) it's only a modifier to aggression, rather than influencing any behaviors like it does in scavengers and slugpups) (For clarity, sympathy is generally understood as a sort of 'pity' or a reaction to the distress of others. Empathy is a deeper connection to the pain, or 'understanding it from their perspective' and sharing the feeling. Slugcat knowing it can hurt something and choosing not because because it makes it feel bad is closer to sympathy, while slugcat understanding that it could hurt something and choosing not to because it understands what it means and feels to be hurt is closer to empathy.) In Artificer's case it could be a lot of things, from an understanding that they were harmed and seeking retaliation through aggression- to a more complex mindset that they are inflicting their own specific pain (death of conspecifics) onto scavengers. The latter would be the more 'human' expression of revenge, while the former would be a more generic type of retaliation. (Which we have observed in animals, but retaliation tends to be 1) quick, animals don't set up plans to get back at people and 2) generally targeted. A monkey might attack the offspring of another who beat him up (because they can't win against the other themselves) but it usually ends at associates of the target.) I think it was the result of a rather simple situation created by the way each side reacted to things: A pup violated the scavenger's rules, they attacked the pups and killed them, Artificer responded by attacking the offending tribe, and then the scavengers mark them as a threat- creating a situation in which aggression is met with aggression on an increasingly damaging scale until both sides are dedicating everything they have to each others destruction. It doesn't even really need to be a particularly thought out reaction from artificer... just an endless spiral from two sides who respond to violence with violence.
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carousel-moth · 1 year
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The thought process for this one was "passages make you travel so i should draw a scug walking > i should add a sluppy because of the Mother passage > hey you know who else is a mother? the blorbo"
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sunflower-idiot · 1 year
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I have now thought about the slup enough for it become an oc, lol. I imagine him to have explored as far as he could in search of his mother, but of course... he won't find her.
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I'd like to think he finds Gourmand's colony and decides to live there, finding happiness with a new family.
Based off of this little comic I made.
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puddleorganism · 1 year
New rainworld oc yay
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The goober ever
Text transcripts, left to right, top to bottom:
(Image 1)
“scritch scritch scritch”
“no thoughts head empty”
“lizard head (scug ears)”
“scav arms”
“scug rest of them”
(Image 2)
“scavs fear & attack them + their bumbling nature makes it hard to increase reputation”
“plants (+ mold/mushrooms) give 1/2 the normal food pips”
“some shelters are a tight squeeze”
“lizards are territorial towards it and cannot be tamed”
“slug pups naturally fear them and must be carefully befriended”
“very protective of sluppies”
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bihourly-sluppy · 1 month
little announcement post !!
we will be going from hourly sluppy to bihourly sluppy because it turns out queueing 24 pups every day is bit more exhausting and time consuming than we thought it would be . slugpups will now be posted every 2 hours instead of every 1 hour
if this still exhausts us , we may have to lower the sluppy frequency again . hope that's okay !
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saveourskinship · 2 years
How does it feel to be done with Incandescent? What are you planning for the future if the Fates & Free Wills series?
It feels... good but also sad! I had to say goodbye to the sluppies and the candles and the bookcase and my dream home. Incandescent was a fic born from derealisation and continued in dream. It was difficult and fought me but also brought me good fortune. The best fortune (I think you understand what I mean).
I will be forever grateful to this fic and I'm glad I persevered and finished it. I will miss it and the strange, multi-dimensional thoughts it brought me.
Thank you for the ask my iridescent jellyfish!
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peopleonions · 7 years
I wanted to write something earlier. It was a thought that I had, and I wanted to write it down so I would not forget it. One day I would be able to use it in a clever way. That day may be way far away, but I say that’s okay. 
Some people would be surprised by the frequency of my inability to document thoughts for a lack of supplies (which as a dyslexic child, I read as “sluppies”). Many people have noticed out loud that I always have writing instruments and writing surfaces in my pockets. It’s the reason I wear clothes. And still: I have moments where I looks to my left, then to my right, and I spins around 360 degrees if I sit in a chair that spins, and I cannot find:
No pens
No pencils
Not even color pencils or goddam markers or crayons even
No paper neither
It happens all the time.
And: by the time I found my pen and my notebook I had forgotten about the thought, and instead spent 20-30 minutes writing about something entirely different. 
The thought was that a published article looked like a forgotten blog post draft.
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sluppytime2 · 9 months
Ptypying with an inflatble plug in my butt and a vibe on my clit and ummm ummMaster told me to so thats why 👉👈 im so horny, im supposed to type out what i. Thinking as i uouuhhh it feels good - im typing instead of doing lines bcuz it makes me sound dunberer as i ummm play. Anywaysszz
Good girls dont cum ❤️ my asshole is just for men to use ❤️
Oohhhhh i wanna cum so badky but i cant until i finish my lines. Im just humping the vibe it feels so good my ass is so full
I cant think, its because im just a dumb cunt. Dumb cumbucket. I dont need to think i just gotta be pretty and cute and get pumped fulla cum and suck cock and
My asshole is for men to use
My ass is for men to use
My asshole is for men to use
My asshole is for men to use
Thats its primary purpose first and foremost
My pussy is just there to look cutaned cute and keep me dumn, docile, desspirete for men to fuck me so ill beg them to fuck my ass, the only hole they wanna fuck, the superior hole bc it doesn't give me as much pleasure
Sex is for their pleasure after all at my expense it should be as degrading and humiliating and painful for me so they can enjoy it more ❤️ ill take it all
My pussy should b e kept denied and drippy and my ass should be kept stuffed painfully full and sore and used roughly and deep and cum in as often as Master wansts
Im dumb i should be stupider for Master all i need to thinka bout is his cock and how badly i want it in my tight little holes even if it hhrts especially if it hurts bc then master likes it estra good bc it makes me scream all cute
Ill take him as deep, rough, often as he wants ❤️ anytime, doesnt matter if i want it
Mmy asshole is for men to use
I should let any man fuck my asshole. Thats what its for. And maybe ill rub my cunt and say thank u for using me sir when theyre done byt not cum so ill be willing to do anything degrading they ask
Good girls dont cum
Good cirls do anagl
Good girls are anal only
My ass is sooooo full
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