pansear-doodles · 2 days
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Drizzle World: Episode 1
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karikokito · 2 days
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this was a little rushed <:]
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slugfishh · 3 days
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doodle from a few days ago
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rw-repurposed · 1 day
Choose your scug!
Had to repost it cuz the gif didn't show the whole thing.
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unluckymoths · 2 days
Omg I just saw your art posts of the slime scugs and they are so adorable. Do you think you could do a bat slime slugcat?
I sure can!!
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This is probably the most fun I have had with drawing slime slugcats! I LOVE bats and bat based creatures :D
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ask-the-pioneer · 3 days
Who's the nicest scav you've ever met?
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"A lovely, kind fella. He gave me a spear for free the other day!"
[Gary had, in fact, dropped the spear in panic before running away]
// GARY POWERRRR ♫ He belongs to Blippity on ArtFight
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pmpwbrrs · 21 hours
Nightmare artificer
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Cannibals and their noncanon child
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Hunter doodles
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spaghetticat3899 · 24 hours
Smiling Scugs
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Me and my friend, Miles, played a Rainworld co-op campaign [vaguely] based off Smiling Friends. I played as Charlie, and Miles as Pim. These are a few of the doodles I drew for it just for the sake of it.
We found three pups (two represented as homonculi in the last image), which were named Jason, Smormu, and Zongo. I was the one usually carrying them because I have no lag on my own computer, but realistically, Charlie would probably want nothing to do with them, let’s be honest.
Charlie was made into Gourm purely because he strikes me as the physically stronger character. He also gets winded in a few scenes in the show, so that I thought was also fitting. I did not make him that because he was fat, I will be angry if I’m accused otherwise. Pim, however, I felt fit rivulet purely because of how hyper and fast-moving he is. The giant googly eyes probably didn’t help… Some people like to headcanon him as an amphibian, so I suppose it fits with that stuff too.
Cringey comic below, Muhaha
This was a dramatic recreation of something that actually happened when me and my friend played. I wanted to imagine it like the characters, they’re in this world with rules they have yet to learn, forms they’re not used to, all that jazz. This took like three hours, I have no clue how.
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Ignore the black squares… I couldn’t figure out how to fill the space. The reason most of the text is digital because everyone tells me my handwriting is hard to read.
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foxok-stuff · 2 days
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I wanted to draw "You know there is a rumor going around? What, that we're gay for each other?" meme, but I got tired after only drawing arti... So I decided to just color them and leave it like this.
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delta-orionis · 1 day
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Artfight attack of The Pioneer (@ask-the-pioneer) for @kalivasquezart!! I got a little carried away with this one, oops. I was having a bit too much fun drawing TSAC's Memory Conflux.
I was inspired to make a continuation of this attack. Three Stars Above Clouds recognizes The Pioneer's fascination with pearls and decides to give her a tour of their pearl archives.
Context: TSAC's job as an observatory requires them to collect massive amounts of data, meaning they have a lot of pearls. A lot. I'm talking thousands. Deep inside of TSAC's Memory Conflux is a subregion called the Data Archives, where the majority of their pearls are stored. (I have a detailed region map here.)
The pearls are suspended in an electric field and are continuously stimulated with electricity to make sure they don't fade with time. This also means you can't touch them without getting zapped. However, there are a few loose pearls in the archive than can be safely collected. Such as this one:
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(I couldn't resist an extra doodle, hehe)
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will-bonna · 22 hours
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the watcher
(ref under cut)
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pansear-doodles · 3 days
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rain world if it was a saturday morning cartoon on cartoon network part 2
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reredram · 3 days
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grimdochdraws · 3 days
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artfight attack on @peculiurperennial's harbinger!! what an awesome design!!
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xxlonely-spacexx · 1 day
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God damn
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kervetkaparanoid · 2 days
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