#small town verse open starter: eddie
muses-running-amuck · 3 years
When the bus comes to a sudden stop it jerks Eddie forward in his seat, waking him up. The driver announces that they’ve reached the last stop and everyone needed to get off of the bus. Eddie’s mind was filled of confusion and anxiety as he looks around him for familiar objects or people before he gets off the bus. As he steps off the bus, he begins to question the driver wondering where he was, where he came from and was he alone. The last thing he remembered was waking Richie up from the deadlights and now he was here in this strange new town he had never heard of before.  He recognizes his two large suitcases and duffle-bag (his standard travel load) and quickly grabs them; before automatically reaching for his inhaler but is very confused when he actually pulls it out of his pocket. “Wait we burnt this shit right? What is the date on this?” Checking the date on the inhaler causes Eddie’s eyes to widen. “Eight months? Its been Eight fucking months since the last thing I remember?!” His breathing increases into a panicked speed. A look of pure disappointment spreads across his face when he brings the inhaler up to his lips only to realize it was empty. “Fuck!” He yells to himself before slowly making his way into town with his hoard of suitcases looking for the closest pharmacy.  Upon arriving at the pharmacy he heads directly to the counter and starts to briefly explain his situation. “Hi, I’m new in town and my inhaler is empty. I just need a refill.” The Pharmacist explains that he can’t refill anything without a prescription to which Eddie nods understandingly. “Yeah I know and I completely get that and agree but I don’t have my cell phone on me so I can’t call it in and its an inhaler man. Besides its... its a fucking placebo okay its bullshit its not going to hurt me or anyone else so just refill it with regular air for all I care. I just really need the inhaler man. Fuck at this point I might even take bong water or battery acid.” 
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