muses-running-amuck · 2 years
Preferably for a Sweeney Todd or a Lucy Barker muse but open to anyone:
Johanna's mind raced while she attempted to distract herself. Her fingertips softly gliding over the objects in her room as she slowly explored it. She was finally free of Turpin, or at least she would be soon. The shimmer of the light pearing in from the window reflects upon the blade of the razors catching her attention. The young woman picks up the silver razor and looks it over with curiosity. Suddenly the door behind her opens rather hastily, causing her to turn and gasp. The razor hitting the ground in front of her with a clatter as her gaze becomes fixed upon the other's. She was still fully dressed within a sailor's uniform to disguise her in her escape. "Hello." Her voice was as soft like the coo of a dove.
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
Macha, reading an article aloud: In the event of the death of a fellow crow, evidence indicates that crows may examine the dead crow's body & surrounding area for potential threats to the rest of the flock.
Badb: So it's not a funeral... it's a fucking autopsy and criminal investigation! You might even call it...
Nemain: Don't.
Badb: :D
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
When the bus comes to a sudden stop it jerks Eddie forward in his seat, waking him up. The driver announces that they’ve reached the last stop and everyone needed to get off of the bus. Eddie’s mind was filled of confusion and anxiety as he looks around him for familiar objects or people before he gets off the bus. As he steps off the bus, he begins to question the driver wondering where he was, where he came from and was he alone. The last thing he remembered was waking Richie up from the deadlights and now he was here in this strange new town he had never heard of before.  He recognizes his two large suitcases and duffle-bag (his standard travel load) and quickly grabs them; before automatically reaching for his inhaler but is very confused when he actually pulls it out of his pocket. “Wait we burnt this shit right? What is the date on this?” Checking the date on the inhaler causes Eddie’s eyes to widen. “Eight months? Its been Eight fucking months since the last thing I remember?!” His breathing increases into a panicked speed. A look of pure disappointment spreads across his face when he brings the inhaler up to his lips only to realize it was empty. “Fuck!” He yells to himself before slowly making his way into town with his hoard of suitcases looking for the closest pharmacy.  Upon arriving at the pharmacy he heads directly to the counter and starts to briefly explain his situation. “Hi, I’m new in town and my inhaler is empty. I just need a refill.” The Pharmacist explains that he can’t refill anything without a prescription to which Eddie nods understandingly. “Yeah I know and I completely get that and agree but I don’t have my cell phone on me so I can’t call it in and its an inhaler man. Besides its... its a fucking placebo okay its bullshit its not going to hurt me or anyone else so just refill it with regular air for all I care. I just really need the inhaler man. Fuck at this point I might even take bong water or battery acid.” 
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
What Connor’s father would have said to anyone that had a crush on Connor
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
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To the average person, perhaps the way Eddie had moved in on himself would’ve gone unnoticed. But Jacqueline, already hyper-aware of her surroundings, acutely anxious… she was already beating up herself for moving into his space. “–Sorry. I’m so sorry,” she apologized, scooting back to leave the man some space. Her hand began shaking as she moved it back to her lap, glancing back at the crowd to assure that she wasn’t bothering anyone. Heat. That’s all she felt as her own embarrassment grew–heat flushing her cheeks, the tips of her ears. “I’m not normally so,” she tried to begin, tripping over her own tongue as she fought to get the words out. “–Sorry.”
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As soon as she starts to apologize Eddie sighs while shaking his head and begins to feel like a complete asshole. “Don’t be. It’s literally not you, it’s me.” He pauses as he calculates exactly how much of an explanation he wants to provide her. “I’m, missing a lot of memories and the last ones I do remember are terrifying as shit so...” Eddie gives another slight pause before continuing. “It’s not you. It’s just my brain being an asshole.” His lips pull into a light smile before he extends his hand in an offering of a handshake. “Its nice to meet you.” 
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
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I am a WHORE for “the love is requited, they’re both just idiots”
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
“TEN PAGES?” Amelia sighed deeply, her head hanging in defeat. No one had told her being intern consisted of spending more than half  her day going over auror reports. Doing so was important, of course, but the task drained her brain and mood. “How about this, I’ll proof read it tonight after food. If it sounds too vague I’ll make sure to give it back to you right away so you can write some more.”
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“I know I can be a lot sometimes and I love you for putting up with me.” Emmeline admits with a warm smile before turning her attention back to the pages in her hands. “I just don’t want to make a mistake and skip a detail that may seem trivial that we later find out was actually critical. But yes please by all means, I appreciate any input on how to better it.” She responds as she hands her friend the red folder containing her ten page report (front and back of course). 
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
“If you have to ask, then it’s definitely too long, Emme.” Frank pointed out, playing around with his feather as he tried to decide on how to finish his own report. Clearly, he wasn’t as thorough as Emmeline was, and he probably should have taken some pointers out of her, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. “Try to shorten it, start by a third, then cut off more. As good as it is to be thorough, you could end up focusing on details that don’t matter, rather than on those that do.”
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Emmeline lets out a sigh of disappointment as her gaze is fixed upon the sheets of paper in her hands. Frank’s words would have made it obvious to any passerby that he was well acquainted with her and her cursed perfectionism. Though that doesn’t stop Emmeline from looking up at him with that look. “You know that is going to be as painful as ripping off a bandage. I’m slightly nauseous just at the thought.” Turning in her chair slightly as she reaches down to pull a vile of red ink and a fresh quill from her bag. She then seals the vile of regular black ink and returns it to its own pocket within her bag. With a huff Emmeline thinks hard as her tongue runs along the inside of her cheek (a classic concentration look for her). “Maybe if I just condense the wording I can keep all of the details intact and potent?” 
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
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some things never change
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
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Jacqueline’s expression softened as she took in the man’s posture, his expression–Oh, God, he’s having just as hard a time as she is. She glances back to the intructor, still with her eyes closed, and she scootches closer to him. “I’m not sure,” she whispered, glancing around quickly at the people surrounding them. A small sea of calm, and she wished she could find her way to that oasis. “But it seems really nice.” She sits up straighter for a moment, trying to at least make it look like she was still trying to meditate. Her mind was moving far too fast for her to focus on her breath and relax. “I’m Jacqueline.”
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At this point Eddie had given up on even pretending like he was getting anywhere close to relaxation. What was the instructor going to do about it? Give him hell and tell him to leave? If anything he’d just yell back about how much of a waste of time this was and leave on his own. Though he knew there were health benefits to meditation... if he stayed with it and eventually managed to make it work that is. Giving her a nod he whispers back “It does.” When the other scooches closer to him his legs slightly fold tighter into their intricate position so as to keep his personal space. This caused his eyes scrunch tight for a brief moment, hoping the woman didn’t notice. “Edwa...um Eddie. Nice to meet you.” 
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
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*Eddie Kaspbrak*
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
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Eddie had also been finding it near impossible to relax. If not remembering how he got to this town wasn’t stressful enough; being surrounded by a group of strangers certainly had him near the edge of a panic attack. He was actually grateful for the break in silence as it helped to pull him out of his own mind. Taking in a breath as he looks to her before whispering back “No. I’m failing at this easily enough on my own. But thanks for asking.” His body was very tense as well and it showed. All he had hoped to achieve was remember what happened and how he ended up here. And yet, at the same time he knew he didn’t want to know. “How is it so fucking easy for them to do this shit?” 
It had only been a month in her new home, her new town… her very empty bed, but Jacqueline had been trying to make the best of it. She tried her best to get out in public, sit in coffee shops, visit local stores, even when she was feeling anxious or upset. And she was doing fine, all things considering. However, when she woke up early to a bunch of missed calls and texts from her ex-fiance, she hardly had the nerve to make it to that park yoga class her parents had encouraged her to take. “It’ll help you relax, Jacs. Please? For us?” Perhaps that was the only reason she got dressed, heart racing as she sat among a sea of contented people. Closing her eyes, she tried to relax enough to mediatate with everyone, but her body felt stiff. Hard. Painful, almost, and she kept squirming.
She opened one eye, looking at the person next to her as she took a deep breath. “–I’m so sorry,” she whispered, knowing she wasn’t supposed to speak. “Am I bothering you?”
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open to the small town verse, enjoy!
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
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Ten pages…that almost made Gordon’s head hurt. “I think ten pages is a bit overboard and a bit lengthy, but hey, if ten pages works for you, then I think it’ll work for whoever reads it. But,” he held up one finger as he thought about. “If you want my advice, then I think you should shorten it, but don’t leave out the details…like at around five pages.”
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“I suppose I could trim it down a bit. Perhaps use more succinct language to cut down on any possible excess wording.” Emmeline takes his advice into heavy consideration as she unconsciously runs her tongue along the inside of her cheek. A physical sign of her deep concentration that she has had for the majority of her life. “Five pages front and back could work while not cutting out any important information. Now that I think about it ten pages front and back may have been slightly excessive.”  
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
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“Do you think ten pages is too lengthy for an after action report? I suppose I could shorten it. Though you never know when the smallest of details may be highly important.” Emme asks as she flips through the pages in the folder. The young Auror was obviously tense at the thought of parting with even one word of what she had written. After all, it wasn’t something as trivial as house points on the line this time; it was people’s lives. Or at least that is what she tells herself to justify her detailed level of ramblings and to sooth the pangs of perfectionism. 
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muses-running-amuck · 3 years
All below posts are old and should be considered "archived". Feel free to let me know if you are interested in any plots from previous threads though! 😀
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