#small world (ttte fic)
edwards-exploit · 18 days
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Mere seconds after the outburst, Thomas whistled with incongruous cheer — and brought back the first half of the rake humming.    He was merrily oblivious to Toby and Henrietta exchanging worried looks.
rereading Small World by @mean-scarlet-deceiver again and I'm having feelings. Oh, Thomas...
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Small World Chapter 7: Thomas and Rosie
https://archiveofourown.org/works/55605988/chapters/150581281 🥵🥤🐫🔴⚪❓❔🤝🦆⬛🛤️😡😤🛤️🥺🛤️🌃🙄↔️⛽🤞
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WIP Wednesday Game
originally shared by @tanoraqui tagged by: @runawaymun
Here’s how it works:
In a new post w/ rules attached, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
1. unfolding 2. Pocket Change (Arthur) 3. aw shit, here we go again 4. Argumentum Novitatis Transcript (Part 1) 5. Miraculous TTTE Crossover
no pressure tags for: @djangodurango @monstroso @exeggcute @wigglewyrms @sasusquatch @via-ru88-blog @ourladyoftheundcrground and anyone else who wants to
from chapter Small Mercies chapter 14, file name: Pocket Change (Arthur) Arthur groaned and peeled his face off the crumb-ridden shag rug he found himself on. His stomach churned just at the act of sitting up.  “Where…” he murmured, but it all came back to him. Slowly, in bits and pieces.  He’d gone asking around about odd jobs and wound up in a pub due to his grumbling stomach. There was something about some students offering him a drink. One of them saying he looked a sorry state.  The rest was a muddy haze.  Did I spill out some sob story? I think I must have.  At some point the man who was now snoring on the orange botanical print sofa had patted his shoulder in some reassuring way and said something along the lines of, “Sorry you went through that, mate.”  There were a couple others scattered around the room. One asleep in an arm chair, another passed out face-first a few feet away from where Arthur now sat by the record player. He reached up to remove the needle and stop the crackle. His mouth tasted rancid. A vague unpleasant memory of throwing up fizzed to the surface. He’d have mourned the lost calories, but he couldn’t recall eating much of anything last night. Just the world wobbling around him as he succumbed to inebriation.
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artdehagfisher · 6 years
TTTE Angst Fic Human!AU
Overview: Edward has passed away and on the day of his burial, his friends feel the weight of his absence.
The Next Stop by hagfisher
James was to leave early that day, and as he left to go to his car, his shoulders sagged and he trudged along. His shoes were scuffed on the concrete. Edward would get on his case about keeping shoes polished, to walk carefully and not drag one's feet. A smile formed on James' face and he sat back in his car. The one employee who was so vain about his looks had scuffed shoes. That was something Edward and Gordon would comment on.
He drove, mind in a stupor, to the small chapel reminiscent of Sodor's history. It was an older building, painted white but the colors were fading. As James pulled into the small parking lot, he looked to the side and took a deep breath in and held it. He knew that he couldn't breathe out, that if he did the inevitable would happen.
By why prolong it?
James moved to breathe out and he tried to compress these feelings inside of his chest, imagining a stack of weights to crush away emotions that rose up tall. And the conductor's breath came out as a wavering sob as he choked to keep it back.
He had thrown his head back and sat in his car, trying to stifle his crying but it all just broke through. James emitted a cry that seemed more like a scream, turning his throat raw. His hands flew to his head as he grabbed at his hair, yanking at the strands as he tried to feel something else other than this weight.
The weight rose up from an emptiness. How could emptiness feel so, so heavy? Rocks upon rocks stacked on his heart. But he couldn't keep crying.
Edward had specifically asked for two fellow workers: James and Thomas. They, with other friends of Edward, were to have the honor of pallbearer.
The other employees? The heritage railway wasn't going to run by itself so they remained behind to work.
Another car pulled up besides James' and he saw the figure begin to pound fists on the steering wheel. The car honked as the wheel was struck. Another voice could be heard, swearing loud as it too was trying to hold up an impossible weight.
Thomas sat in his own car, hitting the steering wheel and swearing. It's not becoming of a heritage railway worker to throw a tantrum. The warm voice reminding him to watch himself came as a memory. But this made Thomas's screaming even louder.
Two cars were side by side in the parking lot, one driver thrusting his head back as he cried and pulled at his hair. The other one was hunched over and beating the inside of his car, his swearing as loud as his own pain.
Back at the railroad, the day went on as usual. The passengers noticed that the crew didn't seem nearly as excited as before. And one of the engineers seemed to be absent. Edward's absence came as an abyss that drained the railway of its usual joy.
Percy was assigned as a fireman with Gordon as engineer. They were to ride on the old #2 locomotive. The original idea was to have Thomas drive that locomotive, but Edward had specifically requested that James and Thomas be pallbearers.
And who would refuse such an honor?
Gordon couldn't focus very well, and he didn't even bicker with the younger fireman. They sat in steady silence before a voice came in on the radio.
"Conductor Emily to the #2 locomotive, we're buttoned up."
The train made its way out of the station and went on the normal tour route. It went up Gordon's hill and through Henry's tunnel. And it crawled along, the engineer keeping the locomotive at a low speed. He wanted to make this trip last.After all, the #2 engine was going to be retired after that day.
James and Thomas, towards the end of the funeral service, stood up to get ready for their jobs. Others joined them, and with great care they lifted the light blue casket and began the procession out of the chapel.
And as they stepped out of the chapel and began the walk to the awaiting hearse, they could hear it.Train horns and whistles could be heard from every angle on Sodor as all traffic stopped and the world froze for one minute.
For one minute the only sound was that of every active locomotive blaring either horn or whistle, to pay tributes to one of the early workers on the heritage railroad. To be respectful of a talented engineer who had gone above and beyond during his career.
During that drive to the cemetery, the funerary procession drove steady on the road, with tracks adjacent. And on the tracks, the #2 locomotive kept a slow speed so the train and procession moved forward together for some time. The procession turned a corner and in the back of the hearse's tinted window was the reflection of a blue engine. That would be the final time where Edward was close to his beloved historical locomotive.
the end 
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edwards-exploit · 4 months
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These were some of the thoughts Thomas had sometimes felt in his very worst and blackest moods. He’d always shoved them aside. And tonight of all nights, he didn’t want them spoken into being.  Nor had he ever expected they would be spoken into being by Edward. 
everyone go read @mean-scarlet-deceiver's Small World if you like Timelines That Went Wrong
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 months
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can't think of a better promo image for this chapter than this actually (h/t @gadgetini and @togetherness23)
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meanscarletdeceiver · 3 months
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but who is the returning king? that's up for interpretation maybe
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meanscarletdeceiver · 5 months
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meanscarletdeceiver · 5 months
In which everyone is all "#LetItBe🙏" while Thomas the Tank Engine and for that matter Gordon is very much all "ummm actually? actually?? #$^#& that #&@*% actually??????"
also featuring Donald's second-best spotlight-stealing scene in the fic. god help me i can't tell this engine 'no'.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 3 months
here's some highlights from when i was reading the newest chapter with Moonie... we are so normal
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@gadgetini @togetherness23 I want every pixel of this tattooed on my back
oh he claimed his spot alright!!!!!! (<- link to fic on the off-chance someone sees this and has no idea what it's referring to)
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 months
"Gordon, do you plan on explaining yourself in English, anytime soon? 🙄"
- Henry in Chapter 3 of Small World, maybe
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 months
Okay, okay, stop me if you’ve heard this one before. It goes like this: Two engines roll into a scrapyard…
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 months
Excellent Emily and The Three Railway Engines™️... BUT IT'S THE BAD TIMELINE 💀
also, Togetherness™️! ... BUT IT'S THE BAD TIMELINE 💀
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 months
I’ve been really enjoying Small World. If you are taking questions(if not delete this), did either you or FutureRust touch on the Skarloey railway? Has reduced services from the big railway impacted tourist traffic there or do they just have a bigger parking lot? Do you reckon did Skarloey see *the train* pass by or are the little engines all already… gone?
Oh, I'm very happy to take questions. It's a Splendid Life never touched on the smaller railways and I've wondered about that too.
Obviously I can't speak for FutureRust and I myself plan to avoid the Skarloey Railway entirely in Small World (if I ever do a sequel or two, however...) but it seems to me that most likely the narrow-gauge gang is in a world of hurt, even if it... exists. The NWR built the Peel Godred branch line before James's arrival and assuming they were able to run the traffic there for at least the next 25 years then the MSR would still close after WWII. At the same time, the SR wouldn't have benefited from the NWR's post-war tourist blitz if there never was one. Looks grim! omg Skarloey whaaaat 😭 i didn't think of that
I think the SR might be in operation still, withstanding road pressures insomuch as the roads are probably centered in the south of the island but uhhhh yeah. I certainly doubt they're buying Duncan or rescuing Duke.
Having said that all this seemed most likely... one could go the other direction, I think. It's not likely but it's also not implausible that (in something of a surprise twist!) the narrow-gauge railways are both benefiting at the weakened NWR's expense, just like the road services are. You could say that the NWR found it too difficult to keep running the Peel Godred branch in the 30s or whatever, the Mid-Sodor came to an agreement with them to shut down the line in exchange for a desperately-needed cash settlement, and that this saved the Mid-Sodor. If you go with the TVS interpretation of the narrow-gauge railways and how they had a junction then you could say that the SR kept benefiting from the MSR's traffic and acquired more engines earlier than the canon timeline. Maybe, even as ‘the big railway’ is a depressing dumpster fire, the narrow-gauge engines are all just having an ongoing party <3
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meanscarletdeceiver · 18 days
I'm loving Small World!!! One question, is there any chance Oliver turns good? (Dont have to answer if that's a spoiler)
Love how no one even asks about Gordon 🥲 (Plus, y'all really let off the Fat Controller scot-free, huh?)
Just teasing. Yeah, I don't think there's much I can say until I get more of the story up, would be glad to discuss this more when it's done.
In the meantime thank you for dropping a line, I'm very glad you're enjoying the fic!
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