theaceslifeline · 9 years
tag meme (fixed)
rules: once you’ve been tagged, you’re supposed to write a post with 92 truths about yourself. at the end you have to tag 25 people ha, i was tagged by both smallwonton and thatgrungequeen so thank you ahh!!
what was your: 
last drink: water?
 last phone call: my mom
 last text message: besides my mom? my friend fiona 
last song you listened to: ????idk whatever was last on pandora this morning
 last time you cried: idk?? probably recently
have you ever:
 dated someone twice: nope 
been cheated on: nah 
kissed someone and regretted it: nope 
lost someone special: yes 
been depressed: kind of? 
been drunk and thrown up: but the alcohols is gross 
list 3 favorite colors: purple red pink
in the last year have you:
 made a new friend: mhm 
fallen out of love: absolutely 
laughed until you cried: yea 
met someone who changed you: i’d say so
 found who your true friends are: lmao yea
 found out someone was talking about you: mhm 
kissed anyone on you fb list: don’t have fb
 how many ppl from you’re fb list do you know irl: don’t have the thing
do you 
have any pets: yea!!! boomer my golden retriever giant
 do you want to change your name: nah
 what did you do for your last b-day party: i didn’t do anything this year, but last year i went with some friends to six flags 
 what time did you wake up today: 8:30? but actually got up at 10:30
 what were you doing last night midnight: sleeping or watching the livestream
 name something you cannot wait for: the fob concert!!! 
 last time you saw your mum: like two minutes ago 
 what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: height or breast size idk
 what are you listening to rn: the usc/asu baseball game on tv 
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah!!
 what’s getting on your nerves rn: school, english specifically 
blood type: who knows 
nickname: ???none?
 relationship status: ??????????
 zodiac sign: pisces!
 pronouns: she/her 
favorite tv shows: none besides anime tbh 
high school: junior bleh
 college: a good UC hopefully *crosses fingers* 
hair color: brown
 long or short: longish?
 height: 4'11" 
do you have a crush on someone: kinda? probably idk it’s complicated 
 what do you like about yourself: i think i’m smart 
tattoos: id like one 
right or left handed: right 
first surgery: wisdom teeth 
piercings: none 
first best friend: emily, known her since day care or before that even 
first sports you joined: gymnastics then soccer then volleyball 
 first vacation: probably somewhere camping 
 first pair of sneakers (trainers): i remember the first part of shoes i picked out myself were purple dcs
 eating: just finished froyo 
drinking: nothing 
i’m about to: finish this 
listening to: the bball game 
waiting for: fob! 
want kids: if you convince me 
 get married: yeah
 career: scIENCE
which is better:
 lips or eyes: eyes 
hugs or kisses: hugs shorter or taller: taller guys don’t care for anyone else 
older or younger: no real preference 
 romantic or spontaneous: both! 
nose, stomach or nice arms: good tum for pillow
 sensitive or loud: both! 
hookup or relationship: relationship definitely 
troublemaker or hesitant: a little of both!
have you ever: 
kissed a stranger: nope
 drank hard liquor: ew
 lost glasses/contact lenses: no but i’ve broken so many pairs of sunglasses 
 had sex on the first date: no thanks 
broke someone’s heart: i hope not 
 turned someone down: mhm 
cried when someone died: yea
 fallen for a friend: yup
do you believe in: 
yourself: for the most part
 miracles: no 
love at first sight: nope, love takes time and hard work 
heaven: nah
 santa claus: ;) 
kiss at first date: depends
i’ll just tag: confusedconstellation vacantlystained narutorun and ultimatecoolkid you don’t have to if you don’t want to! and if anyone else wants to do this, go for it!!!
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kevin-k-o-olusola · 9 years
Kevin’s Pants.
Avi’s Pants.
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bayeksiwa · 9 years
O and S!
O - One wish?
> that i get a labret piercing :'u
S - Song i last sung?
> Samson !!
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theaceslifeline · 9 years
the fantastic narutorun tagged me in another thingy! Thanks!!
my name according to urban dictionary: Amanda
“A women named Amanda is typically very beautiful with an incredible body and nice eyes. They are known to be very loveable. Amandas are envied by other women.“
I sound like a puppy omg well okay!!
I’ll tag, smallwonton confusedconstellation vacantlystained ultimatecoolkid thatgrungequeen but only if you guys want to! You don’t have to do anything im tagging you guys in tonight if you don’t want to!
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theaceslifeline · 9 years
Tag 10 people you wanna get to know better
the lovely thatgrungequeen tagged me in a thing and im finally doing it!! Thank you!!!
Name: Amanda
Time and Date: 10:25 pm, May 14, 2015
Average hours of sleep at night: 6-forever
Last thing I googled: “ellipsis” bc I didn’t know if you put a space between all the periods or not. (you do btw)
Nickname: well smallwonton calls me bae and thats like the only nickname I have?? does it count?
Birthday: Febuary 25th
Gender: demigirl or cis female idfk & idfc
Sexual orientation: Panromantic/Asexual
Height: 4′11″
Favourite colour: purple!!
One place that makes me happy: anywhere wrapped in my blanket
How many blankets I sleep under: two usually
Favourite movie(s): httyd, donnie darko, tangled
What I am wearing right now: black leggings and a maroon hoodie shirt
Last book I read: Honey, Baby, Sweetheart (pls do not read unless you like being frustrated) 
Most used phrases: omg & baaaaaaaabe
What I last said to a family member: “thanks, dad” (he took out my trash for me)
Favourite beverages: MILKSHAKES
Favourite food: pasta, macncheese, mozzarella sticks
Last movie I watched: Avengers: Age of Ultron!!
Dream vacation: Backpacking through Europe!
Dream wedding: idk beach?
Dream pets: I would say a dragon but probably a couple dogs (golden retrievers!) and maybe a cat
Dream job: idk i just love science so much it’s hard to choose. Maybe an Astronaut!! Or an aerospace engineer or like anything involving chemistry!
Tag 10 people: im lame so i’m just going to tag confusedconstellation vacantlystained smallwonton narutorun and ultimatecoolkid
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theaceslifeline · 9 years
smallwonton replied to your post “17 and 32, pal”
Having trouble? 
30. one anime conclusion you would change most of them????? Znt of course. ANGEL BEATS AND NO.6 ESPECIALLY. DO THEY MEET WHO KNOWS?? BUT YOU WILL ONCE I’VE HAD MY WAY
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theaceslifeline · 9 years
17 and 32, pal
17. biggest anime crushoh hm, i don’t know actually… I have to think about this… well, everyone from Free, Nishinoya, and Mikasa i guess
32. there is no 32 silly
Ask me anime things
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