#smart drugs dosage
mearchy · 1 month
The clones with drugs and alcohol - HCs
In no particular order. Obviously TW for mature themes.
Thinks of himself as a very responsible drinker, only occasionally indulges and usually when talked into it by his brothers.
Won't touch spice or any other drugs.
Able to be coaxed into shenanigans SO easily when drunk
Therefore his brothers have IMMENSE motivation to get him drunk when they want to pull Nonsense
Can also be a very sad drunk, I think. Please give him hugs.
Can hold his liquor... fine. His tolerance isn't great because he doesn't drink often but he's got engineered supersoldier metabolism so he holds up alright, to his relief.
Who do you think Rex got his responsible drinking and drug habits from?
Except Cody is the kind of mf who learned through EXPERIENCE.
His batchmates have stories about teenage drunk Cody that they are sworn to secrecy about on pain of death.
Drunk Cody is TWICE as ready to throw down and is five times LESS inhibited about bodily tackling someone with no regard for his own safety.
Cody can probably hold his liquor but wouldn't it be so funny if he couldn't. Marshall Commander two-sheets-to-the-wind-from-four-glasses-of-wine.
He's the guy who will make direct, unwavering eye contact (ha. just the one.) with you across the table as you're both taking a sip from your drinks and suddenly you're in a competition for who can keep chugging their drink until the whole thing is empty and he's so scary how is he DOING that-
Wolffe has a naturally competitive and snippy personality but I do actually think he softens more around the edges with a few drinks in his system.
Not in a sloppy way just smiling a little more and being more affectionate.
Doesn't like or trust any substances that aren't well known to him, won't touch anything other than alcohol.
Sloppy, loud, kind of peevish drunk. All the shit that's always simmering under his skin has an excuse to come out.
“Listen, man. We need to start a revolution. Why hasn't someone bombed the Senat- oh, they have? Shit, can I be in on that?”
Will drop space acid or smoke space weed but only if Echo does. And Echo is smart enough to know that the paranoia Fives gets when he smokes weed is not worth it.
Type of guy to run across some random person in the desert and take psychedelics with them and go on an intense spiritual journey where he communes with dead gods. And then he shows back up at camp a couple hours later having achieved six new levels of enlightenment looking none the worse for wear. Only ever tells three people about this.
Echo is the kind of guy to have an Excel spreadsheet of dosages so he can bake the world's most precisely engineered edibles.
It doesn't work anyway because Fives keeps sticking his fingers in the batter and now the damn ratio is slightly off, why would you do that-
Also cannot keep a secret for the absolute life of him so he cannot pretend to be sober and he must be kept contained while drinking/stoned illicitly.
Maybe a very loving drunk. Or very sad. I'm not sure.
You already know he's in the club taking shots dancing on tabletops with his shirt off.
Life of the party, BUT he also doesn't mind being the designated driver. Flyer? Designated sober friend.
Type of guy to cheerily carry his drunk, passed out besties home and dump them into bed.
He's actually an explosives expert not just an enthusiast and he’s kind of a genius and everyone forgets that until he gets drunk and starts writing the equations to create insane explosive devices on his napkin while enthusiastically explaining it to his friends.
Very high alcohol tolerance.
This man dresses like he's from Bangor Maine. I just know he was on that void planet smoking wild amounts of weed, and wearing Birkenstocks and a Patagonia puffer vest over a flannel shirt while doing it.
Thinks alcohol is a crutch.
World's most miserable drunk.
But also can act really embarrassingly flamboyant so he stays away from alcohol at all costs.
Heh... I should kill my boss heh... wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if ... haha if I just walked into his office with a grenade right now and pulled the pin... fine, fiiine, yes, stop yelling at me. I would neeever leave Thorn with that much paperwork.
Zero tolerance, complete lightweight, doesn't matter how often he drinks. Can't hold his liquor for shit.
He either does mind-boggling amounts of coke or he's completely 100% straight edge and always has been. Don't ask me how I know this.
He's so normal about alcohol I bet.
But he is giggling and kicking his feet and twirling his hair while talking to his brothers about Aayla and about the adventures of his men.
Absolutely incorrigible gossip.
Not braver after a few drinks just more prone to melting into a puddle.
Tried space MDMA once (spice?) just to say he did and hated it.
Uhhh if I do a part two it will include the bad batch and some other clones I missed.
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Yves has an impossibly high tolerance for mind influencing drugs. But it doesn't mean that he's completely immune to it.
It's almost impossible to know if he was drugged as he knows how to function normally despite being spiked with dosages that can kill a horse. Everything is still under his unyielding control and to outsiders, nothing is out of the ordinary. He's lucid, still extremely smart and poised.
Yves has to be. Because living in his body would be an absolute overwhelming hell for an average person; a lot of his bodily functions aren't done automatically. He has to consciously and manually maintain these processes. Examples of which are: blinking, breathing, swallowing excess spit, producing spit, lowering or increasing his blood pressure and modulating his heart rate. Even digestion.
This was a result of decades of experimentation and mutation inflicted on himself. Yves decided that it's much better for him to be aware and controlling of these processes.
However, if you pay attention enough, a dead giveaway that he's under the influence of something is the size of his pupils. Most of the drugs that can actually affect him lower inhibitions and forces Yves to revert back to automatic contractions.
He loves you so much that when his resolve is weakened, his pupils will dilate more than twice as large whenever he sees you- or anything relating to you. Almost making the irises of his eyes appear black. Under normal circumstances, he's able to choose the degree of pupil constriction to appear "normal".
However, when presented with something he isn't interested in or even disgusted at, drugged Yves's pupils will shrink to a point where it's almost invisible. It doesn't help that his eye colour is green, making his true feelings very obvious despite his behavior being aloof and he's putting his poker face on.
He would be wearing his sunglasses a lot until his body clears up all the unwanted chemicals, because he has lost reign over the contractions in his eyes, that he couldn't constrict it fast enough when faced with blindingly bright lights- causing him a great deal of pain when stepping outside.
And, if you're with him, his eyes are in a constant state of dilation out of adoration for you, allowing too much light to enter and inflicting a headache.
Yves doesn't like being drugged. He despises losing control over himself, so he would do anything and everything to prevent that from happening. Although rare, but possible, he would allow himself to consume such substances in order to test his bodily limits, or to even run experiments on behalf of you.
So pay attention, you would never know when you'll get to witness Yves's power and control faltering again.
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samsvenn · 1 year
hiii! love your writing sm! could you write about shu, reiji and subaru and just something ominous about them? not like a headcanons, but like those books where they make you wonder “wait huh 😧” thanks and appreciate you!! 💙🤍
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1.1k words | SFW | gn!Reader
CWs: insults, strangulation/choking, drugging, victim complex
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The violin string felt icy cold around your neck, despite the burning sensation of its thinness beginning to slice open tears. Red beadlets adorned and contrasted the white string. Shu’s hands didn’t show any signs of hesitation and mercy. In his deluded mind, this was a necessary evil he had to commit in order for you to understand what you did wrong. 
“I knew you were a whore, but really? Subaru? You’d take that premature thug over me?” Shu looked down at you, his voice as cold and void as the violin string.
To think this was all over you laughing at Subaru’s crude jokes about Reiji. You two were in the kitchen - your body had been demanding more food since Shu’s feedings always left you faint. There was a change in him. One that you weren’t too particular in finding out, for now. Subaru crossed paths with you, sputtering foul comments about none other than Reiji.
Some of them made you laugh. Subaru noticed as well, so he was encouraged to make more. In the corner of your eye, that’s when you saw a tall, shadowed figure standing from afar.
 A churn in your stomach knew who it was, but your brain was praying that it wasn’t him: Shu.
He knew you couldn’t speak. The tension was way too strong. You tried to utter something out, but to no avail. 
The Eldest cocked his head downwards and sighed. “I can’t trust anything that comes out of that mouth of yours. If your screeching didn’t turn me on, I’d asked Kanato to sew it up close by now.” Loosening his grip, he ran his thumb against your lips, stopping every half a centimetre before moving on.
“If you think there’s anything stopping me from putting you to a grave, try and test me. It’ll be nothing but pure entertainment for me in the long run.” 
Shu wrapped the string around his slender fingers and tightened it again. You swore that you felt something dripping down your neck, but the lack of oxygen was depraving you of your senses. 
“Pathetic. I thought you’d last longer.” He chuckled and just like that, you were out cold and plopped hard on his hardwood floors.
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“Hmm… Seeing you somewhat coherent, I should’ve increased the dosage. You’re not at all in tremendous pain, which is quite disappointing.” He flicked your forehead hard, causing tears to swell up in your eyes. 
You don’t remember how you ended up in this predicament, but if you had a guess, Shu probably looked at you for far too long and then you ate something. And knowing Reiji, that was probably enough for all of this to happen.
“W-What… did y-you do..?” You coughed out and tried to stand, but only your hands could offer some kind of support.
“You’re far too smart to not have an idea and far too dumb to keep getting yourself in repeated trouble.” His back turned away from you. He took a tall beaker and held it above his head. You were right about one thing - Whatever you ate last was what got you here.
Reiji took off his glasses and massaged the temples of his head, ruining his slicked hair. “Is this a cry for attention? Or do you sincerely like it when other men give you attention? I’d demand an answer, but getting it out of you my way is a guaranteed method for you to tell the truth.”
He knelt down, his black blazer almost touching the floor. That’s when you heard metal clinking. “Chains?”, you thought to yourself. 
Like a messed up greek comedy, you were semi-right.
“A muzzle should fit you perfectly,” It was made out of leather with an iron strap at the back. “I don’t know what’s compelling me, but I don’t want to hear your excuses just yet. If you want to cry out, you should’ve cried out my name when my brothers approach you.” Reiji knew he was going completely out of line. There was no logical reason for him to be this frenzied. 
Emotions were never logical.
Especially jealousy and a constant inferiority complex.
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“YOU THINK I’D JUST EASILY FORGIVE YOU?!” The Youngest hurled a wooden chair at you. By some miracle of God, you managed to dodge it. Barely. The wood broke into shards and splinters, some of which scathing your skin, and the minuscule other unfortunately penetrating your skin layers. 
You didn’t have time to wince, as he threw white porcelain around like they were water balloons. They didn’t hurt him, his skin was thick in all the ways metaphorical, but they for sure were going to hurt you in all the ways physical.
Ruby eyes lit up iridescent ‘neath the moonlit room. You didn’t know if Subaru was going to choke himself first in his huffs and breaths, or if the choking would stem from his shaking hands around your neck. “YOU THINK HE’S BETTER THAN ME, DON’T YOU?!” The ‘He’ in question was Kou. 
Subaru himself didn’t understand what was making him so riled up. His throat felt like they were stomped on by metal boots when Kou began whispering to your ear. It felt like there was tiny, rhymatic walking of a centipede marching under his skin when Kou kept hogging your gaze. Was the problem really Kou? Hard, booming punches cracked cement walls. 
As you stared at Subaru, his anger didn’t subside, rather it grew.
Somehow, he knew that you were currently thinking of Kou. Although you were thinking about how he may be the cause of his dooming anger, without context, the fact that you were thinking about another man made his stomach twist and turn. 
Behind this rage, you saw a sensitive little boy who waited patiently every dew for his mother to look down from the prison tower. You saw a little boy who knew how to make flower crowns out of any flower, but chose not to because his rosy cheeks lit up pink if anyone knew.
You saw a little boy who was ready to be loved, and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, as he had mentally imprisoned himself in his mother’s yearning for love; the same way a certain man had imprisoned her.
Yet, the little boy was nowhere to be seen.
All that your eyes could see was a red-eyed man stepping closer and closer. His footsteps were silent, and his anger finally stopped making noise. The Youngest’s frame loomed over you and without a hitch, your sense of mortality did too. 
You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Kinktober Day 1: Sex toys(Feed My Frankenstein)
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warnings/kinks: scientific experimentation, sex toys, use of drugs, drugging, semen collection, fake pussy, creampie word count: 1.6k pairings: Android 17 x Fem!Reader tag list: @beneathstarryskies, @ricflairdrip20, @witchofcustom. @xailem, @loki-love. If you want to be part of the tag list, please just message me or send an ask in my inbox.
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Bright lights flash on his face. He feels a little panicked, but when he smells your perfume, he feels a little more calm. You smile when you realize he’s awake. Android 17 fights against the restraints that keep him firmly placed on the examination table. He trusts you, mostly. You are still Dr. Gero’s assistant after all. But with the way you treat him, 17 knows that you can be trusted. This is just frightening for him, though. He is worried that maybe you have some sort of sinister test waiting for him.
“Good to see you awake,” you say as you come closer to him. “Dr. Gero was beginning to worry.”
Flashbacks of a struggle and then being injected with something flash through 17’s mind. He knows that it’s because of his reluctance to these tests that he has to endure such treatment. Whenever 17 has to take a test, he always prefers it would be you administering it. Often it is Dr. Gero, who is so much more rough with him than you are. 17 shudders when you push back some of his hair.
“Are you ready for the male hormone test now? It’s really simple, and I think you’ll enjoy it.” You question him, and he sighs.
“Like I have a choice,” 17 spits out. He is completely restrained to the table. It’s a comfortable table at least.
You walk over to the desk in the corner and you begin typing something into the computer. A series of beeps and boops fill the air before a cylindrical device begins descending from the ceiling. 17 is confused by this device. You know what it’s for. Dr. Gero had you build this machine specifically with the thought of testing 17 in mind. This will be able to show you if the Androids are even able to have children. 
“This won’t hurt a bit. I’ll need to remove all your clothing.” You begin with his pants, undoing them as best as you can through the restraints. Then the shirt, which you cut off his body.
“Isn’t that just a waste?” 17 remarks sarcastically. You smile sweetly as you remove his underwear.
You gasp as you see the size of him. The length is slightly above average, but it’s the girth. He is quite thick around. You know you did the right thing getting the large size for the rings. You pull on some nitrile gloves and pick up your clipboard. 17 can’t even look you in the eyes right now. All his cockiness has been pushed aside for timidity.
“Such a large specimen,” you mutter to yourself. Gently, you grasp his cock in your hand and he hisses through gritted teeth.
“Hey! Be careful,” 17 moans loudly, unaware of how needy he really is.
You write down a few things on your clipboard before setting it aside. On the desk in the corner of the room, you procure a syringe and a bottle of some sort of pink fluid. 17 knows that you’re about to inject him with something.
“This is a virility drug. It’s mixed with sildenafil.” You explain to him. He swallows hard. He knows what this test is going to be for.
You inject him with the proper dosage and then you give him time to react to the drug. It doesn’t take long for him to get even harder than he was before. His cheeks are pink as the arousal takes a hold of him.
“How are you feeling now?” You ask him, scribbling more notes on your clipboard.
“How do you think I feel? You just injected me with probably the world’s strongest viagra. I’m horny as hell!” 17 seethes as he wriggles on the table.
“Yes, don’t worry about that. I’m here to test the potency of your sperm. So rest assured, you will get off.” He hates that he loves how smart you are. You never sugarcoat anything, and he loves the technical jargon you always use.
You set the clipboard aside once more before returning to him. With gloved hands, you grasp his cock. It’s leaking so much precum at this point, and you just touching him has him moaning softly. You love that you get to administer this test. You’ve been pining after him for so long.
“You’re very erect. It must feel pretty good to have my hands on it, yes?” 17 doesn’t even want to answer this. It feels heavenly.
You cup his balls and you realize how heavy they are. It’s a shame you’ll have to put a ring on both his cock and his balls for the first part of the test. It’s meant to test how long it’ll take for him to cum. But seeing as you need as much cum as possible, you need to make sure he lasts as long as he can.
“This might be a little cool to the touch,” you tell him as you grab both metal rings. You had opted for something better, but metal was all you were given.
17 whines as you begin fitting him with the rings. First, the one on his balls is put on. It squeezes a little bit, making them feel even more sensitive. Then you slip the one for his cock, smirking at how it is the perfect fit. He feels so lost in a thick fog of lust. He wants nothing more than a sweet release.
“I’m going to start the extracting machine now,” you begin as you walk over to the computer once more. “Unless you prefer I do this manually.” 
Though you are only joking. There’s no way you should get involved more than scientifically. Even if just the thought of jerking him off makes your panties so damp. Already you’re fighting off every urge to straddle him, push back your panties and ride him all day long.
A few more clicks of your mouse, and the extractor machine comes down fully. It opens up to 17 and shows him a fake pussy. He laughs when he realizes what this is. It’s a sex toy attached to a mechanical arm. It’s going to fuck him, and it’s going to make him cum. Just so that you can test his sperm, whatever that means.
17 doesn’t anticipate just how excited he is for this. Before he became an android, he was a loner. He barely got laid as it is, but this was going to be even better than he imagined. Now if only you could take off that damn lab coat, things might get a little kinkier in here. He thrusts his hips up slightly as the drug begins making him even more aroused. You rush over when you realize you’ve forgotten a step.
“I’m sorry 17, I haven’t even given you the proper lubrication.” 
His head is buzzing as he realizes what you mean. You pick up a bottle of generic water-based lube and you squirt some on your gloved hands. Then you grasp his cock again and you begin stroking him to make sure every drop is on his cock.
17 whines as you keep up a steady pace. This is mostly for your own benefit. You wanted to give him a little pleasure as well. His balls feel so tight already and he isn’t sure if it’s you or the drugs or the ring. It doesn’t matter. Everything feels so good right now. He feels like he could cum right away.
“There we are. Now, time to get you off.” You giggle softly, and his cock twitches at the sound.
17 moans loudly as the toy begins to swallow his cock. He can barely watch as he reaches so deep inside of it. It’s a slow pace to start, and he is quite grateful. He didn’t think something like this would feel so good. And to his luck, you remove your lab coat, revealing a tight sweater that accentuates your gorgeous tits.
“I knew you looked great under that coat,” 17 struggles to say. The machine begins jerking him off a little faster, and another moan falls from his lips.
You smirk at the display in front of you. When Dr. Gero first announced this test, you knew you had to jump on this chance. There was no way that 17 was going to let the doctor administer such an intimate test.
“Tell me how you feel,” you ask him. He rolls his eyes before whimpering softly.
The machine begins at a faster and deeper pace. 17 feels his heart beginning to race in his chest. This is too much. It’s way too good. It’s like this machine knows exactly how to make him feel so good. You probably studied his habits and programmed it to know how he likes to be ridden. This is all your fault.
“I feel fucking good, okay? Obviously I do.” He’s so shy right now. But it feels sensational. He can’t quiet the whines and the whimpers.
You reach over to cup his heavy balls, and that’s all it takes for him to fall off the edge. 17 cries out loudly, his orgasm taking hold of him completely. He mutters the sweetest little moans and pleading. It turns you on more than you could ever believe. You’ve never seen anything so sexual in your life. 
“Fuck yes! Fuck!” He’s moaning as the toy continues to milk him. Eventually, it slows to a gentle pace and it has 17 whimpering and shaking on the table.
You jot down a few more notes then you go back to the computer. The machine stops, leaving 17 on the table alone. His cock is still quite hard, you notice. Well, you did inject him with something strong after all. You walk over to him and strip off your gloves. You hover over him for a moment before smirking.
“Guess I’ll have to finish the job manually.” You say as you grasp his cock. 17 moans as you begin jerking him off.
‘Guess these tests aren’t so bad after all…’
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doublydaring · 2 months
the great thing about gender is that you can do anything at any time and there's absolutely no way to be yourself incorrectly. the point of life is trying things and seeing what makes you happy, and what makes you happy is probably going to change a lot! but also if it doesn't that's a learning experience too! sending love <3
first of all anon, bless your heart.
bizarre rant with way too much personal information below the cut. SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY!
second, because at the ripe old age of zero years old i was a wise old sage with a level headed autism that put me perfectly at the intersection of considerate and above the petty worries of the world i have been telling forlorn transgenders this over the phone since day one (no joke someone I hadn't spoken to in five years called me up the other day to have me talk them through softening their transition, its okay to be nonbinary guys) but ack! sometimes its so hard to take your own advice.
I have gained some weight in the last year or so and I just can't seem to get over me looking ooooh just so slightly off, to me, like I feel like I don't look like myself. I don't know.
Testosterone's largest impact on my life was it's role as an appetite stimulant, before I started testosterone I lived in a constant state of nausea, and it basically cured me of that. It was huge instead of going to bed anxious every night that I was going to throw up I slept like a baby, it also helped me to start working through the main symptoms of my ARFID. I literally called it a miracle drug to so many people, it changed my life.
But! I don't know if I still want to be on it. It's been almost three years and I've suddenly started having problems with my dosage, I've been off and on it trying to figure things out and I don't know, it just got me thinking, what if I don't want to do this anymore.
I do look different than I used to, or at least I think I do. I feel like I don't look like myself. I don't know.
Part of me feels like I'm just giving up, because transitioning socially has been very difficult for me. Female terms feel comforting in their familiarity, masculine ones always feel deliberate and effortful. I want to be beautiful, I want to be desirable. Does going off testosterone simply represent a submission to societal pressure, to finally giving in and trying to be normal.
In my junior year of high school I had a crush on a blond man. I had no chance with him, he was tall and gorgeous and smart and rich and a senior and it just was not happening, but I sort of put a pause on my transition that year as I got to know him, and tried to be more feminine, more conventionally attractive. It didn't work. I am not that. I cannot be that. I can't! It is something that I am not capable of, it is something I have never been capable of. I feel like as soon as I hit puberty it was over for me. I got gross. And that's terrible, that's so terrible, that's a terrible thing to feel and a terrible way to think but I cannot help it because I feel like that is the input that I am receiving from the outside world. I just had this conversation with a couple of friends but it really is ethnic trauma. My mother got a nose job at 14 and extensive laser hair removal to dull her ethnic traits, traits that she then passed on to me, traits that were amplified by my dad's genetics, traits that she implicitly taught me were ugly and undesirable and needed to be changed. And then I had the nerve to be autistic too, pick a struggle, really.
WHATEVER basically I am fucking fiending for sexual validation from cis men that I am too cowardly to actually go out and get so instead I'm just going to bitch and moan on here. I am not going to detransition because their is nothing to detransition back to, I was never a girl, but so much of me wishes I could be, I want more desperately than anything to be a beautiful and desirable woman. I thought because I couldn't cut it as a girl I should try being a boy but I don't know, it feels unnatural. A bitch needs to get on estrogen or SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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myinconnelly1 · 5 months
Margin of Error Part 1
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Word Count: 579
Summary: When Ella Wilson's friend goes missing, and a stranger shows up looking for her, Ella is dropped into a dark underworld of drugs and criminal connections. Can her book smarts keep her safe on the streets?
Warnings: a/b/o
Ella looked around the science lab.  Her partner and roommate had been missing for almost a week now.  It was not unusual for Katie to miss class or to not come home for several days, but this was getting extreme.  Ella sniffed the air inconspicuously, seeing if she could pick up the beta’s scent.  Ella had started to wear one of Katie’s hoodies in an attempt to find that gentle linen soap smell that seemed to follow Katie around.
Ella worked through her chemistry lab grabbing a few “sample” cards as she liked to call them and sliding them into her backpack with the rest of her workbooks.  She would use the sample cards later to strengthen some of the side effects of her suppressants when she was back at her dorm.  With any luck Katie would be back from her bender only a little hung over and she could help Ella get the dosage right so as not to fuck her up too long.
As Ella turned down the hallway to her dorm room, Katie’s linen soap scent wafted to her, clinging to an overpowering and foreign scent.  Ella’s head snapped up from her phone as she saw the tall dark-haired man standing in front of her door.  She stood there like a deer in the headlights, until to man caught her scent and turned to look at her.  He had Alpha written all over him, and his lip lifted in growl as looked her over.  Ella wasn’t going to wait to find out what he had planned.  Katie had a reputation for not being the best judge of character and had some unsavory friends.  She turned and bolted, dropping her phone as she ran into her RA.
“Ella, are you okay?” he asked as he reached to grab her cellphone.  But Ella was back on her feet and out the door, her reflexes and senses heightened by the tweaking she had done to her suppressants. 
“Wait!”  The alpha shouted as he came sliding around the corner.
“Nope,” Ella muttered to herself as she got out of the dorm and booked it for the parking garage. 
“Hey, Ren, did you find the girl yet?”  a pasty red-haired man called.  Ella nearly tripped as she skidded silently to a halt and crouched behind a car.
“Listen, Hux, all you beta’s smell the same, how am I supposed to find her if you’re constantly under foot and touching everything?”  Ren- the dark-haired alpha from the dorm room- replied with so much sass and dismissiveness that she thought Hux was going to explode.
“Just remember who is in charge of this outfit.  Snoke brought you in to get this done quickly, I don’t like your kind.”  Hux snarled.
“Jealousy is really your color, Hux,” Ren growled.  “Go look somewhere else for her, I’ll finish up this side of the campus.” The alpha stood there catching his breath waiting for Hux to leave.
“I know you’re here. I won’t hurt you,” he called quietly to Ella.  “What’s your name?” 
“Ella.”  She decided to trust Ren, Ella stood from behind the car after picking up something that had fallen off him as he had rushed past her.
“I know you’re not what they think you are,” he said taking a deep breath.  “There’s something wrong with your scent.”
“I know you’re not what they think you are.  Ben,” Ella held up a badge with his picture on it.  “Are you undercover or something?”
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xxkylarthelonerxx · 8 months
wait. how do i know how to give my darling the right dosage...? like, i want them all fuzzy and clingy!! (sure, them being asleep is very appealing but i want them hanging off my arm, y'know??? surely you get it)
this depends on a lot of factors. be patient and do some small tests before trying to get them to that state...
the dosage for most adult medicines is about a spoonful. i would start there, maybe a little less if you think you have something more potent. take into account your darling's body type too, sincs you might need more or less depending on that.
if you're able to, do a preliminary test on yourself first. make sure you have time to spare in case you administer too much. then i would start giving little doses to your darling, however you're able to... i would recommend giving it in a small amount of food or drink (since you want the dosage to be controlled, a whole cake wouldn't work, for example.) if you don't get the right effect at first, try again another day. make sure not to make your darling too suspicious, though... don't let them see you drugging their food.
it's so rewarding once you get it right, though. it's really so charming to see them so sleepy like that... so needy. needing to stabilize themselves against you just to stay upright, unintentionally groping you in the process... too out of it to care about personal boundaries and social rules..!
you don't want to drug them too often though. be smart about it. good luck.
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The Dark Passenger - Chapter Fifteen.
I wanted to update this yesterday, but I had to go into hospital to be checked over (don’t worry, I’m fine, just tired as I was there until 12:30am) so here, apologies for it being a little late! Again, 40 notes to unlock the next chapter. Don’t let me down!
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen
Words - 3,506 
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
“Sit, good girl. Spin, good girl! Alright, speak. Yeah, you’re smart as hell. Give paw, yes! Here you go.” Sitting in the afternoon sun two weeks on from his diagnosis, EZ enjoyed the simple pleasure of going through Sally’s tricks repertoire with her, feeding her little mouthfuls of chicken as a reward. With his medication now coursing through his system, he felt clearer headed than he had in a long time, the darkness within him caged off, the beast placated, no longer running rampant through his brain. Gone. All gone.  
Well, except for the dark passenger that remained. The dark passenger he hoped his impending radiotherapy treatment would be successful in shrinking enough for it to be removed via surgery, EZ fresh from his early afternoon appointment with Doctor Ruiz, his oncologist. She was very confident that an aggressive schedule of radiotherapy would see results, but had warned him that because of the fact they were upping the dosage of radiation to as high as safely possible in an attempt to thwart the tumour’s size and progress along with the drugs, he was likely going to feel like hell.  
The course would last for six weeks, his treatments every day for five out of seven days. Because of the fact that he was likely going to succumb to the side effects, and also was forbidden from riding or driving while going through his treatments, he’d put control of the club into Bishop’s capable hands for the duration, his VP vouching that he would run things smoothly, and all he had to concentrate on was getting better.  
Now that he’d actually decided to do so, now that he realised his life was worth fighting for.
That fight, it was less for himself and more for the family who had pleaded with him to reconsider, seeing his father moved to tears, telling him that he couldn’t bury his son, Angel and Bella also tearfully speaking of their love for him, and unwillingness to let him resign himself to something that wasn’t set in stone. Also, the little slither of optimism that if he lived, he could begin putting the wrong things right that he’d had come to him while he was in the hospital was a voice that had eventually grown so loud, he couldn’t ignore it. Dying wasn’t an option at this point.  
Still, though, he was set in his stance over one person in particular, which was a conversation he found himself having with his sister-in-law, watching her pull up in the yard, Sally wiggling with excitement over her arrival, making happy chirruping noises of delight once she saw Bella climb from her car.  
“Go get her!” Letting go of her collar, Sally hurtled over, Bella cooing ‘my sweet baby!’ while bending to lovingly stroke her face and ears. “How the hell you drive in those heels, I’ll never know.”
Bella looked at her feet and back at him. “Natural bloody talent.” Reaching him, she leaned to kiss his cheek, EZ returning the gesture before she sat down at his side. “How’d your appointment go?”
“Not bad,” he said with a slight shrug, Sally settling in at his feet. “They’re starting next Monday, if you’re still alright to take me there and run me back again? I realise you’re busy with writing, so if you can’t then don’t stress, I can get a cab.”
Bella had offered to take him for his treatments, since she had little in the way of physical commitments other than her twice weekly meets with the band to brainstorm and rehearse their new material. “Of course, it’s alright, you daft lump!” She nudged him with affection, stroking his forearm. It was lovely to have the brother-in-law she remembered back again, but Christ, it was at such a cost. “What time do we have to be there?”  
“8am. I know it’s quite early, but at least it gets it out of the way and means you’re free for the rest of the day then.”  
“Oh, your brother is going to be so pissed off. That’s his horny time,” she chuckled, EZ arching an eyebrow.  
“Surely with Angel, that’s any time he has sex on offer?”
Her snort laugh had him smiling in an instant. “Yeah, I suppose that’s true!”
“So, how’s your day been? And shit, how’d you get that? Looks sore.” Pointing to the bruise he could see forming on her inner elbow, he winced a little.  
“I’ve been taking pole dancing classes with Camille. She doesn’t charge me, and I get to do it in an environment where I don’t feel embarrassed by my thoroughbred knees, like I would in a room full of other people, so Amelia and I go to her house twice weekly around her work. She isn’t in today, so we had a morning session and then went for lunch.”
At hearing his ex’s name, his heart jumped sadly in his chest. “How is she?”
Pulling her cigarettes out, Bella lit up before replying. “I ain’t gonna sugar coat it, mate. She’s sad without you.”  
His response had left the tip of his tongue before he could process it, delivered on a soft snort. “She shouldn’t be.”
“Well, she bloody is,” Bella affirmed, trying not to be too abrupt in tone, failing somewhat. At least now she knew she wouldn’t get her head bitten off for it, being able to relax a little and not have to watch what she said, or be cautious of the tone of her delivery, save antagonising him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap, but she’s so in love with you. All she wants is for you to go back to her.”
“Bella, I can’t.” He dropped his head, looking down to where his fingers stroked swirls into Sally’s coat. “I lied to her, I cheated on her, I hit her, and I manipulated her. I know it wasn’t me, but I still did it. I don’t deserve someone as pure and beautiful as she is. I don’t. I’m not worthy of her.”  
Cocking her head until she caught his eye, she rested her hand on his forearm. “Don’t you think that’s for Camille to decide? Tell her your truth, and then let her be the judge of whether she wants to be with you.”  
He saw that there was a certain amount of sense to her words, her reasoning quite fair, but he remained resolute. “Can’t do it. Because if it is a worst-case scenario – and I’m not saying it definitely will be – but if it is, I don’t want to cause her any further pain. She’s too good for it.”
She nodded, but couldn’t help but offer another little nugget over her friend’s current state of mind regarding him. “She’s in pain already, EZ. Being without you.” Seeing her husband turning the corner in approach, she squeezed his shoulder before getting up, meeting Angel halfway with a kiss, while EZ felt like he’d just received a particularly acute punch to the gut. He could have done without hearing that, but held no grudge against Bella for revealing it. Being his family, but also friends with Camille, he could see she was trying to be loyal to them both.
While he sat in quiet contemplation, Angel and Bella headed out for lunch together, the topic of discussion eventually landing on what she and EZ had been speaking of.
“Well, I think he’s insane, having a sweet, gorgeous chick like that still wanting to be with him, but that’s EZ all over. He fucks shit up and then acts like one of those, what do they call them…” Trailing off, he snapped his fingers, frowning with concentration. “Those dudes who like pain inflicted on ‘em.”
“A masochist?” Bella offered, spearing a cherry tomato from her plentiful salad with her fork.
He clicked his fingers again, pointing at her. “Yeah, that’s it. Thank you for being the thinking part of my brain when it’s being slow-moving, my darling.”
“Hey, that’s my husband you’re bad mouthing,” she spoke through a mouthful of tomato and spinach.
“I know I ain’t the sharpest knife in the damned drawer at times, B. Besides, nobody has it all, and I got the gorgeous face, the hot body and the hella big dick, so I ain’t too pressed.”
She snorted on giggle, winking and sipping her wine. “Yes, you absolutely do, big sexy. I’m adamant in my stance that you’re smarter than you think.” Leaning across the table, she gave him a kiss, stealing one of his fries and receiving a slapped hand for it, Angel muttering something about her never ordering them as a side but always happy to steal his. “Anyway, we were talking about EZ and Camille.”
“We were,” he began, glaring when she stole another fry. “God damnit, woman! Quit it!”
“What? It was only two!”
Catching the eye of a passing server, he beckoned her over. “Can we get a side of fries here, please? Before I take my wife and throw her into that little fountain you guys have out front.”  
The server looked entertained, Bella poking her tongue out at Angel. “Sure, sir. Regular or truffe?”
“Ooooh! Truffle, please!” she confirmed, Angel exclaiming in annoyance further.
“And now I can’t steal any back because truffle tastes like burned plastic!”
She giggled, sipping her drink again. “So, back to EZ and Camille. I think he’s mental too, to be fair. I mean I get that he’s going through a hell of a lot, I honestly do, but having her there for him, supporting him while he goes through it, I can’t see why he’d turn that down, why – as you put it – he's being somewhat masochistic about it all and punishing himself for something he couldn’t help.”
“Because he thinks it’d be selfish, and he’s been like that enough towards her as it is.”  
Bella pursed her lips a little, nodding slowly. “Yep, you’re right. Thinking on it, that’s exactly what he’s doing. I wish he wasn’t, though. For his sake and hers.”  
Angel shrugged, resting his hand atop hers. “No matter how crazy we think he is, I guess we just gotta respect what he wants. Even though he’s hella wrong.”  
The four days between then and EZ’s treatment beginning seemed to pass by in a blur, until the night before was upon him, EZ taking Sally for a two hour walk before returning to an empty clubhouse, figuring the guys likely thought he needed the peace and quiet of his own company, leaving the space vacant.  
The truth was, he was looking for any distraction he could. He was nervous. Who wouldn’t be at the prospect of having something that - in greater, less contained doses, of course - killed people, burning their skin and internal organs, and left entire cities poisoned and inhabitable when unstably released into the atmosphere.  
And it was being beamed into his brain, almost every day, for a month and a half.  
“So long as it shrinks the fucking thing, I suppose.” he muttered while scrolling through the menu of the local pizza shop, before remembering that his buddy Horace had recently branched out into deliveries. Oxtail, rice and peas and hard food it was. With a side of festival. He was starving. It was surprising he had an appetite at all, but then reasoned he hadn’t for most of the day, only fuelled by coffee and the few swigs of apple juice he’d had, plus a handful of almonds.  
“Might as well eat while you still feel like doing that.” Loss of appetite had been noted as one of the possible side effects, and if not that, then he knew the most common, the nausea and vomiting would likely mean that sustenance would fall to the bottom of his priorities list. Well, at least it wouldn’t hit him at once. Doctor Ruiz had advised it would likely begin to affect him after the second or third week.  
When the morning came, he was remarkably calm, leaving Sally sleeping on his bed and heading outside the yard to meet Bella, who was a few minutes early. Getting the first treatment over and done with was the easy part, he found, the nurses all lovely, the radiographer absolutely hilarious, setting him at ease with his infectious laugh and similar humour.  
“So, you got your music for me?” he asked, EZ pulling his cell out. He was told that he could make a playlist that the radiography team could play while he was undergoing treatment, Doctor DiMarco taking his phone from him and snort laughing at the name of the folder.  
“Chernobyl tunes,” he hissed. “Oh my lord, you’re a funny one, Ezekiel. Okay, you just lie there and get comfortable, a nurse will be in shortly with the mask you’ll have to wear for the duration of the treatment to keep your head nice and still, and off we go, my friend.”
Lying back on the table, EZ felt quite composed, giving the nurse a big smile when she came in, fitting him with the netted looking mask, EZ still being able to see through the thousands of tiny holes within it, being told that the treatment would begin momentarily before she left the room. Hearing the opening bars of the song Protection by Massive Attack filtering through the speakers, EZ closed his eyes as the machine above him began to hum.  
He’d chosen that song because prior to his relationship with Camille, he’d never heard of the band, but spent many evenings lying in her bed listening to them as they talked, EZ now wishing with everything he had that those moments had been more genuine from his perspective. She truly was wonderful.  
A few more minutes passed as he continued to think of her, a realisation hitting him; those moments, even steeped in the fact they’d come from a dark place, they must have been more genuine, for him to be sitting there drawing comfort from them now, remembering lying with his head in her lap as she’d stroked his hair, laughing at something he’d said, listening intently to him, being her wonderful, beautiful self.  
Maybe it was why it hurt so damned much now he had chosen to be without her, because while his intent hadn’t always been genuine, his love for her very much had been.  
Now he could separate between his true self and the changes that were because of his dark passenger, it made it worse in a way for him, to know just what it had demanded of him. If he could press a knife into his own head and cut the damned thing out himself, he would. He’d bleed rivers of blood for it to be gone, for it never have hampered him in the first place, to have never hurt Camille as badly as he had. It was a regret he knew he’d live with for a long time, or at least until he got over her, what he’d done to her, too. He was still emphatic about them not getting back together.  
The first two weeks of his treatment went by smoothly, everything fine until he hit the tail end of the third, the fatigue suddenly smacking into him like an out-of-control truck.
“EZ?” A hand gently shook his shoulder, waking him with a start. Turning, he saw Bishop, casting his eyes upwards as they sat together in the clubhouse. “Go to bed, hermano. You need rest.”  
He nodded, getting up and stretching, Biship giving his arm a supportive squeeze. “We got everything handled, don’t worry.” They’d been having an informal chat about how things currently lay with their endeavours, EZ trying hard to remain awake, and failing miserably. He trudged upstairs, stripping down to his boxers and flopping onto the bed, asleep within moments. He managed three hours, until the churning in his stomach awoke him, running to the bathroom to expel the contents into the toilet bowl.  
It was like that for the rest of the night, turning him into a zombie with a raging headache by morning.  
“It isn’t like it could hit me in waves, oh, fuck no. It had to all come at once, like bam, let’s fuck him up,” he complained mildly with laughter as he sat with Nestor the next morning, just him and a few of the girls who worked the bar there, the latter taking in the alcohol delivery, while he and the former drank coffee at a table.  
Nestor raised his eyebrows, shaking his head. “I’m surprised you’re even out of bed, jeffe. I’d be burrowed in my pit if I were going through all of this.”  
He shrugged lightly, scratching his jaw. “Eh, I might go back up in a minute. I... I...” Suddenly, he felt strange, like something was slipping from him, his vision blurring, the last thing he was aware of being Nestor racing out of his seat, catching him as he toppled from his chair. Dark... strange sounds, Nestor’s voice... the taste of blood...  
“Hey, you back with me?” He attempted to focus, Nestor gently pulling his hand from beneath his head. “Seizure.”  
He’d been told he might suffer those more too, the pressure from the swelling upon his brain upping the risk, especially since he’d begun having them as a result of the tumour prior to the treatment beginning. He guessed he needed to let his doctor know, so they could up the medication he was on to prevent them. His oncologist had warned that they might need to re-examine the dosage, should the seizures begin again during the radiotherapy course.  
“Yeah, yeah I am,” he confirmed, rubbing his eyes, still feeling a little dazed, the side of his tongue sore, realising he’d bitten it in the throes of the convulsions. “Thanks for catching me.”
Nestor helped him to his feet, bracing a hand between his shoulders. “No problem.” He went back up to bed shortly after, managing to get a little more sleep, until the nausea awoke him. It was like that for another week, EZ worsening the further he went into his therapy, his anti-nausea meds only actually working if he could keep them down long enough for them to get into his system. More often than not, he couldn’t.  
Week four was agony, his headaches chronic, his mood low and irritable, being left alone for the most part, only his brother coming to regularly check on him, sleeping on the sofa some nights when he was really bad, just so he had someone there with him. Along with not being able to keep the anti-nausea drugs down, the same went for the whole other barrage of pills he had to swallow, including the drugs which assisted with controlling his seizures, Angel terrified he might collapse and hurt himself, swallow his tongue, anything.  
Eventually, he managed to map his sickness, knowing that early morning was a good time to be able to keep something in, so taking the pills he could on an empty stomach. The doses he took later in the day after food, though, when his nausea was rampant, usually didn’t last long enough to take effect. He was tired, he was sick to his stomach, his head continuously pounded in pain, he ran on little sleep, and everything was just too much.  
“Hey, oh, love. You look so poorly,” Bella cooed softly, stroking his shaven head as she sat down on his bed, EZ curled into a ball, feeling like death. Once the radiation had affected his hair, meaning it had begun to fall out in patches, he’d decided to do away with it completely, shaving his head clean, his facial hair remaining intact save for a little patch beneath his chin. “Is there anything I can do for you, anything you need?” she asked. He looked delirious with exhaustion and pain, yet the word EZ croaked as he lay there was clear as a bell.  
He managed to fall asleep with Bella lovingly stroking his head, but when he woke up, it was the hand of another who offered such affection, turning onto his back and opening his eyes to see her there, returned to his side.  
“Hey sleepy,” she whispered, EZ feeling tears pool in his eyes, tears of fatigue, of gratitude, of love, of remorse.  
“I’m sorry,” he croaked, Camille stroking his head, shushing him softly.  
“So am I.” Leaning to him, she kissed his cheek, her scent so comforting, the zesty notes of her perfume mixed with gardenia filling his nose. “I’m sorry you didn’t ask for me sooner, so I could have been here for you. At least I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere.”
He nodded weakly, turning to push himself into her arms. “Thank god.”  
There was much, much more he needed to say to her, but at that moment, all he needed, all they both needed, was the comfort of being reunited. Anything else could wait.  
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How Much Does Cannabis Oil Cost?
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Whether you’re a new or experienced cannabis consumer, you’ve likely wondered, “how much does cannabis oil cost?” This new therapeutic product has earned high praise from medical and recreational users. Each bottle of cannabis oil, also known as a tincture, comes with varying ratios of cannabinoids at relatively steep prices compared to other health- and wellness-related products.  Despite the high markup for cannabis oil, many consumers regularly use this delivery method to reap all of the mental and physical benefits of two major cannabinoids: cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). A number of factors affect the price of the oil. You can expect to pay anywhere from $30 to up to $200 for a single bottle. Here’s what you need to know about shopping smart for cannabis oil.
How Much Does CBD Oil Cost?
CBD oil has become widely accessible to the entire nation. It’s revered for its non-psychoactive and therapeutic effects on pain, anxiety, inflammation, seizures, and other debilitating symptoms. The health and wellness aspect of CBD oil commands a premium price for its symptomatic relief. Apart from its medical applications, there are plenty of other factors that determine how much consumers pay for cannabis oil in general. Katie Stem of Peak Extracts told Weedmaps, “When examining a cost analysis from a production perspective, you look at labor, materials, packaging, labels, potency/purity testing, marketing, and shipping distribution.” For manufacturers, bulk CBD can range from $3 to $15 per gram, which works out to be less than one cent to 1.5 cents per milligram. Consumers end up paying about $50 to $60 per 1,000 mg bottle, or about 5 to 20 cents per milligram.
Why Are People Paying Premium Prices for CBD Oil?
CBD oil products, in particular, offer many potential health benefits for medical and recreational consumers. People generally buy CBD oil to help them with inflammation, pain, anxiety, stress, depression, muscle spasms, fatigue, sleep disorders, and plenty of other symptoms. Furthermore, CBD doesn’t produce the negative side effects, especially if you take the appropriate dosage. Despite the popularity of CBD oil products, their efficacy has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Only the CBD-based drug, Epidiolex, has been approved for medical use. In fact, many hemp companies have received warning letters from the FDA for claiming unproven health benefits on its packaging and advertising. While CBD oil can help supplement a conventional treatment plan, it’s important to consult with your physician before starting a cannabis oil regimen.
How Much Does Cannabis Oil Cost?
Cannabis oil varies in price based on cannabinoid content, as well as the region where it’s sold. Seattle-based Headset published a report detailing pricing data for a variety of marijuana products in Washington State, California, Nevada, and Colorado. The price of THC oil varied by state. For example, Colorado had the highest price at 41 cents per milligram, which was 64 percent higher than Nevada’s 25 cents per milligram. California and Washington both had a 30 cent per milligram average price for THC oil. Here are just a few examples of THC oil prices in the Southern California market: - Mary’s Medicinals The Remedy THC has 1,000 mg of THC priced at $56, about 6 cents per milligram. - Raw 1:20 THC:CBD Focus tincture has 1,000 mg priced at $87, about 9 cents per milligram. - Select 1:1 Peppermint oil has 1,000 mg priced at $68, about 7 cents per milligram. - Care by Design 8:1 CBD-rich sublingual drops has about 240 mg priced at $40, about 16 cents per milligram. - Humboldt Apothecary Relax CBD 3:1 tincture has 250 mg priced at $65, about 26 cents per milligram. - Releaf 1:1 CBD:THCa tincture has 900 mg priced at $99.62, about 11 cents per milligram.
Marijuana vs. Hemp-Derived Cannabis Oil
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Cannabis oil products can be derived from either marijuana or hemp plants. Both belong to the same Cannabis sativaplant species. Marijuana plants are primarily bred for a THC-rich resin, while hemp plants produce high-CBD resin with only trace amounts of THC. Hemp-derived oil tends to be more affordable than marijuana-derived oil. When shopping for cannabis oil, consumers may run across terms such as full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or distillate. Each comes with varying price points depending on many factors, including its source. Full-spectrum products contain the original chemical profile of a strain, including THC, CBD, and terpenes. Broad-spectrum contains everything in the plant but the THC, for a non-intoxicating experience. Distillates only contain one cannabinoid, either CBDA or THCA. The compounds in full-spectrum and broad-spectrum cannabis oil not only add to the aroma, but also the effects and the price. Research into cannabinoids indicate that the interaction between different cannabinoids and terpenes produces an “entourage effect.” This synergistic effect of the plant’s compounds is thought to enhance the therapeutic benefits of a cannabis product. For this reason, many medical consumers look for full- or broad-spectrum cannabis oil. However, someone who doesn’t want the aroma of intoxication of cannabis, may stick with a CBD isolate. Hemp-derived CBD oil is more widely available than cannabis-derived tinctures. Ever since the 2018 Farm Bill passed, hemp-derived CBD is legal all over the country. If you’re hoping to buy cannabis-derived tinctures, you must live in a state that allows medical cannabis (at the very least). In these states, cannabis-derived tinctures tend to be pricier because hemp isn’t as expensive to produce.
Factors Affecting Cannabis Oil Costs
A bottle of cannabis oil can vary in price based on an assortment of factors from production to marketing costs. For example, cannabis oil made from organically grown hemp from Colorado will have a higher price than oil made from a plant grown in a state with a newer market. Besides quality, potency also affects the price of a product. Cannabis oil with 1,000 mg of cannabinoids will be more expensive than oil with fewer cannabinoids per milliliter. The cannabis industry has unique costs and challenges that can drive up the price of cannabis oil. For example, lab testing requirements can force companies to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars testing their oil for contaminants. Lab testing can range from $100 to $400 per sample tested. In many cases, cannabis must be tested various times throughout the supply-chain process. Furthermore, the cannabis industry can’t write off business expenses because according to the US federal government, the marijuana plant is a Schedule I drug with no medicinal value. Dispensaries and producers may hike up their prices to offset some of these overhead costs. Industry experts believe that full legalization will help build a stronger regulatory framework for the industry to benefit both companies and consumers.
Is Cannabis Oil Lab Tested?
Certified laboratories can provide a complete analysis of licensed cannabis product samples. Third-party labs can test for potency including its cannabinoid and terpene profile. Labs also test for pesticides, microbial contamination, residual solvents, and other harmful chemicals that can remain after the extraction process. Essentially, lab testing ensures the product you are buying has the potency listed on the label. More importantly, lab testing ensures the product you are consuming has no harmful contaminants that can offset its therapeutic effects. Lab testing can significantly increase the price of cannabis oil products. However, it’s up to you to make sure your product is actually lab tested. Most companies who lab test provide a certificate of analysis (COA) on its website. Simply type in the batch number found on the packaging into their lab results page. Buying from a licensed cannabis retailer is one of the only ways to ensure you are getting a product tested by a third-party lab. While buying hemp-derived CBD oil online without lab testing may be cheaper, we recommend you spring the extra few bucks for peace of mind and security.
How to Find Reliable and Cost-Effective Cannabis Oil
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Finding the right cannabis oil at the right price point can seem like an impossible task. Luckily, there are a few ways you make sure you get the most for your dollar based on your desired results. It can take a few hours, days, or weeks of research to find the right cannabis oil. While price matters, some affordable cannabis oils can be just as effective as the most expensive cannabis oils. Here are a few ways to save money on cannabis oil. - Buy cannabis oil in bulk. Larger quantities mean more upfront costs, but the product often comes with considerable savings of up to 40 percent per milligram. Manufacturers pass their savings on packaging onto you. Buying in bulk can also earn you free shipping with most hemp-derived oil companies. - Follow your favorite cannabis oil companies or retailers on their social media channels to scope out special discounts, promotions, and giveaways. - Sign up for low-income, veteran, or other financial assistance programs if you qualify. Not every company offers this perk, but the ones that do may give you a discount of more than half off if you can send qualifying proof or apply for a spot in their program. - Buy based on price-per-milligram. In order to calculate the price per milligram of a cannabis oil bottle, divide the total price of the product by the milligrams of cannabinoids in the product. - When searching for bargains, always make sure you buy cannabis oil that has a certificate of analysis (COA) from an accredited third-party laboratory ensuring you have a safe and pure products.
Will CBD Prices Ever Come Down?
Industry insiders believe the price of cannabis oil will eventually go down, but not anytime soon. The industry’s strict regulations place an enormous burden on cannabis companies in terms of testing, taxes, and other rules on the plant’s production. A variety of factors serve to limit the amount of cannabis production possible. Whether it’s commercial cannabis bans in your town or excessive licensing costs, it takes a lot of money to start up a cannabis company. Cannabis oil may never be the most affordable natural medicine available, at least compared to pharmaceutical or herbal supplement products. However, prices are expected to go down as lawmakers become more supportive of the industry. Once they remove the harsh limits imposed on weed companies, maybe then will the prices become accessible for those who truly need it. As you can see, the price of cannabis oil varies widely based on the source, quality, potency, location, size, and other manufacturing and marketing costs associated with the product. The novelty of the industry and a lack of regulation have contributed to cannabis oil’s high prices, but consumers are hopeful that one-day cannabis oil can reach an accessible price point for everyone that needs it. Stay tuned to the Cannabis Training University blog for updates on: - price of cannabis oil - THC oil cost - how much does CBD oil cost - Colorado cannabis oil cost - THC oil price per gram - how to ingest cannabis oil - cost of CBD oil products - cheapest full-spectrum CBD oil
Learn to Grow High CBD Cannabis
There's never been a better time to learn to grow with legalization efforts ramping up worldwide! Enroll in Cannabis Training University to learn how to grow your own medicine so you can control your budget. Become the next great cannabis grower with online cannabis training from the #1 rated marijuana school.
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weeswine · 2 years
Stuff I have noticed watching ST season 4 for the 5th or something time:
(Or just my rekindling of opinions and feelings)
Lucas wasn't a back stabber, he sent Jason and the crew to El and Hops old cabin (me too busy just focusing on Lucas (he is babygirl✨️))
Eddie isn't present for like 2 episodes and that is just a big wow [also Erica, miss her :(]
That classic shot of Eddie at the d&d table is not him being a dramatic whore™, rolling dice, but actually congratulating Erica
Why is Erica wearing the flag? Like slay and also the American theme song is playing but like girl?????
Erica supports the gays ✨️ (She probably is a gay 🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸)
Angela still deserves that skate to the head [slayed !]
Murray is slay.
Still cant look at Robins outfit from the psych ward (sorry but yeah nah)
Alexei 😫
Jason is a leader but not a responsible or smart one, like he is hunting down a couple of 20 y/os and their half a dozen 14 y/o children??? And supporting his teammates to do the same (i didnt like him before but jeez dude)
also you can see his style of leadership of basketball and children hunting have some similarities sus
California Dreamin was played because ... *drumroll* THEY ARE IN CALIFORNIA!
The main group are the pick me girls of character developement (they dont develope like other characters~ they get desensitized and are used to death and gore *bites lip, tucks hair behind ear, giggles and pukes little*) but also geniuenly concerned for their sanity:
Argyle: Omg that dude dead, my 1st (?) death, the party is not here my dudes😔, wtf is happening, Ive never been through this, Im meant to deliver pizzas not dead bodies🍍🍍🍍
Byer boys + Mike: Oh my ✨️gawwdd✨️ Argyle get over it already ... like chop chop this agent died like 20 seconds ago move on !
(but they were in danger like Argyle indeed dude chop chop)
Does Yuri always just drug his coffee with sleepy pills? Like my guy thats not what coffee is meant to be used for, and the pills wouldve been low dosage cause unless Yuri is a maths wiz he wouldve been counting his mula for a while
Hop! Just dont have feet. At this point get rid of them! Get those 'orrid manky things outta 'ere!
The most horrific part of ST is not asshole Vecna and his gang, its just watching Hop get his feet dragged or him running around in the snow, no shoes, big cuts, the only thing keeping is feet on his body is Joyce, she is a super glue.
Vecna is more than just a piece of shit, hes the entire digestive system.
But him just targeting traumatised kids and touching them on the fore head, like: "Dw sweetie~ I'll fix you, shh is okay, you be nasty never again <3 Nurse Vecna will make you all better~ :)"
They are not nasty! They just been through some shit. Fuck you twerp
Freds visions with the funeral family giving ✨️Tisphone✨️ vibes ~♡
Early season 4 Mike is an asshole (dw it gets gayer *pats on head*)
Steve 🥰
Robin 😍
Nancy 😘
Eddie 🤩 (star fish boy)
Together united in harmony, they are the power Rangers💕💞✨️✨️
Dacre Montgomery (Billy) was in power Rangers (hes also aAussie which is just so oool)
Conspirewithme: #headcanons
Joyce could totally just go 1v1 brawl with the entirety of the upsidedown, Id pay to see it.
That guy who hired Robin and Steve who also worked at the arcade defo played d&d with Eddie at some point
I need to see El just have a giant therapy dog (think Perrito but Great Dame size)
Mike might be projecting Will onto El butttt he bi af, have you seen his cheekbones??? ( im watching a documentary on "Mike Gay????😱😱")
I am only up to the beggingin of episode 5, gods i hope this makes sense and im not accidently offending anyone
(Im a tag sl**)🐌
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masquenoire · 2 years
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@riddleroyalty​ made a really good post about how their Riddler views his fellow villains so I thought I might try and do something similar with Roman. Enjoy!
The Joker - Roman absolutely fucking DETESTS the Joker. Their first meeting did not go well at all, with the Joker having killed his girlfriend, getting the better of him during a physical altercation and usurping his identity during the events of Arkham Origins. It’s a bitter, bitter memory for Roman and an experience that made him regress considerably, becoming much more paranoid and aggressive due to how the Joker so effortlessly caused so much damage in one night and for what? To get Batman’s attention?? Roman would dearly love to put a bullet between the clown’s eyes but his madness and unpredictability only serves to warn Black Mask against interacting with him at all unless his hand’s been forced. The Riddler - Roman does not like Edward. It’s not because the man’s wronged him exactly... Edward just rubs him the wrong way and the mindgames don’t help. Roman is a bully and likes being direct whereas Edward beats around the bush, wasting time with convoluted schemes just to prove his smarts. Unfortunately this means he’s too crafty to be manipulated so easily, even if Roman felt inclined to try. Roman might be a tiger in comparison but Edward is the monkey who’ll yank his tail and disappear into the treetops before he’s able to retaliate. Fortunately their interests are too different for them to interact often but whenever they do cross paths? Neither man will have a good time.
@deciphertheriddler​’s Edward is a slight exception, with Roman having developed a marginally more positive opinion of. His unassuming looks, acts of extreme violence towards corrupt policitians and imposing mask that inspired terror across Gotham has intrigued Roman, though he knows not to underestimate Edward despite his ‘harmless’ appearance. Tries not to give him a hard time.
Scarecrow - In spite of the Good Doctor’s intelligence, there’s something about Jonathan Crane that Roman can’t bring himself to fully respect. It might be that skinny body or reliance on fear toxins that makes his lip curl, thinking that a truly frightening person doesn’t need to rely on drugs to incite terror. Roman thinks it’s cheap using chemicals to do the job for him though he rarely voices this opinion out loud as he doesn’t want to know what getting a full dosage of fear juice must feel like. Jonathan is smart but his obsession with fear and all it entails isn’t something Roman cares much for.
@arkhampsych​’s Dr. Crane is regarded as ‘positively’ as Roman can towards an employee of Arkham Asylum. He doesn’t feel as though Jonathan pretends to care unlike other psychiatrists working there, keeping their sessions professional and straight to the point. Jonathan’s lack of ‘phoney’ airs has Roman more willing to talk and engage, and the topic of masks between them can get particularly deep.
Mad Hatter - Roman has no idea what to think when it coms to Jervis Tetch. Seriously, Alice in fucking Wonderland? It’s a children’s book for crying out loud and an old one at that too, though Roman doesn’t disapprove of the Mad Hatter’s dedication to his work. Those rabbit masks? Top notch. That technology to brainwash and control people? Roman might consider investing in said tech were Jervis a more... lucid person. He’s not accepting any invitations to a tea party anytime soon but Roman considers the Mad Hatter a clever, if somewhat disturbing little man. Victor Zsasz - Somebody Roman finds to be most interesting. Zsasz is feared and for good reason, being a serial killer who mutilates his own body to commemorate his kills and on a strange level, Roman has mad respect for how far the other is willing to go for that goal. Pain is something many people are afraid of and shy away from at all costs but much like Roman, Zsasz is not only willing to embrace pain but invites her veritably, dedicating his own body as a temple. It’s truly mask off behaviour, so raw and open that Roman can’t bring himself to look away, wondering what grisly tale each and every scar holds. Two Face - There are few things Roman hates more than a ‘two-faced’ person and Harvey Dent embodies that term perfectly. Being two sides of the same coin, Harvey and ‘Harv’ are a tough read, both equally challenging and too vicious for Black Mask to chase off so easily. Similar interests in territory, wealth and power through similar means (i.e: drugs, weapons, ect.) makes him a most unwelcome rival in Gotham and an especially hard nut for Roman to crack. Penguin - Of all the ‘mafia’ type rogues, Roman loathes Oswald Cobblepot the most. He’s such a short, pompous little man and Roman would love nothing more than to punt him across his own Iceberg Lounge and sit in his chair. Unfortunately Penguin is a canny bird with a sharp beak and an equally sharp tongue, and his more ‘subtle’ doings are nothing short of vexing for Roman. That gentlemanly act? Cut the crap, Cobblepot. Roman can see right through that shit and he’s not impresssed. Scarface - Freaky little man with a freaky little doll. He’s a good ventriloquist, Roman will give Arnold that but it’s hard to imagine that simpering little coward having the mind to pull off such a convincing act through Scarface. Roman’s sure Arnold’s just as nuts as everybody else is in Gotham but the opposing personalities, the difference between them makes it really hard to tell. Doesn’t like Scarface at all, seeing him as another rival on his turf. Bane - Roman prefers to give Bane a wide berth, both figuratively and literally. Somebody who can break Batman’s spine is NOT one to aggravate and despite his looks, Bane is no slouch in the mental department either. What makes Roman even warier is how calm and collected Bane seems to be, clearly thinking ahead and evaluating his actions. It’s not a feeling Roman enjoys at all, knowing he’s outclassed physically, mentally and emotionally all at once. Fortunately much like with Edward, Bane and Roman rarely have reason to cross paths and he greatly prefers leaving the juggernaught to his own business. Killer Croc - Waylon Jones is also given a wide berth for similar reasons to Bane but Roman won’t hestitate to contact the man if he wants a certain type of ‘muscle’ for a job. Killer Croc has been treated as an outcast his whole life due to his reptilian appearance but Roman honestly couldn’t care less about how he looks, liking the other man’s similarly honest and direct nature. If and when they do end up working together, Roman makes sure Waylon gets paid and treated fairly... those rumours about Killer Croc eating people isn’t something he wants to test on the offchance they are true. Clayface - A bit of an enigma. Roman doesn’t really know what to think of Clayface other than the man is an incredible actor and is impressive with how effortlessly he can take on the looks and personality of another. It’s a bit disconcerting really, especially with how convincing Basil can be and Roman would be lying if he wasn’t *slightly* jealous about it. He’s content having a body consisting of actual flesh and blood though. Harley Quinn - Really doesn’t like her, due to her personality and her links to the Joker. Individually he can handle her in small doses but somehow the clown always finds a way to push every one of his buttons like a kid in an elevator, every word and action finding ways to get under his skin. It’s a grating experience whenever Harley’s around and after she’s gone, Roman quickly finds himself needing a hard drink. How can one woman push so many of his triggers in such a short amount of time? Nobody knows, but @quinnzelles​ spoiled almost as many movies as he’s downed shots of booze. Poison Ivy - Pam is hot. Scary but hot. Unfortunately she doesn’t seem to care much for Roman and he’d rather avoid ending up as plant fertilizer or brainwashed due to spores... or pheromones, or whatever the hell she’s capable of producing. Treats her much like a very dangerous plant cordoned off in a private exhibit, something to admire from a distance and not approach no matter how tempting it is to do so. Catwoman - Roman both hates and fixates on her, formerly for her close ties to Batman and secondly for her occupation as a thief. Roman is paranoid she’ll come slinking through his windows some dark night to make off with his things - his money, his masks, he’s certain she’s going to pull something some day and he just can’t have that waiting to be a problem now, can he? Unfortunately there is some twisted infatuation held in regards to Selina Kyle due to her vivaciousness and aggression, wondering what exactly it is about her that has captivated his interest so. Mr. Freeze - These two have very little to do with one another, if they ever did. Victor Fries is an oddity in Gotham, causing crime not to enrich himself or to exact revenge against another but to save his wife and ensure she has a healthy future. It’s admirable, especially as Roman once lost somebody he cared about and loved very deeply so the lengths that Victor goes to is nothing short of impressive. Other than that, they share absolutely nothing in common and Victor probably doesn’t feel as kindly towards Roman as Roman does in turn.
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nutrinly · 2 years
Nootropics: Cognitive Enhancers And Brain Boosters
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Brain boosters increase cerebral activity and improve your intelligence. Check out the top brain supplements to improve your mental well-being.
As vital as physical fitness is mental health. Your brain is employed to help you respond logically and maintain attention in every circumstance. Here is a few all-natural mental performance booster that is so effective that even athletes use them.
Let's get more specific.
How do Brain Boosters work?
Natural brain boosters are, as the name implies, herbs or nutrients that improve memory, concentration, alertness, focus, and mental clarity as well as mood.
What advantages do males receive from nootropic vitamins or smart drugs?
Nootropics have a variety of applications for enhancing cognitive function. Besides that, nootropics have the following advantages:
Short-term advantages
The immediate advantages of nootropics centre on performance-driven thinking, such as stress resistance, focus, and short-term memory improvement. They also assist people in giving an immediate advantage to productivity, competitiveness, deadlines, etc.
Long-term advantages
Nootropics, often known as cognitive enhancers, support healthy brain structure and function as we age. It is essential for maintaining memory, improving mental acuity, boosting mood, and preventing cognitive loss as we age.
Natural and medicinal supplements that are top nootropics
There are two types of brain support supplements: those that require a prescription and those that do not (OTC). The prescription-only smart medicine list includes the following:
Modafinil (Provigil) Methylphenidate (Ritalin) Adderall Memantine (Axura)
The following are a few of the top over-the-counter (non-prescription) nootropics of 2020:
A study found that modest quantities of caffeine are generally safe for most people. It frequently acts as a dopamine stimulant. However, an overdose can occasionally result in death.
L-theanine is the supplement that boosts alpha waves in the brain, according to a 2016 review. Many people take tablets to improve their cognitive abilities and memory.
One of the greatest adult brain supplements for dementia or cognitive impairment is racetams.
One of the supplements that elevates your mood and activates the brain is nootropic herbs. To ensure that you have no major health issues, it is advised that you speak with your doctor. To determine the proper dosage and enhance your brain function with the best nootropic pills, consult a doctor first.
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neustartpsychiatry · 4 days
How Technology Can Help with Medication Management
Technology has transformed many aspects of healthcare, including medication management. From simple reminders to advanced apps and telehealth services, technology offers a variety of tools that can help you manage your medications more effectively. Here’s how technology can assist you in staying on track with your medication regimen and improving your overall health.
1. Medication Reminder Apps
One of the most straightforward ways technology can help with medication management is through reminder apps.
Customized Reminders: These apps allow you to set reminders for each medication, including the time of day, dosage, and any special instructions (such as taking the medication with food). You can customize reminders based on your schedule and medication needs.
Tracking Adherence: Many apps also track your adherence over time, showing you how consistently you’ve been taking your medications. This information can be shared with your healthcare provider to help improve your treatment plan.
Notifications: You can receive notifications on your smartphone, tablet, or even a smartwatch, ensuring you never miss a dose.
If you’re searching for "medication management near me (Salem, OR)," consider finding services that recommend or support the use of medication reminder apps to help you stay on track.
2. Telehealth Services
Telehealth has become increasingly popular, offering a convenient way to manage medications from the comfort of your home.
Virtual Consultations: Telehealth allows you to consult with your doctor or pharmacist virtually, which can be particularly useful for routine check-ins, medication adjustments, or discussing side effects without needing to visit the office.
Remote Monitoring: Some telehealth services offer remote monitoring of your health, such as tracking blood pressure or glucose levels. This data can help your provider make more informed decisions about your medication management.
Prescription Management: Through telehealth, your provider can manage your prescriptions, send them directly to your pharmacy, and monitor your progress through regular virtual check-ins.
Telehealth services are a great option for those looking for medication management support as they provide flexibility and accessibility.
3. Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have made it easier for healthcare providers to manage and coordinate your medications.
Comprehensive Records: EHRs provide a comprehensive record of your medications, including past prescriptions, dosages, and any noted side effects. This information is accessible to all your healthcare providers, ensuring that everyone involved in your care is on the same page.
Alerts for Interactions: EHR systems often include built-in alerts for potential drug interactions or allergies, helping to prevent harmful interactions before they occur.
Patient Portals: Many EHR systems offer patient portals, allowing you to view your medication list, request refills, and communicate with your healthcare provider online.
When searching for "Medication Management Near Me (Salem, OR)," consider providers who use EHRs to enhance the safety and coordination of your care.
4. Smart Pill Dispensers
Smart pill dispensers are an innovative way to manage your medications, particularly if you have a complex regimen.
Automated Dispensing: These devices are programmed to dispense the correct medication at the correct time, reducing the risk of errors. They can be set up to dispense multiple medications throughout the day.
Reminders and Alerts: Smart pill dispensers often come with built-in reminders, such as alarms or notifications, to let you know when it’s time to take your medication. Some devices can also send alerts to a caregiver if a dose is missed.
Tracking and Reporting: These devices can track when medications are taken and provide reports that you can share with your healthcare provider.
Smart pill dispensers are particularly useful for those managing multiple medications or who struggle with adherence.
5. Pharmacy Apps and Online Services
Many pharmacies offer apps and online services that make managing your medications more convenient.
Refill Reminders: Pharmacy apps often include refill reminders, ensuring that you never run out of your medications. Some apps even allow you to set up automatic refills.
Medication Information: These apps can provide detailed information about your medications, including potential side effects, interactions, and instructions on how to take them.
Delivery Services: Some pharmacy apps offer delivery services, allowing you to have your medications delivered directly to your home.
Check if your local pharmacy offers an app or online services to help you manage your prescriptions.
6. Wearable Technology
Wearable technology, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, can also play a role in medication management.
Medication Reminders: Many wearable devices can be set up to send medication reminders, making it easy to stay on track, especially if you’re on the go.
Health Monitoring: Wearable devices can monitor various health metrics, such as heart rate or activity levels, which can be useful in managing chronic conditions and adjusting medications accordingly.
Integration with Apps: Wearable technology often integrates with medication management apps, providing a seamless way to track your health and medication adherence.
Wearable technology is a convenient option for those who want to integrate medication management into their daily routine.
Technology offers a wide range of tools that can help you manage your medications more effectively, from simple reminder apps to advanced telehealth services and smart pill dispensers. By leveraging these technological solutions, you can improve adherence, prevent medication errors, and ensure that your treatment plan is safe and effective. For those in Salem, OR, finding medication management services that embrace technology can provide additional support and convenience in managing your health. For personalized advice and technology-assisted medication management, consider reaching out to NueStart Psychiatry.
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Exploring the Future of Injectable Drug Delivery Systems: Innovations and Impact on Healthcare
The field of healthcare is evolving rapidly, and one area seeing significant advancements is the injectable drug delivery system. This technology plays a crucial role in the treatment of chronic diseases, vaccinations, and emergency medical care. It allows for precise, rapid, and efficient delivery of medications directly into the bloodstream, offering several benefits over traditional methods.
What Are Injectable Drug Delivery Systems?
Injectable drug delivery systems involve the administration of drugs through needles, directly into the body’s tissues or bloodstream. These systems include intramuscular, intravenous, subcutaneous, and intradermal injections, which are selected based on the medication's purpose and the desired absorption rate. They ensure the drug reaches the bloodstream quickly, providing fast relief, especially in critical conditions.
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Benefits of Injectable Drug Delivery Systems
High Bioavailability: Since the drug is delivered directly into the body, it bypasses the digestive system, preventing any loss of efficacy and ensuring higher bioavailability.
Targeted Treatment: These systems allow for localized delivery, targeting specific areas within the body, which is particularly beneficial in cancer therapies and localized infections.
Rapid Onset of Action: Injectable drugs can provide quick relief in emergency situations, making them indispensable in cases like anaphylaxis, heart attacks, or severe infections.
Controlled Release: Innovations in injectable formulations allow for controlled release, meaning a single injection can offer therapeutic benefits over an extended period. This is particularly useful in the treatment of chronic conditions such as diabetes or arthritis.
Types of Injectable Drug Delivery Systems
Conventional Syringes and Needles: The most common method, suitable for a variety of drugs including vaccines, insulin, and antibiotics.
Prefilled Syringes: Preloaded with medication, they offer increased convenience, safety, and accuracy, reducing the risk of contamination or dosing errors.
Injectable Pens: Commonly used for insulin, injectable pens offer ease of use, portability, and precise dosing, making them ideal for long-term conditions that require regular medication.
Auto-Injectors: Designed for emergency use, auto-injectors like EpiPens administer a predetermined dose of medication and are essential in treating allergic reactions.
Needle-Free Injectors: A newer development, these systems use high-pressure technology to deliver drugs through the skin without needles, reducing pain and the risk of needle-stick injuries.
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Innovations in Injectable Drug Delivery
The injectable drug delivery system market has witnessed groundbreaking innovations aimed at improving patient experience and outcomes. Key trends include:
Biodegradable Implants: These injectables release drugs slowly over time, eliminating the need for multiple doses.
Smart Injections: Equipped with sensors and monitoring technologies, these injectables can record dosage and patient adherence, transmitting data to healthcare providers for real-time monitoring.
Microneedles: Tiny needles that minimize pain while delivering drugs more effectively, often used in vaccination efforts.
Impact on Healthcare
Injectable drug delivery systems have significantly transformed patient care by improving the efficiency and precision of treatments. They are crucial for managing chronic diseases, cancer therapies, and emergency medical interventions. Additionally, advancements in drug delivery technologies are enhancing patient compliance, offering solutions that require fewer injections, or even reducing the need for hospitalization.
Challenges and Future Outlook
While injectable drug delivery systems offer many advantages, they also face challenges such as the need for skilled administration and potential discomfort associated with needle use. However, ongoing research and technological advancements promise to address these issues. The development of needle-free injectors and automated devices is expected to make injectable therapies more patient-friendly, increasing adoption and furthering the reach of modern medicine.
In conclusion, the future of injectable drug delivery systems looks promising, with innovations making treatments more effective, accessible, and comfortable for patients worldwide. As these technologies continue to evolve, they will likely play an even greater role in improving health outcomes across various medical fields.
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tmr-blogs2 · 16 days
Medication Adherence Packaging: Market to Achieve US$ 2 billion by 2034
With the moderate scope of progress, the medication adherence packaging will likely trace an optimistic future progress path to reach USD 2 billion by 2034. The industry was valued at USD 1.1 billion in 2023.
The likelihood of this change in the industry size is moderate and will encompass the development at a CAGR of 5.2%. This forecast will elevate prospects for key players within the industry, fueling market development.
With the rising drug addiction cases among individuals, the need for medication compliance surges. This elevated need further dominates the market, driving the demand for medication adherence packaging.
To mitigate the increasing prevalence of drug abuse and addiction, compliance-prompting packaging methods can be used. This can assist patients in designing appropriate dosage and drug delivery time.
For More Details, Request for a Sample of this Research Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/medication-adherence-packaging-market.html
The necessity of such efforts has been rising due to the alarming side effects of improper medication. As a result, to ensure patients' health and safety, medical assistance must be provided, which can be achieved through this method.
The overall cost is reduced with the use of such methods, which is another vital benefit. As a result, this generates more demand in the healthcare sector, which elevates the market size.
With the growing geriatric population, the demand for drug delivery assistance increases. Recent trends reflect that homecare has been more emphasized, which elevates the scope of the industry.
Technological innovations in the global medication adherence packaging market spur the augmentation of packaging methods. Smart labeling, RFID codes, NFC, and other cutting-edge methods are gaining traction.
Key Findings from the Market Report
The segmentation of the global medication adherence packaging market is based on different criteria. Based on the material type used, the sector can classified into various categories. Due to the versatility of plastics, the demand for the category will likely be the highest among other categories.
The ability of the unit-dose packaging system to eliminate errors is higher compared to other systems. As a result, the demand for such systems will gain more attention than other categories, justifying its market share.
With the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, better real-time verification can be performed by pharmacists. This drives the demand for the category based on the technology used.
Based on the end-user industry, the demand for such packaging solutions will be the highest in hospitals and clinics. Due to the frequent outflow of medicines from hospitals, more packaging solutions will be required.
Regional Profile
The developing healthcare sector in North America will likely generate better lucrative opportunities for the medication adherence market.
The growing geriatric population in the Asia-Pacific region will drive the demand for better medical assistance to older adults. This will drive the market in the said region.
To cater to the rising cases of drug overdose in Europe, appropriate medication must be provided. This factor drives the demand in the region.
Key Players
Garlock an Enpro Industries Inc. Subsidiary
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies
James Walker Group
Dana Limited
Trelleborg Group
Klinger Group
ElringKlinger AG
Key Developments in the Medication Adherence Packaging Market
In January 2023, Enpro completed the divestiture of Enpro Industries, Inc. This move created more market space.
Flexitallic has launched a new gasket range called RIGFLEX RJ and FP range that has an operating temperature range of -200ºC to +260ºC.
Market Segmentation
By Material Type
Paper and Paperboard
Composite Materials
By System
Unit-dose Packaging
Multi-dose Packaging
By Technology
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Near Field Communication (NFC)
Electronic Monitoring Devices
Temperature and Humidity Sensors
By End-use Industry
Hospitals and Clinics
Retail Pharmacies
Long-term Care Facilities
Home Healthcare Settings
Clinical Trials
By Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
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Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyses information.
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The Oral Dosing Cups market is projected to grow from USD 378.76 million in 2024 to USD 524.37 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.15%.The oral dosing cups market is witnessing steady growth due to its increasing use in the medical and pharmaceutical sectors. These small, calibrated cups are designed to measure liquid medications accurately, ensuring precise dosing for patients of all ages, particularly children and the elderly who may have difficulty swallowing pills. The market's expansion is driven by rising healthcare awareness, advancements in drug delivery systems, and an emphasis on safe and accurate medication administration.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/oral-dosing-cups-market
Market Overview
Oral dosing cups are essential tools in clinical settings, pharmacies, and homes. They are commonly used for liquid medications such as syrups, suspensions, and elixirs, providing an easy-to-read measurement system that helps reduce dosing errors. With the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, the demand for oral dosing cups is growing, as they help ensure patients adhere to prescribed dosages, thereby improving treatment outcomes.
The global oral dosing cups market is segmented by material type, capacity, end-user, and region. The most common materials used in manufacturing these cups are plastic, polyethylene, and polypropylene, chosen for their durability, cost-effectiveness, and safety for pharmaceutical use. The cups are available in various capacities, typically ranging from 5 ml to 30 ml, to accommodate different dosing requirements.
Market Drivers
1. Rising Demand for Pediatric and Geriatric Medicines: Children and older adults often require liquid medications due to difficulties swallowing pills. Oral dosing cups provide a convenient way to administer these medications accurately, minimizing the risk of underdosing or overdosing.
2. Emphasis on Accurate Dosing: Dosing accuracy is crucial for the effectiveness of medications, especially for potent drugs with narrow therapeutic ranges. The use of oral dosing cups with clear, precise measurement markings helps ensure correct dosages, improving patient compliance and safety.
3. Growth in Home Healthcare: With the rise of home healthcare services, there is an increasing need for user-friendly medical devices. Oral dosing cups are simple, cost-effective tools that support self-care and medication management at home, reducing the need for frequent hospital visits.
4. Technological Advancements: The market is also benefiting from technological innovations, such as cups with improved readability, enhanced grip, and designs that minimize spillage. Some manufacturers are even exploring the integration of smart features, such as sensors that can detect and record the volume of liquid consumed, providing additional data to healthcare providers.
Challenges in the Market
Despite its growth prospects, the oral dosing cups market faces certain challenges. Environmental concerns over plastic waste have led to increased scrutiny of disposable plastic products. As a result, there is growing demand for eco-friendly and biodegradable alternatives, pushing manufacturers to innovate and develop sustainable options.
Another challenge is the risk of incorrect usage. While oral dosing cups are designed to enhance dosing accuracy, misuse or misinterpretation of the measurement markings can still lead to errors. Educating patients and caregivers on the correct use of these cups is essential to maximize their benefits.
Regional Insights
North America and Europe currently lead the market, driven by high healthcare spending, advanced medical infrastructure, and strong regulatory frameworks ensuring the quality and safety of medical devices. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years, fueled by increasing healthcare awareness, a growing elderly population, and rising incidences of chronic diseases requiring long-term medication.
Key Players and Competitive Landscape
The oral dosing cups market is moderately fragmented, with several key players contributing to its growth. Some of the prominent manufacturers include Comar LLC, Gerresheimer AG, Medi-Dose, Inc., and Berry Global, Inc. These companies are investing in product innovation, expanding their distribution networks, and adopting sustainable practices to gain a competitive edge.
Future Outlook
The future of the oral dosing cups market looks promising, with continued innovation and increasing demand from both developed and developing regions. The focus on patient safety, accurate dosing, and sustainable solutions will shape the market's evolution, making oral dosing cups an indispensable component of modern healthcare.
As the market grows, stakeholders must address environmental concerns, improve user education, and continue to innovate to meet the changing needs of healthcare providers and patients alike. The ongoing advancements in material science and smart technology integration are likely to further enhance the functionality and appeal of oral dosing cups, solidifying their position in the global healthcare landscape.
Key Player Analysis
Medline Industries Inc.
Stiplastics S.A.S
Argo S.A.
Origin Pharma Packaging
Eastman Chemical Company
Gramß GmbH Kunststoffverarbeitung
Yuyao Liantong Plastic & Mould Co. Ltd.
Adelphi Healthcare Packaging
Comar, Inc.
Based on Product Type:
Based on Capacity:
<5 ml
5 ml – 15 ml
15 ml – 25 ml
25 ml
Based on End User:
Retail Pharmacies
Based on the Geography:
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/oral-dosing-cups-market
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