#smile even though you're sad || maelona
nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
“My mom raised a depressed homosexual, not a bitch.”
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“It’s kinda weird. When I woke up I felt like…”
She bites her lip and shrugs. “Well, I always feel like someone, something, is watching over me. But this time it felt like there was… something else, someone else. Besides the usual, I mean. Is that weird? I probably sound crazy.”
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nxtsojoyful · 4 years
Open Double Starter: We’ll Never Fall if We Walk Hand in Hand
Wynn frowns, double checking that his phone had linked to the speaker. Nodding to himself, he hits play on his song, getting an eight count before he starts tapping along, sticking to the beat for the verse.
And of course he’s singing along, it’s Carrie fucking Underwood.
“I should’ve known by the way you passed me by, There was somethin’ in your eyes, and it wasn’t right-- I should’ve walked, but I never had a chance, Everything got out of hand and I let it slide... Now I only have myself to blame, For fallin’ for your stupid games I wish my life could be the way it was before I saw your face!”
And then he lets himself go a little more off with the chorus, playing with his own sound based on the song, having fun riffing off to accent the chorus--
“You stole my happy, you made me cry-- Took the lonely and took me for a ride, And I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it! You had my heart, now, I want it back-- I’m startin’ to see everything you lack! Boy, you blew it, you put me through it-- I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it!”
He continues riffing without singing through the “na, na, na na na-na” bit with a smile on his face, glancing up when the door to the band room opens though he never misses a beat.
Maelona looks at him, cocking her head. He cocks his head back as he continues to play, then jerks his head over, inviting her closer. She approaches slowly and he continues singing along.
“Now your photos don’t have a picture frame, And I never say your name--”
And Maelona joins him, “--and I never will!”
Wynn manages a weak smile at her as they’re both singing now.
“And all your things, well, I threw ‘em in the trash And I’m not even sad! Now you only have yourself to blame, For playin’ all those stupid games, You’re always gonna be the same-- Oh, no, you’ll never change!”
And as he picks back up on his riffing from before, Maelona spins and tosses her hair with the chorus.
“You stole my happy, you made me cry-- Took the lonely and took me for a ride, And I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it! You had my heart, now, I want it back-- I’m startin’ to see everything you lack! Boy, you blew it, you put me through it--”
Maelona leans over the drums in his face, wrinkling her nose at him, and he does it back.
“I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it!”
And while Maelona continues singing, Wynn shuts up to focus more on his riff, smiling and watching his sister sort of sway with the beat.
“You want my future, you can’t have it--” they both sing, shaking their heads in perfect sync. “I’m still trying to erase you from my past-- I need you gone so fast! You stole my happy, you made me cry-- Took the lonely and took me for a ride, And I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it!” Wynn’s riff picks back up. “You had my heart, now I want it back-- I’m startin’ to see everything you lack! Boy, you blew it, you put me through it-- I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it!--”
And while Maelona continues again on the “na na” part, Wynn picks up the outro.
“You stole my happy, you made me cry-- Took the lonely and took me for a ride-- Boy, you blew it, you put me through it--”
And Maelona joins him on the last line.
“I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it!”
As the song ends, Wynn slowly reaches up and pauses his music, smiling a bit, clearing his throat. Maelona slowly turns back to him, the smile, the laugh still on her face... but it starts to slip, not out of sadness, but out of concern, as she looks at him. “I, uh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean--”
“No, no,” he holds up a hand, biting his lip hesitantly and clearing his throat. “Hi, Maelona.”
“...hi, Wynn,” she answers, biting her lip as well.
The twins both look over when the door opens again and Wynn clears his throat, looking down blankly at his phone, and Maelona turns to properly face the new arrival. “Hi!”
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(Song: “Undo It”, Carrie Underwood)
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 9 months
"You should take a moment to appreciate how far you've come."
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"Always remember that some things have to end in order for better things to begin."
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Open Starter: A Shoulder to Cry On (Maelona)
Maelona leans in close to the bathroom mirror, touching up her makeup, seeing someone blur past behind her but thinking nothing of it until she hears the other start crying.
“Everything okay?”
The other grows silent abruptly. Maelona pauses, capping her lipstick. “You don’t have to hide your tears from me, believe me.”
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“Well, first, take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come.”
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
"eavesdrop" (from Pity to Taylor @storystartsanew )
"He makes me feel-- he makes me feel a lot of things, okay?! I don't even know. I'm angry. Always angry, first and foremost--"
"And you have every right to be," Maelona says gently, but Taylor cuts her off.
"Exactly! I have every right to be. He left without a word and just dropped off the face of existence. I have every right to be as angry as I fucking feel. Thinking about him-- thinking about him, I just want to punch his stupid face in!"
"I'm sensing a but," Maelona cocks her head slightly, lowering it to try and meet Taylor's eyes when the other looks away. "Am I right?"
Taylor sighs heavily, pulling on the ends of her hair. "But..."
Maelona nods, reaching up and setting a hand on her arm. "It's okay."
"It's not! Because every time I see him-- fuck, I miss him. And it just hurts. It genuinely kills me to see him, and it-- I don't know, but I'm not angry to see him, Maelona. I'm not. I'm hurt, there's that hurt I thought I was over, but I'm not mad. I want to understand, I-- sometimes I think I still love him. And he's there with that stupid kicked puppy face and I want to go to him, I want to talk to him but I remember I'm supposed to be angry even though I'm not and I just run off instead. I just-- I miss him, Mae. And it hurts and I don't know what to do about it. I don't know if I can do anything about it."
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
Double Open Starter: Beautiful (Audrey/Maelona)
“Hey, that necklace is super pretty,” Audrey remarks of the other girl, stopping her as they’re passing. “Where’d you get that?”
“Oh,” she smiles, a bit shy. “Actually, I made it. Thank you, though.”
“You MADE that?! Oh, my gosh, that’s incredible,” Audrey gushes, holding out her hand to shake the others. “I’m Audrey.”
“Maelona,” the other meets, shaking her hand with a smile. “Thank you, really. It’s just a side hobby anyways.”
“You’re kidding, with that talent?” Audrey’s eyes widen and she shakes her head. “That’s insane, that it’s just a hobby. You have a real gift.”
“Really, you’re too kind,” Maelona waves her off with a laugh.
Audrey scoffs and shakes her head. “Okay, whatever you say. It’s nice to meet you, Maelona.”
“You, too, Audrey,” Maelona smiles shyly, taking note of details in the other’s... huh. “Do you usually just casually carry a bow and arrows wherever you go?”
“Actually...” Audrey pauses with a small chuckle. “Yeah. Yeah, I do, for the most part. Never know when I’m gonna get a call.”
Maelona raises an eyebrow, turning to walk with her properly as the two head on and talk more, bumping into someone, jumping. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
Quadruple Para: Get Out of Here (Taylor/Dahlia/Maelona/Nikki)
Taylor sets down her food and smooths her skirt to sit, smiling at the girls. “I missed this.”
“Me too,” Maelona agrees, nudging Taylor cheerfully. “It’s nice getting to see us all back together.”
“Like, def,” Nikki agrees before sipping her smoothie, setting it down and leaning forward. “How are you guys?”
“Same old me,” Dahlia chuckles, rolling her eyes. “Turn the corner--”
“Turn down another date?” Taylor reaches across the table, squeezing Dahlia’s hand. “I know on principle I don’t like magic and all, but I still think there has to be a way to break your curse.”
“Maybe,” Dahlia shrugs. “I wish I had your faith in things, Tay.”
“Don’t be so defeatist,” Taylor chuckles. “Everything happens for a reason, but sometimes, fighting with fate isn’t the worst option.”
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“Yeah, yeah, like you know fighting fate,” Dahlia snorts. “I have resigned myself to this life. True love can kiss my ass.”
Taylor shakes her head. “We’ll see. How about the rest of you guys?”
“Well, Wynn and I have off and on talked,” Maelona says with a shrug. “It’s about as... better, as it gets, I think.”
“See, that’s good,” Taylor smiles before taking a bite of her food.
“Yeah, like, I knew he wouldn’t stay away from you forever,” Nikki says cheerfully. “Congrats, Maelona!”
“Thanks, Nikki,” Maelona smiles. “How are you doing?”
“Oh, like, things are going well,” Nikki answers cheerfully. “Everything’s great with me, Chad, Mara, and Cassie. As per usual. And then there’s... this girl,” she plays with her hair a bit and bites her lip.
Taylor’s eyes widen and she lights up, swallowing her food. “Spill.”
“If Dahlia’s okay to hear it,” Maelona says gently, setting a hand on Taylor’s arm and glancing to the other.
“Oh, no, yeah, I wanna hear the details,” Dahlia ruffles Nikki’s hair.
“Well, like, we’ve only really hung out a couple times,” she admits, smiling. “But she’s really nice. And she doesn’t... I don’t feel as dumb with her. Y’know? Like, she makes things make sense. Plus her sister’s really cool. Sticks up for me and stuff.”
“Ooh,” Maelona smiles. “I’d say sounds cute, but, you’re faceblind. Sounds nice.”
“That’s true,” Nikki admits with a nod. “You? I think I heard something about you, like, having a girlfriend?”
Maelona blushes. “Oh, Prue,” she giggles and shrugs.
“Let’s not,” Taylor suddenly interrupts, shaking her head. “I... actually think I’m not in the mood for this.”
Maelona’s face falls, but softens, reaching out and taking Taylor’s hand. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Taylor immediately straightens up, wiping her eye and smiling. “Classes. How are classes?”
“Taylor, are you sure you’re good?” Dahlia raises an eyebrow.
“Fine, peachy,” Taylor answers. “Seriously. Classes?”
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Silence sits for a moment before Maelona clears her throat. “I’m having a good time at them. I’m minoring in metalworking and jewelry arts! It’s honestly the time of my life. And sociology isn’t that bad.”
“Amazing. And I’ll bet you’re having the best time with fashion design, huh, Niks?” Taylor glances to the blonde with a smile.
Nikki grins. “It’s really so easy for me. Like I’ve always belonged.”
“Because you have,” Taylor laughs. “I think you’ve been sewing since you could walk.”
Nikki smiles cheerfully, bouncing in place a bit. “Dahls, what’re you doing?”
“Middle school ed,” Dahlia answers. “I don’t know what I expected it to be, but it’s not so bad. Kind of keeps me on my toes.”
“Now that sounds both exactly like you and nothing like you at the same time,” Taylor laughs. “I’m...”
But she trails off, seeing a familiar face pass by, her face falling. What?!
He couldn’t be here, she rubs her eyes, shaking her head... but watches him walk into the dining hall.
“Helloooo? Earth to Taylor?” Dahlia waves her hand in front of her face. “You okay there? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Taylor blinks, looking back at the girls, clearing her throat, pushing her tray away. “I’ve lost my appetite. You guys done?”
“Uh, yeah?” Dahlia frowns. “Taylor--”
“Maelona?” Taylor looks at the redhead, who nods slowly, sharing a look with Dahlia.
“All I have left is my smoothie,” Nikki adds, holding it up. “Tay?”
“I’m fine.” Taylor lies. “Let’s get out of here.”
And she gets up, taking the trays over to the correct place with the others and slipping out the back door, trying to cheer herself up again.
Trying to pretend she hadn’t just seen him.
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
“I’m honestly a bit of an overthinker, so if you don’t give me an answer, I’ll come up with one...”
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
Open Starter: This Sucks (Wynn)
Wynn grumbles and whines at Maelona’s fussing. “Go ‘way. I’ll just get you sick, too, anyways.”
He still accepts the blanket, grumbling when his sister squeaks and jumps back as he starts into a long-winded sneezing fit, sniffling a bit when it’s over and pulling away. “Go awaaaaayyyyy.”
Maelona sighs. “You should go back to your room and rest, stubborn.”
“No.” Wynn whines a bit. “I don’t wanna be cooped up and I got stuff to do.”
Maelona huffs and holds up her hands. “Well, I know that you get pissy like this and you already are mad at me, so I’m going to back off, but you need to go rest, Wynn. I’ll see you later. Or, hopefully, I don’t.”
Wynn sticks his tongue out at his sister as she leaves, grumbling and huffing in annoyance, which sets off a coughing fit and he covers his head with a groan.
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 3 years
Closed Starter: Catching Up (Maelona/Ethan)
It seemed to have been a while since Maelona got to talk to someone in the family, so seeing her cousin sitting outside makes her smile and quickly head to meet him. “Hey, Ethan!”
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 3 years
Double Open Starter: Very Strange (Dex, Maelona)
“So you’re Jet’s girlfriend? I mean, rumor said she had a thing with a princess, but I don’t know, you don’t exactly look like her type.”
Dex leans against the chair beside hers, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. Maelona is doing her homework in the library and her eyebrows furrow in confusion at the other’s words.
“Sorry, I don’t know anyone named Jet.” She shakes her head and looks over. “I think you’ve got me confused for someone else. I’m Maelona.”
Dex raises an eyebrow. “Look, I get she probably asked you to lie so that the rest of us VKs wouldn’t find you, but I’ve seen you with Jet before.”
“And I’m telling you honestly, I don’t know anyone with that name. I believe in honesty, I don’t lie. I really mean it.” Maelona cocks her head, setting her pen down and furrowing her eyebrows. Neither noticing someone else listening to the pair go in circles.
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 3 years
“Is it just me who’s never once in my entire life heard a father sneeze at an acceptable level? Especially my dad, I swear. You’d think he’s trying to be heard in the Southern Isles.”
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 3 years
Tag Dump - Maelona Kristoffsdottir
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