#maelona / open
nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
“My mom raised a depressed homosexual, not a bitch.”
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“It’s kinda weird. When I woke up I felt like…”
She bites her lip and shrugs. “Well, I always feel like someone, something, is watching over me. But this time it felt like there was… something else, someone else. Besides the usual, I mean. Is that weird? I probably sound crazy.”
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nxtsojoyful · 4 years
Open Double Starter: We’ll Never Fall if We Walk Hand in Hand
Wynn frowns, double checking that his phone had linked to the speaker. Nodding to himself, he hits play on his song, getting an eight count before he starts tapping along, sticking to the beat for the verse.
And of course he’s singing along, it’s Carrie fucking Underwood.
“I should’ve known by the way you passed me by, There was somethin’ in your eyes, and it wasn’t right-- I should’ve walked, but I never had a chance, Everything got out of hand and I let it slide... Now I only have myself to blame, For fallin’ for your stupid games I wish my life could be the way it was before I saw your face!”
And then he lets himself go a little more off with the chorus, playing with his own sound based on the song, having fun riffing off to accent the chorus--
“You stole my happy, you made me cry-- Took the lonely and took me for a ride, And I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it! You had my heart, now, I want it back-- I’m startin’ to see everything you lack! Boy, you blew it, you put me through it-- I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it!”
He continues riffing without singing through the “na, na, na na na-na” bit with a smile on his face, glancing up when the door to the band room opens though he never misses a beat.
Maelona looks at him, cocking her head. He cocks his head back as he continues to play, then jerks his head over, inviting her closer. She approaches slowly and he continues singing along.
“Now your photos don’t have a picture frame, And I never say your name--”
And Maelona joins him, “--and I never will!”
Wynn manages a weak smile at her as they’re both singing now.
“And all your things, well, I threw ‘em in the trash And I’m not even sad! Now you only have yourself to blame, For playin’ all those stupid games, You’re always gonna be the same-- Oh, no, you’ll never change!”
And as he picks back up on his riffing from before, Maelona spins and tosses her hair with the chorus.
“You stole my happy, you made me cry-- Took the lonely and took me for a ride, And I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it! You had my heart, now, I want it back-- I’m startin’ to see everything you lack! Boy, you blew it, you put me through it--”
Maelona leans over the drums in his face, wrinkling her nose at him, and he does it back.
“I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it!”
And while Maelona continues singing, Wynn shuts up to focus more on his riff, smiling and watching his sister sort of sway with the beat.
“You want my future, you can’t have it--” they both sing, shaking their heads in perfect sync. “I’m still trying to erase you from my past-- I need you gone so fast! You stole my happy, you made me cry-- Took the lonely and took me for a ride, And I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it!” Wynn’s riff picks back up. “You had my heart, now I want it back-- I’m startin’ to see everything you lack! Boy, you blew it, you put me through it-- I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it!--”
And while Maelona continues again on the “na na” part, Wynn picks up the outro.
“You stole my happy, you made me cry-- Took the lonely and took me for a ride-- Boy, you blew it, you put me through it--”
And Maelona joins him on the last line.
“I wanna uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-undo it!”
As the song ends, Wynn slowly reaches up and pauses his music, smiling a bit, clearing his throat. Maelona slowly turns back to him, the smile, the laugh still on her face... but it starts to slip, not out of sadness, but out of concern, as she looks at him. “I, uh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean--”
“No, no,” he holds up a hand, biting his lip hesitantly and clearing his throat. “Hi, Maelona.”
“...hi, Wynn,” she answers, biting her lip as well.
The twins both look over when the door opens again and Wynn clears his throat, looking down blankly at his phone, and Maelona turns to properly face the new arrival. “Hi!”
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(Song: “Undo It”, Carrie Underwood)
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thcncxtrightthing · 4 years
Open Starter: Step Into the Sun
Maelona takes a deep breath and sets her shoulders, holding her head up before heading out of the office and going to settle into the dorm. She has a lot to do and a lot to catch up on.
First off, though... she stops another student shyly. “Excuse me. You wouldn’t happen to know where a boy named Wynn might be, would you?”
They’d parted on bad terms before he’d come here. She wanted to talk to him.
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druidx · 4 years
Broken Promises (pt2)
Context: Modryn Oryen (or 'Figher's Guild dad', as I think of him) needs more love. Set way after the game has been “completed”, and the HoK runs nearly every corner of Cyrodiil. Inspired by a bunch of Whump prompts that I didn’t save and now can’t find :( For more context, see my whine about this fic.
Warnings: Torture, slavery mentions, grief, self-hate, moderate swearing (cannon curses; no f-bombs), disassociation
Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 : Part 5
"Hey, Azzan," I greeted the Redguard as I walked into the Anvil Chapter house. "Hey Boss," he called back, lowering his great axe from where he'd been practising against a training dummy. "Who's your friend?" he added, nodding to the Redguard who followed me in. "This is Maelona," I said. "Hi," she said, raising a hand. I gestured between them. "Maelona, this is Azzan, Fighter's guild trainer. Az,' tell me Burz got here already?" "Yeah. The big lout's in the dining hall, polishing off a dozen sweet rolls. He's kinda pissed at you, you know?" "I'm sure he is," I said. I walked over to the counter, throwing Azzan his shirt. "And I'm sure you're not too happy at me, either. Put that on, we've got things to discuss." He pulled the shirt over his head as I stalked towards the stairs up. "You wanna tell me what's going on, Boss?" he asked, following on, looking between me and Maelona. "Once we're in your office, sure," I retorted, and started up the stairs.
"Burz, you ugly son of a dretch," I greeted the orc as we came into the dining hall. It was late evening and some of the other guild members taking dinner looked up, startled. "There you are, meat," Burz growled out, standing. "Good of you to finally join us!" He came out from behind the table. We clasped forearms, and he pulled me into a great hug, a huge smile on his face. "Nice to see you didn't get crushed by that Dagon fellow," he said, letting me out of the embrace. "Though it might have improved your looks some." I gave him a friendly punch on the arm. "And wind up with a mashed potato face like you? No thanks." The big orc roared with laughter, causing some of our newer members to flinch in fear. "Hey Boss, have you eaten?" Azzan asked, already piling cheese and bread on a plate. I hadn't, but the worry gnawing at my guts had robbed me of any appetite. I started to shake my head, but my stomach had other ideas, letting out a ferocious growl. Maelona raised an eyebrow at me, then turned to the table. "Here, let me help you with that," she said to Azzan, grabbing another plate and piling it with food. "I haven't eaten yet either, and I haven't just ridden in from Gods-knows-where." She glanced back at me with a pointed look. "Got dragged over by this one just before dinner." "So what's this about, Boss?" Burz asked. "I get hauled down here without so much as a by-your-leave, some punk-ass Khajiit telling me I'd been summoned to this urgent meeting." I shook my head. "Upstairs. I'll explain everything once we're behind closed doors." I turned and walked towards the stairs that lead up to Azzan's office. I paused halfway up, looking back at the two chapter heads as they shared worried glances with Maelona and each other, the weight of my statement settling over the previous mirth like a fire blanket.
I paced as I waited for them in Azzan's office. Part of the reason I'd chosen to have our meeting here and not one of the other chapter houses was his office. My office in Chorrol was open to anyone overhearing our conversation, and Burz didn't have one at all, doing his paperwork on the Cheydihal chapter's dinner table. I didn't want our guildmates to worry, I wanted to have this conversation in privacy. Plus, Mealona was good people, and I trusted her to be my independent third on this. Soon enough they all entered. Azzan slipped behind his desk, while Burz and Mealona sat on the bench beside it. A plate was shoved into my hands. "Eat," Burz said, his expression one of fierce protectiveness. I looked down, wondering if I could just put it on Azzan's desk and conveniently forget it, but they'd already sliced soft cheese onto the bread, already cut the apple into wedges. Easy finger food. Burz's glare deepened. I picked up an apple wedge, biting into it with spite. He nodded, settling back. "Maelona," I said. "You've met Azzan already, but this," I waved at the orc, "is Burz gro-Khash. He heads up the Fighter's chapter house in Cheydinhal. Gentlemen, this is Maelona of the Anvil City Watch. She and I worked together on an undercover op earlier this year." "If this is Fighter's Guild business, then what's she doing here," Burz asked. "Because she's a trusted neutral third party," I said, and took another bite of the apple, chewing to give myself thinking time. "She's here to witness what's said here today." Azzan sat back. "You're starting to worry me now, Boss," he said. "Does this have something to do with the lack of cantankerous Dunmer in the room?" I looked at the floor. "Yes." I slid the plate into the desk, and from my pocket fished out two notes, both grubby and stained. I'd called into Benirus Manor before I'd picked up Maelona. The same note had been sitting there, on the mat, waiting for me. "Modryn Oreyn has been kidnapped," I told them. I handed one note to Azzan, the other to Burz, Maelona peering over the orc's shoulder, and started pacing. "I received that note yesterday, at the University. There was another waiting for me at the Manor. These people did everything in their power to make sure that reached me." "Is this some kind of joke?" Maelona asked, looking up at me. "From what I've heard Oreyn is one of your best fighters." "I wish it was. No idea how he managed to get snatched – I can only assume poisons were involved." "Because you'd know about that, wouldn't you boss?" Burz muttered. I ignored him, and continued, "I called into Chorrol on my way here, just to double-check. The porter said Modryn went out for a walk in the forest a few days back and hadn't been seen in the chapter house since. I told the porter not to worry, then checked Modryn's house too. The door was locked, and there was milk on its way to becoming cheese, so he hadn't been home either." "But, you guys got rid of the Blackwood company?" Maelona persisted. "Right?" "Seems we missed a few, eh, Boss?" Azzan said. "Aye. It does," I agreed. "I killed everyone in that building, burned their damned Hist tree. But they musta had some folk out on jobs." My fists clenched reflexively, remembering that fight, the anger at what they'd had me do. "So why'd you come here, and bring gro-Khash all the way with you?" Maelona asked, shaking her head. "Doesn't make sense." "Because she's planning on following their order," Azzan said, his arms folded, watching me intently, disapproval clear on his face. "Boss," Burz said, alarmed, "you gotta know it's a trap?" "Of course it's a trap!" I slammed my hands down on Azzan's desk. "But what'm I s'posed to do, just leave him there to die?" I turned on my heel, stalking away a few steps, and back again. "After everything he's done for us, for me, for the guild. I will not abandon him! Yes, he's a cantankerous old bastard. But he's our cantankerous old bastard, and he is coming home." I stopped in the middle of the floor, fingers flexing, trying to regain control of myself. "That's why I brought you all here," I continued, calmer. "Maelona, please bear witness to my words. If I don't make it back- Shut up!" I snarled as Burz started to speak. "If I do not make it back, then I name Modryn Oreyn my successor. If neither of us makes it back, then I name Azzan the new Guild Master. Burz, I'm sorry. I know you're the better fighter, but Azzan is more charismatic, and the Guild is going to need a good leader if this all goes sideways." "Well, I'm honoured, Boss," Azzan nodded. "But you're not stepping down so lightly. This isn't the only reason why we're here, is it?" "No," I said. I took a few deep breaths, trying to lower my heartbeat and think like a leader instead of a panicking fool. "I'd quite like to make it out of this alive. Which is why, Burz, you're going to be my back-up plan." A slow smile spread around that big green face. "Now we're talking. What's the plan then, Boss?"
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 9 months
"You should take a moment to appreciate how far you've come."
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"Always remember that some things have to end in order for better things to begin."
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Open Starter: A Shoulder to Cry On (Maelona)
Maelona leans in close to the bathroom mirror, touching up her makeup, seeing someone blur past behind her but thinking nothing of it until she hears the other start crying.
“Everything okay?”
The other grows silent abruptly. Maelona pauses, capping her lipstick. “You don’t have to hide your tears from me, believe me.”
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“Well, first, take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come.”
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“Honestly, I think I had a better social life when I was like 8 years old than I do now.”
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thcncxtrightthing · 4 years
Open Starter: Beading
Maelona hums softly to herself as she adds the hook to the second earring in the pair, holding them both up in the light and seeing how they look. They’re kind of simple, just a teardrop shape with some sparkly, tiny beads at the bottom, but she likes them all the same.
She looks up from them when she sees someone approaching. “Oh, sorry, here, let me--” She quickly moves to put her stuff together a bit and make more space at the table.
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thcncxtrightthing · 4 years
Open Starter: Not Again
Maelona smiles as she rushes to meet her parents, hugging them both tightly. “I’m so glad you could make it. I hope it was a smooth trip.”
Kristoff envelopes her in a hug while her mother smiles. “It was absolutely fine. Where’s your brother?”
“What?” Maelona turns back and sighs. “Oh, uh oh. He was with me.”
They all three share a knowing look and Anna sighs. “Let’s go find him.”
As they start back in the direction Maelona came from, Kristoff begins stopping people. “Excuse me, have you seen a boy with red hair, about her height--” he points to Maelona, “--probably in a black hoodie, go running off?”
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thcncxtrightthing · 4 years
“Uh, excuse me? I’m gonna be worried, and I’m gonna care, who do you think I am?”
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thcncxtrightthing · 4 years
Tag Dump
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
Double Open Starter: Beautiful (Audrey/Maelona)
“Hey, that necklace is super pretty,” Audrey remarks of the other girl, stopping her as they’re passing. “Where’d you get that?”
“Oh,” she smiles, a bit shy. “Actually, I made it. Thank you, though.”
“You MADE that?! Oh, my gosh, that’s incredible,” Audrey gushes, holding out her hand to shake the others. “I’m Audrey.”
“Maelona,” the other meets, shaking her hand with a smile. “Thank you, really. It’s just a side hobby anyways.”
“You’re kidding, with that talent?” Audrey’s eyes widen and she shakes her head. “That’s insane, that it’s just a hobby. You have a real gift.”
“Really, you’re too kind,” Maelona waves her off with a laugh.
Audrey scoffs and shakes her head. “Okay, whatever you say. It’s nice to meet you, Maelona.”
“You, too, Audrey,” Maelona smiles shyly, taking note of details in the other’s... huh. “Do you usually just casually carry a bow and arrows wherever you go?”
“Actually...” Audrey pauses with a small chuckle. “Yeah. Yeah, I do, for the most part. Never know when I’m gonna get a call.”
Maelona raises an eyebrow, turning to walk with her properly as the two head on and talk more, bumping into someone, jumping. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
“I’m honestly a bit of an overthinker, so if you don’t give me an answer, I’ll come up with one...”
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