#smo tricks
woosh-floosh · 9 months
My other grip with the MK8DX Booster Pass is that there is NO Super Mario Odyssey inspired tracks, characters, or karts!
There should be a track based on every kingdom, there should be kart bodies based on the Odyssey, Jaxi, Mechawiggler, and Sherm. They should let me play as Cappy, Glydon, a New Donker, one of those snail guys, a Tostarenans, Talkatoo, one of the fork men, one of the robots from the wooded kingdom, a Shiverian, a Pokio, an Uproot, a Tropical Wiggler. They should let me play as the little UFO that looks like Torkdrift and acts like a bird in the Moon Kingdom.
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This is my dream.
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liveblack · 1 month
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simple-seo-tips · 2 years
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/08/02 Llegamos a la plaza principal de la ciudad, que tiene muchos edificios muy bonitos y con muchos adornos tanto en las fachadas como en lo alto. El lugar principal es el ayuntamiento. Tuvimos que utilizar un truco de la cámara para poder recoger toda la extensión del lugar.
We arrived at the main square of the city, which has many very beautiful buildings with many decorations both on the facades and on the top. The main place is the town hall. We had to use a camera trick to be able to capture the entire extent of the place.
Google Translation into French: Nous sommes arrivés sur la place principale de la ville, qui possède de nombreux très beaux bâtiments avec de nombreuses décorations tant sur les façades que sur le dessus. Le lieu principal est la mairie. Nous avons dû utiliser un truc de caméra pour pouvoir capturer toute l’étendue du lieu.
Google translation into Italian: Siamo arrivati ​​alla piazza principale della città, che presenta tanti edifici molto belli con tante decorazioni sia sulle facciate che in alto. La sede principale è il municipio. Abbiamo dovuto usare un trucco fotografico per riuscire a catturare l'intera estensione del luogo.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Chegamos à praça principal da cidade, que possui muitos prédios muito bonitos e com muitas decorações tanto nas fachadas quanto no topo. O local principal é a prefeitura. Tivemos que usar um truque de câmera para conseguir capturar toda a extensão do local.
Google Translation into German: Wir kamen am Hauptplatz der Stadt an, der viele sehr schöne Gebäude mit vielen Verzierungen sowohl an den Fassaden als auch auf dem Dach hat. Der Hauptstandort ist das Rathaus. Wir mussten einen Kameratrick anwenden, um das gesamte Ausmaß des Ortes einfangen zu können.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Mbërritëm në sheshin kryesor të qytetit, i cili ka shumë ndërtesa shumë të bukura me shumë dekorime si në fasada ashtu edhe në çati. Vendndodhja kryesore është bashkia. Na u desh të përdornim një truk me kamerë për të kapur shtrirjen e plotë të vendit.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հասանք քաղաքի գլխավոր հրապարակ, որն ունի շատ գեղեցիկ շինություններ՝ բազմաթիվ դեկորացիաներով և՛ ճակատների, և՛ տանիքի վրա։ Հիմնական վայրը քաղաքապետարանն է։ Մենք պետք է օգտագործեինք տեսախցիկի հնարք, որպեսզի ֆիքսենք այդ վայրը:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Стигнахме до централния площад на града, който има много много красиви сгради с много декорации както по фасадите, така и по покрива. Основното място е кметството. Трябваше да използваме трик с камера, за да заснемем цялата площ на мястото.
Google Translation into Czech: Dorazili jsme na hlavní náměstí města, které má mnoho velmi krásných budov se spoustou dekorací jak na fasádách, tak na střeše. Hlavním sídlem je radnice. Museli jsme použít kamerový trik, abychom zachytili celý rozsah místa.
Google Translation into Croatian: Stigli smo na glavni gradski trg koji ima mnogo vrlo lijepih zgrada s puno ukrasa kako na pročeljima tako i na krovovima. Glavna lokacija je gradska vijećnica. Morali smo upotrijebiti trik s kamerom kako bismo snimili cijelo mjesto.
Google Translation into Danish Vi ankom til hovedtorvet i byen, som har mange meget smukke bygninger med masser af dekorationer både på facaderne og på taget. Hovedstedet er rådhuset. Vi var nødt til at bruge et kameratrick for at fange stedets fulde omfang.
Google Translation into Slovak: Prišli sme na hlavné námestie mesta, ktoré má veľa veľmi krásnych budov s množstvom dekorácií na fasádach aj na streche. Hlavným sídlom je radnica. Museli sme použiť kamerový trik, aby sme zachytili celý rozsah miesta.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Prispeli smo na glavni trg mesta, ki ima veliko zelo lepih zgradb z veliko okrasja tako na fasadah kot na strehah. Glavna lokacija je mestna hiša. Morali smo uporabiti trik s kamero, da smo ujeli celoten obseg kraja.
Google Translation into Estonian: Jõudsime linna peaväljakule, kus on palju väga ilusaid hooneid, millel on palju kaunistusi nii fassaadidel kui ka katusel. Peamine asukoht on raekoda. Koha täieliku ulatuse jäädvustamiseks pidime kasutama kaameratrikki.
Google Translation into Suomi: Saavuimme kaupungin pääaukiolle, jossa on monia erittäin kauniita rakennuksia, joissa on paljon koristeita sekä julkisivuissa että katolla. Pääpaikka on kaupungintalo. Meidän piti käyttää kameratemppua vangitaksemme paikan koko laajuuden.
Google Translation into Georgian: მივედით ქალაქის მთავარ მოედანზე, რომელსაც აქვს ბევრი ძალიან ლამაზი შენობა, უამრავი დეკორაციებით, როგორც ფასადებზე, ასევე სახურავზე. მთავარი ლოკაცია მერია. ჩვენ უნდა გამოგვეყენებინა კამერის ხრიკი, რომ აღებეჭდა ადგილის სრული მოცულობა.
Google Translation into Greek: Φτάσαμε στην κεντρική πλατεία της πόλης, που έχει πολλά πολύ όμορφα κτίρια με πολλά διακοσμητικά τόσο στις προσόψεις όσο και στην οροφή. Η κύρια τοποθεσία είναι το δημαρχείο. Χρειάστηκε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε ένα τέχνασμα κάμερας για να καταγράψουμε την πλήρη έκταση του τόπου.
Google Translation into Hungarian: Megérkeztünk a város főterére, ahol sok nagyon szép épület van, rengeteg díszítéssel mind a homlokzaton, mind a tetőn. A fő helyszín a városháza. Kameratrükköt kellett alkalmaznunk, hogy megörökítsük a hely teljes kiterjedését.
Google Translation into Latvian: Nonācām pilsētas galvenajā laukumā, kurā ir daudz ļoti skaistu ēku ar daudzām dekorācijām gan uz fasādēm, gan uz jumta. Galvenā atrašanās vieta ir rātsnams. Mums bija jāizmanto kameras triks, lai iemūžinātu visu vietu.
Google Translation into Dutch: We kwamen aan op het centrale plein van de stad, waar veel prachtige gebouwen staan ​​met veel versieringen zowel op de gevels als op het dak. De hoofdlocatie is het gemeentehuis. We moesten een cameratruc gebruiken om de volledige omvang van de plek vast te leggen.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi kom til hovedtorget i byen, som har mange veldig vakre bygninger med masse dekorasjoner både på fasadene og på taket. Hovedstedet er rådhuset. Vi måtte bruke et kameratriks for å fange hele omfanget av stedet.
Google Translation into Polish: Dotarliśmy do głównego placu miasta, na którym znajduje się wiele bardzo pięknych budynków z mnóstwem dekoracji zarówno na fasadach, jak i na dachu. Główną lokalizacją jest ratusz. Aby uchwycić cały obszar tego miejsca, musieliśmy użyć sztuczki z kamerą.
Google Translation into Romanian: Am ajuns in piata principala a orasului, care are multe cladiri foarte frumoase cu multe decoratiuni atat pe fatade cat si pe acoperis. Locația principală este primăria. A trebuit să folosim un truc cu camera pentru a surprinde întreaga întindere a locului.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы прибыли на главную площадь города, на которой много очень красивых зданий с множеством украшений как на фасадах, так и на крышах. Основное место – ратуша. Нам пришлось использовать трюк с камерой, чтобы запечатлеть это место полностью.
Google Translation into Serbian: Стигли смо на главни градски трг, који има много веома лепих зграда са пуно украса како на фасадама тако и на крову. Главна локација је градска вијећница. Морали смо да употребимо трик са камером да снимимо пуну величину места.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi kom fram till stadens stora torg som har många väldigt vackra byggnader med massor av dekorationer både på fasaderna och på taket. Huvudplatsen är stadshuset. Vi var tvungna att använda ett kameratrick för att fånga hela omfattningen av platsen.
Google Translation into Turkish: Hem cepheleri hem de çatıları çok sayıda süslemeli, çok güzel binaların bulunduğu şehrin ana meydanına ulaştık. Ana yer belediye binasıdır. Mekanın tamamını yakalamak için kamera hilesi kullanmak zorunda kaldık.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми приїхали на головну площу міста, де багато дуже красивих будівель з безліччю прикрас як на фасадах, так і на даху. Основна локація – ратуша. Нам довелося застосувати трюк з камерою, щоб зафіксувати все це місце.
Google Translation into Arabic: وصلنا إلى الساحة الرئيسية للمدينة، والتي تضم العديد من المباني الجميلة جدًا مع الكثير من الزخارف على الواجهات وعلى الأسطح. الموقع الرئيسي هو قاعة المدينة. كان علينا استخدام خدعة الكاميرا لالتقاط النطاق الكامل للمكان.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা শহরের প্রধান চত্বরে পৌঁছেছি, যেটির সামনের দিকে এবং ছাদে অনেকগুলি সজ্জা সহ অনেকগুলি খুব সুন্দর ভবন রয়েছে। প্রধান অবস্থান টাউন হল. জায়গাটির সম্পূর্ণ ব্যাপ্তি ক্যাপচার করতে আমাদের একটি ক্যামেরা কৌশল ব্যবহার করতে হয়েছিল।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我们到达了城市的主广场,那里有许多非常漂亮的建筑,外墙和屋顶上都有很多装饰。 主要地点是市政厅。 我们必须使用相机技巧来捕捉这个地方的全貌。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 도시의 중앙 광장에 도착했습니다. 이곳에는 정면과 지붕 모두에 많은 장식이 있는 매우 아름다운 건물이 많이 있습니다. 주요 장소는 시청이다. 우리는 장소 전체를 포착하기 위해 카메라 트릭을 사용해야 했습니다.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Ua hōʻea mākou i ke kahua nui o ke kūlanakauhale, nona nā hale nani loa me ka nui o nā mea hoʻonaninani ma nā alo a ma luna o ka hale. ʻO ka wahi nui ka hale kaona. Pono mākou e hoʻohana i kahi kiʻi paʻi kiʻi e kiʻi i ka nui o ka wahi.
Google Translation into Hebrew: הגענו לכיכר המרכזית של העיר, שיש בה הרבה מבנים מאוד יפים עם הרבה עיטורים גם על החזיתות וגם על הגג. המיקום המרכזי הוא בית העירייה. היינו צריכים להשתמש בטריק מצלמה כדי לתפוס את מלוא ההיקף של המקום.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम शहर के मुख्य चौराहे पर पहुँचे, जिसके सामने और छत दोनों पर बहुत सारी सजावट के साथ कई बेहद खूबसूरत इमारतें हैं। मुख्य स्थान टाउन हॉल है। जगह का पूरा दृश्य कैद करने के लिए हमें कैमरा ट्रिक का उपयोग करना पड़ा।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami sampai di alun-alun utama kota yang memiliki banyak bangunan yang sangat indah dengan banyak dekorasi baik pada fasad maupun atapnya. Lokasi utamanya adalah balai kota. Kami harus menggunakan trik kamera untuk menangkap keseluruhan tempat tersebut.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私たちは街の中央広場に到着しました。そこには、ファサードと屋根の両方にたくさんの装飾が施された非常に美しい建物がたくさんあります。 主な場所は市庁舎です。 その場所の全容を捉えるには、カメラのトリックを使用する必要がありました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Биз шаардын башкы аянтына келдик, анын фасадында да, чатырында да кооздолгон көптөгөн кооз имараттар бар. Негизги жайгашкан жери мэриянын имараты. Биз ал жерди толук тартуу үчүн камера трюкун колдонууга туура келди.
Google Translation into Malayalam: ഞങ്ങൾ നഗരത്തിന്റെ പ്രധാന സ്ക്വയറിൽ എത്തി, മുൻഭാഗങ്ങളിലും മേൽക്കൂരയിലും ധാരാളം അലങ്കാരങ്ങളുള്ള വളരെ മനോഹരമായ നിരവധി കെട്ടിടങ്ങളുണ്ട്. ടൗൺ ഹാൾ ആണ് പ്രധാന ലൊക്കേഷൻ. സ്ഥലത്തിന്റെ മുഴുവൻ വ്യാപ്തിയും പകർത്താൻ ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് ഒരു ക്യാമറ ട്രിക്ക് ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ടി വന്നു.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami tiba di dataran utama bandar, yang mempunyai banyak bangunan yang sangat cantik dengan banyak hiasan baik di bahagian muka bangunan mahupun di atas bumbung. Lokasi utama ialah dewan bandar. Kami terpaksa menggunakan helah kamera untuk menangkap keseluruhan tempat itu.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Гадна талдаа ч, дээвэр дээрээ ч маш олон чимэглэлтэй, маш үзэсгэлэнтэй барилгууд бүхий хотын төв талбайд ирлээ. Гол байршил нь хотын захиргаа юм. Бид тухайн газрыг бүрэн хэмжээгээр нь авахын тулд камерын заль мэхийг ашиглах хэрэгтэй болсон.
Google Translation into Nepali: हामी सहरको मुख्य चोकमा आइपुग्यौं, जहाँ अनुहार र छतमा धेरै सजावट भएका धेरै सुन्दर भवनहरू छन्। मुख्य स्थान टाउन हल हो। हामीले ठाउँको पूर्ण सीमा कैद गर्न क्यामेरा ट्रिक प्रयोग गर्नुपर्‍यो।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦੇ ਮੁੱਖ ਚੌਂਕ 'ਤੇ ਪਹੁੰਚ ਗਏ, ਜਿਸ ਦੇ ਅਗਲੇ ਪਾਸੇ ਅਤੇ ਛੱਤ 'ਤੇ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਸਜਾਵਟ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਇਮਾਰਤਾਂ ਹਨ। ਮੁੱਖ ਸਥਾਨ ਟਾਊਨ ਹਾਲ ਹੈ. ਸਾਨੂੰ ਜਗ੍ਹਾ ਦੀ ਪੂਰੀ ਸੀਮਾ ਨੂੰ ਕੈਪਚਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੈਮਰੇ ਦੀ ਚਾਲ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਨੀ ਪਈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ د ښار مرکزي چوک ته ورسیدو، چې په مخ او بام دواړو کې ډیرې ښکلې ودانۍ لري. اصلي ځای د ښاروالۍ دی. موږ باید د ځای بشپړ حد نیولو لپاره د کیمرې چل وکاروو.
Google Translation into Persian: به میدان اصلی شهر رسیدیم که دارای ساختمان های بسیار زیبا با تزئینات فراوان هم در نما و هم در پشت بام است. محل اصلی تالار شهر است. ما مجبور شدیم از یک ترفند دوربین استفاده کنیم تا از وسعت کامل مکان عکس بگیریم.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Kami dugi ka alun-alun utama kota, anu ngagaduhan seueur gedong anu éndah kalayan seueur hiasan boh dina facades sareng dina hateupna. Lokasi utama nyaéta balai kota. Urang kedah nganggo trik kaméra pikeun nyandak tempat anu lengkep.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Nakarating kami sa pangunahing plaza ng lungsod, kung saan maraming napakagandang gusali na may maraming dekorasyon kapwa sa mga harapan at sa bubong. Ang pangunahing lokasyon ay ang town hall. Kinailangan naming gumamit ng trick ng camera para makuha ang buong lawak ng lugar.
Google Translation into Telugu: మేము నగరం యొక్క ప్రధాన కూడలికి చేరుకున్నాము, ఇది ముఖభాగాలపై మరియు పైకప్పుపై చాలా అలంకరణలతో చాలా అందమైన భవనాలను కలిగి ఉం���ి. ప్రధాన ప్రదేశం టౌన్ హాల్. స్థలం యొక్క పూర్తి స్థాయిని క్యాప్చర్ చేయడానికి మేము కెమెరా ట్రిక్‌ని ఉపయోగించాల్సి వచ్చింది.
Google Translation into Thai: เรามาถึงจัตุรัสหลักของเมืองซึ่งมีอาคารสวยงามมากมายพร้อมการตกแต่งมากมายทั้งด้านหน้าอาคารและบนหลังคา สถานที่หลักคือศาลากลาง เราต้องใช้กลอุบายของกล้องเพื่อจับภาพสถานที่ได้ทั้งหมด
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم شہر کے مرکزی چوک پر پہنچے جہاں بہت سی خوبصورت عمارتیں ہیں جن کے اگلے حصے اور چھت دونوں پر بہت سی سجاوٹ ہے۔ مرکزی مقام ٹاؤن ہال ہے۔ ہمیں جگہ کی مکمل حد تک قبضہ کرنے کے لئے کیمرے کی چال استعمال کرنا پڑی۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Biz shaharning bosh maydoniga yetib keldik, uning ko'plab go'zal binolari bor, fasadlari ham, tomi ham juda ko'p bezaklarga ega. Asosiy joylashuvi - shahar hokimiyati. Biz joyni to‘liq suratga olish uchun kamera nayrangidan foydalanishga majbur bo‘ldik.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Chúng tôi đến quảng trường chính của thành phố, nơi có nhiều tòa nhà rất đẹp với nhiều đồ trang trí cả mặt tiền lẫn trên mái nhà. Địa điểm chính là tòa thị chính. Chúng tôi đã phải sử dụng thủ thuật máy ảnh để chụp được toàn bộ khung cảnh của nơi này.
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cbsdigital · 2 months
Unlock Digital Success with JustBaazaar
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, achieving success requires more than just a basic understanding of technology—it demands expert knowledge and strategic insight. At JustBaazaar, we are committed to equipping you with the tools and strategies needed to excel in the digital world. Our "Digital Success" section is designed to empower you with the latest trends, strategies, and insights that drive digital growth.
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Whether you're a business owner, a marketer, or someone interested in digital success, the "Digital Success" section at JustBaazaar is your go-to resource for unlocking the potential of digital marketing. Follow us to stay informed and take the next step towards achieving your digital goals.
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Visit JustBaazaar today and start exploring our "Digital Success" section to elevate your digital strategy and achieve remarkable results.
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allproassemble · 3 months
Complete Guide to Installing Kitchen Cabinets
Ready to revamp your kitchen? Check out our newest article, 'Complete Guide to Installing Kitchen Cabinets: Tips & Tricks for a Seamless Upgrade,' designed to assist you every step of the way! From selecting the perfect cabinets to adding the finishing touches, we've got all the expert guidance you need. Learn about essential tools & materials, the step-by-step installation process, pro tips for a flawless finish, and common pitfalls to avoid. Whether you're a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a newbie renovator, take your kitchen to the next level with our comprehensive guide. Click the link in our bio to dive in!
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tareshkumarsahu · 5 months
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here are some quick tips and tricks for social media optimization (SMO): Consistent Branding: Maintain consistent branding across all social media platforms to create a cohesive brand identity. Engaging Content: Create and share engaging content that resonates with your target audience to encourage interaction and sharing. Optimize Profiles: Optimize your social media profiles with relevant keywords, a compelling bio, and high-quality images to improve visibility and attract followers. Use Hashtags Wisely: Use relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your posts and reach a wider audience. Visual Content: Incorporate visually appealing content such as images, videos, and infographics to capture attention and increase engagement. Schedule Posts: Use scheduling tools to plan and schedule posts in advance to maintain a consistent posting schedule and save time. Monitor Analytics: Regularly monitor analytics to track the performance of your social media efforts and make data-driven decisions for optimization. Interact with Followers: Engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and mentions to build relationships and foster community engagement. Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers or industry experts to amplify your reach and credibility within your niche. Stay Updated: Stay updated with the latest social media trends and algorithm changes to adapt your strategy accordingly and stay ahead of the competition. #smo #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #raipurians #paramwebinfo #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketinginraipur #paramsirraipur
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Super Mario Odyssey (2017) Review
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I wrote this review in January of 2023. But it's a good starter to put out here!
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Just finished the main game of SMO (I still have the challenges and all the different moons available after you finish the game for the first time.) It’s a game I am absolutely conflicted about. So I have to break my review into sub-points.
1) Story
Honestly the story of SMO is probably my most favourite one from a Mario game. I still love Sunshine to the bottom of my heart, but this story is just so clever and funny.
Basically, princess Peach has been kidnapped again and you have to save her. But this time, you have to save her from a wedding with Bowser. And that’s genius.
Also, I love how the story progresses with Bowser going through different kingdoms in search of the wedding necessities, like getting a cake, getting a soup, a bouquet of flowers etc. Basically you are tailing him through his wedding preparations and it’s honestly so clever and funny that I can’t but love this part.|| Not to mention that at the end *(Spoiler for the absolute finale, but like... it's a game from 2017)* You interrupt the wedding he has with Peach on the moon and you have to beat Bowser, you both fight in those fancy white wedding suits which just makes the fight fancy as hell and it ends with the best possible joke of Peach just friendzoning both of them when they are absolutely annoying with fighting over her.
The whole ending of the game is story-wise an absolute masterpiece and I was laughing on the absurdity and pure comedy of it the whole time.
2) Gameplay
Here my first gripes comes tho. As many stated, Mario Odyssey has absolutely insane level of movement. The amount of tricks Mario can perform is stunning. BUT. Together with that comes quite a steep learning curve to know all of it.
Most of the stuff is really needed just if you want to 100% the game or if you are a speedrunner, but it’s still something that is quite delicate and precise if you want to learn it and I don’t know how to feel about it. While playing the game, you are often restricted from using those fancy tricks as you need to use the captures – new mechanic of SMO, where you throw your companion Cappy onto something, and you can control it – and those captures have their own unique moves. While it can be fun to play as bullet bill to smash through some walls, or to play as a hammer brother who instead of hammers now throws pans to get through blocks of cheese, it can get quite annoying in the later parts as those captures don’t have as precise movement as Mario.
A fine addition to the gameplay are 2D challenges. Often you can find a pixelated green tube in the world, which transports you to a classic Mario 2D world where you have to complete some challenge to get a moon. It’s fun most of the times as those levels are unique and often they are integrated in the world itself. (For example rocks fall from the wall and reveal the level being hidden on a side of the cliff you were parkouring around) It’s also a fun break from the chaotic precision of the 3D world you play in. The level design compliments this with presenting you with challenges to use the whole potential of Cappy. I can’t say something would fall flat here, but honestly thanks to the captures, even the fun sandbox adventure that Mario Odyssey is can be **EXTREMELY** frustrating. And the moments when you enjoy the hell out of it and when you want to rage-quit the game can shift between each other at record speed.
3) Locations
When I bit into the theme of level design, I can get to locations, which is probably where Odyssey shines and falls the most.
Some of the kingdoms are absolutely gorgeous, fun to go through, and they present a fair amount of challenge and chill exploration. While others are the Anor Londo of this game. Bullshit of a level design combined with absolutely awful precision challenges that just makes you want to rip your hair out of your own head.
There are cleverly designed worlds. Each of the kingdom is different, has different enemies, vibe, challenges and all. And basically all of them are a sight to behold. My biggest gripe is tho, that in every kingdom you need to collect a certain amount of moons. And in the WORST KINGDOMS you need the most of them! Why game!? Why do you have to torture us so much!? But the kingdoms that I really hated to the bone were like... three? Other than that they were “okay” at worst. 
Absolute pinnacle of the game is the Metro Kingdom, or as it is called, the DK City.
Honestly? Its chaotic and busy as hell as its center of the large city. But damn do the details and usage of different things here help. Question blocks as traffic lights, the jazz music from the street musicians all over, different construction sites, zipping up and down on the skyscrapers. Not to mention that you are introduced to this city when its night, its raining and the city is overrun with enemies. You basically come into fu*kin Gotham city, only to kill the boss and come back into a prosperous colourful Marvel New York. Not to mention the BEST part of the game and probably one of the moments that will get on my “Top moments in videogames” list happens here. Basically you get a quest of finding 4 musicians for the festival. When you do, the festival starts and its absolute masterpiece as you take part in it and it whole takes a place in a 2D level inspired by the OG Donkey Kong arcade. It even ends with the last screen looking like the old level with the pink frames and barells. I love the hell out of it. Not to mention that through all of this you hear the absolute banger of soundtrack that is “Jump Up Superstar” Chills. Literal chills.
4) Bosses
Honestly I really enjoyed like... 2? Maybe 3 of the many bosses in Odyssey. The game pulls a heavy DMC4 on you with repeating bosses. (You fight the Broodals like 2-3 times each and even if they can be fun for the first time each, it gets very quickly annoying and repetitive.)
Pinnacle of boss battles here are probably the ruined dragon, who was fun and I honestly didn’t expect Mario to go fight a fu*kin Darkeater Midir. Shame the rest of Ruined Kingdom is basically just the boss arena and the bridge leading to it. This is the biggest wasted potential of SMO.
The boss of Metro kingdom is also quite good as the way to get to him is extremely fun and the bossfight itself is creative and enjoyable.
But Bowser battles? There are two of them. Both of them same. Both of them quite difficult as he has all kind of random bullshit, that he throws at you. But damn they were fun.
Absolutely frustrating. I wanted to throw the switch away. But I enjoyed the hell out of them.
Also Bowser without the hat, when he has his hair slicked aside?
I simp for that bitch.
He looks absolutely hot in the white suit with his hair like this. More on that later.
5) Audio
I must say that audio of this game is pretty solid.
Both the sound effects and soundtrack are great. I already mention the absolute banger that is Jump up superstar, but every level has this soundtrack that make you vibe to its kingdom and to just get you going. There are a lot of familiar sound effects, the most noteable being when you finish the game, get into the Mushroom Kingdom and you can go through the different challenges to which you have to get in the old-school Mario 64 fashion. Through a painting. It has the visual and sound design of exactly how it is in M64.
So for those who played it it’s a fine ride on the nostalgia wave.
6) Lewd and Waifu potential?
Basically anything here can be lewded. From Yoshi to Goombas. But mind you, most of them are !!!QUESTIONABLE!!! 
You could probably lewd the Broodal girl with fu*kin bombs in her hair, if you are into some bunny furry stuff.  And you could find some acceptable fanarts on the good ol’ R34 as well...
In terms of Waifu aspect... she seems a bit psycho, BUT she’s loyal.
Of course then there is Peach if she gets you going, for my tastes she is a bit too plain and I generally do not like her in any Mario game. (This bit heavily changed in Mario Bros Movie from 2023 tho) In terms of Waifu potential, idk man, if you have a princess, who probably has unlimited resources that she could use for some guards, but she is constantly being “kidnapped” by this big bad boy... she probably does that because it gets her wet.
Great if you are into cuckold since this bi*ch already has her bull that is okay with cucking anyone who would get near Peach. Be it Toad or Mario.
You then got Pauline. The OG Waifu you could say as she is the woman you are saving from Donkey Kong in the old arcade game. Her huge plus are the dress you can see her in this game and the fancy suit she wears as a mayor. Both hot as f*ck.
Waifu aspect? She is a mature woman, which is always a plus. She is a mayor so she has a stable job. She knows how to direct stuff in her life. She is skilled, ambitious and probably a strong leader as people of the DK city love her. She also isn’t just strict, so she knows what fun is and she can sing, which can be a plus to some.
(But no one from Mario franchise can beat Rosaline from Galaxy, so shame)
And of course its the cherry on top.
The criminal mastermind, King Koopa himself, Bowser.
He is just a spiky turtle in other games. But here, dressed in the fancy white suit, he is a proper mafia capo. I love how he is portrayed here. And as I mentioned before. I AM DROOLING over him with his “hair” combed aside. He doesn’t just look like a snack.
He is a full course meal.
The dominant energy that shines from him is immesureable. Christian Grey should learn a thing or two from him. 
7) Summary?
I am still conflicted how I feel about this game.
I would probably give that 7/10
It wasn’t a complete disaster, but there is a lot of frustration for me personally behind this game. There are things thanks to which I can overlook it, as is the fun story, the amazing level design and the soundtrack
I will for sure go back to the game. There is a lot I didn’t yet explored. Maybe I will even give the game a new playthrough in the future, but it couldn’t beat the nostalgia factor of Mario Sunshine so that game still stands tall above Mario Odyssey.
But would I recommend the game?
- Yes.
If you can take the frustration, that game is a solid experience that plays well in handheld and in docked mode. I mostly played it in handheld and I think it’s the perfect title for such play. 
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sapnarathod · 9 months
Flawless Finish Tips and Tricks for Applying Foundation Like a Pro
Discover expert techniques and flawless finish tips for applying makeup foundation like a pro. Let's Transform Salon provides insider secrets and step-by-step instructions to help you achieve a flawless, long-lasting foundation look. Elevate your makeup game with our ultimate foundation guide.
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dmengineers-blog · 10 months
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flt2016 · 10 months
Explore the Power of Social Media Optimization!| Future Labs Technology
Welcome to Future Labs Technology, your hub for the latest insights in technology and digital marketing! In this video, we delve into the world of "Social Media Optimization" (SMO) – a game-changer in the digital landscape!
Understanding Social Media Optimization
Social Media Optimization is the strategic process of enhancing your brand's online presence through various social media platforms. It's about making your mark and standing out in the crowded digital space. Join us as we demystify the concept, explore its key components, and unveil the secrets to maximizing your impact on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more!
Key Takeaways:
✅ Fundamentals of SMO ✅ Crafting engaging content for social engagement ✅ Optimizing profiles for visibility and reach ✅ Leveraging social media analytics for growth ✅ Building a community around your brand
Why SMO Matters
In a world where digital interactions shape brand perceptions, SMO is your secret weapon to thrive! Learn how to boost your brand's discoverability, foster connections with your audience, and skyrocket your online influence.
About Future Labs Technology:
Future Labs Technology is dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses with the knowledge needed to succeed in the digital age. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, entrepreneur, or professional, our channel provides the latest trends, tips, and tricks in technology.
Subscribe for More!
Ready to elevate your digital game? Hit subscribe, click the bell, and join our tech-savvy community. Stay tuned for regular updates, insightful tutorials, and expert interviews propelling you into the future of technology.
Explore More: - Learn Canva in 20 Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ghRsq9a4lQ&t=5s - Importance of Graphic Designing in Digital Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrfXNsWKbqM&t=22s
Embark on this SMO journey with us and shape a future where your online presence is not just noticed but remembered!
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liveblack · 3 months
How to Grow a Business with Social Media | Liveblack
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Whether you’re a marketer or a brand owner, you’re likely spending some time on social media. However, if you don’t use it to know how to grow your business, now is the time to think about it.
Today’s businesses, through social media, have the opportunity to reach millions, if not billions, of consumers who just want to buy stuff, but is that all you have to do? To just be on social media and post for the sake of posting?
The answer is NO. What you need is social media optimization (SMO). This is a digital marketing strategy that you can use to manage your company’s message and online presence. SMO can increase your product or service awareness, connect you with customers, and reduce news, which can create damage to your business.
There are a ton of social media tips for business that you can implement for your business growth, and we are sharing some of them with you as follows:
1. Identify your audience.
This is the most crucial step to take; as this will give you a clear focus as to whom your business should be catering to, and the products that they need.
2. Plan.
If you have a defined direction and plan, you will surely make the most out of your social media presence.
3. Create and post the right content for different social media platforms.
This is because social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, etc., host unique demographics of users.
4. Post consistently.
Consistency in posting is just as important as quality.
5. Engage your followers.
Tweak your content so the audience can participate, and your potential customers will start caring for your brand. Engaging your followers will indicate that your page is relevant and is worth showing to more people.
6. Take advantage of paid ads.
Advertising is the most important thing that social media networks need to exist, develop, and become successful.
7. Make your brand recognizable.
Do this to stand out from the rest and become memorable to consumers and your target audience.
8. Provide lots of values.
Consumers, at least most of them, want to be free to accept advertisements and promotions and buy products. Instead, they prefer to be provided with as much value as possible by gaining new knowledge and engaging in some interesting stuff.
9. Be authentic.
Providing complete transparency will ultimately build trust for your business.
10. Add CTAs (call to action).
Guide your followers to take action. This will bring in new business for you. Some examples of CTAs are “subscribe to our newsletter”, “sign up for a free trial”, or “download my guide”.
Using social media to grow your business is more challenging than it may seem. Take time to implement the above-suggested strategies, and before long, the business will be on its way to making more sales.
For more information about using social media to lead your business to success, please get in touch with Liveblack full stack digital marketing agency offering you our social media marketing services in Ahmedabad. Our team will be happy to hear from you.
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envistreamsmartech · 1 year
How social media management companies grow social media following?
The growth of social media has come to a stage today where as many as half of the world’s population is checking their social media profiles regularly. In such a case, companies that are willing to establish their brand will indeed try to cash in on the opportunity. However, these companies need to be aware of the different ways in which social media can be used to increase their following, which can lead to improved brand image. In this blog, we discuss the different steps that should be taken so as to grow the social media following of a company. They are as follows:
1.   Research competition
Before starting their own social media strategy to boost followers, most companies that do social media management try to research what their competitors are doing. By understanding the details of the social media strategy employed these companies try to emulate the best one’s to see if it works. Envistream Smartech is a social media management company in USA that tries many different tactics to grow its client’s followers.
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2.   Understand target audience
Understanding the audience is very important as they are the end users of all the content that is produced for social media. Knowing their demographics, general trends in likes and dislikes, etc is crucial to the growing popularity of the companies’ social media profiles.
3.   Post according to the social media calendar
Creating a social media calendar according to which different kinds of posting are to be done is necessary to be followed for improving growth in social media. Regularity not only improves brand engagement but also brand loyalty among customers.
4.   Adapt to trends
In the social media sphere, trends dominate everything. If your content is as per the trends then you can expect to have the best response from your audiences. That is why companies navigate through them very often.
5.   Respond to audience feedback
Audience feedback is a great opportunity for companies to clear the air about a particular issue related to the company. Envistream responds quickly to any feedback to its client’s social media handles as part of its SMO services in USA.
6.   Use hashtags
Using hashtags is a great way to reach out to your target audience, as it shows the relevant content to the audience related to a certain keyword. Analyzing competitors’ hashtags is a great way to start your postings.
7.   Make witty posts
As the final point of the blog, it is necessary to highlight the importance of making witty posts. Posts that use humor and wit as a tool to make their point are more popular and drive better engagement than normal informative ones.
The above-mentioned points are regularly used by social media companies to reach out to their audiences. Envistream Smartech has the experience of serving different companies in this domain and knows the tricks of the trade. Contact us today to avail our services!
For more details follow our social media links:
Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter
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jioshkolhapur · 1 year
Your Bio-link is the Ultimate Tool in Your Online Arsenal
Your bio-link is the ultimate tool in your online arsenal, it can help you achieve your goals.
Whether you’re a business owner, blogger, or social media influencer, your bio-link is the key to your online presence.
 So, it’s crucial to make sure you’re using it to its full potential.
In this article, we’ll explore the importance of your bio-link and provide you with some valuable tips on how to make the most of it. Plus, we’ll introduce you to JioSh URL shortener , a powerful tool that can help you optimize your bio-link and achieve your online goals.
Let’s dive in
Here are 7 tips & tricks that will help you achieve your goals:-
First is Your Bio-Link is Your Ultimate Tool Online:
Your bio-link is the gateway to your online world. It’s the first thing people see when they click on your social media profile or website. So, it’s essential to make a strong impression with your bio-link.
Second is Use It Wisely to Achieve Your Goals:
Your bio-link can be a powerful tool for achieving your online goals. Whether you want to drive traffic to your website, increase sales, or build your personal brand, your bio-link can help you achieve it. But, you need to use it wisely.
Third is to Focus on Branding:
Your bio-link is an excellent opportunity to showcase your personal or business brand. Make sure your bio-link is consistent with your branding and reflects your values and mission.
Fourth is to Use a Call-to-Action:
Your bio-link should include a clear call-to-action (CTA). What action do you want your audience to take? Do you want them to visit your website, sign up for your newsletter, or follow you on social media? Whatever it is, make it clear and compelling.
Fifth is to Optimize for Traffic Generation:
Your bio-link can be an excellent tool for traffic generation. Make sure your link leads to a landing page that’s optimized for conversions. Use relevant keywords, strong headlines, and persuasive copy to encourage your audience to take action.
Next is Utilize Social Media Optimization:
Social media optimization (SMO) is the process of optimizing your social media profiles and content to increase visibility and engagement. Your bio-link is a crucial part of SMO. Make sure it’s optimized for the platform you’re using and includes relevant keywords and hashtags.
Lastly, Use JioSh URL to Optimize Your Bio-Link:
JioSh URL short link generator  is a powerful tool that can help you optimize your bio-link and achieve your online goals. With JioSh URL, you can create a landing page that includes multiple links, images, and CTAs. Plus, you’ll get access to analytics that can help you track your performance and make informed decisions.
In conclusion, your bio-link is a valuable tool that can help you achieve your online goals. Whether you’re a business owner, blogger, or social media influencer, make sure you’re using it wisely. Focus on branding, use a clear CTA, optimize for traffic generation, and utilize social media optimization. And, don’t forget to check out JioSh URL to take your bio-link.
Hence, your bio-link is the ultimate tool in your online arsenal, and if used wisely, it can help you achieve your goals.
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dmp-school · 1 year
Reasons why you should join the best Digital Marketing School in Noida
If you are making your career in digital marketing, gain knowledge of it and learn it then join the Best Digital Marketing School in Noida which is well known for its Course with Internship program which helps you making you familiar with SEO(Search Engine Optimization), SMO(Social Media Optimization), PPC(Pay Per Click), Google Adsense, Google Adwords etc  along with training and internship on live projects which helps you learn how to handle different clients and tricks and tips to grow your business and getting more traffic online.
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itswavelengths · 2 years
The Steam Deck
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After preordering Valve's Steam Deck in February I'm happy to finally have one in my hands. A week+ of use has me feeling confident in saying the dream of the device — to create an entry point into PC gaming that rivals the ease of console gaming — has been mostly achieved through a combination of great hardware and software tricks that boggle the mind. There's great writing out there about where the Deck succeeds in this quest, where it fails, and where it manages to exceed expectations, and despite being pretty high on this thing overall I can't help but nod along with some of the more critical takes. If you want to hear a few first-blush thoughts, Stephen and I have a new (maybe unsurprisingly huge) episode of Into the Aether focused on our feelings about the Steam Deck — from how it handles the basics like playing smaller and older indie or AAA titles to some of the newer and beefier titles like Elden Ring. You can listen to it here:
PC Gaming for the Console Crowd
Before recording the episode I set some ground rules for myself, specifically that I could only play things I downloaded from the onboard Steam store in an effort to get a feel for the device as someone who is buying a Deck to experience a taste of what PC gaming has to offer. In that regard, results are mixed but mostly positive. Some handy UI elements indicate what games play seamlessly out of the box, but older or more obscure titles may lack identification entirely. The games you'd expect to work well — those that feel like they were built with consoles in mind and have full native controller support — work well. Games built with PC in mind and require a mouse and keyboard... well that's where things can go off the rails. Titles like the Civilization series use a combination of the touchpads and trigger buttons to simulate pointing and clicking in ways that feel immediately natural and allows for a perfectly playable experience. Others come burdened with small text made for larger hi-res displays and keyboard commands that quickly become tiresome when trying to use the provided on-screen keyboard in the absence of actual hardware.
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This valley between what is considered by Valve to be "Verified" and "Playable" is wide, but made manageable by the more genius aspects of Steam's community-focused features. Any game in the library has a handy button with a gamepad icon that will allow users to peruse community-submitted control layouts and sort them by either the amount of upvotes they've received from the rest of the Steam userbase or by the total cumulative hours users have played with each enabled. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (my muse) was released for PC in 2007 without gamepad support despite simultaneously launching on the Xbox 360, and yet because of the breadth of control inputs available on the Deck and the Community Layouts function, the game can be played without the need to download mods or alter the game files in any way. It's rad.
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But even this process raises the biggest question regarding the Steam Deck as a product: Who is this thing for? For those seeking a console-like experience with the benefits of a PC library, the simple act of tinkering with settings to find the right gamepad layout might already be a step too far. And that's before the game has even booted up — there's the entire realm of tweaking graphics settings in-game and enabling the Steam Deck's frame and refresh rate limiters to find the right balance between performance, visuals, and battery life. Even for games like Elden Ring which have been marked as "Verified" by Valve, there's an aspect of getting your hands dirty in menus that might make less technically-minded players uncomfortable and hitting Google more often than they'd like.
The truth is that although I love the Steam Deck so far, I can't recommend it to everybody. I can't yet place it alongside the Nintendo Switch and the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series as though the biggest and best games will run smoothly out-of-the-box on release. I am hopeful that we'll see a "Community Settings" option appear alongside the "Community Gamepad Layouts" one day, or a way for "Verified" games to come downloaded with the best possible Deck-compatible graphics settings and gamepad layouts pre-installed. I'm thankful to sites like ProtonDB and the many many YouTubers endlessly cataloguing which games run well, and how to fix titles should they fall short — but for some consumers, the need to find and peruse those resources at all will be friction enough to bail. As it stands, I can't blanket-recommend a device that comes with a "you're going to need to do a lot of Googling" asterisk.
The Everything Machine
Once we finished recording, my self-imposed rule fell to the wayside. Although I still have a hard time nailing down who the Steam Deck is for, I know without a doubt that it's for me. Here's what I mean:
Although I'm excited about the prospect of playing games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Death Stranding on the go, current AAA releases were never the reason I wanted to get one of these bad boys for myself. Hypothetically if God of War Ragnarök launched on PlayStation and Steam simultaneously, I would not choose to play it on the Deck. Some games deserve the pomp and circumstance of the big screen, of good speakers, and of fidelity without caveats. I'm not about to close my heart to the possibility that some games bridge the gap and become even better when made portable (the Yakuza games come to mind here), but I consider Elden Ring and its ilk to be a nice bonus instead of The Number One Reason to purchase a Deck.
There's a whole world of independent or PC-focused games that exist on storefronts like Steam, Itch.io, GOG and nowhere else that I have dearly missed over the past few years, specifically since switching to MacOS full-time. Sometimes these games come to console, sometimes they don't, but in both cases I consistently feel like I'm missing out on some of the most interesting work being created in the space. For every odd Mac-supported game (which to be fair seems to happen more frequently these days), there are ten others I miss out on until they appear on another platform. Rogue Legacy 2, which entered Early Access in 2020, is the sequel to one of my favorite games of all time and remained PC-only for two years until releasing on Xbox consoles. I spent a majority of those two years kicking myself for not having a way to play it, not being able to watch the progression of development over time during its testing period. I wanted dearly to be an early member of the community, and the Steam Deck will ensure that doesn't happen again.
I've spoken often on and off the show about my love of the emulation handheld market. These tiny devices enable us to revisit games that have been left behind by their developers in a form factor that feels modern and with functionality to match, like the ability to save and load a game wherever and whenever. As time marches on the games being left behind require more power and better hardware to run, and while that means trade-offs like the devices themselves becoming large enough to exceed pocketability, the caveats are worth it for those whose favorite games launched in the PlayStation 2 era and beyond. Besides being great for PC gaming, the Steam Deck is also run via the Linux operating system and is compatible with a plethora of emulators. Not only do I have a deep admiration for the previous generations of consoles gone by and frequently challenge myself to explore more of gaming's history, but I absolutely love tinkering with emulators. What the Deck is already capable of running needs to be seen to be believed.
With these three tenants in mind I've found the Steam Deck to be a resounding success by Valve in terms of providing what I expected and hoped was possible. The more time I've spent playing games and messing around with the many many options available to me, the more I feel like this is close to becoming An Everything Machine. That's not to say it's going to replace anything I currently use, but the flexibility offered branches into spaces I couldn't quite wrap my head around until using it for myself. The more I reach out into what I expect to be the Deck's limitations, I'm surprised at its ability to surprise. One shining feature offered by the Steam Deck is the ability to hold the power button down and shift the device into "desktop mode" — a fully featured PC based on the Linux operating system that makes use of the on-screen keyboard and trackpads to provide a surprising amount of mobility and customization. Taking it a step further, plugging any USB-C dongle with and HDMI port into the Deck allows users to make any external monitor an extra (or the primary) display. Add Bluetooth support to the mix with a wireless mouse and keyboard, and you've turned the Steam Deck from a device running a "desktop mode" into what is just simply a desktop computer. In my testing I've already gotten a ton of mileage out of the mouse and keyboard I have paired to my Mac Mini (the Logitech MX Master and the Keychron K3, both of which support multiple connections simultaneously) alongside a cheap $30 USB-C dongle I bought years ago from VAVA¹. You could, hypothetically, just purchase and use one of these things as your main computer. I absolutely will not do that. But you could, dear reader, and that's wild.
Moving the Steam Deck into desktop mode with this setup also wipes away my concerns about games that don't play well with the hardware's more obvious control schemes. The beauty of the options Valve has provided means UI-intensive strategy games with small text and a bevy of keyboard commands can be played exactly as they were intended. Sure it would be nice to find a community gamepad layout and make these games portable, but in the same way the spectacle of AAA sometimes demands a big screen, some strategy games demand sitting in your desk chair like a troubled lord in a ponderous rabbit hole waiting twenty real minutes before finally reaching towards the mouse to make your next move. Games can be both! And the Steam Deck can do both easily!
And then there's the emulation, which absolutely blows away the many devices I already own specifically for emulation purposes. I won't go too into specifics, but I will add my voice to the choir of people singing the praises of how impressive the Deck handles games from even the more recent generations of consoles. However, I do think it's worth noting that my experience getting to the point where I felt like retro games were working as expected took arguably more effort than many online would have you believe — there's more elbow grease required in almost all of the steps involved than you'll expect from the outset. We are, of course, early in the lifecycle of this product and all of the hiccups I ran into will smooth out over time between simpler custom-built software by community members and forum post after forum post of fixes and solves for those with the search-box acumen required. But as it stands right now, I found a lot of road blocks in my path to what I'd expected... and I consider myself to be pretty good at this stuff. There's bliss on the other end of that journey though. I'm playing games I missed dearly and completely lost access to, I'm playing games I've always been meaning to try, and all of them run about as well or even better than they did on original hardware somehow. And they can be taken on the go!
Playing Wind Waker – the original GameCube one – upscaled with HD textures truly is an amazing experience. The game is so beautiful and, 20 years later, I still love the sailing and soundtrack. And I get to play this on a Steam Deck. Without an official remaster, this will do 😍 pic.twitter.com/PPDkqRmB1V
— Federico Viticci (@viticci) September 19, 2022
So far, for my needs, the Steam Deck is all it's cracked up to be and then some. I appreciate that Valve has been shifting all of their production power towards getting consoles in the hands of players quickly because it means more and more people will have the same transformative experiences I've been having for the past week. And again, I'm only scratching the surface here. The extensibility of this product and the software it's built upon is going to continue to reveal new and exciting use cases over time and I'm deeply excited about the growing possibility-space. Valve themselves have stated they're hard at work on a second generation of this hardware, and while this might launch prospective buyers into the "should I wait for the Steam Deck 2" gravity well, as a current owner it only speaks to the success of what's been accomplished here and a commitment to further updates and development.
I'm amped about the future.
¹ Using a standard USB-C dongle and a Bluetooth controller like something from 8BitDo you can even come close to something resembling the Nintendo Switch's titular magic trick of easily flipping between handheld and docked modes. I'm currently eyeing this surprisingly affordable dock from JSAUX as Valve's official dock is delayed indefinitely as a way to test this out for myself on the big screen, or possibly even for a dedicated streaming setup.
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