#smoked salmon toast & experimental zucchini fritters
moonstruckwytch · 2 years
Cor cor cor i have a would u rather for u:
Would you rather use zero recipes for a whole month (experimenting or cooking from memory is fine) or have to cook the same dinner for a whole week (u pick the dish) 👀👀👀
oh this answer may be wildly disappointing lmao.
i would rather make the same thing for a week, because honestly? sometimes i do that already. when i’m really truly burnt out and struggling i default to either making a huge batch or something and eating it for days, or making the same thing over and over. generally speaking it’s scrambled eggs with cheese, sausage, pan fried hash browns or tater tots, and toast. but in the interest of putting some more thought in, if i could only make one thing for a whole week? it would probably be either justine snack’s corn quinoa bake because that’s easy and versatile with toppings, (smoked salmon, avocado, maple chipotle roasted sweet potatoes and goat cheese is my go to) or a vietnamese ga xao xo ot recipe i saved from the wayback machine that’s almost a perfect duplicate for some of my favorite takeout in my hometown. i’d also probably happily eat oyakodon all week so long as i had a fresh pack of chicken thighs and didn’t have to defrost things.
honestly, the idea of trying to cook without recipes for a month is mildly terrifying. despite working in kitchens for years and having been cooking since i was 3 (when i topped my first pizza - there are pictures) i don’t like to experiment without a baseline. i can and will, but it’s not my preferred method. i like to make recipes as written once or twice to get a feel for them, and only then will i make alterations to my own tastes. i could probably cook from memory / experiment (without repeats) for 2 weeks or so before i got stressed about it.
this was fun. i’m always down to talk about cooking (but you know that!)
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