sordcooper · 6 years
yay for being a synonym for dirt, and or fuck
spell your username without using the letters in your name
mine is ptipi
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sordcooper · 6 years
huh, so thats why there are so many damned traffic islands over there. fun fact, we use the space left over on the right side, near the obelisk, as a space for food stands that get set up in a cycle up and down broadway.
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Victory Arch (Madison Square Park, New York).
The Victory Arch was built in 1918 to commemorate the New Yorkers who died during the war.  It was designed by Thomas Hastings, cost $80,000, and modelled on the Arch of Constantine in Rome.  However, it was eventually razed, and plans to rebuild it came to naught.
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sordcooper · 6 years
As a New Yorker, this does not exist at all.
Question for my American followers: does the concept of afternoon or “high” tea exist in the US? Like, specifically, where you go to a fancy restaurant in the afternoon and get served tea and little cakes and sandwiches? Is it something you’d maybe only find in cities like DC and NY?
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sordcooper · 6 years
So, having grown up in New York and gone through that tunnel a lot, i’ve always wondered what those rails were for, since you obviously couldnt just have a person down there all day or they’d die from the fumes...
...I guess they had a person down there all day and I’m betting they took these out when one died from the fumes.
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1955: ‘Catwalk Cop Cars’ added in the NY-NJ Holland Tunnel - pic from Hoboken Historical Museum
via reddit
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sordcooper · 6 years
no lie i thought this shit was going to turn into some kind of home made fire arm like a potato gun or some shit
theres no way in hell you can guess how this video ends
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sordcooper · 6 years
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sordcooper · 6 years
d-did people forget how much the vikings got around? the bastards raided as far as the middle east some times. Hell, the Byzantines formed an elite force called Varangian Guard made up of friggen vikings!
How on Earth Did These Burials of Viking Descendants Wind Up in Sicily?
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The discovery of 10 burials near a medieval church in Sicily has led to a rare finding: the skeletal remains of the descendants of Vikings.
Archaeologists found the 800-year-old burials near the church of San Michele del Golfo near Palermo.  The buried individuals were likely Normans, a group that arose when the Vikings, also known as Norsemen, settled in northern France and founded their own duchy (a dukedom).
“Some of the dead buried in the cemetery were undoubtedly members of the elites or the clergy, as the form of some of the graves indicates,” Sławomir Moździoch, the head of the excavation and an archaeologist at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, said in a statement.
After examining the 10 burials, Moździoch and his colleagues determined that three of the graves belonged to women and two to children. Read more.
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sordcooper · 6 years
myself but with a mech mercenary company? ...So im gonna get to live in a high tech space ship or we’re gonna  have to rent out a fuck ton of warehouses
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sordcooper · 6 years
...so they’re literally just having a race war now. well alright then.
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sordcooper · 6 years
i am deeply jealous of both that micro sketch pad and that breakfast
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Broke in my first of 4 Matchbook Sketch-pads at a very nice breakfast today!
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sordcooper · 6 years
even if this is real im going to have to be cautious about this. remember how rushed Samurai Jack was after all those years.
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words cannot express just how joyful my tears are like I actually am crying buckets of happiness right now
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sordcooper · 6 years
god bless the poor bastard who had to try and make that last shot look cool.
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The Dark Tower
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sordcooper · 6 years
i want to line a hallway with them
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1/12 Scale ROBOX BASIC
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sordcooper · 6 years
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Made this about a couple years back, and realized i never posted it here to show off! its a Dice tower made from a box we had laying around, designed it after warhammer ork totems to their Gods Mork and Gork. Its a dice tower, dump dice in the top, big rattling noise makes your players shit themselves in fear, get dice results coming out!
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sordcooper · 6 years
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Continuing to revisit my old roleplaying game characters with Hastus the Bull; an ex ganger turned arbitor before surviving a violent as hell campaign ending with him as an Ordo Mallius inquisitor that had heresy fall in his lap for extermination on a regular basis. He was a blast to play, even when the campaign got a little long in the tooth and batshit insane (he could psychically pick up chaos space marines and use them as improvised weapons) and i reused him later as an npc in a game of dark heresy i ran about a year and a half later with a reworked backstory based on the old game with some of the total batshit events toned down.
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sordcooper · 6 years
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Been revisiting and redesigning some old characters from early d&d campaigns i played in recently, and I decided to pick up on this guy. They’re Lorzab Nar, a half orc fighter originally from a world where all evil was vanquished and good and justice triumphed eternal... which left chaotic neutral creatures like him as the closest thing to an evil entity around. While making his living as a gambler and a hunter, he accidentally stumbled into the city of Sigil, the main hub of the Planescape campaign setting of d&d, where he had his own tavern/casino put up in between wacky adventures and avenging murders. was a cool campaign. highest level character I’ve every been able to play in 2nd edition d&d almost making it to level 7.
oh, and yes those are aviators, he got them after snapping the head off of a wizard crime boss... dont know where the wizard got them though...
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sordcooper · 6 years
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This is a little before and after of my Black crusade character and fucked up gang boss, Tyrus ‘The Admiral’ Lax, the accidentally super Khornate leader of the Officer’s Club.
he hit 21 corruption this session and rolled psudo-deamonhood and became part bloodletter. and this was at the start of today’s session :D
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