skrittkicking · 8 months
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lackluster-draws · 1 year
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Making all the local smokescale gals swoon
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sorrcha · 2 years
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a three-part commission for @kerra-and-company ! :-)
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thetreetopinn · 2 years
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Smokey, but as a kobold, and he's in Breath of the Wild because it's currently my favorite Zelda game.
Art by Dirty Mac aka Mac Daddy aka Dirty Hands
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Alright know what here's a little Guild Wars 2 reblog game for everybody; what mounts (if any) do your characters have in their canon, do they have names? Personalities? How'd they meet??
Spill it all below, tell me about all your creatures!!
#my posts#gw2#guild wars 2#thinking about this a lot lately since mine def do!#I'll start: Pirkko has branded mounts and while I haven't named most of them. they were all branded over by Aurene#because they'd been corrupted by Kralkatorrik and they wanted to see if Aurene's magic could purify them in some way#it usually didn't work but Pirkko keeps the ones they saved#Larimar is her skyscale. his egg was tainted by the Brand before he hatched so Aurene was barely able to save him#he's a chivalrous knight type and is known to be just as noble as the Commander who raised him. brave. bold. kind of a dork.#while the Commander is fighting he circles up above and swoops down to rescue injured soldiers from the front line#Saoirse meanwhile gets the SoTo skyscale egg and that hatches into Nightshade. he's fierce and protective too#but in a much more 'loyal guard dog' sort of way as opposed to trying to help everyone else as well. he's an axejaw!#in Regrowth Ceara gets Foxglove because the Commander and Gorrik could NOT manage this little troublemaker#she's too smart for her own good and is CONSTANTLY causing problems. so basically just like Ceara HDKDHDH#Foxglove's a lunarmane! and she's very fluffy and cute and will give you the big shiny eyes to mooch all your food. evil#Ruju meanwhile has a full cast of different mounts who all were troublemakers in different ways when he found them#his griffon Windshear's a northern featherwing that was notorious for carrying off travelers in Lornar's Pass. turned out she was just bore#she's very playful and mischievous and still grabs him on a regular basis. he absolutely hates this#his fulgurite ridgeback jackal Thunderclap was a rogue jackal that the djinn had him help recapture and tame#he's imbued with Ruju's air element magic and is known to make the air spark and smell of ozone when he's annoyed#then there's Blitz his lepidote brute skyscale! he likes bloodstone magic and kept nipping everyone until it was finally provided#the rest I don't have in-game yet but I DO have concepts for the skimmer/warclaw/raptor. the 1st 2 I know what skins I want too#the skimmer will be a frosty-dyed lithosol named Frostbite. it's an ice elemental that terrorized Frostgorge Sound#the warclaw is a spinetail nian with jungle colors since it's supposed to be a smokescale-type saurian critter#and the raptor is SUPPOSED to be the jungle raptor that plointt grew to huge size and promptly tried to eat him#BUT there isn't a skin that feels close enough yet so rip. Fang is a handful tho and keeps trying to chew on Inquest HDJDGDH#ANYWAY. that's all of mine. throws this into the wind
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cuppykin · 2 years
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OUTFITS FOR SULFUR! This one I had more fun with than I thought I would (tho im not yet sold on her color palette YET)
Style notes:
Keep it baggy, something on her has to be baggy
Cool flame patterns and/or spikes
REALLY big clunky shoes, shes got big feet
Loud flashy graphics tees/hoodies, and if not, some sorta flashy pattern SOMEWHERE on her
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noivern · 1 year
this is driving me isane i need to keep tweaking it slowly for. 300 years
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lackluster-plays · 1 year
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My favorite gw2 creatures <3
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mystery-salad · 9 months
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Well I know I'm in too deep, to solve this by myself...
So Joel is getting a small retcon to its plot! Instead of taking the body of its pet smokescale upon death, the reaching out it does hits the Vinetooth that killed it instead.
Waking up from a haze after a second that feels like an eternity, having grazed death but clawed out into another mind...your first sight being the blood on your hands claws and your body tossed to the side like a broken doll.
Your cry comes out a wrecked screech as your terrified friends try to escape with your body, they can't leave you behind. But they are. They run from you now, you take an arrow to your shoulder as they flee, it was meant to hit something more vital you know it. It does, in a way.
How do you fix this?
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commander-wame · 6 months
Ty for the tag @herald-of-aurene !!
tagging @vampiricsheep @commander-violette @mystery-salad @commanders-sole-braincell @manasurge and anyone who'd like to!! (idk who has or hasn't done it yet)(no pressure)
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-- B A S I C S
Name: Wame Nicknames: Ura (by Gixi) Age: 3 y/o at the start, currently 16 y/o (I think??) Birthday: 1322 Colossus (November 15th) Race: Noon-bloom sylvari Gender: Non-binary/guy/person (he/him)(transed his gender upon waking) Orientation: Panromantic asexual Profession: commander (semi-retired), champion of Aurene
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: Originally brighter green. Now darkish/desaturated green with specks of lighter green and dark purple Eyes: Originally yellow, now a very pale green Skin: Desaturated green, fading into darker tones on his limbs and horns, glows a faint yellow in the dark Tattoos/Scars: long scar on his left eye (arrow, eye now perma closed due to shoddy patch job), many more tiny scars all over his face, assorted burns marks
-- F A M I L Y
Parents: Pale Tree Siblings: Fehine (older brother), Eithne (older sister), Sera (younger sibling over at @/commander-violette), Caithe (older sister) Grandparents: Jungle grandpappy (Mordremoth) In-laws and others: Eldrid (dearheart), Trahearne (???, deceased), Gixi (best friend/adopted sibling), Aurene (adopted daughter), Dragon's Watch (Adopted Family) Pets: Sparkfly (smokescale, always by his side since Maguuma), Beetle (raven, often closeby), a two headed snake who sometimes chills on his shoulder, + tens of cats
-- S K I L L S
Abilities: Ranger (soulbeast, temporarily fusing with animals he's tamed/pets), minor necromancer abilities Hobbies: Cooking, drawing, studying animal and creature behaviour.
-- T R A I T S
Most positive trait: gentle, kind, protective, analytical, decisive. Most negative trait: stubborn, pessimistic, self-isolating.
-- L I K E S
Colors: greens, yellows, pale blue, and a specific bright red Smells: bread, fresh air, fruits, blood Textures: soft fur, rough scales, tree bark, cloth Drinks: coffee, mango juice, water
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: no Drinks: on occasion Drugs: no Been arrested: a couple of times
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tiggyarts · 6 months
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Origin story for GW2!Iri and her smokescale. Moral of the story: don't go into a game with headcanons ready because you'll develop different one based on gameplay attachment lol If you think mom is too calm about it, this isn't even the weirdest thing baby Iri brought home lol
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sylvaridreams · 7 months
wait wait.
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lackluster-draws · 2 years
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Has nothing to do with anything, but here’s my fursona as a smokescale from gw2 uwu
Follow me on Instagram!! 
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otvian · 10 months
My cool gw2 characters part 1
I wanted to finally, finally make posts about my characters, starting ofc with my Commander.
Dr. Min, full name Minny My
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He comes from another world and sees it as a chance to help people, doesn't really have the personality of commander in game. He is quiet and introverted, not a push-over anymore. He loves animals and wants to and WILL keep every creature he finds as a pet.
He is a ranger, his first pet was a pink moa named Jerry (I'm ignoring the in game choice first one)
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He is a soul beast now and his main pets are smokescale named Odin and Fanged Iboga called Robal (Polish word for worm). He does have a druid build for support as well.
His crafting skills are Artificer and Scribe.
In free time he loves to explore the world and learn how it works, he notes what plant does what. If he could he would learn every possible thing instead of fighting dragons but need to help ppl is stronger. Clearly he joined Priory too.
His best friend would be Arthur (Friends character) while his team (not the story one) is Aurora Noirblossom, Marcell My and Pregabalin Accord.
His favorite food is noodles. Favorite color is red. He keeps a notebook where he writes notes of anything important (he has bad memory)
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His most hated person is Joko cuz of reason related to world he came from. While being the most interested in Asuran technology and culture.
Idk what to tell about him more so I am open for questions if anyone is curious <33
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drakeheart · 1 year
A master list of my active GW2 characters, complete with small summaries of who they are and what they do. Expect mostly charr, with a handful of asura and the very occasional sylvari. Enjoy!
This list is a WIP, and will be gradually updated to include my full roster as I have the time and energy to write stuff down.
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AMARA DRAKEHEART // Ranger - Soulbeast // [tag]
Centurion of the Iron Legion, Warmaster of the Vigil, Commander of the Pact, and founder of Dragon's Watch. The main story gal, and surprisingly normal despite all that. Kind, strong-willed, and a lover of all animals, but especially her smokescale, Snips. Firmly retired after the events of EoD, and enjoying a long and well-earned vacation.
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GAVROS SCROLLSEEKER // Guardian - Firebrand // [tag]
Esteemed Magister of the Durmand Priory. Once a fearless explorer, delving the unknown in pursuit of magical artifacts, he now prefers the comfortable life of the research division. An avid scholar, he's never found without a book (or three) in hand. Despite his years, he's still quite the sharp combatant, happy to dole out his finely-aged wisdom at the end of a mace.
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FELIX LIGHTFORGE // Engineer - Holosmith // [tag]
A misfit soldier of the Blood Legion, and later the Pact. Born with physical defects that would have seen him cast aside if not for the support of his warband. To overcome his perceived weakness, he devoted himself to studying holosmithing techniques, building his own Photon Forge as well as a set of light-powered mobility aids.
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SOREX GRAVEWHISPER // Necromancer - Reaper // [tag]
A grousy old necromancer. After losing her warband to a ghost ambush, she became fixated on harnessing the Foefire for herself, and was banished from the Legions for unapproved tampering with spectral magic. She now spends her days hunting down ghosts and exploring ancient ruins with her soulmate, Vitalis.
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VEDRIX RUINWRAITH // Thief - Deadeye // [tag]
Ex-Ash Legion. Part of a special warband tasked with hunting down and eliminating Legion traitors, deserters, and other undesirables on the quiet. Eventually he found himself on the wrong side of a job, and rather than become hunted himself, went into hiding. He ended up in Elona, where he took up a living as a freelance bounty hunter. Years later, he still has a massive chip on his shoulder regarding his former bosses.
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DECIMA SPIRESOUL // Revenant - Renegade // [tag]
Once a disabled gladium, discarded by the Legions after nearly-fatal battle injuries left her no longer fit to serve their purposes. Her scrape with death caused her to develop strange magics, driving her into seclusion for many years. Now, she serves the Dominion as a formidable Centurion of the Frost Legion. Eager to enact retribution on those who cast her aside, her heart is as cold as the frigid magic that suffuses her body.
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LIFEBINDER RANUK // Ranger - Druid // [tag]
A wandering Olmakhan healer, with a special interest in rare plants. He is extremely adverse to combat, relying on the strength of his pets and defensive nature magic to escape dangerous situations. Despite this, he is often found deep in the wilds of Tyria, braving the unknown to get even a glimpse at a unique specimen.
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SANDSHAPER URIAH // Necromancer - Scourge // [tag]
An elderly Olmakhan shaman, one of many charr killed in an Awakened attack on Althoma. His body was taken and later raised as a part of Joko's army, made to fight against his own kin in the Battle of Gandara. Now free of the lich's influence, he lives as a lonely hermit in the Kournan desert, too tormented by the guilt of what he'd done to return home.
[More TBA later.]
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Pact Admiral Mai Trin - Trin Enterprises - Flourish AU
"I made a promise, and I intend to keep it. Pirate's honor isn't worth much if you give it up at the first sign of rough waters."
"No more half-measures. No more hesitation."
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