#smoking weed together can be a fun and intimate activity for couples to enjoy.
gravityglas420 · 2 years
Valentine Bongs | Best Valentine's Day Love Box
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Valentine Bongs | Best Valentine's Day Love Box Click Here To Buy It Now
Size: 8 Inches
1Pcs Blink Lighter (Random Metallic Color) 1Pcs Formula420 (2oz) 5 Metal Screens Glass Slide Bowl with Glass DOWNSTEM Free Shipping
YouTube Video >>>Click Here Brand :GD Tags :bong, glass, water pipe , Online, Dab Rig NOTE!! Must be 21 to purchase!!! FEATURE:
Valentine's Day is a special occasion for many people, and it's a great opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care. If you're looking for a unique and thoughtful gift for a stoner in your life, a glass leaf valentine's day bong could be the perfect choice.
A glass leaf valentine's day bong is a beautiful and functional piece of art that is perfect for smoking weed. The intricate design of the glass leaf adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the bong, making it a great gift for a loved one who appreciates the finer things in life.
Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate love, and what better way to do that than with a valentine glass leaf bong? The delicate leaf design adds a romantic touch to the bong, making it the perfect gift for your significant other. Plus, smoking weed together can be a fun and intimate activity for couples to enjoy.
Valentines Leaf pipe is another great option for a weed-themed valentine's day gift. This pipe is designed with a leaf pattern and is perfect for smoking on the go. It's small, portable and easy to use, making it a great gift for a stoner who loves to smoke on the go.
Valentine's Day gifts for stoners don't have to be boring or uninspired. A weed-themed valentine's day gift can be both thoughtful and practical, and a glass leaf valentine's day bong is a great example of that. But if you're looking for a complete set, you might want to consider a Valentine's Day Love Box.
This Love Box includes a 1Pcs Blink Torch Lighter (Random Metallic Color), 1Pcs Formula420 (2oz), 5 Metal Screens, Glass Slide Bowl with Glass DOWNSTEM. This set is perfect for any stoner who wants to enjoy a smooth and flavorful smoking experience. The Formula420 will help clean and maintain the bong, and the screens will prevent any ash or debris from getting into the bong water. The glass slide bowl with downstem are also made of high-quality materials, ensuring a smooth and comfortable smoking experience.
In conclusion, a glass leaf valentine's day bong is a beautiful and functional gift that is perfect for any stoner. It's a unique and thoughtful way to show your loved one how much you care, and it's sure to be appreciated. And if you want a complete set, the Valentine's Day Love Box is the perfect way to go. Happy Valentine's Day!
Gravity Dab Rig, Bongs and Water Pipes, The Weed Box , Stoner Box
 Carrier: USPS/UPS/FedEx.
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I'm hoping to get a second opinion on a situation I'm in at the moment. I'll try to phrase it as unbiased as I can. I know this is a wall of text, with no TLDR -- if anything needs clarification or more commentary, I'll try to provide it. Mostly interested in female insights, as I'm guessing they'll be able to understand 'her' side a bit more.A woman and I fairly recently started dating again. We'd previously dated, then parted ways for about a year, then got back together. The original split was, from my perspective, a result of her constantly throwing me aside when it suited her (she'd break up with me every 6-8 weeks, then would make up after a few days) -- I got tired of that treatment, and decided "next time, I'm not going back", and stuck to it.From her perspective, from what she's said at least, she felt I wasn't fully committed to the relationship, which is why she says she kept cutting things off. She claimed I wasn't genuine when I told her my feelings, and was frustrated that I didn't plan more 'things' like trips and whatnot (we didn't really plan much, she's right there). However, she would literally write down any small infraction I made in a book, and then she'd review it after those weeks, and bring up a list of everything I'd ever done that she'd perceived in a negative way -- even if we'd previously talked it out and she'd understood that it was a miscommunication / memory glitch.Fast forward a bit -- after a year apart, we became activity partners for a while. We'd go skiing together most weekends, go to shows, etc. Then we took a trip to Cuba (mostly platonic, though we did end up making out near the end). When we got home, we had a discussion, and we agreed to try and keep it mostly activity oriented and to try and avoid just staying in etc. I made one request during the conversation -- that instead of just recording every tiny infraction for later use, that she'd talk to me about anything at all, so that we could resolve things properly at the time.Anyhow, we get back together and start dating again about 4 months ago. She'd just started a new job with a fairly neat company, and was focusing on career stuff quite a bit. She also got a new loft, about a month and a half ago. During this time, I think I was a fairly decent BF. When she was moving into the loft, I took care of her dog (she'd hired movers this time around); also took the pup during a week where she was prepping for a play, and I shrugged when it pee'd all over my home one evening. Did it, even though she'd asked me not to come to the play originally as she was embarassed (first time performing, amateur production) -- she ended up asking me to attend on the last night of the show, and to come along to the wrap party.Around this time, her work started to pick up quite a bit. She started working 12 hour days quite often. We'd make plans, like she'd mention she was interested in doing a beer tasting, so I'd buy a couple $50 tickets to a lobster/beer tasting event near her home, but she'd bail last minute due to work deadlines. I didn't even mention the costs, or the disappointments, as I knew she was stressing her work situation. I'd bring her groceries from time to time, or take out, and we'd watch a movie -- quite often she'd end up working afterwards, and I'd fall asleep (I wake up at ~5 AM for my work).I smoke a little weed on the weekends, to unwind. She isn't too keen on it, though she'll often partake and tends to enjoy it when she does. I knew it wasn't quite her thing though, so I made a point of saying that I'd always ask before smoking, and that I'd never let her have more than two puffs even if she wanted more. At least one time, she even supplied the joint, so I figured this wasn't a huge issue.During her work pressure, she'd still sometimes mention wanting to take a trip. We'd planned a few, but they got derailed mostly due to her work -- sometimes a matter of constantly moving deadlines mucking up bookings and whatnot. But I figured it'd be temporary, and that once she was more established in the new gig we'd get outta the city more (also, during non-peak travel times).During all this, here comes some TMI, we hadn't had 'sex'. We'd be quite intimate, I'd basically spend an hour or two massaging her with oils and on foreplay, and I'd make sure she "climbed the mountain", but we'd refrain from doing the deed. This was intentional on my part, as one of her previous criticisms was that I just wanted her for sex (even back then, it was a mostly one sided event). But I figured it was a relatively easy way to prove that I was there for her needs.Fast forward to last week. I finally muster up the guts to tell her I love her again -- I say it in the morning, while we're snuggling in bed. Her birthday was coming up, and while she was already booked that evening with a work event, I was hoping to plan a little romantic weekend for us. That day, she seemed really content / happy.A couple days later, she abruptly leaves the project she'd been working on excessively. Her schedule frees up, but mine is still jammed and I'm still getting up at 5AM, working till 6-7PM. She contacts me asking if I want to go to a play with her on a worknight, at 9:30 PM that day ... I say I can't (way too tired).Then, suddenly, at the beginning of this week she reverts back to breaking up with me. She says I don't care about her, that I insult her dog (I made one joke about how "It'd be fun to people watch at a furry convention, but we wouldn't want to bring your dog along -- she may find herself an unwilling participant in a yiff-fest!" -- I made that comment ... in cuba, months ago, and none since as she'd told me not to joke about her dog that way). She accuses me of not having her best interests at heart, that I bring her weed over even though she doesn't 'like it' (she also says her orgasms are crazy strong when she smokes though). She continues by saying things like "we never said we'd be exclusive" (to be fair, we hadn't, though we'd both said we were monogamists). She spends about an hour sending me angry texts, while I'm at work on a Sunday, after which (paraphrasing) she says she can't trust my texts or emails because I'm apparently dishonest, and she only wants to talk in person or on the phone. I say "ok, lets meet up, when and where?"... and she stone walls me. She stops reading texts and emails.I pop over to her place, confused, to see what's going on. She seems happy to see me, chats at me for an hour or two about her work (she was suddenly back on the project -- director drama is always good listening). As part of this, she mentions that she's likely taking her birthday off, and will spend it with family. Then we spend about an hour talking about us. Mostly her telling me how shitty a person I am, how I only have enough niceness to be a regular human being for about two days of the week, etc. She says I treat her like crap and that I constantly put her down (I don't, as far as I can tell... and she'd never said anything before this... she seemed happy, and most of the things we did, were oriented towards her interests, not mine). We hug, and I end up spending the night (same as before, all about her pleasure).The next day, thinking we'd semi patched things up, I send her a message asking about her plans for her birthday. But she's still stonewalling me -- not reading texts, not answering emails, not responding to phone calls. I make what last minute reservations I can, thinking I may be able to sneak out of work early and take her to a nicer restaurant if she doesn't have other plans. With no response though, right up to the day, I end up cancelling the rezs.Instead, I figured I'd head over after work, to see her in person, wearing a suit (not too common for me), with some flowers, cake, a card, etc. She doesn't know her buzzer number still, so I just pop around the back of the loft... and I can hear her inside with another guy. Not 'getting it on' per-se, but it's like 9:30-10:00 PM, and they're in the upstairs bedroom part of the loft.Now, she's got a good number of guy friends, something I've never been too comfy with... especially as many are married guys trying to have an affair with her (she's shot them down, or so she's said...). I didn't want to... interrupt... and I didn't want to be mean on the card... I don't know what I wrote exactly, but it was platitudes I'm sure (which she'll likely say are dishonest and so forth...). I left the card/cake/flowers on her back porch, and departed.So. I'm pretty sure I ought to tell my heart to stfu and move on. Thoughts? via /r/dating_advice
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