#smoother texture
orphetoon · 3 months
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(fullmeal au) elrics v toudens
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gelatinous-globster · 2 months
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Make sure to be staying cool this summer!
@drama-glob @enbydemirainbowbigfoot
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emry-stars-art · 2 years
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Pt 2/3
[Pt1] [HERE] [Pt3]
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daily-oliver-swift · 5 months
I like the colour pink a lot
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Day 86 of drawing Oliver Swift everyday until I get on HRT
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five-abs-and-one-peck · 4 months
wanted to try a side in a different style, so here's transfem! Roman
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saracastically · 7 months
Hello! I adore your animations, and I was curious. How do you get such a nice texture on them with digital animation? They have the feel of paper animation but the smoothness of digital, I'm very curious how you do it!
hi! thank you so much for saying so, that's something i strive for 🥰 mostly i lean on using textured brushes, textured overlays, hand-drawing frames where i can, and of course having a styleframe and/or image references on hand to match to. for bits that are more procedural or computer animated i lower the framerate (usually to 8 or 12, whatever i'm drawing at) and toss some effects (turbulent displace, scatter, roughen edges in aftereffects) or filters (paper texture, grain) on top and that helps too!
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ruinikaido · 1 year
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my deltarune designs
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cowboysuperhero · 1 year
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sound of 1000 explosions as i collapse to the floor in agony after spending soooo much time on this please enjoy charlie but i realed him
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pivsketch · 1 year
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still interacting with traditional art. tested all my various pens and markers on some sort of bristol by drawing 100 bad burner-basils. report: still dont know what im doing but i almost liked how the zig clear color brush turned out... much to think about
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peapod20001 · 26 days
Me and my new go-to pen on my drawing app gonna cause problems
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mbat · 1 month
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the progression to completion of me turning this great ball into a love ball <3
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chiropteracupola · 9 months
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fjordfolk · 2 years
Fwiw it's now been 3 years since Luna's first leg surgery and 1) she's doing fantastic but 2) the coat that was shaved down still has textural damage - it feels different to the touch, doesn't ventilate effectively, doesn't shed as easily. Very reasonable how people who clip these dogs down once often keep doing it for the rest of their lives.
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forgivenfolly · 1 year
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did prem's sculpt also and hoping it is not like immediately obvious. that they are the same base lmfao
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lizadale · 1 year
Miss, If you don't mind me, There kind of is something extra, The Puppy's POV fic i'm writing on AO3 ;3c It's like one of the 5 fics tagged with Luigi & Polterpup (i understand why there's only so many where that's the focus but also ;-;)
And last night i finally got to write the beginning of the second part.
[ That morning, After they all got breakfast. Luigi Talked to Dimentio about how to set up some exercising stuff in the guest room. “It’s where we have more free space” Luigi said. Dimentio grumbled an agreement and went to hide. Polterpup followed behind, Luigi would leave soon anyway.
Dimentio won’t say it. None of them liked to be lonely. Luigi won’t be, but who’s home may be.
By Dimentio hiding, They mean going to the book room. For some reason it’s his favourite place. There’s a bunch of books there, and he likes to read. Sometimes he spends the whole day, from breakfast to sleep time, there.
“For the love of-” Dimentio said while writing something in a piece of paper “Hello there. Can you get me a pen?” He showed them a blank page but with a part scratched on a corner holding a pen without the dark part inside. The pen broke, that’s sad.
Where did they seen a pen? Then they remenbered. That there was something that looks like a pen on a drawer in the kitchen. With their head up with pride and tail wagging like a like a windshield wiper, they present the pen to Dimentio, they did a good job, he may give them head pat pats.
“That’s a straw.” He says and they stop wagging their tail. No pen, no head pats. “I guess it looks like a pen...” But right after he trwill a pen in his fingers, it has a red inside, is it blood? Blood will stink later but whatever floats his boat. “I found one myself though”
‘Ooh! That’s great!’
"I can get back to... "work".it is Exciting.” 'Yup, that’s amazing!' ”Now quiet down a pitch, will you?” He says, sitting down by the table, and they sit with him, there isn't enough space for them to try to nap in his lap without getting halfway through the table.
Being inside wood is annoying. Really annoying. They won't annoy themselves today.
That’s a NOOOOO! no.
“Could you at least wait until i sit down proper!?” He says but doesn’t do anything.
It’s nice to cuddle, even if the other being is not warm enough. Dimentio still weird. The good or not good kind of weird? They can’t say. He likes to make those little pranks to make Luigi upset.
He’s the meanest person they ever had to live with. Being mean to Luigi, and pretending to be mean with them.
They can tell because they doesn’t notice the same yucky mean feeling he has with Luigi. Only annoyance, and only some times. They are trying to be better when they do annoy him. But they still doesn’t understand why they annoy him in the first place.
And lately he’s being not very mean to Luigi, even with those pudrid feeling behind each and everything he does near him.
Tini steps, one at the time makes you move a mile. That’s what one the early things they can remember that are people words. ]
As you can see, I'm enjoing the last few minutes before the storm the best i can. It'll make reading about it going downhill worse, but the good worse.
that is true! we have the puppy version. and that's sad, AO3 needs more polterpup :c
and i LOVE dimentio griping about the dog but also letting it do whatever it wants. correct.
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kenzan-kiwami · 10 months
Can I get uhhh Wagi + 1, 2, 25
(this got quite long so i'm gonna shove it under a read more)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
it's so hard for me to quantify what i like about him in broad and general terms, but it had to happen someday i guess so thank you for that LOL
at the most basic and superficial level i just find him pleasing to look at and listen to. absolutely helps that my first exposure this year was ishin kiwami and not yakuza kiwami because he slays the haori look and the little extra sideburn scruff he gets looks great on him. i can't remember what my reaction was to him when i played 0 (we'll expand on that later) but i was clinging hard to inoue well before things happened, and every game i played after the fact only solidified kashiwagi as a fave.
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but every little extra thing the games say about him just makes him all the more interesting to me. i still haven't done my Y0 replay but i've gone back and watched most of the scenes he's in, and the way he 1) already tends kamuro castle in '88 2) brings up the way yakuza (don't) cope with expulsion to kiryu and nishiki is interesting to think about after Y3 tells us he's been operating the HLA for some time. how long? was it already on the books during the bubble?
also from 0, the conversation between kiryu and nishiki at the apartment where they mention how tense he was while kiryu was at dojima's office. the last time you see him do anything before this point is when he flips his lid at kiryu and knocks him into the shelf. he has this big intimidating front on as current acting patriarch of the kazama family - rightly so, considering the respect he commands even from awano - but everything about his situation, and kiryu's situation, and kazama's situation, on top of the empty lot fiasco, is stressing him to the bone. he cares so much about kiryu not dying to the point he doesn't eat until he comes back alive, which just makes me worry about how little he ate over the game's runtime. he gets relatively little screentime and development compared to certain other characters in this series (especially playable protags), but in spite of it they manage to make him feel like a person. which i guess is one of the strengths of RGG's writing
there's a lot i've left unsaid, but i don't know if i can put much of it into words without somehow being asked the right question to prompt it lmao. i guess to conclude this segment, i see a bit of myself in him as well. he's the type of man i would like to be, if a bit less temperamental
2. Favourite canon thing about this character?
i cannot for the life of me think of a better way to put this, but i guess how gap moe he is? characters like tsuruno are out here calling him scary, and there's that one story from RGGO where they call him oni kashiwa, and y'know just his whole usual demeanour and presentation. and that gnarly scar across his face. but in spite of appearances, he's... kind of a nerd. dare i say he's just a little bit goofy (especially in 7 when he allows his filter to drop a little).
we've got a man who runs an empty karaoke bar as a hobby, and hires younger women to talk to what few patrons he has for him. he taught himself ikebana and how to make chinese herbal remedies. he's got it down bad enough for his own boss that he allows himself to get beaten to a pulp for as long as it takes for the emergency services to show up after kazama gets shot at sera's funeral (RGGO). i'm not even gonna uncork the fuckin "legend malt" bottle, and i've posted about his posture and ill-fitting suits on ps2/ps3 here before.
i think one of my favourite moments from 7 is still the end of nanba's 4th drink link, where he's like HUH after ichiban says they're organising a birthday party. all of the little breaks in his composure in that game make me feel completely normal ways i promise
also, not sure if i count it as such, but inoue's reimen lines from ishin. the way he starts talking about his favourite dish from his favourite restaurant then cuts himself off because he's gushing too much and ryoma isn't interested like, noooo, keep going please i want to hear it... tell me how you got your hands on reimen 100 years early
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
like i say, it's been so long since i played Y0 that i genuinely don't remember if i had any actual thoughts on him or not beyond this relic i just dug up:
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so i'll go from ishin kiwami instead i guess LOL
i'm still not sure what my first first impressions were but i was definitely latching on during chapter 5 at the latest. those cutscenes are soooo juicy, but we all knew that. every time i saw him i was like :) yay inoue is here :) until the start of chapter 10 when i was in straight up denial until they dumped his pale crusty-ass body in the middle of the sparring pit. ishin the only fucking thing delivering both his forbidden tatas and a scar backstory and we stan her for that.. the tibbies less so though because honestly it feels too lewd. seeing fanart of him with his shirt open helps me to understand what sawashiro fans felt when the infinite wealth trailer dropped
and it's all been uphill (or down, depending on how you look at it) from there. seeing him sopping wet, bleeding and pleading in the mud awoke something in me for sure. i understand why tsuruno calls him scary but i legitimately cannot see the dragon engine model that way, especially with those stupid tortoiseshell glasses. he looks like a sad dog & my male high school chemistry teachers at once. he's abashedly goofy and barely speaks above a whisper half the time.
i just know that whatever happens between him and kiryu in 8 is going to very painfully exorcise my own soul from my body.
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