#smpb // reuploads
smp-boundaries · 4 years
List of Boundaries: Tubbo
• Profile pics: Tubbo does not mind profile pictures of himself as long as he doesn’t look “a right state” (UK slang meaning “a mess”). He also asked fans not to have him as their profile pictures if they are “chatting sh*t” about or “trying to cancel” his friends.
• Phone backgrounds: Tubbo has told someone on stream that he is okay with having phone backgrounds made of himself.
• Cosplay: He has also said that he’s fine with people cosplaying him!
• Shipping: Tubbo has expressed discomfort with the idea of being shipped in two separate sources - one more directly and one in agreement to TommyInnit asking if he’s not okay with it. Ranboo and Tubbo have both implied that their characters are romantically married, indicating that general ship content of their Dream SMP characters is fine; however, Ranboo has stated that he and Tubbo are unsure of their boundaries regarding this situation, so be cautious when making content of them. There has been no update since.
• Fanfiction: Tubbo does not like nsfw/ship fanfiction and has expressed discomfort with x readers, but has said he thinks any creative writing about him is “dope,” indicating that general fanfiction is fine.
• NSFW: TommyInnit has stated that Tubbo and him share the same view on NSFW of them - they are both uncomfortable with it (and are also both minors, so don’t condone it on a moral level). Tubbo was not there at the time of Tommy saying this but it can be assumed that they have talked about this off stream. Tubbo has also expressed dislike for nsfw fanfiction.
• Fanmerch: Tubbo replied “I guess it’s fine” to a dono asking about selling fanart of him.
• Privacy: Tubbo has stated he would like to keep his sexuality private.
• Names: Tubbo does not mind being called his real name by fans.
• Reuploaded content: On his main Twitch, Tubbo has stated he is fine with clips of his content being reuploaded, but not full VODs. On his alt Twitch, Tubbo stated full VOD uploads were fine.
• Feminine depictions: Tubbo has upvoted fanart of him in a dress on Reddit and wore a skirt for a subgoal once, indicating that feminine depictions of him in fan content are fine.
• General PSA: Also don’t infantilise him because he’s a minor, a lot of you guys are younger than him so you should know that this isn’t okay! Not everything he does is worthy of spamming ‘awwwww’ in the chat, even if it’s just ironic it’s still infantilising a lot of the time.
Phone backgrounds
this tumblr post which includes a clip about shipping
Tommy and Tubbo talking about shipping/stans
implying the Beeduo marriage is romantic: clip 1, clip 2, and 14:48 - 15:08 of this vod
Tommy on his and Tubbo’s opinion of NSFW of them
Doesn’t want to look “a right state” in profile pictures
Don’t have him as your pfp if you’re in drama: 5:20 - 8:00 of this vod
Clip about enjoying a dream smp dbh au fanfic at 10:22 - 11:00
Tubbo on nsfw fanfiction
Tubbo reacting to an x reader fanfiction
Tubbo about fanfiction: 1:45:10 of this twitter space
About sexuality/privacy (backup link) (backup backup link)
on fans using his real name: 1:25:53 of this vod
about clips of his content (on main)
about full VODs (on alt)
upvoting dress fanart: 1:18 of this video
subgoal skirt
Tubbo has also spoken about delusions of him in this clip, saying it doesn’t bother him. As this is not something people can control, we aren’t listing it as a boundary of his that must be followed, but we wanted to document it.
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[Image ID: a Twitter thread by Ranboo’s alt. He says “...Part and it is currently being handled. Secondly, NO MODS went behind my back to try and change it. I am not sure about the boundaries that both me and tubbo have in regards to this and we are both doing research in order to make the best decision both for us and the people that watch us We dont want to make anyone uncomfortable with how we portray our characters so I made the decision to not worry about changing the wiki until we both came to a decision on what to do I am sorry if this was not the correct course of action. Please let me know if it wasnt” /End ID]
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smp-boundaries · 4 years
List of Boundaries: Technoblade
• AU/violence in fanworks: I’ve been told that Technoblade has liked smpronpa and mafia AU posts on twitter before, meaning he’s probably okay with depictions of violence in fanfiction and AU.
• Cosplay: He has also reacted positively to cosplay of his character before!
• Shipping/fanfic: Techno has said that he is uncomfortable with people shipping him with other creators, but that he is fine with fanfiction that isn’t ship content.
Names: Additionally, he is uncomfortable with being called by his real name (for example in fanworks).
• Fanmerch: Techno has said that he doesn’t want people making money off of his brand by selling fanmerch (it is unclear if this extends to commissions, the wording used specifically implies redbubble-type merch of him).
• Reuploaded content: Technoblade does not mind short clips or clip compilations of his content, but has asked fans not to upload clips longer than 5 minutes or highlight videos of streams.
• Doxxing jokes: Techno has asked people not to make jokes about his information being leaked/him doxxing himself as they make him anxious, please don’t spam ‘LEAKED’ in Techno’s chat.
• Dad headcanons: Techno has stated that Ranboo being his son is definitely not canon, but that people “can have fun with it.”
• Flirty donos: Techno has been known to shut down and/or not react to anything with romantic implications, and has called a flirty dono “kinda weird,” so anything like that is probably not a good idea.
• Personal life: Techno has expressed discomfort with fans “psychoanalyzing” his relationship with his father based on a brief conversation. In general, it’s not a good idea to closely analyze a cc’s personal life.
• Face reveal: Techno has expressed dislike for the face reveal he did in the steering wheel video, asking fans to go to his “Cooking with Technoblade” video to see his face instead.
• Death threats: Techno replied “AGREED” to a tweet by Harvey TapL expressing that any fan of his sending death threats is not welcome in his community. This is to be assumed by default.
Evidence: When asked about fanfiction Techno responded with this, At 20:17 in this VOD Techno says he doesn’t like people using his real name, at 23:16 in this VOD he asks fans to not make jokes about being doxxed, on the dad headcanon: 1:47:26 - 1:47:45 of this vod, reaction to flirty dono: 46:30 - 46:37 of this vod, reacting to fans analyzing conversation with his dad, on steering wheel video face reveal,
Description of this video
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[Image ID: description of one of Technoblade’s youtube videos. It says “Content policy: I am ok with people posting short clips from this stream on their channels. Please do not reupload full VODs or long-form (5+ minutes) edited highlights of this stream (aka the kind of stream highlights that I might post to my own channel, like The Red Festival or We Won the Minecraft Championship). Videos that are a compilation of short clips from *different* streams are also fine. For example: "Technoblade yells at baby" (60 second clip) is fine. "Technoblade Funny Moments" or "Technoblade 500 IQ Moments" (5+ minute videos with many clips from different streams) is fine. "Technoblade Blows Up Lmanburg" or "Technoblade Wins Tournament" (5+ minute videos edited from one stream) is not; please do not do that.” /End ID]
Techno reacts to cosplay:
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[ID: A picture of a Technoblade cosplay on Reddit, which Technoblade reacts to with the message “just figured out my halloween costume”. End ID]
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[ID: A tweet from Techno reading “receiving reports that Technoblade cosplayers are taking over TikTok and I would just like to say: RISE UP MY GOONS THE DAY OF REVOLUTION DRAWS NEAR”. End ID]
Techno on fanmerch:
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[ID: A discord message from Techno reading “if they’re making money off of my brand that is weirdchamp”. End ID]
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[ID: A screenshot of a Discord conversation between Techno and someone else (labelled X in this transcript), which reads as follows:
X: so like, just to be clear, you dont want people selling their fanart that they made of you?
Techno: correct
End ID]
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[ID: a screenshot of Twitter on dark mode. 
TapL tweets “If any of you from my community is sending death threats to anyone on this platform, I’m going to kindly ask you to fuck off. Your toxic behavior is not tolerated, NOW OUT THE DOOR. SHOO.”
Technoblade replies with “AGREED.”
end ID.]
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smp-boundaries · 3 years
This is a list of stances held by the mod team behind SMP Boundaries regarding situations in which content creator boundaries may not be obvious or easily interpretable. Take all of these with a grain of salt, because they are the beliefs of the mods and not hard and fast rules; however, this is how we approach boundary collection.
Remember that we cannot make decisions for you or your fan content. In confusing situations, make your best judgment and err on the side of caution.
Q. Can I make content of a SMP character if the creator who plays that character has a boundary against it?
A. We do not differentiate between SMP character and creator boundaries unless the creator does. If a creator is not okay with something, assume you should not be doing it with their character either.
Exceptions to this are when creators differentiate between their and their character’s boundaries. For example: Punz has stated his Dream SMP character has no gender; Purpled has stated he is fine with fanfiction of his Dream SMP character, but not himself.
Q. Can I ship SMP characters who are in canonical relationships when the creator’s stance on shipping is different or unclear? (eg. Jschlatt/Quackity or Tubbo/Ranboo)
A. If a creator has explicitly stated they do not want to be shipped, do not ship them or their character. If a creator has no clear stance on shipping and actively roleplays similar concepts, we advise keeping ship content at the same level as the content they make of themselves.
For example: Jschlatt and Quackity are known to make crude sexual jokes, implying nonserious innuendo fan content of their characters is fine. Quackity has also made his character’s past relationship with Jschlatt’s character a relatively serious aspect of his character’s backstory, indicating fan content explorations of their relationship from Quackity’s POV are fine. Tubbo and Ranboo roleplay a marriage, indicating general ship content of their characters is fine if it doesn’t break their other boundaries - both have expressed discomfort with irl shipping, and Ranboo has expressed discomfort with fanart of them cuddling.
Q. Why do you collect boundaries for [controversial creator]?
A. Boundaries are a right, not a privilege that can be taken away. As long as there are fans of a creator, they have the right to know how to respect the person they watch with the content they make, and that person has a right to having their boundaries respected.
Default boundaries: these are boundaries that we will assume to be held by creators until a creator explicitly states otherwise.
SFW, platonic fanart and animatics: okay
Short (<5 min) reuploaded clips of content: okay
SFW, platonic fanfiction: okay
NSFW: not okay
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smp-boundaries · 3 years
Hey folks! mod Vee here with an update on a few blog related things.
Sorting for boundaries: new tag
You can now sort for boundaries regarding reuploaded content, such as how creators feel about clips, unofficial VOD channels, and the like.
The tag is “smpb // reuploads”
For a full guide on how to sort by tags, see this post.
Lists for adjacent creators
We are going to start working on boundary lists for non-SMP members who are closely adjacent to the MCYT community.
Active SMP members will still be prioritized, but if you have evidence for an adjacent member, please send it in! As always, evidence will be collected on the under construction spreadsheet until lists are compiled.
Crumb Cuptoast has tweeted a wonderfully succinct list of her boundaries, so hers will be out today! Please don’t send us that, we already have it.
I am also hoping to do a list for Mrs. Trixtin today. Right now she only has a couple known boundaries, so she’ll go on the same list as Phil. (true love am i right) However, this could change in the future.
We already have evidence for her being supportive of goddess of death headcanons, so please don’t send us that. Anything else would be helpful though.
There are quite a few creators and only one of me right now, so please be patient as we iron out the kinks. A huge thank you to all of our followers for how quickly you retrieve us evidence, your wonderful enthusiasm, and participation in discussion! This blog couldn’t run without you guys.
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