#smth smth fwb blewis. bono watching as lewis is right there with him. falling in love w val n there’s nothing he can do to stop it. he’s the
milflewis · 2 years
Hi, I've been ignoring my complicated feelings about this race weekend by reading like all your 5 sentence prompts and now I've ran out so Blewis + shiver
Bono rolls over onto his back, shivering as the sheets slip, arms folding behind his head so he can watch Lewis pick his way around the room, movements slow and liquid, pulling on his jeans. “We still have a few hours until our flight.”
Lewis hums, towel around his shoulders replaced with his lilac shirt, loose around his neck, cut in at the waist. It sticks to the curve of his back lightly, skin still damp with water. He’s taken to showering after they fuck nowadays — Bono still isn’t quite sure what changed. “Yeah, I know, but I promised Val I’d meet up with him before we left.”
Right. Bono swallows. Lewis sits beside him on the bed, tugging on his boots, his grin is tucked into the corners of his eyes as he leans in, soap and warmth, the smell of the racetrack still clinging to him. Bono allows the kiss — it’s been years since he stopped enforcing that rule — and is rewarded by Lewis half sighing into it, mouth soft, before pulling away.
“Always forget how good you are at that,” Lewis laughs, hand hot on his jaw, before standing up.
“Say hi to Valtteri for me.” It slips out before Bono can stop it, nails digging into the back of his neck. Lewis just waves his fingers over his shoulder, “You can say it yourself — he’ll be flying with us.”
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