#smth that turned akk into the rules obsessed person that he is today
kiss-your-eclipse · 2 years
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so um this was an interesting transition, huh?
a mirror image of akk when he first joins the prefects juxtaposed with akk .2 seconds away from committing arson in the name of suppalo
the difference between naive underclassman akk who just joined this stupid club bc he had a crush on mes and exhausted, haunted senior akk who is now the sole person responsible for upholding the school's reputation (so he believes)
shoutout to the editors of this part of the ep bc this transition and the cinematography of the scenes are immaculate
akk looks so hopeful looking at the fire (that is symbolic of his responsibility as prefect) in the first pic whereas he looks indifferent and resigned to his fate, to his role as peace keeper, in the second pic
also: not to throw a meta/theory in on top of this, but these scenes are exact mirrors of one another minus one thing: mes
sure, he was older than akk and has since probably graduated, but i can't help but feel this is indicative of something having gone wrong with mes and the prefects in the past. akk was all too happy to join originally, so what made him lose that spark? it could have been the responsibilities thrust on him this year as head prefect, but i think it goes back further than that, bc akk's classmates all know him as this stoic, inflexible prefect who values rules over friendships (we know this isn't true, but this is what his classmates seem to think). i think that something must have happened w mes before he graduated that caused chadok to be much more strict about the rules and suppalo's reputation and turned akk into this shell of his former self
what's been the one constant thing that everyone says about akk:
he'd rather play the bad guy to keep his friends safe
hmmm why is that? what could have possibly happened that akk, who used to punch ppl just for calling him a hillbilly to this?
(whatever happened could have also been the reason for what happened with dika, but idk)
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