way-veee · 4 years
yān yǔ
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pt. 3
today you had to go grocery shopping. 
you and wayv were going to go out and buy ingredients for a filmed dinner making segment. the segment started at four, and you were to be taking notes the whole time. what a great way to spend an afternoon. 
it was just around lunch time, so you decide to go out and get something to eat before you have to leave. the confides of your quarters were crushing, you couldn’t stand the structured day schedule for one more minute. 
you knew a ramen place close-ish by,and it sounded like a nice break from everything.
you were more than excited to leave as you stick to the corners of the halls not wanting to explain yourself to any managers. 
you thought you were alone on your adventure outside, but you were sadly mistaken. xiaojun, lucas and winwin were following you from behind. they saw you leave and being presidents of the we hate y/n club, they had to follow you to see what you were doing.
you round the corner and open the door, you feel the fresh air on your face and rejoice.
“hey!” lucas yells in a bird like voice. “where are you going!”
you jump, startled again. god, this day was supposed to be fun. “ i was just going out.”
they look confused.
“alone?” winwin says. it was like the whole concept of independence was new to him.
you nod looking at these boys. then you remembered the promise you made to yourself.
“i.. i’m going to a ramen place for lunch. would  you like to come?” you muster up your best relaxed smile.
“no,” xiaojun says.
“yeah that sounds boring.” lucas replies.
winwin just looks at you with a face of disgust and you assume he means no as well.
you were so glad you were a nice person.
“when you guys usually go out how many guards do you need with you?”
they look you in the eyes now, aware of what you’re doing.
“we need at least two at all times, if there’s filming then we bring over 10 people.” lucas replies.
“ i know it’s not my place to say this, but even if you wont tell me i know you guys want to be alone outside. no one wants to be caged up.”
they know you’re right. but they also know that the’re rules that they need to follow.
“you shouldn’t be caged up. do you hear me?”
they stay quiet. maybe they shouldn't have talked to you at all.
“im going,” you say sternly. “you should come.”
then you walk off, breaking your facade and breathing heavily from fear. if they tell on you you’d be off this report immediately and would probably be fired. 
but for some reason you know that they won’t. 
“were you actually gonna follow her!” winwin yells at lucas. 
“well, yea for a second i was.”
“why!” winwin whispers yells still not wanting to be caught and hurried back into their rooms.
“you know she’s right,” xiaojun says, serious. 
winwin quiets, you were right. then lucas begins to speak
“listen, i know that we hate her and she’s annoying and a bunch of other things, but i still think we should go with her. we won’t get another chance like this for a while.”
“i want to go too,” xiaojun says, siding with lucas.  
xiaojuns pleading eyes completely destroy whatever counter argument winwin has.
“fine,” he says, a hint of excitement in the back of his throat. “but if she sells us off to sasaengs or tries to kill us, it’s on you guys.” 
“im gonna put on my travel pants!” lucas yells galloping back to his room.
when they catch up to you, you were relieved, excited and a little bit confused on why lucas kept on talking about “travel pants”
you stay silent and let them talk in hushed tones. this was an alliance between you both and you didn’t want to wreck it.
when you get to the ramen place you speak to the waiter in hushed chinese for a table in the back.
“i forgot she could do that,” winwin says to the boys, saddened by the lost prospect of talking about you while you were with them.
you get a table at the back, the boys sit facing the wall side, just so no one would notice them. 
they were surprised that no one had discovered them yet. was going out really that easy?
“i’ll get one of those please, “ you say to the waiter.
“and i’ll get a ramen bowl with shrimp, tofu, green beans and rice.” lucas says with a dazzling smile on his face. 
“um, the tofu and rice are part of a separate meal, so what you ordered would be enough for three people, are you sure you don’t want something else?” 
lucas eyes the waiter definitely not impressed. “i know what i said.” he never blinks once. the waiter gives up with an indignant huff and walks back to relay the orders to the chefs.
“xiaojun what drink did you order?” you question, inspecting his brownish drink.
he triumphantly lifts up his glass and says, “this is pepsi, coca cola, sprite and fanta!”
you vomit in your mouth, that sounds so disgusting. “why... why do drink that?”
“well, i really like all of those drinks and it would be gross to order 4 drinks at once, so one day i thought, hey why don’t i put them together?”
he gestures proudly to his drink. so proud in fact that he lifts it up for you to look at it but instead spills it all over your sweater.
you stand up gasping, “my sweater!”
“oh my gosh im sorry!” xiaojun yells embarrassed.
“do you have a change of clothes or something?” lucas says concerned at your shirt stained brown.
“i could go back to my room, but that’s far and i-”
“miss?” the same waiter says snooping in on the conversation. “we might have something for you in the back?” he gestures past the kitchen and you of course follow him not wanting to sit in a carbonated sweater.
“that sack was ugly anyways” winwin snickers as you leave.
xiaojun and lucas nod, both agreeing.
was this all they had? it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t what you normally wore when reporting. it was tight and dark blue with buttons. 
you weren’t about to leave your lunch because of three- no, one drink crazy idol.
you walk out and sit back down. they had just brought out your ramen and you start to eat it.
you feel them all staring at you. this wasn’t some movie where you wore a winter color palette and let your hair down and all the guys fall for you.
“you look even worse!” winwin exclaims, not impressed.
“it’s better than the sack” xiaojun shrugs.
“is it?” lucas says looking at xiaojun “is it really?”
“hey im sitting right here,” you say while waving your hands.
they didn’t seem to mind at all.
the rest of  lunch went surprisingly well, lucas ate enough for four people when you decided to give him the rest of your bowl. and the insults at each other became jokes and teasing. 
the boys couldn’t believe it. they were actually enjoying your company. people usually wouldn’t talk bad about idols to their faces, but you really didn’t care. your company was refreshing. 
not to mention the way you looked in the shirt you had to wear. you actually looked pretty not wearing a sack shirt. it was quite surprising.
“we better go back,” you say looking at your wristwatch. “filming starts in under an hour.” 
you look at the boys. they looked like they could stay there forever. they looked so normal and happy like when you had seen them the other night.
“and action!”
“okay!” kun yells at the boys with a giddy smile. “we have to find the ten items we want in 3 minutes, then we’ll choose the dish according to the rules of the game.”
the boys break out into indistinct crazy conversations as the bright lights of the grocery store and camera crew illuminate their foundation padded faces.
you watched admiringly from behind the camera. they were wearing new clothes again, probably some that they’d never wear again. but at least they looked happy, or happier than they had been in restricting suits.
“one two thr-” before kun can finish counting hendery and ten breakout into a run down the grocery store aisles completely ignoring kun’s authority as a leader. you chuckle.
you had to give it to them, they were really funny on camera and entertaining to watch. you understood now why so many people liked them. 
then the camera goes zooming past you as the other boys break away running to find food for the challenge. you scribble down more notes back with the film crew.
the boys were energetic. if there was a more powerful word than energetic i’d use it right now, the boys were driven by the prospect of food and nothing could derail them. they are after all young men. 
“aah!” lucas yells, you gasp, had he hurt himself or fell?
 then you see him run by with three loaves of bread in his hands and at least four cans of beans in his pockets. ten then follows yelling at lucas that he took his beans.
the rest of the grocery store segment had much more chaos and yelling like before. 
 the youngest members teamed up against the oldest and they stole all of their chicken and seaweed. then ten and lucas also sided with the younger members so it was really just them yelling and stealing food items from kun and winwin.
at one point hendery decided to do a back flip down the aisles which ended surprisingly well, but then lucas tried and knocked off a whole shelf of rice which he then had to clean up.
when it was over you hadn't written many notes down because you couldn't draw your eyes away from them. you were inexplicably drawn to them and their personalities. 
you also found them quite entertaining.
“y/n did you write down that i did a back flip!” hendery says out of breath running up to you.
you nod slowly, “i did, good job with that by the way.”
“thanks” hendery says while pushing his sweaty hair out of his face.
‘i’ve been practicing on a chair and on my bed and then i just run really fast and do an air somersault. you know?”
you look at him in shock, was he okay?  but then you remembered, no, he’s just a member of wayv. that was reason enough for you.
you took a separate car to the kitchen where the boys were gonna be filming at. it made you sad, you kind of missed their presences, even if it just was them pestering you.
when you finally got to the restaurant they gave you a chair to sit on as you watched them. 
they had the food laid out on the table and they were gonna make scallion pancakes and congee. it was a weird combo but they insisted on making it.
you enjoyed the filming, watching the boys joke around and horribly make food. 
at one point you see one of their managers try to signal at winwin to move. for some reason he wanted winwin on the sides not in the center? 
but winwin didn’t see the gesture, or ignored it. either way he stayed in the middle.
 it was fine by you, the boys looked unconcerned by winwin’s presence so why should it matter.
the show ended with the boys trying to eat their creations but laughing too much and then having to throw it out because it wouldn’t unstick from the pans.
as lucas walks away to get changed he whispers “im glad we ate at lunch because i don’t think that food was even edible.”
you look at lucas who was trying to actually have a nice conversation with you.
“good thing you ate enough for four people,” you joke.
then you look behind lucas’s shoulder to see the manager sternly talking to winwin. winwin looks visibly upset, but the manager wouldn’t stop. it was probably about the incident earlier.
lucas follows your eyes and his face falls. “y/n, don’t.”
but the second the manager stops talking, winwin runs away and you follow. you had to see if he was okay.
lucas doesn’t try to stop you anymore. he just goes and get changed. stuff like this has happened before. what could he do about it?
you follow him. he doesn’t run for much longer and stops, sitting in one of the many dark hallways of the building.
he’s crunched on the ground crying. winwin has always been visibly strong and outgoing. now he’s not.
you don’t know what to say or do so you just sit beside him on the ground, listening to his shallow breathing.
he looks up at you after some time. 
“i should’ve just moved.” 
his eyes were red and wet from crying. that was no way to treat another human being. you couldn't do anything right know, but you wanted to yell and curse at all of the managers at SM.
winwin’s hand was atop his knee and you slowly put your hand on top of his. he stops shaking almost immediately and you just sit there with him.
“i’m afraid they’re gonna get rid of me again.” 
you didn’t know if he was talking to you, or just in general. so you just listened.
“i don’t know what to do anymore.”
 you can hear him  start to cry again.
“why don’t they like me?” 
you wondered how many times the boys have been upset or cried like this. you wondered how many hours or days were spent hating their management. it made you sick.
you grasp winwin’s hand a little tighter. then wipe the tears off of his soft cheeks.
“i like you” you say smiling at him.
“no you don’t” he says through his knees.
“i do. you’re a talented person, and you’re nice. i couldn’t hate you if i wanted too.”
“you’re lying” he says. but then he grips your hand even tighter in the dark hallway and you smile.
when you arrive back to the boys they immediately ask winwin so many questions. they were so concerned about him. 
it made you happy to see people care about other people in such a way.
“thank you.” xiaojun whispers while walking by you. apparently he can give up hating you for a second to thank you. that made you happy too.
after some hugs and hushed words kun approaches you.
“so y/n. we had an idea, can you help us with it?”
“umm, probably? can you tell me what it is?”
kun smiles a short smile in the hallway of the building.
“it has to do with an article, us and our company-”
“i’m in.” you say automatically.
pt. 4
19 notes · View notes