Frank! Did you read the article in the New Yorker about the possibility that the sightings of the Pennsylvanian Skunk Frog Man may actually just be a really fucked up bird??
Sometimes animals are said to look like people: llamas, pigs, possums, iguanas. They even look like fake people, like the story of Bozo the Clown. You don't read about the Pennsylvania Skunk Frog man, because he's real. But on the Internet, people say that he is a head of lettuce that is really a human head, and then they call the Eerie Huntington Museum and Library to get rid of him for them.
I am the Pennsylvania Skunk Frog Man.
Some of the reports said that I was headless, but I assure you I am quite head-full. As my doctor (also a veterinarian) warned me: "Once you get head trauma and heart disease you could just come apart and die." I need to remind myself to look in the mirror before I eat dinner.
It has also been reported that I am a frog, that I am made of lettuce, that I should be at the bottom of a lagoon somewhere in Africa, and that I am asking for money. Well, if you were a frog you might think it would be nice if someone took your picture and sold it for you, but I am not the skunk frog because it has too much responsibility.
One part of the story is true and maybe I should have started with it: my friend Ron was tired of me smoking the cheap cigarillos he gave me. I didn't have a cigar but I asked him if I could have the cigarillos and have a drink and he said, "Yes, but don't smoke my cigarillos." I asked him if I could buy a beer from the machine and he said "Yes, but don't smoke my cigarillos." He said, "Don't smoke my cigarillos."
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