#sneaky mistletoe placement >:)
shittyficsfordays · 4 years
The prompts list I’m using is this one by @joywriting-prompts , starting off incredibly weak with decorating the tree ship
“Oh. Wow.” Hayes had no idea how to respond to the scene that had unfolded in Malcolm’s quarters. The tinsel around the headboard was nice, he figured, but something about the sharp, pointed bulbs hanging from the ceiling was… concerning, to say the least. 
Malcolm waggled his eyebrows, waiting for Hayes to elaborate.
“It’s, uh, very seasonal. You don’t see much holiday cheer this far out.”
“Don’t see much of anything this far out. Candy cane?” He offered a big one, still intact despite the rough travels they had faced since leaving spacedock. 
Hayes moved to take it, stepping across the threshold of the door. Once within the quarters, everything seemed to intensify, becoming even more in-your-face than they had been from the hallway. Malcolm wore an exceptionally smug grin, and it only took Hayes a second to realize why. He groaned, more annoyed at getting tricked than anything. But Hayes still met him halfway and reveled in the sweetness of the moment.
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patchworkpuzzle · 3 years
Sero has this thing when the holidays come around: the most inconspicuous mistletoe placement.
He’s a terror about it, truly. Because in order to keep you on your toes, he has to be sneaky. Making sure to put the tiniest sprigs around your apartment, almost so small that he forgets they’re there. However, when he catches you standing underneath a sprig while doing dishes or putting a dish in the oven, he’s trailing behind you, ready to press kisses to your cheeks.
It’s getting to the point where his friends tease him consistently at the holiday parties, wondering just why he is so insistent on this tradition of his. But to him, it’s just another chance to sneak a kiss. The he best part of his holiday his the grin you wear when he quips, “oh, how did that get there?”
Kay, listen here. How DARE you come into my ask box and send me this adorable piece of fluff about my favourite man when I AM suppose to do that to YOU!
That being said.... I love this so much! Thank you for feeding me this sweet little HC 💛💛💛💛
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