ask-bounty-hunter-aj · 10 months
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Saw an Ask blog today and the urge of drawing them fanart was stronger than the urge to eat on my lunch break. I might even draw a better one at home with proper art supplies. This is Baron Muffin from @asksniperjack
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Bloods encounter with sniperjack part 2 secretly shhhh hah
"Sniperjack was hunting a new creature she was on it's tail till she blasted by a magic burst but it felt stronger she rolled over a sharp rock chipping her spine then hitting her head on a tree cracking her skull the creature got away but something more evil was coming to her her vision was blurry all she knew something picked her up by her throat she knew she had to think and fast"
Sniperjack: *fires her shotgun seeing the creature flying back, screaming*
Surprise jr: ahhhhh holy water slugs ahhh
Sniperjack: *spits blood* never leaves home without them. Now talk who r u?! Before i pump more slugs into u
Satan: *takes control* ur worst nightmare cunt
Sniperjack: *shocked falling in fear* n-no no no u-u can't be real
Satan: Now u look scared take her away
Ambrosine aka the rookie death: *teleports sniperjack to hell in a cage, locking it* Enjoy ur stay
Sniperjack: *fires her shotgun at Ambrosine*
Ambrosine: ahhhh u bitch *rips off sniperjack shotgun arm* hmmm maybe I'll keep this for my two kids as a souvenir
Sniperjack: I'll kill u and your family slut just u wait *feels dizzy from blood lost passing out*
"1 year has passed in hell on the surface. 3 weeks sniperjack waited to die, but Satan wouldn't let her he wanted to watch her stuffer by slowly killing her in different and bringing her back to life every time."
Satan: i just love killing u, Jack. There are so many ways to kill u. i love it, wat should we try today, my dear? Should we try poison darts ooooo wait, how about a classic, a good old head scalping? No...... too classic, hmmmmm...
Sniperjack: *groans trying to talk*
Satan: Hmm? Wat was that my dear *puts his ear by the cage*
Sniperjack: *bites off Satan left ear clean off yelling* i summon blood
Satan: *claps* That was ur idea, ahahah, that's a good hahahaha *starts crying of pitty* u actually thought my sister vessel would save u?! *laughs harder* That's rich. I swear ur a nothing miss jack and u always will be
Blood: *teleports blasting satan* kneel before god brother
Satan: Oh, I'll kneel while u burn. *throws hell fire at blood*
Blood: *starts walking to Satan teleporting, reappearing choke, slamming him to the lava below*
"Bloods fake skin fell off walking to the cage freeing sniperjack she was laying their accepting her faith but blood saw hope he summoned two of his daughters midnight and day"
Blood: mid portal day help me
Midnight: *summons a portal to Reds office* hurry before Uncle wakes up
"Day and blood took sniperjack unconscious body thru the portal"
Red heart: Oh, for fuck sake blood really ur fake skin
Blood: Eat me cunt help applejack here now
Red: fine table
Blood: day mid make sniperjack a room for now
Midnight on it, dad let's go sis
"Day and midnight went to a random roo cleaning it and putting a new bed a couple nightstands new sheets pillows and a dresser not long after blood came in putting sniperjack in her bed"
Blood: i want u two to guard Miss Jack. i don't care how u gaurd her just do it
Day: dad is aunty jack, ok?
Midnight: Sis, she's not our aunt is she dad?
Blood: ...... *teleports away*
Day: i say u sleep in here just because ur tiny and look adorable
Midnight: Is that a complaint or a insult?
Day: Both *teleports outside of sniperjack door*
Midnight: bitch.... *sits in chair watch sniperjack sleep*
"Two hours later"
Sniperjack: *wakes up* ugh.....w-where am i?.....
Tag for sniperjack @asksniperjack
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asksniperjack · 2 days
Hey everyone. I'm not dead. I've gotten into therapy and started some new medication to help me feel better. I'm also reworking Sniperjack's story
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Bloods encounter with sniperjackpart 3 yay
"3 weeks went by sniperjack has yet to accept blood offer of making her a new shotgun arm but something will change her mind hopefully"
Sniperjack: *was being annoyed by one of bloods kids*
B: Miss Jack, why don't u tell our dad u don't need to be escorted all the time?
Sniperjack: i never really asked him. *looks down at her nub of an arm signing* damnit......
B: Then answer me this, then why not get a fresh new arm?
Sniperjack: i want to have my shotgun arm back, not no fancy new one
B: How do u know it'll be a new fancy one? Because my dad makes all his weapons from nothing
Sniperjack: So?
B: So, my dad can make u a personal one for u to ur liking? Get it?
Sniperjack: No, now buzz off twot
B: that's it I'm tired of ur fucking pitty ass attitude *pops out her glass eye throwing it at sniperjack*
Sniperjack: Huh? *turns, getting the glass eye busted on her face, getting glass in her face* ahhh i-i.....
B: *blasts sniperjack in her guts, then knees her in her bleed face* I'll show u to have respect for my family. We have risked our lives for u for our dad
Sniperjack: *tries pulling pieces of glass out of her face* ah damnit....... fuck ur "she got kicked hard busting some of her teeth out"
B: wat does my dad see in u......ur not our aunt......
Sniperjack: *spits blood in B face* because I'm better than ur AJ
B: *goes to deck sniperjack hopefully killing her*
Blood: *stops B exploding her turning to sniperjack*
Sniperjack: *beraly stands ready for a fight*
"Sniperjack goes to swing but passes out, but she didn’t know she was poisoned by a demon assassin"
"Sniperjack was in limbo, but she noticed something different she saw a vision of her training, but she didn’t know why, so she shouted, hoping blood could hear her but no response then the vision turned to her back in hell back in a cage like a dog being killed over and over again"
Sniperjack: ..........they did save me.......they could've just left me there too... but why me? I'm not special.......
Pinkie: That's not how the mane 6 works, AJ u may not have had us as friends, but deep down, Jack, u know u have us by ur side even if we r not their
Sniperjack: But.....
Pinkie: shhh, Jack, it's fine after u wake up. If u still feel like u wanna leave, my son will accept it
Sniperjack: .......i wouldn't mind forgetting everything about u guys, but.......deep down, I'll have doubts if i would've made the right choice
Pinkie: well AJ watever u pick, i'll tell my two sons to leave u alone, i Pinkie, promise
Sniperjack: *nods* but miss pie?
Pinkie: Hmm?
Sniperjack: wat was bloods AJ like?
Pinkie: fearless brave risked her life for her family she was respected everywhere she's one of the reasons my sons r alive today. *starts crying a little* im sorry...
Sniperjack: "she felt herself like bloods AJ was like her." Miss pie, as long as i am here, i will follow in ur AJ hooves
Pinkie: wat no no no ur gonna get yourself killed if bloods and our realm AJ enemies find out theirs another one of u oh no
Mod pie: i can't keep my eyes open anymore miss/sir @asksniperjack . If u have read any of the parts, let me know wat u think, and let me know if u want more goodnight and fuck off
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Blood encounter with @asksniperjack part: ?
Blood: *teleports in front of his aunt AJ door knocking*
Sniperjack: *takes out her shotgun from her arm tackling blood* Huh? U!! *puts her cross stake on bloods chest where his heart is* one move ur dead
Blood: do it i double dare u aunty *smiles*
SniperJack: ? Huh? Wait? R u scared of me?
Blood: *tilts head* Why? Were family even tho ur from another realm my applejack lost her life helping my mom and i couldn't bring her back in time......so i been trying to find a new applejack that i could secretly call my aunt again if that's ok with u miss jack?
Sniperjack: ?...... I'll think about kid *gets off blood putting her cross stake away and her shotgun back in her arm*
Blood: u know i can give ur old body parts back
Sniperjack: ? Yeah, right, only god can do that. *turns back to blood, but he was gone* Huh? Hey, where u go, kid
Blood: *teleports in front of her* Right here, why?
Sniperjack: Huh? Where'd u go so fast? "She was semi curious how he disappeared so fast"
Blood: i got some fresh blood to drink. Why do u care?
Sniperjack: i don't just tell me how u got back here. *grabs blood by his skin*
Blood: uhm.....can u plz not rip my fake skin, miss jack? *chuckle nervously* heh.....
Sniperjack: fake skin?
Blood: Yeah, please don't rip plz heh.....because i really don't want to get new fake skin already because i just got this one, heh......
Sniperjack: ?? Uh? Ok? *Let's go of blood as he falls on the ground*
Blood: *teleports behind her*
"Sniperjack was shocked on wat she just witnessed as she got tripped by blood seeing a holy light staring at her"
Sniperjack: w-wat am i seeing kid?
Blood: My holy magic, i am gods vessel. "He puts his arm down, making the holy light disappear and holds out his arm" need help?
Sniperjack: *smacks bloods arm away getting up* i don't believe u u r not gods vessel u can't be no pony can be a vessel of god
Blood: i am, and my little brother is the vessel of Satan
Sniperjack: i think im getting a headache........
Blood: i fix that. *Heals her head*
Sniperjack: *passes out*
Blood: ah fuck.......
"Two hours passed, sniperjack woke up in her bed"
Sniperjack: Huh? Kid? *looks under her bed* kid? *hears some one in her kitchen walking down her stairs* kid?
Blood: In here miss jack i made u some lunch. i didn't know if u ate anything yet. My mom always said food gives u energy
Sniperjack: *sits down at the table seeing her whole table covered in food*
Blood: eat miss jack u need ur strength
Sniperjack: Am i gonna die from eating this food?
Blood: Miss Jack, if i was gonna kill u i would sink my fangs into u wink wink. hehehe, *sets more food on the table* eat miss jack
Sniperjack: Was that a flirting thing u said? *starts eating tasting old flavors* hmm?
Blood: ur face says it all, miss Jack Eat up *smiles using his magic rolling a fat blunt* uh care if i smoke my medicine in here?
Sniperjack: Sorry kid, no weed smoking in my house. u gotta go outside for that
Blood: far enough *teleports outside*
Sniperjack: *keeps eating* that kid might be my ticket to immortality or something greater hmmm?
Maybe part 2. If it's ok with sniperjack's mod and miss/sir mod, i hope ur not mad. i just love making stories even if i do secret stories behind others' blogs backs but i haven't gotten a complaint yet, or i haven't been blocked yet, but uh, i hope i can do more parts for sniperjack it was fun ^^ and im very sorry i made this without ur approval but i hope u like it even if i get blocked or a complaints from u ^^
Tag for sniperjack @asksniperjack
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asksniperjack · 1 year
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Sniperjack and Skye Sailor show styles I made!
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asksniperjack · 6 months
Discorded Doctor Whooves has been a huge inspiration for me since I was a tween. I really wanna draw something with him and Sniperjack, but I don't know what...
TBH I feel like they'd just attack each other-
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Blood talks with lady luna and sniperjack part 1
Blood walked outside smoking, his blunt signing blood lady luna approached blood about to ask a favor till bloods actual big sister queen luna appeared lady luna luna was cut off by her little brother sis it's fine what's up lady luna jack get over here sniperjack limped to lady luna why are we here my lady yeah why are you two here queen luna asked curiously
Lady luna was getting mad, but she knew blood was more powerful than any alicorn blood dead god/vessel of god. i have a favor. If you're asking for immortality, Lady luna it's doesn't come free
Lady luna didn't want immortality, but she was trying to say what she wanted to, but her mind drew a blank blood, got up smoking, his blunt blood, looked in Lady luna good eye lady luna looked in blood two blind eyes blood saw the reason there here blood turned around lady luna good luck take this potion may god watch over you two lady luna was confused sniperjack was inraged hey asshole sniperjack pinned blood to a wall what did you give lady luna you worthless piece of matter
the gift of life, Lady luna get your cunt off me before she loses another body parts lady luna pulled jack off blood thank you my lord sniperjack was shocked on what she heard from lady luna jack it's fine thank you blood just remember lady luna im always watching put my power to good use my lady blood bowed disappearing
Mod: short story for sniperjack and lady luna @asksniperjack
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Blood *spin kicks fighting sniperjack*
Sniperjack: Come on, kid, ur not even *tackles blood into a tree blasting, then kicks him up the tree headbutting him in his gut*
Blood: *headbutts sniperjack busting her skull open*
"As she fell, blood saved her, taking her to her room."
Blood: *sighs walking out* Sleep well, Jack.... *closes the door*
Tag @asksniperjack
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