emilythedog661-tf2 · 3 months
good evening! i think sniperpyro taking a nap would be nice, i think they really need one.
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Here you go!
Sniper and Pyro having a snooze 😴
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kellanved-ammanas · 5 years
Oh my goodness I read your SniperxPyro and I love the ship so much! Could you write another one?
Thank you for the request!
Bow and Arrow
The arrow hit the target but on the edge, a mile away from the bullseye. That was the first one that didn’t completely miss the target though so it was an improvement but not much of one. … The next arrow went way off to the side again, progress gone.
How did Sniper do this so easily? And for so long? Pyro had only been at it for half an hour and his arms were already starting to hurt from drawing the bow. It was much harder to pull than it looked. And much harder to aim than Sniper made it seem with his near flawless accuracy. He looked cool when he used the bow while Pyro felt like a dork trying desperately to be cool and failing.
On the bright side, he hadn’t started practicing with flaming arrows like he’d been tempted to do. He probably would’ve burned the shooting range down if he had, inviting the ire of everyone but especially Sniper which would’ve been the worst. At this rate though, he was never going to get good enough to use them. Which was a bummer because flaming arrows were fantastic, they were like rainbow missiles of death.
With a sigh, he pulled another arrow out of the quiver beside him and put it in the bow. Before he could draw it more than a couple centimeters though…
“You’re holding it wrong.”
Pyro startled and jumped around to see Sniper had entered the shooting range. He didn’t look angry but Pyro quickly hid the bow behind his back anyway. He’d borrowed it without permission. He sidestepped to stand in front of the borrowed quiver too.
“Hello,” he said. “You’re back from town early.”
The look on Sniper’s face indicated he hadn’t understood Pyro through the mask. “It’s fine mate, you don’t gotta hide it. I don’t mind you borrowing my stuff. That bow’s the cheap one anyway, I keep the good one in a case under my bed. I would prefer next time you ask first though so I don’t gotta run off looking for it, okay?”
Pyro sighed and nodded. “Sorry.” This time he made sure to speak loud and clear. “You want it back?” He brought it out from behind his back to hold towards Sniper.
“Nah, you can keep using it if you want. I’ll uh… even show you how if you want? Like I said, you were holding it not quite right when I came in.”
“Uh… yeah show me!” If Sniper was willing to show him then Pyro was willing to learn from him. Borrowing the bow had been done on a whim but he’d been thinking about using a bow in general for a long time. He liked working with Sniper on the battlefield, lighting his arrows on fire and burning stuff and people down from a distance. Being able to do that that all on his own would not only be fun, it should also help win the battle.
An hour later and Pyro’s arms were burning from the strain of pulling the bowstring back but he could at least hit somewhere on the target more often than not now. Sniper wasn’t a great teacher but he was good enough at what he did to somewhat makeup for that. And he was patient and nonjudgmental, making the whole thing immensely enjoyable.
Afterwards, they went back to Sniper’s trailer to play cards as was part of their routine at this time of day. It was fun as always but Sniper didn’t seem as into it as he normally was. He was distracted by something. Pyro didn’t ask what though because he’d talk about it in his own time when he was ready.
“So uh…” he finally said, rewarding Pyro’s patience, “we’ve been hanging out a lot, huh?”
“It’s fun!” Pyro loved spending time with him. He loved hanging out with all the others too but especially Sniper. He might not feel the same way about it as Pyro did but that was okay.
“Yeah, it’s fun and uh… it’s got me thinking and helping you out in the shooting range got me really thinking so uh…” blushing, Sniper looked away, lifting a hand to rub the back of his neck, “you maybe wanna go out to dinner in town sometime? … Or uh… doesn’t have be dinner ‘cause of the whole mask thing. Maybe a movie though? Or just… I don’t know.”
Was he… asking Pyro out on a date? That was a surprise, a pleasant one. … If that was what it was anyway. “A date?” Pyro needed to be sure before he got too excited.
“Uh… yeah, a date. It’s fine if you say ‘no’, it’s not a…”
Pyro got up from the table and ran around to hug him. “A date sounds like fun!” He’d never been on a date before. And it was with Sniper! It was undoubtedly going to be amazing regardless of what they ended up doing together. He almost couldn’t wait for it.
For this request event.
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 4 months
your stuff is really cool! would it be okay to ask for bushfire? :]
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Here you are!
Sniper took Pyro camping and pyro loves cooking marshmallows
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