#snk eremin review
lenok993 · 11 months
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onlyerearu · 6 years
Hi! Today have been published the spoilers of chapter 105: it seems that there is a kind of tension between both Eren and Armin. The way they look to each other, the fact that Armin didn't even say a word to him... I'm quite worried about the situation, and I was wondering if you already have some theories about this situation...
I’ve just caught up with the spoilers myself and honestly, while things aren’t looking so good, I think it’s too early to make a judgement call on Eren and Armin relationship. I at least, don’t know what’s going on between them. 
I’ve been expected some clash between Eren and the rest of the SL since Mikasa’s first interaction with him and the subsequent reveal that he had acted without the SL approval. That the other soldiers are not happy with Eren is not surprising. 
Going back to Eren and Armin, yesterday after seeing the spoilers, Armin seemed disappointed and sad to me. But today, looking at the raws out and seeing the bigger panels of him and Eren, the only way I can describe their expression is solemnity. We can’t really tell what either of them are feeling as they show no emotions as they look at each other. It’s just a serious expression and no words. Their reunion isn’t ‘happy’ or cheerful compared the clearly paralleled reunion they had in chapter 67.  
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Vs this
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There’s definitely tension there and even Mikasa’s expression shows her uneasiness. I do believe that just like everyone else there, Armin doesn’t agree with the way Eren went at things, though I can’t say to what extent. And I do think Eren knows that as you can see his surprise when he sees Armin before he goes back to looking serious. You can also feel that Armin pretty much didn’t agree with what Eren did from that single scene between him and Mikasa after Levi kicks Eren. 
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Both of their eyes look sad there. It almost like he’s telling Mikasa to let it go because Levi is right and Mikasa agrees no matter how much it hurts. 
Now do I think this means their relationship has changed? Not really. I do believe Armin disagrees with Eren’s choice and how he put them all in a though spot and it’s possible Eren knew that before he left. It would explain his surprise when he sees Armin there extending his hand out to him. However the disagreement in the current situation does not mean Eren and Armin are not friends anymore. 
 As it stands, this chapter underlines that Armin still cares a lot for Eren, even if he disagrees with the way things went. And despite his current state of mind, I think the same applies to Eren too. The simple fact that Armin came to help them get inside their ship and the focus on their hands is proof. Isayama didn’t have to draw a scene of their hands being clasped together. Hell, Armin helps Mikasa inside and we get no focus on their hands there. The very same thing goes for Connie and Sasha reaching out to help Jean inside too. 
Isayama only put the focus on Eren and Armin hands, just like before. And while the situation might look tensed and neither of them look happy, this shows that they still care for each other, just like before. Another thing that I felt, since seeing that scene and I’m going to quote myself from an older chapter review I did : 
The other reason why I’m very happy with this is because once again Isayama spares a few panels to show us what I’ve taken to call resolution after an ordeal with Eren and Armin. Often, when an issue arises or Isayama draws something happening in connection to Eren and Armin, he will address the issue or that scene later, one way or another. It’s something he’s  already done quite a few times already in the story and that I really appreciate with the way he writes their relationship.
Isayama has always loved drawing parallels between chapters, particularly when it comes to Eren and Armin. It’s always done for a reason. The parallel to chapter 67, the focus on their expressions and on their joined hands is on purpose. Whatever is going on between them right now is going to be addressed later. 
Some people might say it shows that their relationship has changed/will change for the worst and it could be true. However, I would advise everyone to wait and see what happens further down the road. While Armin and Eren might not see eye to eye in this situation, it doesn’t mean the basis of their relationship is gone or their bond is broken. Their bond is still pretty much existent, the care about the other is still there despite the current tension. 
What I’m saying is that yes, the current tension and what happened in Marley will affect them in the future. While we don’t know how or to what extent yet, I also don’t think we should be expecting doom and gloom between them. And this is coming from me, who’s usually pessimistic by nature. I mean, anyone who’s read any of my previous meta know I’ve been expecting some kind of fallout between Eren and Armin since that Isayama interview about them not being such good friends came out. Despite that though, I do think Isayama is going to handle whatever happens between them with great care and I do believe that no matter what’s in the future, Isayama will never make Eren and Armin hate each other. That love and care is always going to be there. 
I trust Isayama with writing Eren and Armin’s relationship until he gives me a reason not to. Whether they end looking in different directions or stay good friends, I think Isayama will write whatever happens between them with great care. All we can do is patiently wait and see. 
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sinfulavenue · 6 years
Episode 45, Outside the Walls of the Orvud District, Review
(Manga spoilers)
So before episode 46 airs later today, I thought I’d quickly review last week’s episode. When I first watched it I felt really quite bitter about the removal of one of my favourite moments and I was ready to write a really salty review. However after watching it a second time I realised there was so much I loved about the episode so I toned the saltiness down.
However there will still be a fair bit of ranting in the middle of this review so bear with me 😂 I’ve been very patient with this season, letting the story play out before jumping to any harsh conclusions but we’re getting near the end of the Uprising arc now so I think it’s fair to raise a few criticisms.
This review should be pretty simple to structure as I can easily split this episode into three sections.
1. The beginning part that was excellent!
2. The middle part that disappointed me.
3. And the ending which I have mixed feelings about.
So I guess I’ll do this in chronological order and start with the beginning part that was excellent.
Eren finally gets hard!
I refuse to apologise for that subtitle.😂
So this is the part of the episode that I did love. Like last week I was amazed by the superb animation and Yuki Kaji’s emotional performance as Eren. What also made me emotional is the joy of Historia’s growth. She has gone from being the ‘good girl’ who wished she’d never been born, to a girl who is in charge of her own destiny and stands up for others.
Also what a great moment it was when Mikasa swooped in and caught Historia before she got hurt and thank God she went straight for Historia and didnt run in yelling Erenereneren! (based on how Wit portrayed her at the end of the kidnap scene that really wouldn’t have been surprising!)
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So yaay! Finally some God damn self control! Mikasa stayed with Historia, trusting that Levi, Jean and Connie would get Eren out and they did. Oh my God I laughed hard at Jean calling Eren a ‘topless wimp.’ 🤣 Although I still think I prefer the manga’s version ‘shirtless wonder.’
What followed was very powerful. The cave is crumbling and death looks certain unless Eren does something but he and breaks down again under the pressure, believing himself worthless.
I think my favourite part of this whole episode was the throwback to another difficult decision he had to make.
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Back in season 1 I remember what a crucial moment this was when Eren learned to trust. Even Levi looked shocked by his decision not to transform, showing how much of a turning point this was for Eren’s character.
Back then, Levi was the only one who empathised with Eren’s moral dilemma and this time around it was no different. While the others were getting a impatient with his hysterics in the cave, Levi acknowledged the impossible situation he was faced with and urged him to make a choice.
And he made the right one! I loved the animation of Eren crystalising. What a mesmerising scene, I’m glad they animated the full process.
I also thought this part looked cool.
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After Eren’s friends broke him free I’m sure the praise from Levi, someone he looks up to, meant a lot to him.
Hmm but what exactly does Levi find ‘pretty impressive’ here? 😏the crystalised titan or Eren’s abs?
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Also Sasha laying on the ground and thanking Eren was hilarious and this little Eremin moment was beyond adorable! ❤️
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All in all the first half of the episode was excellent, definitely of the same high quality of last week’s episode.
The rest of the episode however I have a few small issues with ...
The Journey to the Orvud District
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Brace yourselves! This is the salty part! For weeks I’ve been balanced and fair in my reviews so I think I’m entitled to a bit of a rant!
So in case you hadn’t noticed this season (haha) a lot of the manga material has been cut. Many times I have been disappointed when I realised a certain scene hadn’t made it into the anime but I tried not to dwell on it and let it spoil my enjoyment of this season. However (and maybe I’m being biased because this was a personal favourite moment of mine) this time there was just one deleted scene too many and I need to vent!
If you haven’t figured out by now which scene I’m talking about it’s this one.
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Yes it’s the part where Eren yells at Rod Reiss, calling him a midget only to remember that Levi, (a man who stands at just five foot three) is right behind him and damn you can feel the burn from that side eye! 😂
Now I know what some of you might be thinking. Oh my God, get over it, who cares? It’s not like it’s important to the plot or anything!
And ok, yes you are right. No, it is not essential to the plot but you know something it was funny, it was cute and it humanises the characters i.e. Eren doesn’t always think before he opens his big mouth and Levi, while he’s never said anything about it, might actually be self conscious about his height.
What made the loss of this moment even sorer was the fact that another cute moment was cut immediately after. I’m talking about the moment where Hanji, despite being injured, leaps up like a complete goof and yells “Heya Erwin.”
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Once again, not essential to the plot but it showed us how well the veterans know one another. Erwin immediately recognised that Hanji wasn’t badly hurt as she was acting like her usual crazy self! So many subtle character details can be picked up from such fleeting interactions ... but I guess Wit just don’t care. All they care about is concluding the Uprising arc in as few episodes as possible!!! 😤😤😤
Honestly it feels like all the heart and soul was sucked out of this scene. I have to ask, was this one of the changes Isayma insisted on? Did he want this scene to be so dry and devoid of character? I get that Snk is not a comedy but it doesn’t always have to be doom and gloom. Sometimes I like to see the characters slip up and do stupid idiotic things that make me laugh. It makes them more human and relatable.
This made me realise something about season 3 as a whole. Sometimes I feel like this season is doing the bare minimum. All boxes are being ticked, all the essential plot points are being covered ... but nothing more. The result = emotional detachment!
So I’m sorry Wit but I’m very disappointed in you for taking these small but meaningful moments away from us.
Rant over!
Thank you for coming to my TED talk!
As for the Rod Reiss CGI chicken/worm titan, I personally don’t see anything wrong with it. It looked weird and gross in the manga and it also looks weird and gross in the anime 😂.
“Become the Queen”
Now here is the part I have mixed feelings about.
On one hand I am glad we got this scene at last because at least now we know we’ll get to see Historia punch Levi at the end.
But on the other hand the scene was quite awkwardly shoehorned back into the plot with half the impact it originally had.
Now see here’s the thing. I’m glad that in this version they didn’t have Levi attack Historia as it wouldn’t make sense this late in the plot and it would just undo all the character development she’s just had, but on the other hand the ending of the Uprising arc won’t be half as satisfying because Levi hasn’t done anything to deserve a punch.
In this version it feels like just a childish dare played on for laughs, without the enjoyment of seeing Levi getting a taste of his own medicine.
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Although I have to say (other people might disagree) but I actually like that it was Mikasa who suggested the idea. It never ever crossed my mind that it would be her yet somehow it makes perfect sense! Payback for kicking the shit out of Eren in court maybe? 😏 Nah, I’m joking, I know Mikasa has moved on from that and she just suggested punching him to relieve the tension. Since joining his squad it’s clear Mikasa has come to respect Levi but at the same time she knows he’s far from perfect so I reckon she’d secretly quite like to see him on the receiving end of a punch. That’s just my take on it. I’m perfectly happy with the punch being Mikasa’s idea.
Despite the “become the queen” scene being pretty underwhelming compared to the manga, hopefully we’ll still get to see Levi’s beautiful smile.
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Additional Thoughts
So I was wrong about potential flashbacks to the rest of Eren’s titan experiments at the cabin. I guess they are well and truly gone and I will say that without them, Eren finally gaining the hardening ability wasn’t as satisfying.
I realise that every week my opinion of the season seems to change. I’ve gone from praising it last week to complaining about it this week but I’m just being honest about how I feel in the moment. I just judge each episode as it airs and sometimes all it takes is one episode to make me completely revaluate my opinion of the whole season. It really is that unpredictable.
Ok so I was a little salty this week but hopefully today’s episode is one of those episodes that is so amazing that I forget how bitter I was feeling the previous week 🙂.
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