#snow elf eli/sif was actually born from me thinking she was an elf for the longest time ... like @ the back of my mind
silusvesuius · 1 year
Elisif the Snow Elf dovetails so well with what's actually in the game, adds a lot of layers of crunch. Works incredibly well with how jumpy and self-conscious she seems when she's in the big chair, re-enforces the idea she was in no way intended to ever face the public scrutiny that a jarl or high king/queen would face. Raises really interesting questions about her history, but also what her relationship with Torryg specifically looked like- numerous levels on which marrying a snow-elf would be a massive deal for a Nord King, that backfills some kind of really interesting dynamic between the two of them into the space previously filled by a minor human noble marrying in and getting in way over her head. Really interested in your take on how all of this happened, if you have one
wouldn't say i have a really strong take but i'm glad it plays along nicely .... but surely t*rryg in this whole thing would be just jubilant to have something as special and unseen as snow elf elisif as a wife . in a weirdo way . ulfr*c male rage multiplied by a bajillion after there being talks of an elf having the possibility 2 rule over skajrim . & i like to think it'd be much more possible, this way, for el/isif to get attached to elenw/en lol... older female figure + elf combo. she'd find it easier to bond w her more than anyone else i guess
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