meltymoth · 1 year
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calling them friends before might've been a slight understatement
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dezmolad · 3 months
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ok so. i really liked this part in MTMTE when there is this gag with Cyclonus singing and then later on it actually reappears in one of the most wholesome scenes between him and Tailgate. but i can be no longer normal bout it. bc i watched transformers energon with snowcat's main characteristic being constant yodeling. and it got me thinking. what if cyclonus singing in MTMTE was inspired by this armada version of the character.
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cybergata · 8 months
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Snow Cats
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Meghan, thy name is PATHETIC!
These two numpties truly think they have outsmarted the world. Normal people don't repeatedly attempt to fool the world into thinking they are "whip smart" or accomplished by regurgitating childhood and adolescent fantasies. Meghan and Harry are clearly mentally deficient individuals with massive amounts of resources to serve as global court jesters.
During a festival that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Temu Royal Snowcation 🌨 ❄ Tour, these idiots dashed on the stage to CYA after MegaLiar's poor performance as the "FLUENT duchess" who couldn't be bothered to memorize the pronunciation of their host's proper title: /bee-seh-preh-see-dehn-teh/ but the whip smart MegaLiar referred to her new amiga as /v-ICE / 😬🤦‍♀️
Sparry who has a hot & heavy bromance with Argentinean polo player named Nacho pretended that he was too dumb to say a simple thank you and good night to the crowd. He enlisted the help of his soap actress wife (who snatched the mic) for the Spanish "translation" as if the croud was too dumb to translate the simple English phrase for themselves.
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Who is going to tell these idiots that even if she is the bilingual Duchess (which she's not) it would NOT make her special. You'd think the woman could speak Mandarin. 🥴
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How pathetic 🤑
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MegaLiar's need to overwhelm the internet with a lie about her being bilingual is just another reminder that this woman is a 1 trick pony with 1 ADULT accomplishment: sex with a drug addled brained prince. Sex with a dumb prince. Truly Pathetic.
What is Meghan Markle so desperate to Cover Up for the past 20 years? She literally flunked out of the state department before she could even get her foot in the door, yet she is constantly pushing & promoting "Argentina." She was humiliated into "relocating" to Madrid until her graduation ceremonies. Makes me wonder whether or not those sugarbaby rumors are true?
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If she worked in Argentina "early in her career," then why is Meg pictured on the set of General Hospital so she could gain the necessary credentials to work Hollyweird?
She's also pictured with another liar, her BFF Lindsay Roth Jordan, on the day they both graduated from Northwestern as "candidates for degrees in Communications."
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The Daily Mail:
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Newlywed and newly employed on Season 1 of Suits, and during promo for Season 2 she drops the lie about Argentina. Makes you wonder what else was happening in Argentina.
2011 and Just Married to Trevor Engleson. Finally she booked her 1st TV series, and she's visibly embarrassed by 1 innocent question. She opted to lie. She reached all the way back to ten (10)+ years ago instead of simply saying, "...5 years ago I was looking for work." What are you hiding Megsy?🤔
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She couldn't believe the question, "...what was I doing five (5) years ago?" She was embarrassed by 34 episodes as Season 2 Deal or No Deal model # 24 (2006-2007) would have been 8ish years ago so tell the truth Meg.
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July 12th 2013 Promotion for one of her blog affiliates "Birchbox" just prior to dumping Trevor. "If I wasn't acting I would most likely be working in politics have a career in politics. I had been working at the US Embassy in Argentina and was certain I'd get into a career in foreign service much like my character Rachel it was really tough for me to pass the foreign service exam, Rachel had trouble passing the LSATs, end up coming back to LA for a break and a friend of mine from college had given a manager a student film that I did, he called me the next day and was like you know what, I think you should be acting. So if you're constantly just on your A game and you're ready for when that moment arises that's when things can take off in a much bigger way. Success is reachable."
She wrote this for Birchbox: "USA's SUITS is one of our top summer TV shows—not least for its awesome female characters. While the guys of Pearson may rule the roost, it's the ladies who steal the show. Case in point: the whip-smart Rachel Zane, played by Meghan Markle. We sat down with Markle to find out about her foodie favorites, her background in Foreign Service, and the one beauty product..."
More lies on the red carpet
Mid Season 2 Promo at The Paley Center for Media Jan 14th 2013
"And I read that you were never originally going to go into acting!?"
Lies: "no I was gonna do politics...I grew up in LA so I grew up in this industry and obviously loved entertainment, my father's a lighting director I just always wanted to do something different and working in politics was exciting for me but I'm saying as we were driving up 2 blocks down the street is paper source. I used to teach gift wrapping classes there. I used to teach calligraphy classes there and so to be here tonight and to see that contrast happen in my life from an auditioning actress just trying to make it work to pilot after pilot to have one that's going into 3rd season with fans who are so supportive I mean I couldn't be more grateful. It's really amazing."
Almost 8 years later and she's on Craig Ferguson's show to promote Suits and still lying about her education and Argentina. Why?
I've always thought it was interesting that Meghan and Sparry were in Argentina around the same time, and of course Diana was there in 1995.
"On 23 November 1995, Diana, Princess of Wales arrived in Argentina to begin a historic, four-day visit to the South American country. While not an official state visit, the trip was undertaken by Diana in her newly-defined role as goodwill ambassador for Britain. The visit, which was the Princess of Wales' first international engagement since her controversial Panorama interview, was seen as an important step in the warming of relations between the UK and Argentina, the countries having fought one another in the Falklands War of 1982 and resumed diplomatic relations in 1990. The footage featured in this edit covers the full four days of Princess Diana's visit, including her famous meeting with Argentine president Carlos Menem, her visits to a number of charities and hospitals in Buenos Aires, whale-watching in Argentine Patagonia, and attending a charity gala banquet."
Prince Harry cuts short visit to Argentina.
Thursday, November 25th 2004 
Twenty year old Prince Harry flew back to London from Buenos Aires Thursday afternoon after the Argentine press revealed he had become a “head ache” for those responsible for his security.
Apparently the Prince was scheduled to return next week but Buckingham Palace decided to anticipate the date given the adverse press coverage he was receiving during his alleged "night incursions" to local pubs and discos.
Although British Airways desk said any information relating to Prince Harry was "confidential", from early hours the reinforcement of security measures in Ezeiza's airport was evident.
Local reports indicate Prince Harry boarded the plane in good humour.
The second son of the Prince of Wales arrived in Argentina November 12 and was staying in estancia "El Remanso" close to the town of Lobos in the province of Buenos Aires belonging to some British friends, where supposedly he was to take polo classes and rest before returning to England for Christmas and Sandhurst military academy next January.
However his sport activities in Argentina were known to be limited since the prince had an injured knee from a recent rugby match.
Mayor of Lobos, Gustavo Sobrero minimized the press versions about Prince Harry's behaviour, particularly last Wednesday early morning when shots were heard in a nearby farm which forced a quick security response in the area.
"This visit hasn't altered normal life in the area. Besides it is quiet common during the hunting season to hear shots", said Mr. Sobrero.
As to Prince Harry's alleged night escapades to town pubs Mr. Sobrero indicated that "as far as we are concerned we haven't been informed".
According to Buenos Aires daily "Página 12" on his return from town partying Prince Harry was in quite "bad condition" given his "uncontrolled consumption of alcohol".
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gallade-x-treme · 4 months
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atomicdarc · 4 months
You know..sometimes, when meimei and snowcat met, they would get into a gun fights. Lovely saw them and thought that they're getting along well :3 but for demonslihor, he knew they're enemies...
Meimei is always annoyed of his yodelling, too but she get along with him for lovely.
Also kumu is water-proof so he just float on water lol 😂 :333
Anyway here's some scenarios of meimei and lovely (and ofc the two siblings figures, demonlishor and lovely :3)
"this's worse..worse then death!" -Meimei
"mhm..no, mei. i can see it through now, all this times..all this memories timelines you were trying to save me so many times..that you suffered many..." -lovely
"lovely.." -meimei
"you always save me so much...that you don't know who you are. I'm so sorry, i was so stupid.." -lovely
"no.. don't say that...!" -meimei
"but, it's okay now..i am now a god and nothing can kill me anymore...and i will put you in a peaceful world..." -lovely
"but..Where are you going to go! you have no home now! this's where you are going to be ruling! is this what you want, lovely!" -meimei
"if i said the truth..what difference would that be?" -lovely
"even, if you are alone or helpless, don't forget that I'm always here with you, I'm always be on your side.." -lovely
"But, how am i going to know you are with me, if you are going to be like this!" -meimei
"nu uh, it's too soon to be giving up hope! we're magical girls, remember? we make nightmares and raiders go away.. that was our job now...and you are going to be in peace while I'll handle everything..." -lovely
"even though, you can't see me or heard me, I'm still by your side!" -lovely as she took off her green ribbon off her hair and give it to meimei.
"even though we're going to be separated, forever..and not remembering eachother, i do hope that we're going to meet together...i promise I'll remember you forever and ever.." -lovely
"no...are you saying that you are going to erase my memories of you?! how am i going to remember you even though i don't remember you!" -meimei
"i did it because i don't want you to be suffering for me anymore.. I don't want you to cry or feel despair...and l'll handle all the raiders, in the past and the future even when they're even made." -lovely
"even though we're not going to see eachother again..pls promise that you'll take care of kicker, even he's not going to remember me after this. he's a really good boy, really..." -lovely
"no..NO! LOVELY PLS DON'T GO!" -meimei
"I'm sorry..but i have to go take care of others, now! meimei..pls take care of yourself, and pls...i love you dearly as my best friend." -lovely
"LOVELY..!!!!!!!!" -meimei
"why does your friend always pick up a gun fights with snowcat?" -demonlishor
"i really don't know why...but I'm gald they're getting along :D" -lovely
Oh and here's about kumu after he kill his friend, nana after he became a magical boy/girl: he wanted to puke and kill himself, he couldn't believe what he has done. He still goes to the Autobot's base..no one knows where nana went, they thought she went missing. Only, kumu knows.
Oh and here's some angst of starscream and alexis :3 (brother and sister figures) and a little bit tiny of demonlihor x starscream
"arugh...wait, where am i?" -starscream
"starscream!" -???
"Huh? Who's there!" -starscream
"don't you remember, who i am?" -???
"it's me, Alexis! Your friend!" -alexis
"a..a-alexis? What... I don't understand." -starscream
"do you really not remember me?" -alexis
"..i...am not sure if i remember-" -starscream as he suddenly got a bit of his memories back of alexis.
"alexis..." -starscream as he slowly fade away to go back to the reality.
"wait, no! Alexis! ALEXIS!!!" -starscream as he shouted.
"w-what.." -starscream
"what happened!" -starscream
"oh nothing! You just suddenly passed out, heeheh!" -Snowcat
"yeah, we don't know but we thought that you are just tired so we bought you to your berth!" -demonlishor
"hm..thanks you demonlishor..i appreciate it." -starscream smiled a bit as he complimented him and demonlishor got flustered
"hey! Don't forget about me! What about me?" -snowcat yabbing about it
"..." -lovely
"What is she doing here?" -starscream
"oh! She just want to check on you after our last battle of fighting those autobots." -demonlishor
"and I'm confused why is she checking on me if we're enemies, is she even choosing sides or what?" -starscream
"oh! Don't be like that!" -snowcat as he laughed.
Starscream stared at snowcat and then lovely who's watching him behind the wall, honestly, sometimes he is confused why lovely chose to spend times with them even though she's on the good side. But, he started to get suspicious of her after he was waken up.
and awwww, they look like a happy family!
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nuliptikh-okaianii · 11 months
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Finally snowcats making weather☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️
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arthur-bn · 2 years
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My entry for Blockbench's 13th Splash Art Contest. And a better look at the snowcat itself, as well as the two explorers.
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jimmyboltonart · 2 years
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Just made some snow animals
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raccoon-crown · 8 months
Snowpoint Doddles!
Like I said, just some doddles of the SnowPoint AU!
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The first: For that time Shadow tough asking for Chilidogs in the Snow Whisker Cafe would be enough to bring back some memories to Sonic (The plan failed and ended up eating some Snowdogs)
Second: One of the many times Honey lost it at the beginning of a snowboarding race, in company of Ris of course (Yup, Honey still aims for Jack to be the first place even after the brainwashing Starline did).
Third: Just some friends Hanging out!
And that's all. I have loved this AU that @son1c made so much! (Just as all their other AUs and art!). And of course I was happy to do something to show it a little.
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admiralnelsoniii · 11 months
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Some kind of giant outer space style snowcat. Lol
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meltymoth · 1 year
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the cat from last week but cooler and with more personality
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kari-go · 1 year
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Ice power-up
Snow Lion, Ice Bug, Snowcat
Lion is the one focused on the cold and staying warm and Gato is supposed to be like a figure skater while Ladybug should be in the middle. I've already done Ice Bug before, three actually, where I tried to do the same thing but only with her instead.
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rivermakes · 2 years
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sticker shop 
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localrobotlover · 2 years
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Why yes I do have a bunch of images just for Demolishor and Snowcat\Cyclonus
These are the images I currently have of Demolishor and Snowcat
Click on images for better quality
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sentofight · 2 months
ooc. Please an award to Wars for being a a good human being. I SEE YOUR ASK FOR ZAYNE IM CRYING.
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