#snowey overanalyzes things again
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 months
This is an essay on why I, as someone going into the medical field, don’t believe Glen died from the gunshot inflicted by Nica in the s2 finale. I paid too much attention to the scene and now I don't get how Glen was on death's door from being shot, let alone do I believe that being shot left Glen in a comatose state. So now you all have to deal with me ranting and raving yet again.
Glen had an almost perfect combination of positive symptoms that they would've been perfectly fine as long as Glen got treatment before they lost too much blood or had any complications.
The placement looks perfect to have not hit anything in their abdomen, they were able to walk (although assisted, they were able to stand so the bullet didn’t hit their spine), they were still breathing (so it didn't cause a collapsed lung), they weren't bleeding too heavily besides entry and exit wounds (which is normal for traumatic wounds to the skin), they were conscious, pressure was presumably kept on the exit wound to slow blood loss (since Tiffany was in the back seat with him when Glenda drove to the hospital), ect.
The only things it likely could’ve hit was Glen’s large intestine and Glen’s left kidney (if the bullet went in at an angle, which it looks in the scene that it was). However the prognosis for renal wounds (kidney wounds) has a just about 91% chance of survival and large intestinal perforations have a survival outlook of 50 to 70% depending on when the perforation is taken care of, and I doubt it took more than a half hour or so to get to a hospital, especially with Glenda driving when their twin was injured.
Not to mention that this is 2024, we have the technology and methods to have been able to save Glen. I just don’t believe that it was just the gunshot that left Glen near death. There had to be something else that was at play that left them comatose.
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