snowisdelight · 2 years
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Atem & Yugi with flowy hair and long lashes  💜
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quadriviuum · 8 years
Tagged by @bramble9!
Rules: tell your followers 11 random facts about yourself and tag 11 people. Tag backs are allowed but if you get tagged again you must not repeat any of the facts you mentioned in the previous round. The facts can be absolutely anything, whatever you feel like sharing and whatever comes to mind first.
1. I have all the harry potter books and the percy jackson ones but i haven’t read them yet :’<
2. I can do the clover-shape thing with my tongue 
3. I gave my mom a stuffed kermit the frog because of the spanish kermit meme, and actually gave it to her while using the meme B^)
4. seeing all the people in busy airports or in highway traffic makes me feel weird? kind of anxious, but not? like my chest swells thinking about where so many people could be going, how many people there are in that particular place, in the world, realizing i’m one in billions and small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things
5. the same thing happens when i look at the sky at night and see so many stars, and think about how the universe is so massive and the earth is just one spec among countless in space, and how i’m just the spec of a spec and it’s a miracle I even exist [enter Existential Crisis]
man, I love space
6. anyway I can pop my left toe nonstop
7. the only fight I’ve ever gotten into was in kindergarten with a girl who bullied me. little me was savage lol, which is weird to me because I hate confrontation and will do anything to avoid it :^)
8. *Pidge voice* I like papaya in milkshakes and in juice, but I hate papaya
9. I don’t like hot weather at all, thanks @ god for fall and winter (and spring i guess)
10. I love the smell of crayons
11. I’ve never broken a bone and I hope I didn’t jinx it
I tag: @snowisdelight @shirokogane @lucid-dream-world @juno8482 @shirosredknight @oxnerd @coldpluto @cogane @flusteredkeith @howtotrainyourpoptart @yailias if you guys wanna do it but you don’t have to!
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chubbypikkachu-blog · 8 years
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“Torchic” by Snowisdelight.
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ganymedesclock · 7 years
/post/166785222020/snowisdelight-knowledge-or-death - probably meant that post on your blog
OH HELL YES, I knew I reblogged it!
Here it is, everybody put your eyeballs on it, quintessential Keith character arc in a tidy package and it’s beautiful.
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Killing writer’s block one h/c fic at a time
This one is for @snowisdelight​, whose art always makes me smile and is such a lovely person to be around. I hope you enjoy <3
So Beautiful In This Light
If someone as bright as Keith can love Shiro, then maybe the shadows don't go as deep as he thinks.
Pairing: Keith/Shiro
Words: 1,435
Rating: Again, very G. Slight death mention because nightmare. 
Dark. Dark and blood and death, the screaming of the arena. His lion is in the background, turning away as he hears the roar of the crowd: Champion, monster, disgusting, worthless.
Numb resignation fills him as he kills every new enemy, dispatches them with ease as he tears them apart.
Galra. Human.
Matt. Pidge. Lance.
Allura. Coran. Hunk.
Shiro’s numb with grief, but he cries as Keith’s lifeless body falls at his feet, eyes wide with betrayal and hate.
“How could you do this, you monster? Don’t you know I love you?”
And Shiro falls to his knees, and the afternoon light filters in his room at the Garrison, Keith lying dead in his arms. He’s crying, choking on tears, his throat aching with it.
“I know,” he says, but his voice isn’t his. It’s rough and cruel; the voice of his Emperor, a shadow looming behind Shiro as Keith’s bloodied form still glares at him accusingly, filled with hatred.
“You’re not capable of love. Not a monster like you.”
Vrepit sa.
Shiro blinks awake.
It takes a moment to register. The room is dark except for the soft glow of the stars through the window, and there’s no noise except for the intermittent whirring of the castle ship. His mind is foggy from sleep, but the images slowly come back to him.
The tears start as it hits him all over again.
[Read the rest on AO3]
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heyitscmei · 8 years
Sheith Meme!
tagged by @inkfishie
What is your favorite Sheith fanart?:
hmmmm thats a really tough one because theirs a ton on of really good art everywhere i think if i had to choose some absolute favourites itd be this , this and this from maccalon’s flowershop au
and this and this by noct (but i wont lie i adore all of their sheith art)
theres tons of others but this is already five fanarts vs just one so
What is your favorite Sheith headcanon?:
but there are so many! hmm i really love the headcanon that shiro and keith know each other extremely well the idea that they have such a good feel for the other and understand each other so well that they can communicate without always having to talk and they cant lie to each other because the other can always tell i also like the headcanons that they can be somewhat tactile with eachother
also the headcanon where they joke around a lot together when its just the two of them inside jokes and just understanding each others humour
What is your favorite Sheith fanfiction?:
also a hard one ive read just about all the fics in the tag save for a few exceptions and there are just so many good ones its tough to choose ones i always ALWAYs recommend to people tho are:
the whole town’s sleeping and region of the summer stars by astrainclinant these two are some of my absolute favourites i cant tell you how many times ive reread them because ive reread them so much i dont even know
into warmer air by CarrionFlower this ones still in progress but i always find myself rereading the current chapters when im having a bad day or when i just feel like it (which is often)
the fics in the Constant Satellite series and The Human Touch by inkfishie these are fics ive read and reread and often remember fondly i could talk about why i love them but consequently, i would never shut up
everything by ShirosRedKnight i dont know what to tell you, there are so many good fics by them that i cant even pick which ones i like best just read all of them i reread constantly
whatever you wish for, you keep by desastrista this one is so lighthearted and cute i dont know what to do with myself
The Crashing Down series by snofeey 
Believe Me, For a Little While by unalignedant im so weak for keith angst and this delivered
ill stop myself here because this is slowly becoming a fic rec post (maybe ill just make a proper one later lmao) but these are some that i absolutely adore and find myself rereading often
What is your favorite canon Sheith interaction?:
all of them but if i had to pick a few i love every shoulder touch, expecially the one outside keiths shack “its good to have you back” “its good to be back”
and the hug from season 2 no words, just action but it spoke so loud
Which specific piece of content (a fanart, fanfiction, headcanon, etc.) are you most proud of creating?:
im pretty proud of all of them, i guess but art wise, i think im really happy about that christmas art i did right now i worked really hard on it and i was really happy that it turned out better than id anticipated fic wise im proud of my sheith week unlimited series of fics as a whole i got so much positive feedback and it really meant a lot to me that people genuinely enjoyed them
Write in or link to your answers, then tag 3 others in the fandom to do the same :D
uhhh idk who to tag lol i guess if you guys wanna do it?
@snowisdelight @overcaustically @shirokogane
but i mean if anyone who sees this wants to do it too then consider yourself tagged and go for it
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riverbanks · 8 years
Sheith Meme! I was tagged by @ilovelocust for 💁
What is your favorite Sheith fanart?
Dreamer by @lenomurasan is a set that gives me really strong emotions. It’s kinda...the only ending I wanna accept from this show now if I’m honest;; 
Also @opaldelight‘s entire Sheith art tag, because half of it is my fault and I’m not even sorry. /o\
What is your favorite Sheith headcanon?
I would need a second post just to elaborate on it, but the fight club headcanon/pre-Kerberos backstory @opaldelight and I have developed together, which spawned this lovely art that kills me with feels a little bit.
What is your favorite Sheith fanfiction?
who live in troubled regions by Dayadhvam is a very well written fic that I enjoyed a lot and don’t see recced too often. ‘tis good. Read it.
What is your favorite canon Sheith interaction?
tbh despite the grand gestures they do for each other and the big dramatic scenes they share in canon, my favorite interactions between them are probably still the little things: how Shiro always believes in Keith’s potential and wants to see him at his very best, how Keith unconditionally trusts Shiro and will follow him into hell and back... and also how they have this mutual understanding between the two of them that implies they share a lot with each other that we don’t even know about yet. I love how even though they have the most developed relationship in the show so far, we’re still only scraping at the tip of it, there’s still so much more left to explore.
Which specific piece of content (a fanart, fanfiction, headcanon, etc.) are you most proud of creating?
I guess I’m most “proud” of In Reverse, in a “I actually had to pause the pool episode because I was laughing so hard for all the wrong reasons” way, because... I called the castle having a pool like three months before S2 aired lmao. So S2 made the pool canon, and then gave it to another ship, but you know, it doesn’t matter. I called the pool first. It’s our pool. We don’t have an upside down pool, but we have the Sheith #suffering pool, full of angst and tenderness and Shiro’s issues and... Keith’s wet socks, I guess. orz
Write your answers, then tag 3 others in the fandom to do the same:
@catnico, @opallight and @snowisdelight, if you wanna do it? I’m bad at tagging and keeping track of who’s done the meme already, gomen. 🙇 
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snowisdelight · 2 years
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Yuu & Mika side hug c:
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snowisdelight · 2 years
quick updates
‘ello, just a quick announcement to people who’ve followed me here for a while that I recently-ish transferred my account to another email so some likes, asks, and replies you’ll see from me may come from @snowisdelights (extra s at the end)
so in summary @snowisdelights (empty blog with extra s at the end, no need to follow this one) and @snowisdelight (this sideblog you’re seeing now) are both me - I will continue to post content on this blog so if you’re already following me here no action required!
and to followers/mutuals from the bird app; hiya good to see you here as well. (*˙꒳˙* )⸝
and sorry everyone for not having posted new art here in a while, as soon as I draw something I will be sure to post here. Thank you to everyone who has reblogged, liked, and commented in the tags; it makes me happy reading your encouraging feedback<3
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snowisdelight · 2 years
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smile for da pic (´・з・)✨
a quick-ish sketch I drew last night
fyi I have a headcannon (which I'm sure many others have a similar idea) where Atem temporarily returns to the world of the living with a body that ages so he can grow up alongside Yugi. :>
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snowisdelight · 2 years
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squishy hug ʚ(*´꒳`*)ɞ
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snowisdelight · 2 years
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Fashion W遊戯 with different color palettes.
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snowisdelight · 2 years
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An old Sheith WIP that I colored recently. :>
(edit: added color to the bg circle)
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snowisdelight · 2 years
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"Missing Piece"
(Yugi is holding a "Shisha Sosei" ("Resurrection of the Dead") card which is the original Japanese version of "Monster Reborn")
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snowisdelight · 2 years
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Atem & Yugi chibis that I drew recently. (´・ω・`)
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snowisdelight · 2 years
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crossover tag team duel between Keith & Shiro (VLD) with Quantal Mech King Great Magnus against Yugi & Atem (YGO) with Black/Dark Magician & Black/Dark Magician Girl
ミ☆( •̀v•́ )人( •̀v•́ )☆彡
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