enkisstories · 27 days
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A few days later, the New Republic corvette Snowtreader passes an asteroid field. A quite impressive exogorth is peeking out of a crater.
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Trent: "Do you mind me turning on the light?"
There is no reply from the prisoner. He has spent the journey so far dormant like a droid in standby mode. Of the already small meals delivered to his cell he has eaten half at most, and everytime he had to use the toilet, he'd acted as if touching objects in the physical world was causing him discomfort. Washing is an exotic concept now, going to sleep means passing out and what even is hair?
The prisoner's boots are troubling him far more than his now unruly hair. Fitted perfectly to his feet, they nevertheless aren't made for wearing around the clock. But taking them off deems Hux such a herculean task, that he just cannot muster the willpower to commit himself to it.
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Trent: "You can tell where we are just from paying attention to the asteroid fields, correct?"
Trent has tried kindness before to coax the prisoner into talking, knowing it had worked on Batuu, but to no avail. Acknowledgement of his conversation partner's keen mind, even if the assumption that a person could memorize the galaxy's topgraphy was so outrageous that it was easily identified as ego coddling, not fact, finally does the trick.
Hux clears his throat. He coughs twice, as if he'd still have trouble breathing.
Armitage: "I could, probably. But since I already know that we're going to Hoth, the landmarks merely serve to confirm it."
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Trent: "I'm not sure how much the bailifs told you after you woke up, or how much of what you were told actually stuck. So here it is again:
There was no lasting damage. The gas you got subjected to wasn't smoke poisoning. Or anything potentially lethal, for that matter."
Except that the phantom of the knockout gas' smell is still lingering in Hux' nose days after the pretend-execution, and will perhaps do so forever.
Armitage: "Right. No lasting damage..."
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salsadifragola · 4 years
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I might be a bit late so to fill the void that is the time between christmas and new years here are all of the Lost Harbinger crew having a little party with an additional friend!
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ingomarian · 4 years
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#snowtreads (at McCandless, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKMQoCtBxxxx9nzXLEy6_jKijHFTvAnBNAQINQ0/?igshid=1tmeyu6wj1poh
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Blizzard Wizzard
Somebody’s got to bring the snow.
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ | ][ | ][ | ] Call Flurry – With a shout or a gesture to the skies, you cause snowclouds to form and snow to begin falling thick and fast in a 30 foot radius. You may have the area either remain where you summoned it or follow you as you move. The snowstorm lasts for d6 rounds per level of Call Flurry. When you summon the snow, before rolling the duration, you may sacrifice any number of d6 from the roll to intensify the blizzard – for each die you spend this way, any creature standing in the snowfall takes 1 cold damage per round.
[ ][ ][ ] Rimewise – For each level of Rimewise, reduce all cold damage you take by 1, to a minimum of 0.
[ ] Fury of the North Wind – While standing in a snowstorm, you can direct the wind and the snow to ravage any target within the storm with a gesture. That target takes d6 cold damage.
[ ][ | ][ | ] Frosted Shackles – Whenever you or a spell you control deals cold damage to a target, you may mark that target with an amount of Frost equal to your level of Frosted Shackles. You may use an action to spend that Frost – 1 Frost freezes the target's hands in place, preventing them from using them to act, and 1 Frost freezes a target to the ground, preventing them from moving from the spot. This effect lasts 1 round unless more Frost is paid to extend it when this spell is cast, at a rate of 1 Frost per round.
[ ][ ] Snowtread – At first level, you can walk through snow without difficulty or discomfort. At second level you can walk on ice without slipping.
[ ][ | ][ | | ] Dreaming of White – By attending to a few brief rituals before going to sleep, you induce dreams of intense snowfall in yourself that will be reflected in the waking world. It will snow overnight all across the area you are in. At first level, you can affect an area as big as a large town. At second level this effect can cover an entire city in a night's snowfall. At third level this can effect an entire country.
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salsadifragola · 4 years
Please tell us about camo chungus, who is that little heart for?
that would be Geode! He is a very stern geologist and cartographer who has a great love for his home and his Conjux! the little heart is for Snowtread, his conjux! they tend to be apart for extensive periods of time as Snowtread insists on being in the focal points of the war and is always being relocated but that doesnt dismiss their love and support for each other! (But geode is still trying to convince him that chasing adventure the way he does might get him killed sooner than expected.)
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salsadifragola · 4 years
im (relatively) new to your blog and i dont think i’ve heard much about your ocs!!! ik i’ve seen some art here and there but nothing super substantial :o would you introduce them? or if you wanted to go a but more in depth hmmm what are your most/least favorite thing(s) about each of them? c:
that is true, I havent posted abt them themselfs a lot! im still writing(something im not good at thats why its taking too long hsajhskaj) their personalities and adjusting their backstories here and there, i hope to post their full references soon :’) but yeah i can give some snipets!
Salsa(Whiskers): call me self indulgent but yeah i made myself into a transformer and yeah i am writing stories and comics abt them, and is probably my most fleshed out oc. Salsa was always lost throught his life, having a small altmode with not many functionalities he always landed in jobs he wasnt happy with, when the decepticons started spreading their word around cybertron, salsa was interested and considered joining them! but as the conflict started to become more and more violent, he left the planet in the event called the Exodus lead by Dai Atlas and Tyrest. He couldnt handle the weight of the situation and had a breakdown, stole a small ship with all of he had left and launched himself into the vast expanses of space, adrift.
Cathexis: He was made as a MTO Decepticon soldier but his expertise in chemistry got him the attention of his superiors and he rose as a scientist specialized in explosives! Decepticon ideals were programmed in his brain module, but it started conflicting with his own ideals, something that led him to kill his supervisor and steal an important battle ship from the fleet. Cathexis was declared MIA, as the General didnt want to report such big losses to Megatron and covered any evidence left.
Flow: When he emerged in a Hotspot Near Ibex, he decided he wanted to be a famous racer when he watched Blurr for the first time. He believed Fame and Glory awaited for him and he wanted to get to the top as fast as he could. Alas he wasnt as skilled as he thought he was, that led him to cheating his way thought races, making the use of illegal upgrades and substances. But soon his world would fall around him, the races were canceled and he joined the Autobots. After he had a near death experience and the loss of a close friend in the hands of Turmoil he asked to leave the autobots. He was granted a ship and left with all of his posessions inside.
Salutem: She Emerged from a hotspot near Iacon with a wish to take care of others. She joined the Iaconian academy of science and technology and was dedicated to her studies, but among her classmates was a bot who had a rotten sense of empathy, who didnt care if their patients lived or died, as long as they got what interested them. After a bit of investigating salutem discovered that the bot was retrieving organs to sell to alien species and make a fortune. The deal wasnt theirs of course, they were but just a pawn. the one behind was a senator. Salutem tried to bring them to justice, but as the senator was a powerful figure she was blamed instead of the other bot, and suffered empurata. Shortly after she was expelled from the academy as now she was considered a criminal, after wondering for a few weeks she ended up in the Dead End where she met a kind doctor who had a clinic there. The doctor took her in and believed in her desire to take care and heal others. after the clininc was closed down and the doctor vanished, she joined the autobots in hopes of finding him again. A few years later she had her own unit, a team to call her family and a quiet place, as the outpost she was in was far from the current big conflict... or she thought. The Planet was targeted by the decepticons and salutem and her entire team were declared dead.
Geode: He used to work as a contruction bot back in old cybertron and lived peacefully with his conjux. he enjoyed his work and as a hobby he liked to map out the areas he was sent to. Geode heard about these decepticon guys here and there but didnt mind much, until things started heating up. he didnt like it at all. the decepticons were ruining his beloved planet, the things he built, the natural landscapes, his life, it was all starting to become more and more like a hell. He joined the autobots believing he would end with the menace that were the decepticons, and his size and sheer strenght helped him a lot. After suffering an injure that almost took his life, he was asked to step down. Geode agreed reluctantly, working as a cartographer and geologist to find and help strategize the best places for new bases. Now he was away from the war, it was peaceful, but it never left his mind that also meant the bot he cared for the most would now be far away from him at all times.
Snowtread: “The single most passionate and fiery bot I ever knew” are the words Geode uses to descibe him. Snowtread has a love for good cy-gars and making his conjux smile. He worked alongside Geode as a contruction worker, but unlike his lover, he was unhappy with how monotonous his life was. It wasnt really his given function that bothered him, but the lack of excitement it had. When he heard of the rising decepticons he was curious of what they were planning and kept a close eye on the news. When the senate was taken down and decepticon attacks were rising, he enlisted in the autobots with Geode. Finally he found his calling him in life, the excitmentof shooting enemies down, the thrill of battle! it was just what he desired his whole life! But during one of the cartoons against a decepticon base Geode was shot down and almost lost his life. Snowtread has never felt so desperate in his whole life ... Geode recovered, but he had a lasting injury. Geode wanted to keep going but snowtread begged him to step down, he would never forgive himself if anything like that happened to him again, because if it did ... Geode wouldnt make it. He knows how worried his conjux is of how careless he is, but now he isnt just fighting for the sake of fighting, he is fighting so that Geode can live peacefully.
this might not be their final backstories tho! things may change because im not entirely sure abt some things dsghjhaj
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salsadifragola · 4 years
Who's that karaoke master? Also, why does Snowtread try to always be at important parts of the war, instead of at home with poor Geode?
karaoke bot is Flow! he likes to be the center of everyones attention :^)
Snowtread cares deepely about Geode, he believes that the fastest the decepticons can be taken down, the closer geode will be of the life he wishes for both of them. Unfortunately both of them lost their homes to the war, cybertron is in shambles and every outpost is either being attacked or in constant threat of being destroyed. Geode is still working to the autobots, he is still loyal to them mapping the best terrain to make strategic bases and bunkers. they once in a while stumble into each other and they make sure to make the best of these little opportunities. when they cant see each other in person they keep up to date through holo-calls
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salsadifragola · 3 years
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just something fun lmao
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