#so (and idk how) she gets out there and starts searching for siren history herself.
gryphonablaze · 4 years
while it’s not in either of those earlier two larger aforementioned crosses, it would be interesting to see HZD/BL. Perhaps Aloy inherits lilith’s powers? And in search of vaults sanctuary makes a pitstop at earth and tannis has the Time Of Her Fucking Life with all the Machines and Aloy convinces her to try and resurrect Gaia’s consciousness because she wants to try to meet at least one of her moms face-to-face yknow?....
 After Tannis brings Gaia back, She can see/talk through Aloy’s focus, so Aloy makes a visit back to the beginning of things and introduces her to Rost.
and yes I know forbidden west, I don’t have it so I don’t know the plot, but. with the Derangement under control and Hades defeated*... Rost taught her that even if Aloy did not need the tribe, they needed her. Well, she’s helped them. They don’t need her anymore. And now that she knew where she came from, what she was... in this whole world, just like Rost’s home... there was nothing for her here. Not anymore. Not without Rost. Not without Elisabet. They had been here, but they were gone now. It’s best that she move on. 
Before she left on Sanctuary, she took Elisabet’s helmet, and a stone from Rost’s grave. 
Aloy had always preferred being alone. Sure, she had friends. But that wasn’t what ‘alone’ was. Not belonging to anyone, not being bound to something somewhere. But she would have stayed for Gaia. In all the world, She was the only thing Aloy would have endured obligations for. But, because of something the weird lady from space did to her Focus, even though Aloy was far beyond Earth, she could still talk to Gaia.  
Besides, she had new questions now, and their answers weren’t here. 
Also, since she suddenly gained the ability to set things on fire, and summon blazing wings, the Carja started worshipping her. It was bad enough to be one tribe’s anointed, much less two. 
‘Everyone, please welcome the newest member of the Crimson Raiders!’ The small blue girl wiggled her hands at Aloy. 
Aloy’s brow creased. ‘Nobody said anything about joining any tribes.’
‘Ya don’t have to be a Raider if ya don’t want to,’ The large woman added. ‘Technically.’ 
‘Alright.’ Aloy shifted her posture. ‘So, who is everybody?’
Everyone introduced themselves in turn. 
‘Nice to meet you all. I’m Aloy.’ 
‘Would you like a tour of the ship, dear? I can show you all around,’ Moxxie offered. 
‘Yes, please.’ Aloy did not acknowledge the woman’s suggestive tone. ‘Lead the way.’ 
Immediately after Moxxie was done helping Aloy navigate the ship, she immediately went to the lab. The woman to whom it belonged was the only member of the Crimson Raiders Tribe that hadn’t been on the Bridge. Moxxie instead had told Aloy her name.
One half of the room was a mess. Squares of torn-up not-quite-parchment and thread were thrown on the floor. Tannis herself was facing the wall with her forehead against it and arms hanging limply by her sides. 
Just as Aloy had seen before, on the woman’s left arm there were markings. 
‘Is this a bad time?’
‘It absolutely is.’
‘I’ll come back later, then.’
‘No, there is no time in the near future that will be any less dreadful than this. What do you want?’
‘This thing on my arm. You have it too, and so do Ava and Amara. What is it?’ 
Tannis sighed wearily. ‘It is the mark of a Siren. Nobody knows where we came from or how we were made. Only six--or perhaps seven, the number is up for debate--can exist in the universe at the same time. Again, it is not known why. Each of us have different fantastical magical powers. These powers can be passed down to other specific people or inherited at random whenever a Siren dies. The powers are often the same, if not similar when they are passed from Siren to Siren. You inherited the abilities Phasewalk, and Phaseblast, and the related. Your powers came from a Siren called Lilith. She was my friend. She was lost her recently, in uncertain circumstances, and I was holding out hope that she was still alive somewhere.’
‘The fact that I have these markings is proof that she actually died...’ 
Aloy paused for a long moment. ‘Thank you for explaining... this.’ She held up her hand. ‘And I’m sorry that you lost your friend. Someone I cared about died recently, too.’ It had been maybe a month since Rost had saved her at the proving. So much had happened since then. ‘Is there anything I can do to help you?’ 
‘No, there is not.’ 
‘Alright.’ Aloy left. 
*Fuck you, Sylens. 
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percontaion-points · 5 years
Let’s Play “Moments: Siren Song” Part 15
Cecilia, Bee, and Lyle haven't apparently slept in a while, and only just drink coffee to stay awake. Doesn't sound healthy, but okay. Outside, the rest of the world is getting ready for Christmas, and there are carolers. Their phones ring with an incoming message: “the greatest discovery in human history”. Lyle is hesitant to turn the TV on, but Cecilia tells him to do it anyway.
For some reason, every channel has the same story, even though like... dude. Literally nobody would believe Diane at this point. It's literally just a head and she's saying that it belongs to a monster? She has zero evidence of that, and people are just supposed to take her at her word. Furthermore, there's no proof that there are others like Pete out there... especially because she killed the only monster. But it's not just Diane holding up Pete's head on TV, but a scientist claiming that it doesn't have human DNA. Yeah, well, neither do bonobos, but you don't see anybody crowing about that on TV... Diane goes on camera next and says that Pete's head is proof that monsters live among them. Even though... again: she killed the only known subject. There's not really a whole lot of proof that there are any more of them. I don't know why people are taking her seriously. Diane then outs Cecilia, Bee, and Lyle, and gives their address. On live TV.
They turn it off, but they hear a mob outside. Who the fuck is taking any of that seriously enough to go to some random stranger's house, drag them outside and...??? They've worked themselves into a frenzy over imagined wrongs, like “baby killers” and shit like that. IDK man, I've got nothing at this point. These are probably the same people who say that a rapist's life would be over if he went to jail. Ugh.
Anyway, Cecilia screams to go out the back, so Lyle...??? Just rams the door open, even though nothing said that the door was stuck or anything. But people have climbed over the fence, and start throwing shit at the three of them. Cecilia says to go through the neighbor's yard, so they do. But after the first fence, Lyle eventually grabs the girls and literally throws them over the next fence.
Once they get to the street, the mob doesn't give up and just follows after them. Bee eventually says that they need a place to hide until midnight... Why the hell weren't they already in hiding? Away from the house where Diane apparently knew the address of this entire time? But anyway, she asks Lyle to find them a place. He agrees, but says that he needs to be in werewolf form, so he tells the girls to look out for one another. I'm pretty sure that he's going to die, but whatever. It's the last chapter, so I don't really care that much at this point.
The girls hide behind some dumpsters, but the mob doesn't really go away, just becomes less focused. Lyle eventually says that they'll never get to a wooded area with the mob after them, and Bee says that they need a distraction. Cecilia says that her singing should work on a large group of people, and tells them to be ready to run. She goes to the mouth of the alley, but then she's grabbed by Diane. Cecilia tries to sing to her, but she's wearing earplugs. But Cecilia keeps singing, and the mob becomes more and more unfocused as they try to get to the water. But it also effects the drivers, and they start to cause accidents... and they don't just hit other motorists. Eventually, Lyle shoves Diane over, and the three of them take off running. Diane, however, stays behind to help injured pedestrians... who probably wouldn't have been out on the street if they weren't blindly following some crackpot that they heard yapping on TV.
Anyway, they get to the woods, where Bee says that she hopes that they'll be okay. Lyle says that they should get some rest, and he'll stand watch. He wakes them up urgently some time later, and Brandon comes over to them. He's scared, but he wants answers more than anything. Cecilia pleads with him for help, but Brandon is reluctant because a bunch of people got seriously hurt when Cecilia sang on the street. Which... again. Not my fault that a mob was following after us. He's upset over the loss of Jonah (and there's some implication about Ryan too), but he says that he won't see anybody else hurt, even if it means protecting Jonah's killer. So he leaves, but that's the only thing he'll do.
Night falls, and the three of them are uneasy. Eventually, the veil appears, and they start to run towards it, but they come across some police who are searching the woods. What for is beyond me, but here we are. If the police are just blindly following the orders of some lunatic on TV, then society has officially collapsed anyway. They creep along, and Bee trips, but they silence her before she can cry out with pain. Lyle ends up needing to carry her. There aren't any humans around where the veil is, and Cecilia thinks that it's because they can't see it.
As they race towards the veil, suddenly somebody throws smoke bombs. Which... again. WHO THE FRESH HELL IS DOING ALL OF THIS SHIT?! THE POLICE SHOULD BE ARRESTING THESE LUNATICS, NOT HELPING THEM! WHAT THE EVERLIVING FUCK?! It's Diane working with the police... Abandon all hope... Cecilia can't stop caughing, because she seemed to have been the target of the attack. She thinks for a second, and then hears the water, which she runs towards. The humans follow after her.
As she gets out onto the water, she loses her human shape, because the Human Walk is over for them. Cecilia says that she can ask the sea to pull the humans chasing them under, but Bee argues that she doesn't have to kill anymore. THESE PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY GOING TO MURDER YOU SIMPLY BECAUSE SOME LUNATIC ON TV TOLD THEM TO. AND YOU EXPECT FOR CECILIA TO SIT BACK AND WATCH HER FRIENDS AND HERSELF GET MURDERED?! Cecilia eventually does, and a whirlpool opens and drags all of the humans into its watery depths.
The smoke clears, and the three of them are alone on the beach. They cross into the veil, but end up stranded in the middle of the sea. Which probably isn't much of a problem for Cecilia, but the others... A manticore gave them a lift to the mainland.
In the monster world, they've somehow gotten word about Pete's death, and that the humans know about them. Or at least, as I've been saying: one lunatic with something inhuman that couldn't actually be proven to be a “monster”. The monsters are worried, and there's talk about finally ending the Human Walk. The three of them feel guilty over it, and pretend like nothing happened to them.
Lyle eventually was reunited with his pack.
Bee got into a good university.
Cecilia took a gap year, and then went to a small school near her home.
Once a year, the three of them return to the beach where they first met. There, they overhear some kids complaining about their lack of Human Walk, and Lyle questions how long it'll take people to forget about “it”. Bee says that they did it for hundreds of years, and it's hard to just cold-turkey on a tradition like that. The kids ask the three if they went on their human walk, and what it was like. The three play around and never really answer, and the kids lament that they'll never go on their own Human Walk. But Cecilia seems to think that it's for the best.
The end
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