#so Dream sneaks into Quackity's car. but he's kinda stuck as his prison body because he's stupid and very much still traumatized
rat-rosemary · 5 months
Sometimes I want to talk about my horror road trip au where C!Dream and Quackity are best friends and then I remember that au is pure nonsense
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Do you have some insights about how the feral boys is serial killer au are like? Such as their background and occupation? I think they are older than college AU and are full adults now, and many things in college au may still apply since they are both set in a realistic world setting.
Detective AU Dream comes from the same background as College AU Dream, but with a twist. His parents were accused of the murder of a rich family, and his parents got life in prison, and all of this happened when he was really young, around 8, and Drista was a baby when it happned. They weren't placed into the foster system and were left on the streets, this is what made Dream begin his villainous journey. He had to take care of Drista and that was pretty hard. There were nights he didn't eat and had to sleep out in the rain, causing him to get sick, and he was fine with it, since Drista would get to eat and she wouldn't get sick because he would shield her from the rain with his body. When Dream was 10 he met Sapnap in the park while he played with Drista. Dream and Sapnap became really close friends and Bad decided to take care of Dream and Drista since they didn't have parents
Sapnap lives in a apartment complex with Bad, his dad, and Skeppy, his uncle. Bad and Skeppy own a well run bakery in the city and it's really well. Sapnap was always a troubled kid and never made friends that stook around, due to his anger issues and violent tendencies. Sapnap would spend most of his days hanging and helping out at the bakery, and when he didn't do that, he would sneak out into the parks and grab animals and stuff them into bags. If he didn't find any at the park, he would go to alleyways and grab raccoons, cats and mice. He would then take them to his room and torture them until they were unrecognized and dead. He would then throw they out and do it all again. Bad and Skeppy knew this and were concerned about Rat, but when they saw how Sapnap would play with Rat and full on beat the shit out of anyone who harmed or talked bad about her, they knew she would be fine. Dream was Sapnap's first friend, and was overjoyed and excited when he moved in with him. They shared a room together and they had so much fun together, playing video games and playing manhunt, and when Drista was old enough she would join some of their games, and she bested them a lot.
George moved from the UK when he was around 13 or 14. His parents had to move for business reasons and he stayed in the dangerous city. George's parents were doctors and were busy most of the time, so George would spend most of his time sleeping and doing crafts. George was kinda lonely at school and at home. He met Sapnap and Dream through Discord, and he really enjoyed talking to them. George met them in person when he moved to there school, and he was never happier. George spent most of his time at Sapnap's house and they would play video games, watch anime and other TV shows, play manhunt and steal stuff from Bad's bakery.
Karl's parents are historians, they taught him a lot about history and it really stuck with him. Karl always had trouble with his memory, it was mild at first, he would forget to do his homework and where his uniform was, very mild stuff, but the older he got, the worse it became. He started to forget his parents and where he lived. So his parents would have to drive out late at night to find him, and would see him walking down the sidewalk in a unknown neighborhood, and when they tried to get him into the car, he would scream and fight back since he forgot who they were. It became way too stressful on his parents, so they began to neglect him and take more work hours just so they didn't have to deal with him. At school he was taken advantage of for his kindness and his awful memory, and this lead to Dark Karl, and just like in the College AU, he lost control over him. Karl tried to talk to his parents about it, he would plan on doing it, but he would forget, he would forget to do it and he would forget Dark Karl existed. Karl met Dream, Sapnap and George at school. He was hesitant to be their friend since he was taken advantage of, but when he saw how genuine they were, he took the offer.
Quackity lived in Mexico for a majority of his childhood, and moved to the city the Detective AU takes place when he was around 15 or 16. He didn't know anyone in the city and not to mention the city was heavily dangerous. Quackity would play his guitar most of the day, and sometimes in parks while listening to nature, and one time someone thought he was doing it for money and gave him 50 dollars, man bought a cart full of snacks and candy with that money. Quackity's love life wasn't the best, he got cheated on, abandoned and used by so many people which lead to his instability, and he vented his frustrations and anger through music, which brought him a sense of safety and comfort. He met the others when he was around 18 while he was at a bar with a few of his friends. After that day he hanged out and with them more often and became good friends with them.
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