#and then Quackity accidentally drives right into it
rat-rosemary · 5 months
Sometimes I want to talk about my horror road trip au where C!Dream and Quackity are best friends and then I remember that au is pure nonsense
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piscespixiewastaken · 4 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Dream & Ponk - Rabbit
(Did I totally misread the prompt and have to reword the fic to make it work? No, totally didn’t, no idea what you’re talking about)
(Also, thank you to @simplepotatofarmer for inserting rabbit!Dream in my head. May have accidentally stolen an idea from their Rabbit Run fic. If you haven’t yet, go read Rabbit Run, it’s very good! Can’t stop thinking of c!dream as prey hybrid types now.)
Sixteenth Day Event:
Dream & Ponk - Rabbit
Ponk finds an injured Dream in the woods by his house after a prison break. He’s not one to leave an injured man to die.
“So, I’m not the only one Sam decided to fuck with,” Ponk muttered.
The masked rabbit hybrid in front of him shrugged. He stared down at the hand Ponk was wrapping with bandages. He sat on the kitchen chair stiff and uncomfortable. There were more bandages wrapped around his torso and limbs under his trousers. His rabbit ears were heavily bandaged, which wasn’t helping his already damaged hearing. His right foot was missing, a rudimentary prosthetic attached to the stump of his lower leg. Ponk didn’t want to consider the implications of a rabbit hybrid losing a foot. Especially when he knew Dream could shapeshift.
“Seriously, what the hell did he do to you in there?”
Another shrug. Ponk sighed.
“Dream, you’re going to have to talk to me at some point. I can only help with so much if I’m guessing what hurts and what might be infected. You’re lucky to be moving while missing a foot like that,” he chided.
Dream’s ears wilted as he hunched his shoulders in response, as if trying to curl in on himself despite the fabric wrapped around his body. Ponk’s eyes softened.
“Just take your time, okay? I’m not turning you back over to Sam anytime soon.”
“What about the others?” a hoarse voice coughed out of Dream’s throat. “Would you turn me over to them?”
Ponk sighed. He’d been doing that a lot lately. When had the server become like this? His best friend taking his arm over a couple of tokens. That same person torturing their former friend. The Egg corrupting the others and driving them to hurt and kill on a whim. When had it all gone so wrong?
“No, I won’t be. I’m not a snitch, Dream. Have a little faith that I have some sort of conscience after all this,” he huffed, letting out a small, humorless chuckle.
Dream turned away. As much as Ponk would have liked to see Dream’s face, see the expressions he was making… he understood Dream’s desire for privacy. It seemed to have been ripped from him in prison.
The tension building in the room caused Ponk to switch subjects.
“Why did Sam… why did he torture you? Was it supposed to be a punishment?” he winced at the words leaving his mouth. But he also couldn’t help his curiosity. His need to relate to someone who had suffered abuse at the hands of the same person.
Dream flinched. Ponk bit his lip to keep down the concerned reassurance that tried to leap from his throat. Dream wouldn’t want that, not right now.
“It… Sam didn’t lift a finger. Not really. He just… he just condoned it,” Dream mumbled. His voice was so quiet Ponk almost didn’t hear him.
“What? He let… he let someone else torture you? In his prison?” Ponk couldn’t keep the incredulous tone from his voice.
Dream nodded.
Ponk swallowed. He could see Sam torturing someone. Hell, he counted what he went through as torture, and that only lasted a day at most. But to hand someone else the tools and sit back and watch…. That was almost worse.
Just who on the server would feel comfortable to get close enough to Dream of all people to torture him?
“It was Q-Quackity,” Dream said, voice breaking ever so slightly on the other’s name.
Ponk frowned. He didn’t know Quackity particularly well. He had seen the other when they had gone to the vault to detain Dream. But otherwise, they barely interacted. The younger man must be power hungry then, enough to try and take something from a man already locked up and unable to touch anyone.
“Huh.” It was all Ponk could think to respond.
There another long silence. The air felt thicker and stuffier by the minute, and Ponk debated opening a window before deciding against it. It would cause Dream to panic more, and Ponk had barely managed to get the young rabbit hybrid to his house after finding him bleeding out in the woods.
Ponk turned back to the masked hybrid to finish off the last bandage. His frown deepened as a line of blood dripped from Dream’s chin.
“Dream, is your head bleeding?”
Dream flinched, before reaching up and dabbing the skin under his mask. His fingers came away red with blood. Ponk watched as the young man’s chest stuttered, his lungs not quite working properly as he began hyperventilating.
Ponk took his hand and held it firmly but gently, rubbing circles on bandaged knuckles.
“I need you to breathe, Dream. It’s all right. You’re okay. I can treat the injury if you take your mask off. Can you do that for me?”
Dream went still, ears flattening against his head. His hands clenching and unclenching repeatedly. He shook his head. Ponk’s eyes softened.
“I promise no one will hurt you, Dream. I just want to make sure it’s not infected, okay?”
Dream was quiet again. For a good moment, Ponk thought he would have to leave the wound alone and pray it wouldn’t become infected.
And then Dream slowly raised his hand to the white disc that sat on his face. He undid the strap and lowered it.
The face that stared down at the ground was covered in scars and burns. As if a hot knife had been dragged across his cheeks. His little nose was inflamed and torn. His whiskers were almost shaved, which couldn’t possibly be good for his stability. There was even a small “Q” dug into the jawline. No part of Dream’s body had been spared the torture then.
Ponk was glad his own face was covered, but he knew his eyes would betray his horror. He quickly composed himself and got to work on the gash in Dream’s forehead, newly opened from whatever activity Dream had done after escaping the Vault. The young man stayed quiet, despite flinching at how close Ponk got. His dull, green eyes never left Ponk’s hands as he worked, and his ears were still pinned against his head.
“Why are you helping me?” The question was unprompted, maybe to deal with the unsettling silence that had fallen over the two of them.
Ponk sat back for a moment. “Because you used to be my friend, Dream. And you’re injured. I don’t actually enjoy seeing people suffer.”
Dream scoffed but remained silent.
Ponk placed the last plaster on Dream’s skin and stood from where he’d crouched beside the other. He stretched his arms over his head.
“Well, that should be everything. You can stay here for the night, and I would highly recommend you do so. I don’t want you to tear open any stitches,” he said, gesturing to a nearby pullout couch.
Dream shook his head. “I… I have somewhere to go. Thank you, though. I appreciate it.”
Ponk wished he were more surprised by the sincerity in that remark. It would have hurt less to hear than the gratitude oozing out of Dream’s voice, how his ears perked up just a little at Ponk’s offer. As if Dream thought he should have died out there alone and afraid.
“Of course, Dream. My door is open if you need anything, all right? And I promise, I won’t tell anyone.”
Dream nodded, strapping his mask back on.
“Thank you,” he mumbled as he pulled his hoodie back on and donned his armor.
He stood from his chair and almost immediately stumbled, catching himself before Ponk could react. He waved Ponk off and grunted as he stepped towards the door. It swung open with a push, and Dream peered out for a moment, glancing at the surroundings. And turning back to Ponk one last time, he nodded his thanks.
And then he was off again, hobbling down the path to the woods nearby.
Ponk stared out the open door to starlit sky above. He sighed, closed the door, and moved to clean the table of bandage rolls and dots of blood. A deep sorrow built up inside him as he thought of the dull eyes of a man he had considered a close friend. And of the maniacal look on their abuser’s face when he’d taken Ponk’s arm. One he probably had when Quackity had taken Dream’s foot.
When had it all gone so wrong?
(You thought, oh cute fic prompt, maybe fluff? No, you get angst instead. No comfort, only hurt).
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
One exam completed today! Two more to go! I need more Shrunken Manhunt content to fuel my days, do you have any headcanons you are willing to share? Also, expect more feral gremlin energy and stories when exams are over.
-Gremlin Anon
You’re doing good! Keep at it!
As for hcs, I may have a couple but I won’t remember if I’ve said them before or not so we’ll just ignore the repeats lol
Puffy does not understand the whole nomming thing, Eret does not either. But after the events of the Red Banquet, Foolish offers it as a way to help them calm down. It’d be dark, and quiet, and they’d be close to him. (More for Puffy’s sake than Eret’s, but they appreciate the sentiment anyway.) the two find it’s not that bad, and Foolish finds that he actually likes the idea of protecting his friends in such a manner.
(He may or may not ask Quackity a few questions about it, and even ask him if he’d like to be stored a few times by him. He’s been denied every time but once.)
Slime’s had a bad habit of accidentally absorbing his shrunken friends/others. He’s absorbed Wilbur, Tommy, most of the Las Nevadas crew, and he’s almost absorbed Quackity’s fiancés too. Everyone learned not to wander around shrunk in Las Nevadas thanks to their goopy companion.
Sapnap’s stored Bad once, and Skeppy took it as full permission to do it too. The war in the Happy Duo’s household has increased tenfold, Skeppy’s gone full on feral after Bad because he knows how much being stored bothers the demon.
Fundy and Ant happen to be two of the only hybrids who refuse to store people. Their reasonings are simple; it’s just not safe for them to! Their hybrids don’t let them store people safely. Dream can’t store safely either, but it does not stop the admin at all.
Techno’s gone to the nether with people before, and returned alone because (and especially with family) if they get hurt once, his instincts go haywire. Phil, Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Ranboo, hell, even Sapnap’s been victim to this.
Speaking of, Sapnap and Techno go to the nether together pretty often! Both being netherborns, sometimes all they wanna do is hang out in their home dimension, explore some biomes, raid some fortresses. Sapnap’s unfortunately not allowed in the bastion, but the piglins of Techno’s bastion have accepted that Sapnap knows better and doesn’t mean harm.
Techno’s also taken Michael to the nether before, but with the same result as the others usually get, he lost permission to take Michael to the nether.
Dream’s taunted Techno into nomming him before, same with Sapnap and anyone else who has extreme instincts/prey drives. He’ll shrink down and then dart around or start jumping around, climbing on shit, anything he can until he inevitably catch their instinctual attention. He’s also worn gold to taunt Techno before, but stopped doing it as Techno just steals it.
Wow those got pretty Techno centric let me try to reel it back lol
Wilbur’s nommed people for the hell of it, but it’s usually close friends. If he’s stored someone he’s not super close with, it’s for safety reasons. (This has happened with Niki before, she was a little wary of Wilbur for weeks afterward.)
Quackity’s done the same, but he doesn’t put himself far from close friends that much anymore. The person he’s had to store that he’s not as close to is Purpled, and he got one hell of a stomachache for it. He also had to sit everyone in Las Nevadas down and tell all of them how avian biology works because he was absolutely terrified that Purpled was gonna fight his way right into his real stomach, and he’d be helpless to stop it.
That’s all the ones I can think up for right now! I hope this helps you de stress a bit!
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alien-girl-21 · 2 years
this probably wont make sense esp. since im talking as someone whose only seen k5 and mostly through translations lol but it's like- k!Luzu hurts to watch because he's both doomed by fate and his own hands- mostly fate in k4 it seems but like that leads into him being set up to fail in k5 because he doesn't remember the full context of what happened to him in k4 so he ends up screwing over himself and his best friend- but also it's like- he could've stopped, he could've trusted Quackity to handle the mayoral position and respected him instead of acting behind his back, he could've supported his friend and tried protecting him without hurting him even if that felt riskier, he could've accepted that he fucked up and admitted to committing fraud, he could've resigned as mayor- when he's shown the video of all of his and Quackity's moments together it hurts but he still decides to keep going- but then again why would he back down when as far as his memories could tell him the pain he inflicted on Q seemed like a lesser evil then letting him become mayor even if it meant breaking their friendship and overtime his priority shifts from protecting Quackity from Karmaland to protecting Karmaland from Quackity and so he can't just give up now but-he doesn't realize or maybe just doesn't want to acknowledge that things at that it turned out this way because he betrayed him in the first place- that the fraud and everything that follows was all for nothing now. And the longer he keeps going the worse the war gets, but the worse it gets the more like Luzu feels like he's in the right for staying as mayor for the greater good even if it hurts- having strayed so far from why he even ended up here in the first place and like- BASICALLY It's like he was set up to fail from the start but he could've stopped but then again why would he at any point- his unhappiness in k5 is both his fault and not his fault like- omg I didn't mean to ramble this much I've just been thinking about k!Luzu a lot lately and it's driving me a little nuts this ended up longer then I wanted it to 😵‍💫 I wish I knew more Spanish to do a proper analysis on him (and the revolution arc in general) because his character is really awesome- I hope this was alright, I like talking about k!Luzu but the language barrier always makes me feel nervous to do so LOL (Also I just want to clarify I'm not like absolving k!Quackity of any blame here because uh he did a LOT of fucked up shit and I share a lot of general sentiments that I brought up here with Luzu with him- like they're both were screwed by shit out of their control but also like neither are totally blameless for their suffering- I have a LOT of thoughts about k!Q too, but I just felt like focusing on Luzu's side of the story rn because of the k4 posts lol and this ask is long enough 😵‍💫)
I accidentally wrote way too much, dorry
K!luzu is soo tragic once you start thinking about it ngl
Since karmaland 4 he did nothing but help people. Someone needed food? He was giving them as much food as he had. Vegetta wated to tame a cat but didn’t have meat? Don’t worry, luzu will let himself be stabbed so vegetta can have his cat, and so on and so forth, He has the biggest heart during the beginning of the series, not only for the heroes, but for karmaland as a whole. Hell, I mean, his house got blown up like 3 times in one day and he didn’t even bat an eye and forgave the people that put the mines there, even if he lost his pig, Manolo, for a while during the commotion.
He said that he wants to be positive and help everyone else in karmaland. He loves doing good things for his friends, he has an entire episode dedicated to cooking his friends’ favorite foods! And when rubius told him it was part of his electoral campaign he said that no, it was because he loved his friends.
I guess one of the most tragic things looking into k4 after knowing what happens after the elections and everything that goes on in kv are his interactions with the hermandad oscura and his first therapy session with auron. Since the hermandad oscura was formed, they have been trying to get luzu to their side, they have blown up his house, stole his pig, and made him steal so they could give him Manolo back. Thing is, luzu never acts exactly how they want him to. They blow up his house? Oh well, he’ll patch it up. They steal Manolo and ask for ransom that has to be stolen? He’ll just put a lot of signs saying he’s sorry in the most nervous way possible while taking one diamond out of fargan’s chest. It’s impossible to make him do evil in one way or another, and they are tired of it.
When they give him Manolo back, they say: “we have seen there is darkness inside you (…) someday, you’ll know more” which he does have, he has that darkness inside him, and it comes out after the election, and it goes full blast in kv. But they try once again, to get him to their side 2 episodes later, when they swap the fake Manolo for the real manolo:
Luzu: there’s no bad blood (between us) after this mishap. But I think we could make a deal because of this. Hermandad oscura: We’re going to do something we normally don’t do, Luzu. There is evil inside you. L: (snorts) okay? HO: We’re granting you a pact. You can do one evil thing. L: You mean I have to do something evil? HO: No, you can tell us we can do something evil, and we will do it. L: This is a lot of power; I have never thought of something like that. HO: The consequences will be yours. L: Okay, so you will be the instrument for whatever evil I want you to do? HO: Exactly. L: Can I say it now? Because I have an idea. HO: Yes. L: Well, I don’t know if you know, but there’s a new Karmaland member (…) There’s a new member in Karmaland, Auronplay, he just started, and I think it would be funny —I don’t want you to hurt him— I want you to do something to entertain him, to welcome him to Karmaland like the rest of us. I think it would be funny for you to block his house and make a treasure hunt to find something, with different tramps, so he has to fight for his life… what do you think? HO: It’s a good idea, but it’s your idea. Everything that happens now is your fault. L: Okay, but don’t kill him, if he dies make sure it’s his fault, not yours– mine.
So, the hermandad oscura does as Luzu tells them, and auron has to do his little quest for some items that the hermandad oscura put in a chest with a code lock in, and every single sign left blames luzu for what happened. But they end up making up after it, so it’s like nothing ever happened in the first place. No matter what they do until before the elections, it doesn’t work.
Then, during his first session with auron as his therapist, they have many moments that just punch you in the face.
Auron: I’ve heard you are a very kind-hearted person, that you are one of the few that enters conflicts and is always smiling (…) that’s what they say, that’s why I’m asking, why are you here?
Luzu: I don’t know if you’re heard, but there’s going to be elections in Karmaland for being the mayor (…) the elections are coming up, and I’ve been feeling this pressure that grows, that I didn’t realize before (…) you know I’ve been preparing my campaign and some friends have betrayed me during this (…) I think that (everyone should have) free choice, you know? Everyone has to be the person they want, but of course, I think: what did I do wrong? What did I do? Because, of course, I made my friend react that way, so I don’t know what I did wrong and I want support so I know how to take this campaign. And if I become mayor, it’s because of you helping me with the pressure…
So yeah, he wants to be mayor, but he feels the pressure, and it’s even more when mangel, who was meant to be the creative director of the campaign, decided to form his own political party. And then you look at luzu in kv, he’s constantly saying to quackity that he shouldn’t mess around in politics, that it’s not worth it. Which I think lines in with what auron says next:
“This is a tricky subject, my father always used to say: ‘never talk about football and politics on the dinner table’. I have to say politics creates many betrayals, many enemies, it’s tricky, and you knew what you were getting into”
What does luzu say to quackity whenever he brought up running for mayor? That it’ll destroy his life, that it’s not worth it. In kv luzu accidentally became auron, he did not only become the therapist of karmaland, but he was saying stuff that auron had once told him to quackity, the naïve kid with a dream (in luzu’s eyes).
Luzu was betrayed, someone decided to step up last second in the election and run along-side luzu, his friends voted for them; his friend left him behind for the other guy because he had power. Luzu was failed by everyone he knew and he fucking snapped. He had flashbacks to this in kv, and that’s why he repeated his own history, to save quackity from what he thought was going to be a fate worse than dying.
Luzu is just surrounded by a narrative that’s always against him. He tries to do good; he tries to be positive, he tries for people to like him, see him as a friend. But it always fails, people think he’s the hermandad oscura, no way a guy is so nice just because; he gets betrayed in the thing that meant the most to him because of the need of power. But he still does good, I mean, if it wasn’t for him the members of kv could have never gone back to k4. Even in kv, if he didn’t trust anyone, he still helped them out, he was still there in all the events being friends with everyone.
Mucho texto, so I will finish with: tl;dr: k!luzu is doomed by the narrative and the narrative lets you know like it’s a slap on the face and I think cc!luzu should be praised more for his storytelling skills <3
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* Sam is your close friend. He had become a yandere for you when he realized how dangerous the people around you were. He is the law. So, who else but he could be best at protecting you? Besides, you love him too, right? I mean.. Why wouldn't you? * The person that he would team up with to win your heart is, of course, is quackity. The closest person that he has right now, is probably Quackity, and he's the only person that he can trust.
* Eret is a very protective man and he has been looking over you since the day he had met you even if you don't know that. He doesn't need you to appreciate what he does for you, all he wants is for you to be happy and not choose to date someone else. * Eret would choose to share with Fundy. He believes that Fundy is a good boy and that if he would need to give you up for someone, then he would want that someone to be Fundy.
* Fundy is one of the people that dependents on you. You are one of the rare people that he talks with while being away from people and that helped him get attached to you. He doesn't want to lose you and he will do absolutely everything to avoid that ever happening. * He would be more than happy to share you with Quackity, seeing as he is the only person besides you that welcomed him somewhere with open arms and even gave him a new home.
* George and you always had a love and hate relationship. Ever since he had temporarily taken the throne, you were not sure how to feel about him, but he? Oh, he loved you, that's for sure. It was just very one-sided. * The person that he would be willing to share you with is probably Sapnap. The two have been good friends for a long time and they even have a country together, that's why he would trust Sapnap with helping him with you.
* Ghostbur always found you to be comfortable to be around. I mean, you were one of the very few people that actually took him seriously and he loved it. He was a person of his own and you made him feel like that. That's why he loved you! * Someone that Ghostbur wouldn't mind sharing you with would probably be Technoblade. I mean, he was nice to him when he was lost, so why not trust him? Besides! Technoblade was a very nice man and he could treat you nicely.
* Jschlatt decided to take you under his wing because he saw himself in you. You might hate to admit it, but you were very similar to him. Because of that, he wants to keep you to himself. I mean, he must bring out your potential. * Someone that Jschlatt wouldn't mind sharing you with would be Connor. The two have been business partners before, so he knows that Connor is trustable and that if needed, he can leave you with the man for a little bit and you will be fine.
* Glatt met you when you accidentally came across his workout gym/cave, and ever since then, he had felt comfort and happiness whenever you would visit or a thought about you would cross his mind. He doesn't remember the time when he was alive, but he thinks that maybe this feeling is tied to him maybe knowing you before he died? * Glatt would probably share you with Quackity, even if the man would probably take you away for himself. I mean, Quackity was connected to him before he died and is the guy who is going to revive him, so he has to put some trust in the man.
* Karl trusts you more than anything else. I mean, you are so sweet and kind and gentle with him! Yes, you can be a little manipulative at times and you have anger issues, but those are issues he will never knowledge! You are perfect and the best comfort in these trying times, seeing as his relationship with one of his fiances is pretty rough and you are there for him. * Karl would probably share you with Sapnap, and Quackity if he makes up with the man. He loves his fiances and he knows that his fiances love you too, that's why he wants to involve you in their poly relationship. He just needs to make sure Quackity and he are okay.
* Connor met you at the casino and ever since then, he couldn't forget you. You've been running in his mind, and he doesn't know what is wrong with him. He still hasn't realized that he is in love with you, all he knows is that he is going to come back and gamble more. How else is he going to see you again? * Connor would probably be more than happy to share you with Slimecicle. I mean, the two are friends and the guy seems pretty nice, so why wouldn't he trust him with you? Besides, he is always so close to you!
* Since the moment that he had seen you, he thought of you as a toy, but his thoughts changed after you started to visit him in prison after Quackity. Unlike the man, you would treat him and make sure that he survived after Quackity was done. That makes Dream fall for you. You were... You cared for him, so you clearly. Clearly wanted him! And... He will have you. Whether you want that or not. * Dream wouldn't want to share you with anyone. I mean, why would he? He learned that he can not trust anyone. Besides, sharing would mean that he would have less time with you and he doesn't want that.
* BadBoyHalo would have fallen for you before the egg had gotten to him. Ever since the egg pulled him into its clutches, his feelings twisted into an obsession, when before, it was pure love. Now, he wants you to be his royalty, and he will not stop at anything to achieve that. * BadBoyHalo would be more than happy to share you with Skeppy and the Egg. Why wouldn't he want to share you with the two most important people for him? But nobody else. You were his.
Mexican Dream/Carlos
* Carlos fell for you when you helped him escape from Dream while in the nether. You were so sweet and charming, that he simply couldn't control himself anymore. He was a passionate man and passion completely took him over. He wants you and he won't give up until he gets your heart. * Carlos would be more than happy to share you with Mamacita. I mean, why wouldn't he? Mamacita was his darling and you were his darling. He would want his darlings to get along, maybe even share the same passion with one another.
Ghost!Mexican Dream/Garlos
* Garlos would fall for you the moment that he would see you at where El Rapids was. The way you looked so interested yet saddened, it made him understand that you hold the same passion as him, and he was happy to meet someone like you. He wished to be able to have you near him for a second longer. * Garlos has absolutely nobody, that's why he wouldn't share you with anyone. He wants the two of you to drown each other's loneliness in one another, and become better for one another.
* Philza fell for you the moment that you saved Technoblade once. You helped both Technoblade and Philza, causing the man to get more interested in you. Ever since he had started to look into you more, he had fallen for you even more. God, you are.. Perfect, to say the least. * Philza would more than happily share you with Technoblade. The two are close, and he knows that Technoblade likes you too, so he knows that if the two shared you, they would not only be able to protect you better, but they wouldn't ruin each other's relationship over you too.
* Ponk isn't completely sure why he fell for you. Maybe it was that random act of kindness? or maybe the time you stood up for him? Stars, he really just doesn't know. But he knows one thing. And that you haven't left his mind just yet. He... Needs to have you. * Ponk wouldn't want to share you with anyone. He knows that it's dangerous to keep you all to himself, but he knows that if he shares you with someone else, his jealousy won't be able to handle that.
* Punz fell for you when you fought him and won against him and his group. He wasn't sure how you had managed to do that, but you proved yourself to him and he knew that you were someone worthy of his attention. And everything else is history. All you need to know is that he can't live without you right now. He needs you and not having you near is driving him insane. * Punz wouldn't want to share you with anyone. Again, why would he share you with someone? You were too good to be used as an item. You were precious and he wanted you to belong to him and him only.
* Quackity met you long before everything. The two had been friends since day one and you two stuck together no matter what. Even when everyone else would leave him, you were there for him. How could he not love you? His love for you was more than what romance could describe. You were his world. Without you, he would have never understood his true potential. And he is thankful to you for that. * Quackity is pretty reluctant to share you, but he would probably feel comfortable sharing you with Charlie. He is pretty harmless and he is his best friend, that's why he truly believes that if he has to share you with someone, then it should be Charlie.
* Sapnap had always liked you, but his like for you was always platonic. His obsession started to grow the moment that he noticed that you were always near Quackity. He was. Well. Jealous. Why were you always with his fiance? And that obsession of hate slowly changed into a more romantic one, agreeing with Karl to wanting to pull you into the poly relationship. That way, he won't need to be jealous anymore! * Sapnap would be more than happy to share you with his fiances but nobody else. He is quite possessive, and he doesn't want someone that belongs to him to be touched by someone else.
* Skeppy always found you to be controlling and manipulative. He wasn't sure how nobody has seen that before, but slowly, you had gotten to him too. I mean, love and hate are so similar. It takes little to nothing to make someone mistake hate for love. Though, are you ready to handle what he is about to dish out? * Skeppy would be very happy to share you with BadBoyHalo. The two are very close and they share absolutely everything! why not share a lover too, then?
* Technoblade always found you fascinating. He had met you through Jchlatt and ever since then, he wasn't sure why, but he couldn't take his eyes away from you. No matter what your actions were, he wanted to be near you. Sadly, because of quackity, you wanted nothing to do with him. * Technoblade wouldn't mind sharing you with Philza. That's not really that weird, seeing as the two of them are quite close and they will always be. If he needs to put you in someone's arms, he wants it to be Philza's.
Wilbur Soot/Will
* Wilbur fell for you at first sight. You were so beautiful. You were so perfect. You were everything that he had dreamed about. That's why he didn't want to let you go. Ever. You were his and he was going to make sure that you understand that. * Wilbur would share you with Tommy. The kid is nice and he knows that he can trust the other to keep an eye on you. Besides, the kid enjoys being around you and sees you as an older sibling, so he doesn't need to worry about anyone stealing you away.
* Ranboo always felt a familiar feeling to you. You were like a god to him and he wanted people to see how great you were. Sadly, not many people did see you like that. And that was driving Ranboo insane. But no worries.. He won't give up until you are recognized as a god. * He wants to share you with Tubbo. Who else could understand how great you are than his husband? Tubbo is attached to you too, that's why he knows that Tubbo will get why Ranboo sees you as a god and will join his cause.
* Tommy had felt comfort towards you since the moment that you first showed care towards him. You were strict, but also you were loving and always made sure that he was taken well care of. You were like an older sibling that he never had and he couldn't let any of the other pieces of shit, have you. Nobody deserved you. * Tommy would want to share you with Tubbo and Wilbur. He knows that Wilbur loves you and that Tubbo cares about you and understands Tommy's feelings. If there are anybody that would understand how to protect you, it's those two people and him.
* Tubbo had always seen you as a parent. When he was the president, you were like a guiding hand alongside Quackity. You taught him how to lead a country and taught him that war and violence was the only true way to get something in life. He was grateful to you for that. That's why he wants you to never leave his life. He needs you to teach him more. * Tubbo would be more than happy to share you with Tommy and Ranboo. Ranboo is a little bit too obsessed with you and Tommy a little bit too dependent on you, but those two are his closest people, so he wants to share your love with them too.
* DreamXD had always seen you as competition. Not because you were as strong as him, but because the love you garnered from people might really bring him a lot of trouble, but he loves that. You always interested him and he wants to see if you will one day take his place or not. Or maybe, you might even join his side.. He wouldn't mind. * Nobody really enjoys having DreamXD near them, that's why he wouldn't share you with anyone else. Not like he really would want to. He enjoys having you all to himself more.
Foolish Gamers/Foolish
* Foolish fell for you the moment that he was enlightened by you. You and Quackity allowed him to die, but after you explained why, it was like he understood. You allowed him to die to be reborn and understand that his life was boring and meaningless... He liked that, but well, he wanted you to be part of his life now, and the only way to do that is by joining Las Nevadas. * Foolish would happily share you with his 'father' Puffy. The two are very close, and he knows that his father loves you very much, just like him.
* Jack and you barely knew each other, but he remembered you from long ago, and knew that you were nice. Or at least, that's what he heard from other people. He developed his obsession with you because of everyone else obsessing over you. I mean, if you were so desired, there was a reason for that, right? * Jack wouldn't really know who to share you with, but he knew that if anyone would be willing to accept him in the relationship they have with you, he would be very happy to accept that sort of invite.
* Purpled always seen you as a parental figure, that's why he finds it annoying how everyone is trying to steal you away from him. Sadly, even Las Nevadas is about to do that. He doesn't want to join Quackity, but he will be damned if he allows you to be controlled by that man without Purpled being able to help you out. * Purpled is a loner and doesn't want to give you up to anyone else. You are his parent and he will make sure that the two of you are always together, until the day both of you die.
* Charlie met you on the day he had met Quackity. He wasn't sure why, but he really likes you and Quackity, because of that, he wants to always be around the two of you. Slimecicle really does like you and Quackity, both of you! You are the people who are teaching him about the human world. Of course he loves you two. * Charlie is more than happy to share you with any of his friends! But mostly Quackity and Connor! But Quackity more. But Connor too. All he knows is that he wants you to teach others about how to live too!
The Egg/Crimson
* Crimson thinks that you would be a wonderful addition to its empire. I mean, you are strong and because of your control, you would be able to pull a lot of people to its side. It needs you and you know that, that's why you want to destroy it. But it won't allow you. * Crimson would be more than happy to share you with anyone who is part of the eggpire, but anyone else? It will never give you up to them and you need to understand that.
Captain Puffy/Puffy
* Puffy met you through Nihachu. Ever since then, the woman has been quite interested in you, just like Nihachu. Sometimes, Puffy wondered if you wanted to do the same as your friend Quackity did and get engaged to Puffy and Nihachu. But she needs to get close to you before she can offer that. * Puffy would love to share you with Nihachu. She and Nihachu are together, because of that, why wouldn't she want to do that? Of course, the two are having some issues now, but that doesn't matter.
Girl Dream/Mamacita
* Mamacita had fallen in love you the moment that Carlos introduced the two of you. Of course, she still loved Carlos too. That's why she wanted to have both of you, and she knew that you probably didn't mind that too much. I mean, why would you keep attracting so many people to you if you minded? * Mamacita would share you more than happy with Carlos. She doesn't want to leave any of you behind, so she will make sure to share you with her current boyfriend.
* Nihachu and you were on enemy lines for a long time. You two were against one another, but that rivality had made Nihachy fall for you. She was never sure why, but she understood one thing, and that was that she needed you and that she was going to make sure she gets you. * Nihachu would more than happily share you with Wilbur and Captain Puffy. Things with Puffy are a little bit rough, same with Wilbur, but those two are the people that she knows she can trust the most.
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poisoned-peppermint · 3 years
Part 3 of incorrect quotes because people liked the other ones
Skeppy: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Bad: Aren't you forgetting something?
Skeppy: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Bad's forehead before running out.*
Bad: No, pay your bill! Dang it, who raised you? 
Bad: Well, Skeppy and I finally did it!
The rest of the squad: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*
Bad: That's right... We kissed!
Skeppy: I love you.
Bad, not paying attention: What was that?
Skeppy: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Skeppy: You’re not jealous, are you?
Bad: No!
Skeppy: Good, ‘cause I consider my fake relationship with you a lot more meaningful. 
*Bad and Skeppy are in Paris.*
Bad: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny?
Skeppy: But...
Bad: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and...
Skeppy: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception?
Bad: Yeah.
Skeppy: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe.
Bad: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION.
Skeppy: Okay, alright
Bad: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things.
Skeppy: Hi, I’m ‘things’
Skeppy: Are you sure Bad's even gay? They barely even looked at me.
Bad: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Skeppy: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Bad: But you’re always acting stupid?
Skeppy: ...
Skeppy: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Bad: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Skeppy: Aww-
Bad: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Bad: I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! ... And this knife I found
Bad: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Skeppy: Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Bad: Yes.
Skeppy: I'd sleep.
Bad, to Skeppy: We had a date!
Bad: *aggressively points to Hello Kitty Coloring Book*
Bad, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way. 
Skeppy: That was so hot, Bad.
Bad: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenerate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Skeppy: I'm so in love with you
Dream: Where's Sapnap, Skeppy, and Bad?
George: They're playing hide and seek.
Dream: Where?
George: I don't think you get how this game works.
Skeppy: Good morning.
Bad: Good morning.
Sapnap: Good morning.
George: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Sapnap: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
George: Several traffic violations.
Dream: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Bad: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Quackity: Also, that’s not our car.
Sapnap: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire??
Quackity: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Bad: Why were you microwaving a lemon???
Quackity: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots.
Karl: Did you burn an orange too? How???
Quackity: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Tommy: Is stabbing someone immoral? Techno: Not if they consent to it. Wilbur: Depends who you’re stabbing. Phil: YES?!?
Tommy: *Screams*
Wilbur: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Phil: Should we do something?
Techno: No, I want to see who wins.
Phil: Wake me up…
Techno: Before you go go!
Wilbur: When September ends…
Tommy: Techno isn’t answering their phone
Phil: I’ll call
Tommy: Wilbur and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Techno: Hello?
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Phil: Shit.
Techno: Wait, three?
Cop: Yeah?
Tommy: ARE YOU-
Wilbur: Fucking.
Tommy: IDIOT!
Techno: …What was that?
Wilbur: Phil banned Tommy from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
Wilbur: *tapping fingers on table*
Techno: *taps fingers back furiously*
Tommy: …What’s going on?
Phil: Morse code. They’re talking.
Wilbur: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … -
Techno: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK! 
Tommy: I'm bored.
Techno: Wanna commit first degree murder?
Tommy: Sure!
Phil, hearing them: No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Wilbur down!!
Wilbur: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Phil. They're mad at you.
Phil: No, it's Tommy. They're just being grammatically correct!
Tommy: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them.
Techno: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.
Tommy: I stand by my choice.
Wilbur: Phil, we're hungry!
Techno: Phil! What's for dinner?
Tommy: We're hungry, Phil!
Phil, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: *screams* 
Wilbur, writing in a letter: "I'm going to kick.. your... ass."
Wilbur: THERE. Now send it.
Tommy:: Dude, your handwriting is terrible, are you sure you want to-
Wilbur: JUST DO IT!
Phil: So what does it say?
Techno, reading the letter: They say they're going to "lick my...."
Phil: Gross- 
Quackity: Karl, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Karl: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Quackity: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Sapnap.
Quackity: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Karl: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Quackity: Yes!
Sapnap: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Quackity: Sapnap and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Karl: *Sighing* What did Sapnap do?
Quackity: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Sapnap: Who wants a steering wheel?
Quackity: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Karl: Wasn't Sapnap with you?
Sapnap: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised. 
Sapnap: Karl you can’t move in with Quackity. Karl: Why not? Sapnap: Well, um, how are you going to feel when they see you without any makeup? Karl: I’m not wearing makeup right now. Sapnap: Holy crap, you’re beautiful.
Sapnap: *is wearing silk pants* How does this look?
Quackity: Like its slips on and off really easily.
Quackity: No, I didn't mean it like that-
Karl: We know what you meant. 
Quackity: I didn't drink that much last night.
Karl: You were flirting with Sapnap.
Quackity: So what? They're my Husband.
Karl: You asked if they were single.
Karl: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
Karl: Why doesn’t Sapnap find me sexy when I bite my lip?
Quackity: What do you look like when you bite your lip?
Karl: *bites lip*
Quackity: ...Have you considered biting your bottom lip instead? 
Bad: Are you trying to seduce me?
Skeppy: Why, are you seducible?
Bad: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Skeppy: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Bad: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Skeppy: Is it working? 
Skeppy: Relationships should be 50/50. Bad cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty. 
Bad: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you...
Skeppy: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
Bad: The first time I saw you, you stole my heart.
Skeppy: But I'm a kleptomaniac, so that doesn't mean anything. 
Bad: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Skeppy: I wrote you a poem.
Bad, already crying: You did?
Skeppy: This date is boring!
Bad: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Skeppy: Then why did you invite me?
Bad: I didn't, I specifically said "don't come with me" then you said " screw you Bad I'll do whatever I want!
Skeppy: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...
Bad: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?
Skeppy: Holy moly- 
Bad: I owe you one.
Skeppy: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even. 
If this does as well as the others I’ll make another.
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im-honeybee · 3 years
puppy love | karl jacobs x reader
Tumblr media
pairing: karl jacobs x gn!reader
pronouns: they/them
warnings: some swearing,, (y/n) is shy but not rlly,,i'm bad at endings :((
genre: fluff
dear karl <3
hey !! that's what i want to say to you. babe <3 i wish that i could say that too :(( these feelings i'm sensing right now make me want to burst inside ahsoehiwhe- this "love" i'm feeling for youuu,, i'm so confused :// idk what to doo >:( when i'm around u i feel my mind go blank !! i really like you,, i want to confess but i'm scared to find out the truth,, whether if u like me back or not- i wonder everyday until my mind goes insaneee !! please tell me how you feel !!
"love," (y/n)>:(
you finish writing your letter, sighing as you put it in an envelope and stamp on your signature seal. you won't send it out, you never would.
you go to put it in your shoe box of love letters to karl, though this one felt more like a frustration letter, when there's a knock on your door.
turning around you see your younger newly adopted brother, tubbo. "your mum told me to tell you it's time to go to school."
you look over to your phone and turn it on, sighinh when you see he's right. 7:15am, it reads. quickly scribbling a 'karl <3' on the envelope you stand up, grabbing your backpack and walking towards tubbo.
you ruffle his hair as you close your bedroom door. "you know she's your mom too now right?"
"right sorry i have to get used to that." he says looking down, making you give his shoulder a comforting squeeze. your family had fostered him for about a year and your mom wanted to adopt him a month ago so after a lot of paperwork and home visits, she did. now it wasn't just to two of you.
"let's go tubbo and tubbo's sibling!" a loud voice exclaims as you two make it outside. a perk of him permanently living with your family is his best friends family is right next door.
his bestfriend tommy is a nice enough kid, he's pretty loud and energetic but extremely understanding and a good listener.
you give him a ride to school every morning. well him and-
"stop calling them that you twat, they have a name." tommy's older brother wilbur smacks him on the head. wilbur is a year older than you and has been your friend since his family moved in a few years back.
you give him a small smile, getting into your car as they all start to argue over shotgun.
before they can decide, technoblade, wilburs' twin walks over to it and sits next to you.
the other three grumble their ways into the car and you head off to school.
once you make it there after a short eight minute drive, the group splits off, leaving you with wilbur. the two of you walk into the building towards your lockers, which were only one apart.
"you have a sticker on your shirt." will teases you, making you whack his shoulder.
your friends knew of your crush on a certain hockey player in your grade. and they know of your letters.
"writing to karl again?" niki, the person whose locker is in between you and wilburs, and one of your other best friends, asks. you groan loudly looking to jack, the last and youngest of your group for some escape of the teasing.
niki and you were juniors, wilbur was a senior, and jack was a sophomore. your brother and his friends were freshman. you and niki met when she sat next to you in culinary arts freshman year and she has known jack since he was born due to family friends so he joined the group his freshman year.
just as you go to speak to him, your crush of three years walks by with his friends, causing you to accidentally slam your locker. with your head.
the group of juniors that everyone calls the crewboys look over at you. there's george, he was older than them but had a late birthday so he was in your grade. george was nice, he was quiet unless around his friends and was attached at the hip with quackity. quackity was the loudest and funniest, he wasn't particularly tall but he was always nice enough to people. then there was sapnap and dream. they were practically brothers, childhood friends, in sports together and alyways annoying george.
then there's karl, karl has been your crush since freshman year when he complimented your handwriting in english and asked you to write him a letter. since then you have written over a hundrend letters to him, only one sent. the one you wrote for him in freshman was a simple, 'hi !! thank you for liking my handwriting karl with a k,, you're pretty rad :)'
you hadn't even talked to him since that but you payed attention to him. he was always nice to everyone, helping freshman find classes, cleaning up after his friends. he also was funny, always making someone laugh, his laugh was a loud one and he giggled a lot. he was known as the touchy one.
the whole friend group was extremely popular.
you turn to look away from them as soon as you see them look at you. they're a few feet away so you hide in wilbur's chest and mumble. "are they looking over here?"
"and walking over here." wilbur mumbles back. "hey guys!"
mentally damning wilbur for being friends with them, you inch away from him going back to where your own locker is.
"yikes that looked like it hurt. are you okay?" karl asked you, making them all look at you. they turn from greeting wilbur and all look at you at once.
you feel your face heat up, goosebumps appearing on your arm. you shoot a look to niki. who quickly gets it. "you know i should take them to the nurse!"
"let me help!" karl insists, causing your eyes to widen.
you quickly grab niki and jack by their arms and speedwalk away.
as you walk away you hear wilbur stutter out an excuse. "t-they're shy."
after a few seconds he catches up to your group, rounding the corner with you.
"you're hopeless." niki says as the other two speak at the same time.
"what the fuck was that?" jack questions, giving you a weird look.
"never do that again!" will deadpans.
karl looks after you as you and your friends speed off.
"they don't even want to speak to me." he complains loudly after a few seconds of silence, shoving his face into sapnap's shoulder.
"maybe they can't talk to you?" quackity suggests. making karl lean out to look at his friend.
"no yeah maybe they like you." dream adds on.
karl ignores them, turning around and pouting his way to his first period.
the rest of your day continues on normally. you see karl in most of your classes and gaze at him during lunch. which caused jack to flick your forehead.
after school you drive your brother, tommy, techno, and wilbur home. the freshman run up to tubbo's room, techno goes into his home immediately and you and wilbur sit in your living room.
after an hour the boys are bored of tubbo's room and tommy convinces him to go into his siblings room.
they walk into their room and see a letter addressed to a karl jacobs. tommy laughs loudly, "karl! your sibling likes karl!"
the boys barely knew him besides the fact that he was popular but had walked past him at his locker a few times when going to see (y/n) so they knew where his locker was.
"we should put this in his locker!" tommy insists. tubbo thinks for a moment. you were extremely shy and he had never seen you two talk. this could help that.
normally tubbo wouldn't do something like this to you but him and tommy have always gotten up to schemes so that's what makes him say-
"let's do it."
by the time they head off to school the next morning, you had shown no signs in noticing that the letter is gone.
you walk into school later than usual after wilbur convinced you to stop by dunkin donuts and get niki and jack something.
there's still a good ten minutes until class starts so you and wilbur walk to where niki and jack are by your lockers.
you notice the crewboys by karl's locker, around fifteen down, hovering around something but shake it off. someone probably gave one of them a love letter.
"what took you two so long?" niki asks loudly, raising an eyebrow at the both of you.
unbeknownst to you this catches the crewboys attention.
"wilby decided we should get donuts and i got a hot cocoa!" you beam, gesturing to where wilbur opens the box of donuts.
there aren't many people in this particular hallway this time of morning so the crewboys can hear you all perfectly.
"do you think it was a prank? i though they were dating wilbur." karl whispers to his friends, all of them intensely watching you as you giggle at your own wording.
"don't fucking call me wilby!" wilbur groans, making you pout and stck your tongue out at him.
"i'll call you whatever i want!" you retort causing dream to shake his head.
"that's a close as siblings friendship." his words make the rest of them think about what they have seen of you two.
you often hid around or behind him, you drove him to school, (thanks george for that information) (well thank you for giving george a ride earlier this year) you teased him like a younger sibling, he's protective of you but never flirts with you himself.
at some point without most of the guys noticing, sapnap had walked over to you.
"oh sweet donuts! can i have one?" he turns to you as he asks this, speaking intently. he has always been nice to you and he's no karl so you nod.
karl glares at the back of his best friends head, walking over to where you all are with the other three following closely behind. why was he talking to you? why was his handsome and funny best friend talking to you?
"uhh (y/n)?" karl asks, as soon as he gets close enough that you noticed he was there.
"i got your letter i think? it's addressed to me and says your name at the bottom and quackity recognized your handwriting from a project you two did. you wrote at the end you wanted me to tell you how i feel? so i uh- i'm doing it now." he speaks pretty fast but you catch every word. your eyes widen when he talks about your letter.
which- shit. the one you wrote yesterday.
"i really like you too." karl gulps after he lets those words out.
"i feel literally everything you wrote. in all honesty i thought you hated me so i never confessed but i've liked you since you wrote me that cute little letter in freshman year. i still have it even! it's folded up in my phone case. you were so cute and you were always so patient with everyone in that class. call it puppy love if you want but i know i feel strongly for you."
every few words he steps closer, until he is in front of you.
"is this okay?" he asks, his hands hovering over the sides of your face.
"yes." you say breathlessly.
he gives you a smile, softly pressing your lips against his own. the feeling tingly. your lips are warm from your hot chocolate and sweet from your donut.
kissing him makes you forget about other people, your friends if that are extremely close to you, his friends, anyone else in the hallway and on the planet.
the warning bell to get to class is the only thing to pull you two apart. giggling, you peck his lips again before grabbing your friends arms and waking down the hall. you are going to kill tubbo and then thank him later.
before you can get too far your turn around, walk back over to him, peck his cheek and speak quietly in his ear. "see you in second people babe."
his friends are loudly screaming next to him but all he can pay attention to is you, even after you're gone from the hall.
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
Between the Walls, Chapter 1: Roommates (Dream SMP fic)
I've noticed there's an unfortunate lack in Borrower AU content, and as that shit is my jam I'm putting forth the content I wish to see into the fandom XD
To quote my friend, "I do not control the hyperfixation"
Word count: 4497
Summary: At first retirement had sounded like an excellent idea. Make a house far away from everyone else, get some peace and quiet, no longer concern himself with the total garbage that was the local government. Nice things, relaxing things.… 
But then the scratching in the walls started happening.
Techno groaned as he flopped backwards into his chair, tired eyes staring into the glowing fireplace as he relaxed after his busy day. A day full of building, repairing the damage dealt by the creeper population, and…
A day spent trying to find any signs of his thief.
You see, Techno had assumed that retirement would be an excellent way to unwind from the massive amount of blood that had been shed after L’Manberg went up in smoke, as well as the aggravation he felt towards his sweet, innocent cows being slaughtered and his bunker being raided.
Raided and dismantled thanks to Phil stealing his bookshelves and in turn chunks of the wall.
It was scuffed, horribly scuffed, and left him with one option.
That, combined with the wanted posters Quackity had hung up demanding his capture and subsequent execution after what he had done. Honestly, talk about the biggest character arc for Quackity, going from fearing him to taking an active role in trying to end his life.
Too bad for him that Technoblade never dies.
But still, having to constantly deal with being attacked while no longer having a truly safe and secure base was troublesome, so he had sought out to make a new home far from L’Manberg and all other communities.
The isolation did not scare him, on the contrary he liked having a space all to his own with no worries about socialization or someone bothering him. Besides, Phil could always visit him if he wanted some company.
Fortunately, constructing his new home had taken relatively little time once he had found the best spot for it, and with some help from Phil, moving all the important resources and equally important fixtures of his home had taken even less time.
All in all, Techno had managed to acquire a new sanctuary away from all the plotting and scheming, although he had a feeling someone would try to mess with him at some point, and he had plenty of space to make a brand new vault. He had achieved peace and quiet, and was even in the process of planning on making a turtle farm. Surely all these positive developments would mean he was happy, right?
Well, he would be if it weren’t for the fact that there was a thief rummaging through his home.
It started with small things, like his chests becoming less and less organized over time. Yes, there were moments where he simply chucked whatever useless items were in his inventory into the nearest empty chest, but he would never clutter up chests containing important items, like potions and enchanted books.
So, finding several misplaced items as well as random blocks of dirt and stone, practically pebbles given their size, while also finding certain resources such as wood and leather missing was the first sign of something strange going on.
The next was the odd noises that seemed to come from the walls of his home. Faint scratches that would be inaudible to anyone but himself due to his heightened hearing. It reminded of a rat infestation, and he unconsciously shuddered.
Not due to fear or discomfort, but the sheer amount of work it would take to get rid of a pest infestation. At that point he might as well take his house apart and build elsewhere.
However, despite his suspicions and hypothesis, there was practically no evidence to support. There were, thankfully, no signs of rat activity, or activity from any other pests. No scratches, bite marks, signs of wood decaying, or anything like that. Other than the noise and the strangely messy organization of his chests, there was no sign of the thief.
And he had looked.
Intensely, as best he could. Logic and inductive reasoning had led him to this conclusion. There was a thief, so there had to be signs of this thief somewhere. A lack of footprints meant they must use pearls to get around. The fact that his rarer resources had not been stolen, his potions of strength and enchanted books, meant that his thief was either unconcerned with stealing things of value from him and just wanted to mess with him, or they were a cocky idiot.
… So it was either Ranboo or-
His ears perked up, cutting off his train of thought as he glanced over at the nearby wall. His eyes narrowed and he pushed himself up and out of his chair before striding over to the wall, cape swishing about behind him.
He pressed the side of his head against the wall, eyes closing as he tried to focus on where the sound was coming from. It was here! It had to be! There was something hidden in this very wall. The source of his annoyance, his thief.
Well, there was only one way to find out.
Techno readied his axe, and swung it down-
There are times where Tommy can’t stop himself from looking in the nearest reflective surface and asking how he managed to fuck things up this bad. It was painful to recall the steps that had led him to this outcome, the signs obvious but he had been too stupid and ignorant to pay them any mind.
Causing trouble was in his blood, something the local borrower community had reluctantly accepted over the years, helped by how eager he was to throw himself into dangerous situations. Something that should have been concerning to the adults who watched them, taught them how to borrow, how to gather items and even hunt in order to survive, but he had learned that lesson at a very, very young age.
The lesson that no one would step in to help him if he was in danger. That he was on his own and had to prove his worth in order to stay, constantly putting his life on the line for the slightest crumb of respect.
To hear someone say that he had done a good job, to be thanked for his hard work instead of always being brushed off and ignored.
Of course, his friendship with Tubbo helped to soothe that constant within him, dulling the sting of rejection while reminding him that there was one person who truly cared about him. One person who would always be there for him, would lift him up when he was down, and jump into any situation to protect him.
Orphans had to stick together, after all.
And it was a good thing they did end up working together as the duo balanced each other out perfectly. Tommy was far more outgoing and blunt, hotheaded being the best word to describe him. He was willing to do whatever he needed, always ready to speak up when he thought there was bullshit going on, and spoke his mind freely.
It was an ironic honesty, a trait that one assumed would help to attract friends but only aided in driving them away.
Meanwhile, Tubbo was much softer in some ways. Much more reserved than Tommy, he was more of a thinker and planner. Nowhere near as comfortable with spontaneous action as his friend, but he had the knowledge and skills to reign in those impulsive actions before things got dangerous.
They were the best of friends, pals to the very end.
Even though they would never see each other again.
And it was all his fault.
Tommy had ruined everything.
The plan had been simple, easy. All he wanted to do was mess up Mrs. Brigsburry’s house. Just a tiny touch of crime and freaking the old bat out.
She deserved so much worse because of that day. The pot that had been thrown at Tubbo and how much blood Tommy had seen running down the side of his face. The bitch’s shrieks and curses as she insulted them over and over again.
Swearing they both should have died with their parents-
How was he supposed to know he accidentally left one of her rags near the lit stove, the fire within causing the piece of fabric to ignite and in turn allowing the flames to spread to the rest of the house.
It was a good thing she lived on the edge of Borrowton, the fires thankfully only burning her home to the ground.
No one wanted to live near an asshole like her.
Tommy, who had been feeling proud of himself, quickly experienced true regret and fear once the meeting started. Shouts, demands, and insults had flown through the air, many of the people he had grown up with insisting that he be tossed out for what he had done, exiled from the only home he had ever known.
It had been terrifying to see how quickly everyone had turned against him, how they refused to give him the chance to defend himself or even explain why he had done what he did. Not even Tubbo had been able to protect him from the crowd’s wrath, his attempts at standing in front of Tommy and blocking him from sight thwarted when one of the adults grabbed his arm and dragged him elsewhere.
He would never be able to forget the haunting sight of Tubbo reaching for him, tears pouring from his eyes as he screamed his name over and over. It was the last time he had seen his friend, too.
And yet, this was not the worst part of his punishment.
He had been given an hour, one measly hour, to pack up everything he had ever owned before being forcefully exiled from Borrowton. The realization of what was happening had slammed into him all at once, leaving Tommy trembling and unable to move.
He was going to lose everything he had ever known, everything he had worked so hard to build, Tubbo-
He was going to lose his Tubbo.
And there was nothing he could do to stop it.
No amount of begging or pleading had stopped the adults who dragged him to his shoddy, shared home. He had groveled on his hands and knees, promising to change, to do better, to do whatever they wanted if they just let him stay.
Don’t take my Tubbo away. Don’t take him away. I need him, I need him-
The harsh sting of his cheek and the painful sensation of his neck snapping back from the force of the slap was enough to snap Tommy out of his trance. He blinked and looked around, feeling all the more disconnected from reality as he noticed the two bags that had been placed beside him.
One for food, and one for clothes and tools.
… He was really getting exiled, wasn’t he?
“You have no one to blame but yourself for this.” The adult beside him grumbled, dragging the stunned teen up to his feet and shoving him towards the door.
“Front gate. Now. And if I find you causing more trouble, you’ll be leaving with nothing but the clothes on your back.” The man sneered.
For a moment that spark of anger rose up in him, rage flowing through his veins and making his fists clench while he ground his teeth together. The urge to lash out, both physically and verbally, was strong, and yet…
As quickly as those feelings emerged, they faded, and Tommy was left feeling hollow and drained. What was the point in fighting back if all he did was get himself into more trouble. It was obvious they weren’t going to change their minds, he would be exiled no matter what, and if he did lash out-
Tubbo screaming his name as he was dragged away, snot and tears flowing down his face. Thrashing and struggling in a futile attempt to reach him.
… The risk, the damage he could do to his friend, was far greater than the satisfaction of breaking the man’s knobby nose. So, with extreme reluctance, Tommy left the house and made his way towards the front gate. The streets were surprisingly empty, he had expected to see a mob of people cheering while watching him leave, maybe even get the occasional bit of dirt thrown his way.
Treated like the trash they thought he was.
His send off lacked all formality. Only the usual guards of the gate were present, and even then they paid him no mind. He was simply shoved towards another borrower, a lady this time who, based on the immense amount of foliage covering her clothes, spent most of her life out in the wild.
God, how would he ever survive out there. Between the wild animals, the shitty weather, and the mobs that would wander the lands when darkness fell, he was doomed.
He had only ever known how to survive in his community, where you could barter for goods and depend on someone to help you. Now he wouldn’t have any of that. There would be no shelter, no safety in numbers-
No Tubbo.
Numb, Tommy was shoved towards the woman and quietly took note of the presence of the animal he could not see before. It was a fox, quite large compared to him and the other borrowers, and domesticated since it wasn’t ripping anyone apart.
… Or maybe it was just waiting until he got outside, then it would rip him to shreds. Wouldn’t want any blood splatters staining the inside of the gate.
He was so absolutely, royally fucked.
“C’mon, we gotta get moving.” The woman barked, grabbing his arm and pushing him towards the fox with little care for his comfort and the fact that she was adding more bruises to his arm. Tommy hissed in pain and rubbed the aching spot while glaring at her.
Everyone in this place was a fucking asshole.
“Alright, alright, chill the fuck out. I’m moving.” Tommy grumbled as, after a moment of hesitance, buried his hands in the animal’s warm fur and climbed up its side. A moment later, the woman jumped up to join him, taking a seat near the fox’s shoulders while Tommy struggled to pull his bags up as well.
Finally, once his meager supplies had joined him, it was time for them to set off. He had nearly been thrown off as the fox stood up, and when the animal sprinted out of the hidden tunnel and into the fading sunlight-
Well, it was a good thing he managed to grab hold of his bags before they were knocked off. He shuddered in the sudden, stinging breeze, and did his best to hunker down into the warm fur below him. He had no idea where they were going, no clue what far away biome he would be abandoned in, and quietly decided to not think about it further. The last thing he wanted to do was to start crying.
… Even if he had been ever since they first left the front gate.
He quickly rubbed at his face, trying to dry the lingering tears so there were less signs as to his degenerating mental state, and instead decided that it would be best to strike up a conversation, something that would help to distract him from what was going on.
Tubbo, Tubbo. He missed Tubbo. He wanted to see Tubbo again-
“Name’s Tommy!” He called out. “What’s yours?”
Silence was his answer.
“... Well fuck you too then.”
Much like the start of their journey, the rest of the trip was silent as the fox ran through various biomes, fields, and forests. On multiple occasions they stopped, the woman gathering some sort of herb every single time.
… Perhaps she was making drugs.
Tommy snorted to himself at the joke, mood lifting just the slightest bit before plummeting back to bedrock. God, he was tired. His body ached from sitting still for so long, as well as the general discomfort from the fox nimbly jumping from cliff to cliff, ducking around trees, and just being an agile shitbag. It was annoying and he hated it.
… Hated the fact that he was getting further and further away from his friend. Hated the fact that the fox could cover far more distance than he could ever hope of traversing on his own, and that the odds of him managing to reunite with Tubbo at some point were growing slimmer with every block they crossed.
Eventually they reached the coldest biome Tommy had experienced yet, ponds covered by ice and snow layering the ground. The snow seemed to muffle their surroundings, the only sounds coming from the snow crunching under the fox’s paws and the animal’s panting as it started to feel the strain of their journey.
And yet, for as desolate as this tundra seemed to be, Tommy spotted something in the distance. A structure that was definitely man made and appeared to be well taken care of, which meant there was someone living there.
Someone he could mooch off of and boost his chance at surviving his exile.
It had been a stroke of pure luck that he had managed to convince the borrower escorting him to change their route, practically begging her to take him to the lit house that was just barely visible through the snow.
The sounds of Tommy sniffling and sobbing since the start of their journey had probably helped to wear down her resolve to take him to wherever he was originally supposed to go.
In the end, she had agreed and directed the fox towards the house. It was interesting to see her previous confidence of navigating the cold tundra diminish the closer they got to their destination, as though she was unsettled by the house.
Strange, but then again she probably thought the same of him and how much of an idiot he was for getting kicked out of somewhere perfectly safe.
Safe aside from the prying eyes, the cruel words and harsh hands. His salvation was Tubbo and their whispered promises. They would leave one day, set out into the world and make their own home.
The moment they arrived at their destination, the woman wasted no time in metaphorically, and literally, kicking him off the fox. He dropped into the freezing snow, landing face first, and pushing himself up seconds later to cough out the chilly substance that had invaded his mouth.
The memory of Tubbo laughing as his snowball hit Tommy in the face, the other teen turning to the side and yelling about how “cold as shit” it was.
“Maybe you should try keeping your mouth shut for once.” Tubbo teased as Tommy, snow still stuck to parts of his face, flipped him off.
“Fuck you.”
Tubbo’s laughter rang out around them, and the teen kept laughing until his face was red and tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes.
… Damn, it was cold.
Trembling, he stood up just in time to dodge the bags that had been carelessly thrown his way, getting a concussion from one of his tools would definitely be a death sentence in this situation, and he promptly flipped the woman off.
“Oi! Watch where you’re throwing that shit!” He shouted before crouching down to inspect his supplies, quietly relieved that nothing seemed to have been damaged. “Fucking bitch...”
She just rolled her eyes in response to his insults and looked unimpressed as he grumbled, huffed, and got himself organized. No words were exchanged between the duo, no goodbyes or wishes for good luck, just the howling of the winds while the borrower made his way to his new home.
As Tommy had trudged through the too tall snow, he had been oblivious to the way the woman stared at the house, eyes wide with some sort of emotion. Was it fear? Not quite, it was more a combination of dread mixed with reverence, emotions fueled by her knowledge of the being who resided in this place. A whispered phrase floated through the air, much too quiet for him to have heard. It was a simple sentence that made her stance and understanding of the situation clear.
“Blood for the Blood God.”
Then she fled, leaving Tommy alone to deal with whatever fate he had stumbled into by breaking into the house.
And what a house it was.
All pretty and neatly designed, complete with various floors and tons of storage, and even some decorative flowers outside the windows, which meant Tommy had many things to rummage through. The roaring fireplace was an added bonus since the cold was one of the things he had been the most worried about.
Knowing those assholes, they had probably planned to abandon him somewhere in the tundra, leaving him alone and freezing in the cold…
Honestly, all things considered, this was a good place to settle down in. He had basically everything he needed, as well as access to some rarer resources too. It was ideal, practically perfect given how easy it would be to create small, unnoticeable entrances into each chest for him to use to snag items, but there was one downside to his new home.
His roommate.
He was tall, far taller than anyone Tommy had ever seen before, and he looked… weird. Like one of those pig monsters he had heard stories about back in Borrowton. Monsters from hell that craved gold and bloodshed. With his pig-like features, including a set of tusks that poked up from his lower jaw, he was a perfect match for those nightmarish beasts.
… But, they weren’t in hell, and this man seemed to be far less gold and bloodshed obsessed than the stories had said, even with the various scars the borrower had seen littering his body.
It was weird, he was weird, and the weirdness had only increased the more time Tommy spent in the house. Despite his regal attire, consisting of a flowing cape and golden crown, it was obvious that the pig-man was no prince or nobility. Plus there were those shitty reading glasses Tommy had seen him wearing once, stuck together with taping and looking like they were on the verge of breaking again. He was the strangest combination of loud-yet-awkward behaviour, something that the borrower actually related to quite a bit. His roommate was not “normal” and acted how he wanted, whenever he wanted, with little regard to how “improper”, “violent”, or “rude” he was.
Like Tommy…
He found it comforting to know that there was someone else more like him out there, someone else who was unlike everyone in Borrowton, someone else who would know what it felt like to be treated as an outcast, like he did not belong there or anywhere. Stuck in this new place, he did not feel as alone as he originally expected.  
He did not consider the possible problems this could cause in the future, of course. Tommy had never the best at planning ahead since that had been Tubbo’s specialty-  
But, the positives ended there as he realized that trying to survive in this relatively small, isolated house was going to be far more of a challenge then he had originally anticipated, with his roommate presenting the greatest obstacle to his success. Breaking in had been easy, actually situating himself and building a decent base within the walls of the house was downright impossible in these circumstances. At most he had managed to dig out a shitty hole close to the fireplace where he stashed all his stolen goods.
And even if he wanted to leave, it was impossible thanks to all the snow and how bloody cold this damn biome was!
So, here Tommy was, having essentially trapped himself with some creepy pig guy who owned too many weapons for comfort and was decked out like he was about to fight the whole damn world. Sure, his house was pretty nice, there was tons of food for him to steal and snack on, and the resources were plenty, but he would have rather had anyone else as a roommate in this situation.  
At least this guy was in retirement, or whatever that meant.
He let out an annoyed sigh, arms dropping as he allowed his axe to rest against the wooden floor of the passage he had been carving out. While most of the house was made out of concrete, Tommy had focused on carving passages through the wooden supports in order to have a network of tunnels he could easily move around in without being spotted. All in all, it was a good plan, even if it was a massive pain in the ass to make.
It was like every time he started making a tunnel, no matter what time of the day it was, that piggy dipshit would show up and start stalking the walls, looking for him!
… Granted, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to make boar-face all suspicious by messing with his chests, but Tommy needed the resources! And it was pretty funny hearing the surprised sounds the man would make echo through the house.
His trouble making nature might have been the cause for his exile, along with some other bullshit, but that did not mean he would try to suppress it, even if it would be better for him in the long run. That was like asking to stop breathing. It was just a part of him that could only be controlled and never truly stopped.
… He missed Tubbo. He missed him so much and the ache in his chest still had not faded, and he felt all hollow and empty, without purpose-
Unfortunately for the borrower, the world refused to give him a break as he spiraled, his negative emotions distracting him and preventing him from paying attention to his surroundings.
Like the footsteps that were slowly getting closer to his location.
Without warning, the wall beside him cracked and split open, and Tommy let out a terrified shriek. He jumped backwards, dropping his axe in the process as light spilled into the carved out passage.
The now exposed passage.
A passage that had been cracked open by a certain pig man who had clearly been awake instead of asleep like he had assumed. Brilliant red eyes met terrified blue, and Tommy swallowed nervously.
Of course, of fucking course! As if the world didn’t hate him enough as is! Now he had to deal with that pig shithead who’d been tormenting him for days with his stupidly good hearing, preventing him from making any progress in creating his new home.
And of course the second he tried to make a tunnel this bastard just had to appear and ruin everything!
On the plus side, he had not actually done anything yet, although Tommy was certain things would turn south soon based on the axe the man was holding. So, he would live for now, and his shocked state allowed the borrower to make the first move.
“How do,” Tommy greeted, tilting his head to the side and smirking. “You ugly motherfucker.”
If he was going down, he would go down swinging.
Technoblade, holding up a cup containing Tommy: So I found this, anyone wanna trade a book of mending for him- Tommy: *feral screaming intensifies*
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thebadchoicemachine · 4 years
There is a L’manburg curse and maybe Techno is accidentally right
I swear L’manburg is cursed. Everyone except Tommy and Tubbo (more on that later) who’s been/gotten close to the government, especially the leader position, has gone completely moral-less and crazy in one way or another, even temporarily.
Theory: there’s a curse. It makes people crave power. It drives people crazy trying to get it, then once they have it twists their mind in a different way until they use it to destroy themselves. It’s there, it’s real, and it’s getting worse. 
(Explanation under the cut bc it’s long-ish. Also spoilers for like Nov. 17-ish)
My evidence: 
Eret - Betrayed them. Freaking lead them all to their god damn deaths under the false promise of help. She’s basically a different person. They very publicly regret their actions so are not crazy or evil anymore, maybe because he moved away from L’manburg? Because he got what he wanted? Because the curse wasn’t very strong yet? Did they just personally overcome it? All of the above? Is he immune now?
Wilbur (1) - So, the man isn’t happy with how, despite his authority, he really doesn’t have any power and decides to make and (attempts to) rig an election to force people to appreciate and respect his position? Okay... I mean, that’s definitely not a good-guy move but he’s not a villain yet. This guy did start a war so he could sell drugs. Doing a silly bad thing that turns into a very important good thing is very in character.
Schlatt - The fasted turn and most obvious example. He started out just spiteful and disgruntled. He really didn’t stand that big a chance at winning but when he seized the opportunity Quackity gave him he took full advantage of it. The spite now had a fire behind it. Everything he did was really just to piss of Wilbur and Tommy. Then it started getting to him. The power, the control, maybe he was evil from the beginning but there was a turning point and it became self-destructive. He was always spiteful, yes, but he stopped being cunning. He got compulsive. He got sloppy. He started doing things just because they’d hurt others with no thought of self-preservation or lasting consequences. The first permanent victim of the curse. The power destroyed him.
Wilber (2) - My man’s now completely losing it. Straight downhill like a fucking drop tower. I think it’s interesting that even though he’s been pulled away from L’manburg and the power that comes with it he’s still hit hard. Wouldn’t distance help him like it theoretically helped Eret? I say, no. There’s an important difference between Wilbur’s situation and Eret’s. For starters, Eret left willingly while Wil was abruptly cut off. Another thing is Eret got what he wanted, he has his fill, and again maybe Eret willingly took a look at what they got and decided it was wrong. Maybe the curse never had it’s teeth very deep in Eret, to begin with. Wilbur, on the other hand, is securely trapped in its jaws. He has been from the very beginning. Maybe even before the war was full-on war. He’s just handled it incredibly well, unlike Schlatt, who was unstable from the beginning. I think the reason being away skyrocketed the curse’s effect instead of dulling it was because he’s basically going through withdrawal. He had power. Even when it wasn’t enough, like when he decided to hold an election, he had it. Now though? He’s got nothing. He has no reason to keep himself in control. He lets his sanity’s guard down and the curse that he’s been holding back without even knowing it comes swinging full force. It’s why he decides to blow it all up no matter what. He stopped wanting it back and started wanting it destroyed for the same reasons Schlatt stopped acting deviously in favor of being a jackass. They still wanted power but did not care where they got it from nor how they’d keep it. The power to hurt, fleeting but effective.
Quackity - God help us all, has already gone fucking insane. He is going to resurrect Jschlatt. Since he is the most recent and also the fastest descent I don’t have much to say but I do have some speculations. Quackity HATES this man. He has made that very clear, basically getting drunk at his funeral, writing songs about him going to hell, and straight-up eating his heart. He was in a really bad position working under the tyrant and is going through some... uh... interesting, let’s say, versions of the five stages of grief. Very manic. So imagine everyone’s shock when almost immediately after the funeral he robs the grave and starts planning on ways to bring him back. Now, I do not think he was lying or acting about how much he hates him, so why does he want Schlatt back? The answer is simple, he doesn’t want him back. He thinks he NEEDS him back. He says himself he wants Jschlatt as a puppet.  Quackity, at the start, wanted power for a pretty noble reason. He actually didn’t want it at all, he just didn’t want Wilbur and Tommy to get away with running a one-candidate rigged election. He was not the target of the curse when Schlatt and Wilbur were around, but now they’re gone and Tubbo and Tommy seem to be immune to it so it’s full force was brought down on him. Quackity’s said himself, he “just looks at it and wants L’manburg.”  A very different stance than his original and one that seems to come out of nowhere, but, it’s there, and it’s eating him from the inside out. He wants L’manburg, he needs the power, but how is he going to get it? He’s not Wilbur, he’s not Schlatt, he’s not Tommy or Tubbo or even Eret, he’s got a foundation to stand on and he knows it. So, in his hurting, tired, maybe-infested-with-a-curse mind he does something drastic. Schlatt. He knows Schlatt can get power. He knows Schlatt can hurt. He knows because Schlatt’s done it to him right in front of him. Schlatt is someone he associates with power and he wants power over him.
So, maybe, Technoblade was right? No government, no control, no final power. Maybe the way to beat it is to just... live together as equals. Like how it was in the beginning. Like how Minecraft is meant to be played. Just friends having fun existing together. Maybe they fight, maybe some people have things that other people don’t, maybe people team up sometimes, but at the end of the day, they’re the same. 
also maybe the disks (the cause of the first war and the things that secured L’manburg war’s end and are basically the reason L’manburg exists) have something to do with it? Maybe that’s why it’s only in L’manburg? Maybe that’s why Tubbo and Tommy are seemingly immune to it?? 👀  
(reblogs >>> likes but i will appreciate both :)
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Vibes Dream SMP members give off (in my opinion)
Barked at people in high school ironically but it became unironic real quick
Can’t cook very well but is good with a knife, especially at a fast pace
One of those kids who either purposely spells the first word wrong in a spelling bee to just be done with it right away or tries the hardest and manages to win (there is no inbetween for this heathen)
Bites ice cream with his teeth
Has snorted pixie stix far too many times and sneezed blue after each time
Eats bananas with the peels
Wears mismatched socks
Has taken a bite out of a pool noodle because he liked the texture and impulsively bit it (ADHD things✨😌)
Walks around looking extremely high but he’s just spacin out and stuck in his head
Dreams (lmao) in Minecraft and video games in general
Will flirt with anything that moves but has no idea how to respond to compliments
Makes fun of himself first before anyone else can
Has eaten an orange peel and it wasn’t that bad in his humble opinion
Wears khaki shorts
Eats the wax part of the baby bell cheese
Doesn’t actually know what genre his music taste is cause he vibes to everything
Picks at the skin on his lip when it’s dry so it bleeds and he tries not to give in by licking his lips often enough to the point where it became a habit
Wears velcro shoes because he doesn’t feel like tying them (he knows how, he just doesn’t wanna do it)
Eats peanut butter straight from the jar
Makes that disgusting “ants on a log” thing (celery stick filled with peanut butter topped with a row of raisins)
Can’t drink milk plain, it’s gotta have some sort of flavour
Can draw a perfect straight line but his circles look Terrible
Eats cheez-its like cereal without milk
Loves making little noises so much like he walks around his house doin chores and he’s just goin “memememenownownwnkwkshskshkshskhs”
Hates wearing socks
Coloured his tongue with highlighters because they’re non-toxic
Constantly tapping his feet and hands to a song/beat playing in his head
I can’t imagine this man using a bike of any sort, so Imma say he doesn’t know how
Can’t be licked by dogs because he’s used to being licked by his cat so it makes him uncomfortable
Can actually sing pretty well but gets real nervous in front of people so he fucks it up
No idea how to cook anything other than Mac and cheese please help this man
Meows at cats because he wants to confuse them and laughs Way too hard when he does (his laugh is like sunshine so I’ll allow it)
Would be fantastic at braiding hair Idk why
Gives the BEST fuckin hugs EVER
When singing, he makes noises for the instrumental parts too
Wanted to play the drums at one point
Really likes pit bulls but he’s more of a cat person so he loves them from afar
Only vaguely knows how to shave his face properly without hurting himself
Opportunities for him come up out of pure luck but mans is skilled for them so it works out well almost Always
Used to or currently has a skateboard and isn’t too bad
ALWAYS has bruises appearing everywhere for no reason, he doesn’t even know where 90% of them are from
Calls his friends twinks to jokingly bully them and gets away with it because he himself is not a twink
Gets sudden bursts of energy in the middle of the night and just shimmies around a bit to try and deal with it
Favours spearmint over peppermint
Banned from three (3) Dave & Busters in Texas
Washes his hands after doing literally anything
Likes the bird exhibits at the zoo (specifically the penguins)
Very good at cooking, best at soups and stews
If he painted his nails they would definitely be a baby blue
Overthinks very simple things and it makes him look less smart than he actually is
Drinks tap water
Probably prefers whiskey over beer
Knows how to tap dance a bit
Surprisingly good at taking and handling shots
Steady hands
Adds extra chocolate to hot chocolate
Plays sudoku and is really really good at it (only uses pen when he plays)
Everytime he sees a Himalayan salt lamp he NEEDS to lick it despite knowing it’s very salty and he’ll pull a face afterwards
Not great at Rock Paper Scissors
Wears sunglasses inside for no reason at all, he just,,,Does
Still has a stuffed animal from childhood perched on his bed
Probably tried his hand at archery
He has no idea how to use a baby voice on children or animals, so he just talks to them normally
Wears socks to bed
His fingers are double jointed
Always starts twitching if he stays still for too long because he’s gotta move around
His shoes and have different laces and it bothers everyone but himself
Doodles on himself in class when he’s bored or not paying attention
Has really good hearing, both with pitch and volume
Can’t eat tomato’s by themselves, it’s either gotta be in sauce form or with something else
Terrible handwriting
Favourite part of a slice of bread is the crust
Wants to paint his nails black to be cool and edgy but his hands are far from steady and he has no clue how to paint nails
Pretty affectionate with close friends (like Tubbo and Wilbur) off stream/camera
He likes pears for some reason
Wilbur Soot
Is constantly having to decide between leaving his hair as is or shaving all of it off
He also thinks about adding some colour but never actually does
Most tea is gross to him
Everytime he puts a breath mint thats circular in his mouth, he pretends it’s a pill and he’s taking drugs because he thinks that’s funny
He does that vacant state as a joke but that really what he looks like when he’s spacing out
Likes to aggressively flirt with his male friends but if his female friends flirt with him, he gets a bit flustered
Has probably accidentally swallowed a guitar pick
Once drank two entire jars of pickle juice
Bonks his head on anything and everything
He has broken a pair of glasses by walking face first into a pole outside
Thinks kinetic sand is fun
Has passionate arguments with others about trivial and random topics like chicken feet
Can open a beer bottle with his teeth
Would accidentally pop and swallow a bracket if he had braces
Hates sharp cheddar cheese
Everytime he learns a new word it’s in every sentence he says for the next week or so
Ate candle wax for a dare once
Doesn’t know how to tie a tie and will probably never learn
Wanted to do ballet at one point but decided not to
He has eaten multiple flowers for absolutely no reason other than wanting to know how they taste
Starts vibrating if he’s too excited
Used to bite his nails
Has eaten paper and says it doesn’t taste that bad
Enjoys telling his friends how much they mean to him (this has resulted in Tommy and Wilbur crying on a few seperate occasions)
Spaces out a lot and doesn’t often pay attention to his surroundings
Gets lost inside of Best Buy’s
Likes s’mores but doesn’t properly understand how to make them
Learned to cook purely out of spite and found it’s actually pretty fun
Constantly getting smacked in the face by trees when walking outside
Really likes apple pie
Everytime he looks at potatoes he thinks of all the hours he spent trying to win the potato war
Starts things as a joke and gets too into it
Doesn’t like the taste of most energy drinks
Has rubbed salt and lemon juice into an open wound to just,,see how it felt (he did it once and Hated it but did it again because he forgot what it felt like)
Sometimes hates how quiet he is because everyone he knows is loud and talks over him
Despite how he is portrayed in the Dream SMP, he is extremely loyal to his friends and would kill for them
Over seasons his food because he can’t taste it otherwise
Really good balance
Doesn’t like to wear bright colours, but still enjoys wearing colours
Good at knitting
Actually fairly quiet when off camera
Will accidentally use Spanish grammar while speaking English sometimes
Country music confuses him
Doesn’t really like kids but they really like him
Can’t dance
Hardest drugs he’s ever done is second hand smoke from a cigarette and children’s Tylenol
His favourite jolly ranchers are the red and blue ones
He uses lighters as fidget toys basically
Will have a breakdown, take a bubble bath, and call himself the self care king
Wants a pet rat but he already has a cat and doesn’t wanna risk anything
Constantly questions why his main source of income is playing Minecraft with two 16 year olds
Karl Jacobs
Probably ate a spider once
Would wear those socks that are like gloves for you feet where it separates all the toes
Eats ravioli straight from the can, cold
Can answer an incredibly complex math equation fairly easily but will stumble over 12x11
Loves kids so much and speaks to them in a soft voice
Tried making ramen in a coffee pot and broke it
Drinks 2 monster energy drinks a day on average
Likes to open walnuts with his teeth but doesn’t actually eat them
The embodiment of that one John Maulany joke where he says you could spill soup in his lap and HE’D apologize to YOU
Loves physical affection so so much!!!!
If he moves his wrists in a certain way, they pop Really Loudly
Fantastic at making cookies
Lowkey actually a furry but more on like, a cat boy level than fursuit level
Drives a Honda Civic
Likes ABBA
Adds parsley to almost anything he makes food-wise
Loves garlic bread so much, he’d commit a federal crime for it
Middle child vibes
Decent at skiing
Good at singing but isn’t terribly confident
Seems responsible at first glance but in reality he’s pretty chaotic and childish
Bad at spelling
Always cuts his nails way too short so they always feel weird/hurt
Likes bracelets and rings
Thinks pastel colours slap
Despite the character he plays, he’s actually really sweet
He’s genuinely that cryptic off camera as he is on camera
Can cook but chooses not to most of the time
Would probably say “what pussy size you wear” to anyone who asks him to buy pads
Not actually as intimidating as he appears to be
Lowkey would fight a child
Shuts down when someone compliments him, often using aggression as a front because holy shit they just called him handsome and kind what the Fuck-
Jokingly says his license is suspended but in all actuality he never got his license in the first place
He has two (2) extra teeth but they don’t need to be removed so he kept them
Has a stick n poke of a stickman on his ankle he got in high school
Likes physics
This is already very long, and I still plan on adding more.
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illuvacot · 4 years
NO wait i have! a theory!!! ranboo theory!! this could be dumb but ah fuck it im rambling
we've been theorising that the prison was to keep in techno, and ik some have suggested tommy before and other ppl but mostly techno
but like. hey. Hey. what if its ranboo thats put in there too?
from the moment he joined this server he has talked so much about how sides are bullshit, how it only serves to drive people apart and ruin them and how in the end we should be choosing people.
dream and ranboo are a bit similar in that they both have the same goal but for WILDLY different reasons. dream wants everyone together under his control. ranboo wants everyone together so that they can finally be happy.
ranboo says choose people. dream says choose me.
and thats... ranboo may be Tall and Awkward sometimes (which we adore, of course) but it does not change the fact that his ideology is sound. dream knows that if ranboo just had the right support or if he had enough of a good rep among everyone he could get them to listen and then he could very very well end up being a threat to dream. so hes doing something about it - he couldnt exile ranboo, because he already did that to tommy, and if he did that to lmanburg again theyd be suspicious and his "friendship" with them would be affected. so he used the fact that ranboo gave techno some armour back (out of peer pressure lol) and twisted it to make him seem like a traitor, like he betrayed them on purpose, thereby ruining his friendships and making it harder for people to listen to him. and - ok this part may be a bit of a stretch, but its all ive got rn - dream couldve found ranboo in his dissociative amnesiac state (and with the amnt of stress ranboo has on him this is multiple occurences) and taken advantage of it by making him blow up the community house, which he knows ranboo wouldnt do if he werent in the dissociative amnesiac state, and then giving the disc to make ranboo know. to pin it on him.
the confrontation lore stream solidified the idea of ranboo as untrustworthy bc of what hes done and the memory blackouts that come with it. not even ranboo trusts himself anymore. hes scared of telling techno and phliza, just like when he was scared of tubbo and fundy and quackity and lmanburg in general when he accidentally betrayed them.
but the thing is ranboo is still allied with techno and philza rn. he has powerful support, and theres no guarantee that they'll shun him - like how tubbo still argued not to execute him when he found out. theres no guarantee of hate. people might still listen.
and dream was the one who revealed him as traitor in the first place. who is to say he wont do it again? he could always be the manipulative bitch he is. "ranboo is inherently untrustworthy. no matter how good he could be- he is a liabilty. is he worth that?"
dream had an excuse to exile tommy and he took it. he'd do the same to ranboo in a heartbeat - but he's learnt his mistakes. you cant keep someone under your thumb in an open space. who knows where they're running off to? so. So.
ranboo could be imprisoned first.
(side note c!dream is a BITCH and this theory might be off target but like these hands ARENT. come here green boy catch these fists)
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quotemenevervore · 2 years
So my clarinet case just fell on my big toe not even 10 minutes ago- my toenail is just barely broken, and the band-aid my mom suggested I put on it is annoying me. Got any good SM tidbits to share? Also, anything you want to know about me? I can even talk about my cats and privately send you pics (I trust you with my identity on here (doesn't even contain irl info of me but I am so protective of it, damn))
-Gremlin Anon
Oh no! Im sorry you got hurt! Im sorry the band-aid is hurting you, but maybe ice/heat and pain meds can help if it’s hurting too much.
Also it’s 100% okay and actually great that you’re protective of your identity! The internet is no joke nowadays, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry. You never know anymore, sadly. As for anything I’d like to know, I don’t really mind! Share whatever you’re comfortable with.
Onto some SM:
Karl will, at some point, become the bigger nommer of the fiancés. Sapnap and Quackity don’t want to make him uncomfortable by storing him, so they usually don’t unless they have full permission and he’s in his right mind (ie not having a panic attack). I’m working on a fic right now where he becomes the storer to comfort his fiancés, which isn’t a first but it’s still rare for Karl to do so. It becomes pretty frequent after that.
Sapnap and Dream get to a point where they’re both more.. instinctual with their games. George doesn’t know about these games, and the fiancés don’t either. Most netherborns have a prey drive, and Dream has the instinct to hide from predators. There’s been one time where Dream egged Sapnap on until he was just about running completely on instincts, only present enough to make sure he didn’t actually hurt Dream. It’s an agreed upon game, but Sapnap feels guilty about it sometimes.
Dream’s tried playing this game with Quackity one on one too, because of the feral boys hide and seek, but Quackity completely broke down after the game was said and done because he had thought he accidentally hurt Dream during it. Which he did nick Dream with his fang by mistake, but all it did was bruise and Dream did not care at all. Sapnap and Dream agree not to let him in on what they’re up to after that incident.
Tommy grows used to being stored as a teasing thing or a game, and thus when he starts getting clingy he tries pulling the stunts he pulls with his usual preds (the fiancés, occasionally Dream, SBI) with Tubbo so he’d get stored. Tubbo’s caught onto the schtick, but at first he was rightly confused. Techno wound up accidentally letting Tubbo in on the truth one day when they were both getting logs from the forest for their wood furnaces/fireplaces. (I ain’t letting that house detail go it’s too nice I wish I had one)
Speaking of Dream and Tommy, they have done games like what Dream and Sapnap do. Tommy doesn’t have instincts, but he likes rough-housing, so they switch off on pred and prey depending on the day. They always start off big so that they can wrestle.
George and Karl start hanging out more after the breakdown, though a lot of the time they both wind up napping. The fiancés tell Karl he’s gotta stop before he becomes another George.
Karl and George have also stored the other before, depending on the situation. A lot of the time it’s for comforting, but sometimes it’s to help the other (I imagine this is when George still has issues swallowing people and Karl’s pretty new to it as well, the timeline is skewed lol)
I… really should make a timeline but it might spoil fics :( ah well, that’s all I got for now! Hope you feel better soon!
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megablade · 4 years
Wouldn't it be equal parts hilarious and sad if George decides to join Quackity in lore and villian arc cuz Sapnap kills Beckerson? It might be accidental it might be on purpose. It'd be sad bc that technically like the last thing George has that connects him to Dream and well b e c k e r s o n. It'd be hilarious bc George would get involved in lore simply bc of a fish that he doesn't even seem to rlly remember.
wait beckerson isn’t dead right? beckerson’s death as a plot device to form george’s villain origin story my beloved
the angst potential for this though—if sapnap’s really kills beckerson (and thereby one of the last connections george has to dream) it would drive a rift between george and sapnap, which would hurt because they’ve been on each other’s side through everything, since the beginning. oh no
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