#so I don't think anyone needs to worry about Hunt in regards to Amelia for the time being
soraavalon · 4 months
DM: They will walk you guys, I'm sure you lead them back to the WInking Stars. As soon as the doors open and the two of you step in the bartender is like; Bartender: Oi, they're here, you're not allowed back. Tark: Yeah yep. We're going. Nathaniel: *what? gesture* Hunt: Hunt turns to the bartender and is like, "I am so terribly sorry about him." Bartender: Out. Tark: Why are you apologizing!? Hunt: I told you it was not a big deal! Tark: I'm not sorry! Hunt: *sighs* Amelia: I see what you mean. Nathaniel: The Tiefling is Hunt. Tark: We convene right outside. DM: And you guys see Nathaniel's parents, unmistakenly them. Eudora: Eudora makes eye contact with Hunt. Just solid eye contact. Nathaniel: Nathaniel is going to introduce everybody to his parents. Tark: Sweet. DM: Nicholas will step forward and shake Moriarty's hand. Nicholas: Kilmister. Moriarty: Mr. Price. Good to see you again. Nicholas: Likewise. Moriarty: Are you well? Nicholas: As well as can be expected. And you? Moriarty: I suppose I'm well. DM: Was it his right hand that had been hurt or was it his left? I can't remember. Moriarty (OOC): I know it was one leg and the other arm. DM: Right, I'm trying to remember which was which. Moriarty (OOC): Just give me one second. DM: I thought it was his right hand because he was reaching under the carriage... Moriarty (OOC): His left arm. DM: Left arm, okay. Nathaniel (OOC): Oh, just like Nathaniel. Interesting. DM: So he doesn't then yeah, he would've held your hand and looked at the prosthetic, but he doesn't. He just gives you a firm shake. Moriarty: Is going to turn to Amelia and offer his hand to shake hers as well. Nathaniel (OOC): Bold move. DM: She shakes your hand, you immediately feel how cold she is to the touch, but she will give you a handshake and a nod and a small 'Kilmister' Moriarty: I hope your health is improving. Amelia: Oh by the day. Moriarty: Good. Nathaniel (OOC) Oh wow. Tark (OOC): Wow. She does not like him. Nathaniel (OOC): Nope. DM: It's not personal, it's sort of... She dislikes her husband through you, you know? It's what you represent. But she is friendlier now than I think she would have been had she just ran into you this morning.
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