#so I guess now that they yeeted the fucking café house they’ll just have to. move..?
jorvikzelda · 10 months
I, a person who by now has written quite An Amount of fic set in Hollow Woods, was kinda sorta pretty concerned that this update would unravel every single little idea I had of it in my head.
Now I’m not going to pretend like I have the genius of whoever designed this thing (I am kissing you on the mouth btw) and knew the location of every little brook and lake or that there would be waterfalls and blood red leaves and a stone altar. But when I turned the time of day to night and I looked up to the tree crowns and down at the grass and the moss, it struck me very suddenly and with a lot of force that they’re just the same green that I’ve been seeing in my head all this time. And I just. Man it felt like coming right home. I feel like I’ve spent so much time looking up at those very trees already through the eyes of my MC. It’s the little things <3
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