#so I love the idea of her arriving and Placide's just like “... Ok. I am a big brother now.”
I talk a lot about Nathalie on this blog but I don't mention Placide much
I have this headcanon that they're best friends. Like. Super close. Which I think is really funny given the different backgrounds, but also you can't work for Gabe for 15+ years and not make fun of him behind his back with someone.
Also I have a headcanon that they're both autistic and Placide is nonverbal but they can communicate basically just by raising their eyebrows at each other.
Idk I just think they're really cute in a platonic/sibling way.
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justcallmefox89 · 3 years
The Demon Prince’s Wedding - Part II
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Art by @greedylilshit
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Art by @daddydemus​
I sit on the edge of the bed, anxiously twisting my engagement ring around on my finger as I wait for Mammon and Diavolo to finish getting ready for our wedding ceremony.
At least I was able to talk Dia down to a small celebration in the gardens.....
He had wanted to throw a ball and invite the entire Devildom.  I was currently trying to talk him out of declaring his future heir’s birthday as an official Devildom holiday.  
The man has no restraint. 
“Arianthi?  Beloved?”  Diavolo’s low voice eventually draws me out of my reverie.  
“Mmmm?  What’s up Dia?”
“Could you light the candles and the fire and then come help me?”  Diavolo asks absentmindedly as he adjusts his clothing.  
Small globules of flames burst forth from my fingertips, delicately touching the candle wicks and consuming the firewood in the fireplace grate.  Soft, golden light caresses Diavolo’s silhouette as he grumbles to himself and starts selecting his jewelry for the evening.
I cross the room to stand on my tiptoes behind him, smoothing the black fur of the shawl that covers his broad shoulders. 
“I don’t suppose you’ve seen my father today, have you princess?”  Diavolo asks hesitantly.
Arawn.  That must be what has Diavolo so fidgety.
I try to rearrange my face into placid expression of neutrality.
“No, my prince.  Should I ask some of the servants to start looking for him?”  I offer as I run my hands over his wings in the soothing motions I know he loves.
Diavolo shakes his head.  “I was just curious.  I’m sure he’ll be here tonight, I just wonder where he’s got off to.”
“He’s cutting it awful close, the ceremony will be starting soon,” I murmur.  “Not a good time to be going missing.”
“Princess........”  Diavolo sounds exhausted.  
“He should be there.  For you, if nothing else.”
Diavolo tenses beneath my touch. “This can’t be easy for him either.”
For the duration of our engagement Arawn had been an obstinate roadblock, and his refusal to take part in the festivities had been a constant source of hurt and disappointment for Diavolo, even if it wasn’t entirely surprising.  
So many problems could be solved if they would just let me set him on fire.....
An annoyed growl breaks low in my throat and I walk away from him.  “I’m going to go see what’s taking Mammon so long; he should have been out of the shower twenty minutes ago.”
“Princess.”  Diavolo’s tone is soft and cajoling.   He eases down into one of the large armchairs that sits in front of the fireplace.  “Come to me.  That’s an order from you future husband and king.”
I roll my eyes and huff out a low laugh, crossing the room to settle into his lap. Diavolo gathers me in his arms and holds me tightly to his chest.  I snuggle deeper into his embrace and nuzzle my face into his neck, tracing the tattoos on his chest with a fingertip. 
Diavolo twitches slightly.  “That tickles,” he laughs quietly, trying to grab my hand.
I raise my eyebrows in surprises and snatch my back back quickly, before diving down to gently tickle his ribs.
“Not fair Arianthi!”  Diavolo squirms and giggles, trying to get free.  He finally settles for wrapping both arms around me, pinning me to his chest and effectively stopping my wandering hands.
“Mmmmm,” he murmurs softly in my ear.  “Such a pretty little demon in my lap and for once I have her all to myself.”
Diavolo’s lips brush against my ear, then my neck as he drops a series of warm, soft kisses across my jaw and to my lips.  He captures my mouth in a deep kiss, his tongue teasing mine as his hands drop down to my hips, delicately stroking the smooth silk of my dress.
“You two gettin’ started without me?”  A husky voice behind us asks.
Diavolo gives me one last lingering kiss before allowing me to adjust in his lap so I can see our fiancé.
Mammon’s hair is still damp from his shower, and all he’s wearing is an unzipped pair of low slung leather pants.  Behind me I can feel Diavolo’s breath hitch for a moment before he gives a deep grumble of appreciation.  
Mammon holds up his leather jacket and harness and gives me a wicked smile.  “Come help me get dressed baby?”
“Always, my love.”  I push myself out of Diavolo’s lap and slowly walk towards Mammon, allowing him to take in my appearance for the evening.
“Mmmm.......I love it when you have your wings out,” he murmurs before giving me a deep kiss.  “And wearin’ red tonight too?  Am I back in the Celestial Realm and nobody’s told me yet?”
"You are such a cheeseball,” I tease, dropping a smattering of kisses across his muscular shoulders before helping him shrug into his harness and jacket.  “But it’s adorable.”
“Oi!  A demon ain’t allowed to compliment his girl?”  Mammon teases me back, placing his hands on my hips.
“By all means feel free to keep going and never stop,” I murmur against his lips, lightly stroking his leather clad thighs before slowly zipping his pants.
“Ok, new idea,” Mammon says, kissing me softly.  “I vote we ditch the reception  and lock ourselves in this room and don’t come out for at least a month.” 
I cuddle close to his chest.  “I like this plan.”
Diavolo groans behind us.  “You two are entirely too tempting.”
He stands and wraps his arms around us, pulling both of us close.  I relax into their arms, savoring the warmth of their bare skin as the tension slowly leaves my body.
“The guests are arriving my loves.”  Diavolo sighs as he releases us from his embrace.  “We need to make our entrance.”
Mammon smiles as he smooths a few stray feathers on my wings and tucks them back into place.  “Ready for this baby?”
I offer him a shaky grin.  “Not even a little.”
“You’re both going to be amazing.”  Diavolo gives us each a soft kiss and ushers us out of the room.  “Let’s go get married.”
Thirty minutes later the three of us stand in the gardens in front of our closest friends and family.  Simeon, Luke, Solomon, Barbatos, and Mammon’s brothers beam at us, while Arawn lounges in a chair and looks bored.  Rather than have an officiant, we had decided to incorporate the six demon lords into our ceremony.  Arawn had also been invited to contribute, but had never confirmed if he will or not.
The three of us stand in a loose triangle, our right hands joined together.  Lucifer steps forward and wrap a red silk ribbon around our hands.  
“Do the three of you promise to always work through you problems together, and never let your pride get in the way?”  
Mammon, Diavolo, and I glance at each other with shy smiles.  “We do,” we say as one.
Lucifer gives Mammon a proud smile.  “So it shall be done.”
Levi stands next, shakily draping a purple ribbons over our hands.  “D-do you all promise to support each other, and encourage each other, without becoming envious of each other’s successes?”
“We do.”
“S-so it shall b-be d-done.”  Levi quickly sits back down and lets out a deep sigh of relief.
“Congratulations you three,” Satan whispers, as he places a green ribbon over our joined hands.  He continues on in a louder voice, “Do you three promise to always be kind and loving to each other, and never turn on each other in anger?”
“We do.”
“So it shall be done.”  Satan inclines his head in small gesture of respect before returning to his seat.
Asmo bounds up next with a squeal of delight, grinning and giving us each a kiss on the cheek before winding his deep pink ribbon with his brothers’.  “Do you three promise to build a beautiful life together, and to try to find wonder in your everyday life?” 
“We do.”
“So it shall be done.”
Beel shuffles up next, a shy smile on his face as he softly wraps an orange ribbons around our hands.  “Do you three promise to always nurture your bond and never let it grow weak?”
“We do.”
“So it shall be done.”
Belphie follows his twin, for once looking only marginally sleepy.  He weaves the bright blue ribbon with other.  “Do you three promise to always sleep next to each other, and attempt to make each sweet dream you have a reality?”
“We do.”
“So it shall be done.”
Belphie glances over his shoulder at Arawn, who pointedly remains seated, but briefly locks eyes with Diavolo and holds up his own black ribbon before releasing it and allowing it to flutter to the ground.
Mammon and I both growl, infuriated by the shattered look on Diavolo’s face.  Belphie quickly grasps our joined hands as Diavolo wrests control over his features.  
“The promises have been sworn and witnessed, so they shall be done.  In the eyes of the Devildom the three of you are now married.  I pronounce you husband, wife, and husband.”  
He turns to our small audience.  “I present to you for the first time King Diavolo, Queen Arianthi, and Lord Mammon.  Long may they reign, in health and happiness.”
The three of us exchange soft kisses and stand silently for a moment, beaming at each other.  Diavolo softly squeezes my hand before whispering, “Shall we move on to the reception my loves?”
“Yeah, let’s go check out all the wedding gifts!”
“Mammon!”  Diavolo and I scold him in unison.
Mammon is saved as Barbatos and Luke join us.
“My lord, the rest of your guests who weren’t invited to the ceremony have gathered in the ballroom for the reception.  They may begin to get restless if you don’t join them shortly,” Barbatos says softly.
“Plus, you need to see the cake!”  Luke is fairly vibrating with excitement as he grabs my hand.  “Barbatos let me help him make it!”
“I’m sure it’s perfect Luke.”  I smile down at him.  “You go on ahead, I’ll be right behind you.”  
Luke scurries away, following Mammon, Diavolo, and Barbatos as the wind their way through the gardens and back to the castle.  I stay still, breathing in the heavy perfume of the night blooming flowers and taking a moment just for myself.
“Hiding from your husbands already?”
I cringe at the sultry voice coming from behind me.  He really does ruin everything.
I inhale sharply before turning to face Arawn.  “Skipping the reception?  I assumed you’d jump at a chance to ruin that too.”
Arawn snorts in derision.  “If my son was hurt by my refusal to participate in his nauseating wedding ceremony then I’ve well and truly failed him as a parent.  Such weakness will never be tolerated from the King of the Devildom.”
“Diavolo has been an excellent ruler since you defaulted on your responsibilities,” I snap, each word soaked in scorn.  “He is the man he is, the leader he is, in spite of having you as a father; not because of it.”
Arawn brings his fingers to his lips, frowning and staring at me thoughtfully before he finally asks,  “Why did you choose them?”
My nose wrinkles in confusion.  “What?”
“My son and Mammon.  What about them enticed you?  Why them?  Why do all the things you’ve done, just to be with them?”
I eye him warily.  “Why do you care?”
“It’s a question I’ve never been able to get a clear answer on.”  Arawn’s amber eyes spark with curiosity.  “I’ve never understood this odd little trio you’re a part off, not really.”
I just frown at him, remaining silent.
“It’s quite the puzzle really.  You’re so different from them,” he continues.  “You’re a -”
“A human?” I interrupt.
“Not anymore though, hm?”  Arawn shoots me a coy grin.  “But even before that. I looked into you, your past, when I first learned of my son’s intentions towards you.  You’ve always been fierce; a fighter, unwilling to back down.  Stubborn to the point of stupidity.”
I open my mouth to retort, but he quickly continues.
“I’ll admit I was surprised to find out just how scrappy you are.  And just how fiercely you fight for my son.”  He shakes his head in surprise, a faint note of pride tinging the words.
“But you’re so different from him, from them both.  You seem soft and gentle.  Kind.  And you are, to those you love and trust.  But everyone else?  We know how you really are.  Hard, decisive. Rough around the edges.  Willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want.  A fighter first and foremost.  How does a girl like this fall in love with my soft hearted son?”
“Why do you constantly act like there’s something wrong with Dia?”  I counter, narrowing my eyes at Arawn.
He gives a laconic shrug.  “He’s a bit of a disappointment if we’re going to be completely honest with each other.”
Fire bursts from my fingertips before I can form a coherent thought.  “You -” I grit my teeth, unable to come up with words that encompass how thoroughly and absolutely I loathe Arawn.
“I can only hope my grandchild will be more impressive,” Arawn continues, smirking at my impotent rage.  “With you as a mother I have faith they will be.”
“You really are just angry, petty little man, aren’t you?”  I ask, glancing at him in disgust.
The corners of his mouth twitch, in irritation or amusement I can’t tell.  “I’m going to miss your particular brand of entertainment when I leave, little demon.”
“The feeling is decidedly not mutual,” I snap as I begin to make my way back to the castle.
Arawn tags along behind me silently, until we both pause as we reach the doors of the ballroom.  I reach out to push the doors open, but he grabs my wrist at the last second.
“One last moment of your time, little demon,” he says looking down at me, eyes glinting with something very close to affection.
I tilt my head back to meet his gaze, silently waiting.
“You’ve done well here.  And despite my initial thoughts, my son could do no better than you.  Even that fallen angel is a good fit for him, shockingly.”  Arawn shakes his head as if he’s surprised to admit that.  
He touches my shoulder softly.  “Tell Diavolo something for me?”
“Depends,” I answer, glaring at him.
“Tell him that he will be far better at this,” Arawn waves a hand lazily at me.  “Far better than I ever was.”
I quirk an eyebrow, half in confusion, half in offense.
“Family.  Fatherhood.”  He furrows his brow in consternation.  “Despite how completely he disappointments me, whatever his failings in other areas, I have no doubt that my son will be an excellent husband and father.”
"It is truly amazing how you can wrap a compliment in insults,” I reply, keeping my tone sharp even as I glow with pride.  “But you’re right, Dia will be wonderful father.”
Arawn’s mouth twitches in a half-hearted smile as he quickly steps toward me, the leans down to brush a soft kiss against my forehead.  
“Good luck, little demon,” he whispers as he straightens up.  “Give Mammon and Diavolo my regards.”
With that he turns and leisurely walks down the hallway, tossing me a wave over his shoulder as he goes.
The ballroom is a riot of energy and laughter as I enter and make my way through the crowd of well wishers.  I scan the crowd for Mammon and Diavolo, only to find them sharing a dance, gazing at each other as if they’re the only people in the world.
I spot Lucifer on the edge of the crowd gathered to watch them and move to his side, gently nudging him with my shoulder.
“Hello, little sister,” he greets me, flashing me a sardonic grin.
I shudder.  “Ugh.  You’re creepy.  Never call me that again.”  
I shake my wings out to smooth down the ruffled feathers as Lucifer chuckles darkly.  His focus shifts back to the dance floor, eyes softening as he watches his little brother dance with Diavolo.
“He’s so happy,” Lucifer murmurs.  “I haven’t seen him smile like that since before the fall.”
I smile and lean against Lucifer, resting one hand on the slightly visible bump of my lower abdomen.  “I know you’ve had your reservations about us......”
“Not you,” he interrupts.  “Never you.”
“I know you’ve had your reservations about Dia,” I begin again.  “But please trust me when I say that we both love Mammon.  So, so much.”
Lucifer sighs and glances down at me.  “I know you do.  I’ve been by his side for so long, kept him safe, taught him so much........ It’s hard to let him embark on this new adventure without me there to watch over him.”
“And from a purely selfish angle, I feel in some strange way that I’m losing my little brother,” his breath hitches and his chest heaves in a shuddering breath.  “That I’m losing my best friend.”
I reach out to gently squeeze his forearm.  “You’re not losing him.  Things will be different, but how much he loves his older brother will never change.”  I pause.  “And in about eight months I have a feeling he’ll be relying on you more that ever.”
Lucifer barks out a startled laugh.  “I have no doubt you’re right.”  He turns his gaze back to the dance floor, eyes shining.  “Mammon married, a father soon.  Me, an uncle.  It’s all a bit too wonderous to image, that our little family could be so......”  He shakes his head, blinking rapidly.
My throat tightens with emotion as I watch a few tears slip down Lucifer’s cheeks.
A bright light flashes from our right, follow by an excited voice shouting, “Got it!”  Lucifer and I whip around to see Satan and Belphie standing a few feet away, Belphie holding Satan’s D.D.D., pointed directly at us.
I feel Lucifer tense beside me as the air crackles around us with his growing fury.
“Satan!  Belphegor!”  He roars, moving towards them.
“Run!”  Belphie tosses the D.D.D. to Satan, and the two dart off in opposite directions, weaving between wedding guests as Lucifer gives chase.
I grin fondly at the trio and hear twin chuckles behind me.  Mammon wraps an arm around my waist and gently rests one hand on my abdomen while Diavolo drapes one arm around my shoulders.
“What did those two do now?”  Diavolo asks, pressing a kiss to the crown of my head.
“Got a picture of Lucifer crying,” I respond, laying my head against Mammon’s shoulder.  
The two demons give a violent start,
“I swear.  He had a rare soft moment, watching his little brother dance with his new husband.”  I gently kiss Mammon’s shoulder.
“I’ll be damned,” Mammon whispers.  Diavolo and I have the good grace to ignore his quiet sniffles, but grin at each other when he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand.  
He roughly clears his throat.  “Oi!  This is a party, yeah?  Let’s get to it then!”
They reach out and take my hands, Mammon on my left and Diavolo on my right, and we step forward as one, into our new life together.
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