#so I sneakily added some of their stuff to wedding registry
foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
So yesterday my beloved and I went tramping through the woods for two hours. There’s a park we’ve been going to that, unbeknownst to us, was actually secretly massive.
We delved up into the wooded hills and hiked around through what should have been lunch time before finding a whole ass dog park at the back end that we had no idea existed.
By the end I was going catatonic but I perked up again after we finally got lunch/dinner. We then went back out to the newly discovered dog park to give some moral support to our friend with the dog breed no one needs.
Today I woke up so sore, and also, surprise period. My body was apparently so moved by the physical exertions that it decided to present this fun occurrence two days early. So today I’m just konked out adding things to our wedding registry. I don’t have spoons to do anything for graduation, if my family wants to send graduation gifts it can come from the wedding registry I don’t care.
We need to do a social media thing on Facebook but we’ve both been putting it off.
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