#so because they are connected her strenght gives the child strenght and powers too thus causing the uncontrolled paranotmal activity
kashilascorner · 2 years
The fact that the thinner than paper plot of lady k and the sick man thickened to the point it could put some blockbusters to shame lmao (spoilers in the tags i guess)
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◆Out Of Character Information◆
Name/Age: Jan, 20 years old Preferred Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: GMT+1 Desired Character: Raziel
◆Character Information◆
(1)  What pronouns will your character be using? Would you like to list their sexuality at this time?: 
She/Her. As for her sexuality, no, I don’t want to list her sexuality for the time being; I don’t know where I want to go with this character yet.
(2)  Any changes or comments?
(3) Why this character? 
To be honest, I wasn’t that interested in angels until I checked out Admin Raven’s FAQ page this morning. What she wrote about angels piqued my interest and I started to take a closer look at the species. Damn, I think I fell in love right away. They’re much more complex than one might think! Since Raziel is listed as a wanted character in game, I decided to read her biography and I don’t regret anything, she’s lovely.
(4) Interpret this character: Example quotes that give me Raziel muse: “Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing.”
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
“People aren’t born sad; we make them that way.”
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
“For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you.”
“Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can’t always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith.”
“Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them.”
This character in a nutshell → Raziel is peace-loving, knowledgeable and just. Being an Archangel, thus an angel of the highest Order, they are a creature with incredible strenght and power. Not only do they carry God’s most important messages to humans, but also know of his most holy secrets. In other words: Being an angel, specifically an angel like Raziel, doesn’t only come with glory but also with tragedy and heavy burdens. There is a reason for the usually somber expression on their face, several reasons actually which render them more pitiful than gifted. Due to the fact that Raziel is able to foresee terrible events, but is actually not allowed nor able to change the course of things, they feel unbearable depression and sadness. They’re sentiments which are omnipresent and wear heavily on their mind like a heavy cloak soaked in water. In spite of this however, the angel never questions Him and has unyielding faith.
Heaven → Raziel feels still very connected with the realm and misses it. This aspect yet again proves how ambivalent their gift is. They knew of Lucifer’s plans, but couldn’t do anything to prevent his fall from grace. I imagine that many detest them for this and don’t know the gravity of Raziel’s burdens, which can be very frustrating.
Humans → I think that, because Raziel is not able to interfere and mess with time and space thus warding off potential evil, they are very driven to offer as much help and goodness as possible in the present. It explains their desire to see only the best in humanity and to offer mankind aid. As a therapist, Raziel can actively help those who are torn, confused and going through a hard time; they can contribute to a process of change. Knowing that the future might come with hardships, they feel obliged to bring joy to the people now, to show the humans that His creation isn’t flawed, to inspire that life is made out of much more than black and white shades. There is good as much as there is less than that — but always worth.
Life among humans → 800 years is a very long time. Enough time to know exactly how the human world works. If asked a question, it is very likely that Raziel knows the answer right away. Their love for knowledge is insane and not to be underestimated. I’d like to imagine that Raziel is familiar with many languages, cultures and respective traditions. They have an old soul which constantly seeks the new but also treasures the old. Their mind is a vast and overwhelming place. It is easy for Raziel to communicate with people of all ages and classes. They feel joy in sharing their knowledge, but I think that they also feel rather bored quite often because it is rare for others to be able to follow their thoughts and keep up with their rationale.
+ bonus: Considering that Heaven is structured via a hierachy, they don’t mind the concept of a monarchy, so as long as it is fair and just. Vinsor for example proved to be a cruel and unfitting ruler. Franco Athor however has done well to bring harmony to humans and opposing species. They hope that the new king will do a similarly good job, but do not blindly put their trust in this.
Non-human species → As an angel, they avoid everything tainted by sin and of demonic nature. As far as other species are concerned, Raziel isn’t able to provide as much knowledge as with humans, meaning that they show great interest in them. Although they have probably collected vague information about each existing species, they know not enough to feel satified and content.
I will quote directly from the main: “They (angels) are to keep a close eye on mankind and learn all they can about other Supernaturals.”
This allows a lot of room for interactions in game. Not only is she supposed to learn about other supernaturals, but they actually desire so themselves. Please send some werewolves our way (mostly because I ship Gaia and God, SUE ME).
Abilities → I LOVE that angels are able to heal. In Raziel’s case, this is a win-win; they are able to heal both mental and physical wounds, woohoo! I’m also very intrugued by the telepathy powers that some angels have. It would be so cool if Raziel was gifted with it, simply for the reason that they work as a therapist. With access to people’s mind/thoughts, it would make their job way easier and definitely more interesting.
Summing up possible positive traits → Benevolent, protective, wise, intelligent, curious, cooperative, dedicated, insightful.
Summing up possible negative traits → Secretive, cautious, somber. How can this baby be possibly negative in any way?
◆ Interview Questions ◆
(1) Question One: Have you ever encountered a mind you couldn’t understand?
“Two. Ever since I can remember, there have been only two minds that I couldn’t understand completely.” She smiles in a savvy manner. “None of them were human. Do you want to know who?” She made two gestures. She pointed with her forefinger upward first, then downward. “One is a father, the other a son. The latter rebelled, the other banished. The end of this story is history and written down in several books.”
(2) Question Two: Is there anything you wish you didn’t know?
Raziel stays quiet for a long time as they ponder the question. “There are many secrets who come with heavy burdens. It is certainly not easy to carry these burdens. They keep me awake sometimes at night, several nights.” They finally smile, although it is small and barely there. “But I would never ask anyone to take these burdens from me. I am glad that I know and I consider myself gifted. If it weren’t for my knowledge, my very existence wouldn’t be shaped as it is today. Most importantly however, if I wasn’t ready to embrace the knowledge that was given to me, somebody else would have taken my place. I don’t want that. I don’t want someone else to bear the consequences.”
◆Writing Sample:◆
Miervalids was one of Raziel’s favorite places to be. It was a large coastal city inhabited by friendly and welcoming people. It was very warm here, very pleasant. The landscape was like a vast canvas painted with white and blue dots; they all connected perfectly and together transcended into a masterpiece of peace and beauty. The angel closed their eyes and enjoyed the soft breeze, the one that could only be found at the beach. Miervaldis had several of them. The shore was a graceful arc of sand, glittering under the summer sun, a place for a placid ocean to lap. The waves rolled in with a soothing sound, the salty water a brief flurry of sand. Every few meters of so lay a shell, a treasure of the aquatic world just out of reach, and the footprints they left behind were soon erased. It was here, at this particular rock however, where they had met their current vessel, a scholar named Anshi.
“How were you able to climb up there?” “Who wants to know this?”
Raziel’s vessel was a man at that time, a young healer who travelled the world and sought to give his help wherever he could. “Raziel,” they said, sharing their real name.
They exchanged curious glances, but Raziel said no more and waited.
“That is an odd name, RAH-ZIEEEL. Never heard of it before.” Anshi shrugged her shoulders, then turned to look at the ocean again. “Despite my appearance, I’m actually still rather flexible. My mind is young too. It only took me three hours to get up here.”
Raziel threaded their fingers through their beard, an amused smirk on their lips. Spirited, that one.
“I like this rock a lot. Nobody knows when and how it got here. It appeared out of nowhere and ever since became part of this beach. And it’s so huge!” Anshi patted the rough surface, lovingly.
“Were you ever curious about the origins of the rock?”
“Of course I was. It appeared when I was still a child. I was very angry about it because I had built a sand castle the night before, exactly where the rock suddenly stood. My anger didn’t last long however. I spent months on trying to figure out why and how the rock came to be, but I never found an answer.” Anshi’s expression became somber. “At some point, I stopped to look for an answer. I grew up, I became an adult and moved away with my parents. I dedicated my life to learn about bigger mysteries. The human mind is a fascinating world to study.”
Raziel listened intently, fascinated by this old lady.
“And then… then I was married to a man I didn’t even love. I got kept busy with tasks like sewing, cooking and gardening.” She made an indignant sound. “Horrible, really. He was a dumb oaf.”
After two more hours, Raziel sat next to Anshi and learned that her family and husband died a few months ago. A terrible fire had consumed their lives. Alone and sad, she returned to her home from childhood days.
“Life is precious, isn’t it? And too short.” Anshi’s face was wet, tears still streaming down her cheeks. “This rock made me remember. The me from back then, the true me. There are still so many things I wish to learn about, so many things I would like to see, so many people I yearn to meet and exchange my ideas with. But I have become old and weak. I won’t have much longer to live. There is no way to catch up with my past now. There is no way to make this old body young again.”
After a long time pondering, Raziel averted their gaze away from the ocean and looked at Anshi. Their head tilted slightly to the side and a knowing smirk formed on their lips.
“Actually… There is.”
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