#what do you mean the whole thing was caused by the child she was unknowingly pregnant with at the moment of her death
evilminji · 2 months
I just Literally Galaxy Brained :D???
Oh? My? God?
So here I am, on a Star Wars kick, when I Ponder my beloved Danny Phantom. As ya do! Who? I wonder? Could I mix into the star wars universe?
You know who LOVES kids? Just... will Burn Down Planets for this kid they literally JUST met? Mandolorians. Know where you can find a SHIT ton of those, genetically? The GAR!
Those are CLONES, baby! WE got a Clone! She's feisty and adorable! Smol! Bites! Got them big ol tooka eyes and itty bitty hands! Likes to fly, explore, and fight! She's BASICALLY born for this!
Tell me they would collectively look at this tiny feral child, with her poofy lil hair and chubby cheeks, fangy lil grin and biting tendcy, and go "is BABY!" Come on, tell me. I'll call you a liar.
And you KNOW the Force and Ectoplasm are probably messy EXs. Dani could TOTALLY use they "why should you allow me in? .....because they're not the boss of you" argument to GREAT effect.
Here, Skywalker. Kenobi. Watch this mysterious child... foooooor.... uh, Reasons! Yes. I, the Force, definitely have valid reasons for doing this! I am NOT just being a petty bitch! #SoundsLegit
But? Gasp! The child is a Cadet?! A BABY Clone! Of WHO? A legendary warrior king, from what context they can gather. Made by his enemy. Sent to kill him. Forgiven then adopted. Ooooh, lots of life lessons there. Clone rights and forgiveness and such.
But more IMPORTANTLY, to the GAR?
We are ALL Buir now! All of us. Biggest family in the galaxy. Dani is cool with it, congrats New Fenton's! On the Be-Fenton-ing! Tremble in FEAR, scrubs! It's OUR HOUSE NOW!! Mwahahahaha! *cackles from her perch on top of a table*
But... wait... what is that glowing stuff that you're getting low on?
Oh? This? New beloved Highly Unhinged Jedi Friends and Clone Dads? Oh it's just my LIFE SAVING MEDICINE that I NEED TO LIVE that I never told you about! :D
*horrified silence*
It's okay. It's OKAY! Everybody STOP SCREAMING! W-well just reverse engineer... *machine makes the equivalent of a Dunno noise* FUCK! Okay! New plan! Dani, sweetie, lil warrior, what do you remember about your medicine? What does it DO, exactly?
Unstable clone.
Okay! Okay, that's a start! THEY are stable clones. Right? Right!
.........r-right? Are... are they SURE? Cause, I mean, it's ONE thing when it's just THEIR health on the line... but when it's their YOUNGLING? Their lil tooka Dani? Their ade? Are they SURE? How sure. Bet HER life on it sure?
....no. No they are not. They don't trust the long necks NEARLY that much. Time do do a DEEP deep scan. Best they can find. They got to make SURE. Boba might be the only STABLE clone... assuming the sleemo even told the truth about that.
And? They LEARN some stuff.
Like about the chip in their head's. Supposedly an "inhibitor chip". Sends Skywalker into a karking rage, cause that looks a whole lot like a slave chip to HIM. Dani says they can CHECK. Then doesn't wait for an answer as she sticks her HAND into someone's head to just... pluck it out. Hand it over to be sliced.
Dani, sweetie, c-can you do that for the rest of us? Sure!
But! The race is ON. To either figure out how to contact the original, stabilize Dani, or synthesize Ectoplasm in a universe that DOES NOT HAVE IT. All while unknowingly? Absolutely Fenton CURB STOMPING Ancient Sith Plans into oblivion.
As is the Fenton Way.
This IS The Way~☆
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @legitimatesatanspawn @lolottes @spidori
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ereardon · 7 months
Before I Knew [Jake Seresin x Reader] Chapter Seven
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A Jake Seresin unexpected pregnancy fic
Overview: On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader; Bob Floyd x Sister!Reader 
Warnings: Pregnancy, cursing, eventual smut, angst, vomit
Chapter summary: Bob and Jake have a confrontation after a bad flight; Ducky reflects on the night she slept with Jake; the Daggers go on a mission with a not-so-happy ending
WC: 2K
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
Jake signed the lease for the new apartment immediately, and he and Bradley offered to get your things from Bob’s house while you were at work. You didn’t have much, and the first night you arrived at the new apartment, it felt like walking into an AirBnB. 
“Haven’t had time to go to the store,” he said as you set your purse down. “So I ordered takeout.” 
Jake lifted the lid on a container of pad thai and you took one sniff before covering your mouth with your hand, sprinting down the hallway, emptying your stomach into the porcelain toilet. After a moment you flushed, washing your hands and emerged back into the kitchen. Jake had closed all of the containers and stood with his eyes wide. 
“Fuck,” he muttered quietly. “Are you OK?” 
You nodded, sitting down on one of the stools. “Yeah, fine. It’s just some smells really get to me.” 
“Take the room in the back,” he said. “It’s further from the kitchen and it has a bathroom attached.” 
You grimaced. “So you’re saying I just puked in your bathroom?” 
“Lovely.” You folded your hands on top of each other on the granite countertop. “Was he there?” you whispered. 
Jake nodded. “Yeah.” 
“Was he mad?” 
Jake paused. Then, “He, uh, he was upset.” 
You frowned. You knew it was a bad idea to move out and not tell him, but you were too scared to have that confrontation, either. “I fucked everything up.” 
“This is Bob’s thing,” Jake said and you raised your gaze. “He’s angry at me,” Jake added. “He’s angry at you. He’s angry in general. It’s not all your fault.” 
“All,” you replied. “So it is my fault.” 
“Well, yeah,” Jake said and to your surprise you laughed. He did, too. “That’s what little sisters are for. To cause trouble.” 
“So you have sisters?” You realized you knew nothing about Jake besides what he looked like without clothes on.
He nodded. “Two. One older, one younger. My older sister has a son, Will. He’s three.” 
“Uncle Jake,” you said. “Nope, sounds weird.” 
“Not as weird as dad.” 
A silence enveloped the two of you as you let the monumental impact of those words surround you. You looked up. “This is weird, right? It’s not just me?” 
“It’s weird.” Jake stretched his arms wide across the edges of the kitchen island. “I’ve never lived with a woman before.” 
“I’ve never lived with someone who wasn’t my family or a college roommate.” 
He smiled gently. “Guess we both have a lot to learn.” 
“I have to ask you something.” 
“Go ahead.” 
“This arrangement. It’s just convenient, right?” 
“As opposed to?” 
You shrugged. “Sex.” 
Jake blushed. Literally blushed. You cracked a small smirk. “No,” he rushed and you nodded. “I mean, if you want.” 
You rolled your eyes and he chuckled. 
“Seriously, Y/N, this wasn’t about hooking up or shacking up together. I’m trying to do the right thing here.” 
“You really are, aren’t you?” Your eyes rolled over Jake. His broad shoulders, the way he looked at you like you were the only item in an otherwise empty room. There was a magnitude associated with his gaze. It made you feel small, and so very large, at the same time. 
“I’m going to be out of town for a few days,” Jake said. “Leaving on Thursday.” 
“Bachelor party?” 
You sucked in a breath. “Is Bob going?” 
Jake nodded. “We’re all going.” 
“Should I be worried?” 
Jake’s face softened. “We’re good at this, Y/N,” he said. “Very good.” 
“That doesn’t answer my question.” 
“You don’t have to be worried.” 
“I’m always worried,” you replied instantly and Jake’s eyebrows shot up. “I’ve been worried about Bob the second he said he wanted to join the Navy.” 
“Floyd will be fine.” There was a grit to his words. 
“Promise me,” you said. “Promise me you’ll protect him.” 
Jake nodded. “I’ll do my best to make sure he makes it back.” 
The night you first met Jake, you had lied to Bob. You had said you were going out to meet a friend from college. The reality was, you went to the first dive bar you passed as you drove away from his house. You wanted a drink. But really, what you had wanted was knowing that you weren’t in Tennessee anymore. 
And that meant getting drunk in a bar where you knew no one and where no one knew you. It meant you could be whoever you wanted to be. The first guy you spoke to thought you were a ballerina from the New York City Ballet. The second guy asked for your number so he could get piano lessons for his brother. The third wanted to see your Willy Nelson impression because you had lied and said you were a country singer.
By the time you were drunk, you ended up outside, watching the waves lap against the shore. The door to the bar swung open, light spilling out onto the deck, and a figure appeared at your side. 
“Hey.” That was it. One word and he captivated you. It was the vodka. But also the way he looked when you turned. Golden hair and perfect teeth. That ideal amount of charisma and confidence and happiness that made you realize he wasn’t going to hurt you. He wasn’t a threat. 
He was an opportunity. 
You stepped in closer, pressing your lips against his, letting your body melt into him. You broke away after a moment, his arms wrapped around your waist, eyes wide. “Don’t,” you whispered. “I don’t care who you are.” 
He smirked. “Is that so?” 
“Do you want to take me home or what?” 
He nodded and you leaned in for a second kiss. This one was sweeter, passionate. His taste exploded on your tongue and his fingertips gripping your ass felt like little electrical sparks. 
And to think you would never see him again.
The doorbell wouldn’t stop ringing. 
You stepped out of your bedroom as Jake emerged in the hallway, yanking a shirt down over his bare chest. He held out a hand behind him. “Wait there,” he said gruffly. You peeked one head around the corner of the door frame, watching Jake approach the door carefully before yanking it open. “What?” he bellowed. 
Bob stood in the doorway. “I want to see my sister.” 
You stepped out into the hall. “Bobby? For fucks sake, it’s almost midnight.” 
His eyes were rimmed with red as he stepped inside and he smelled sharp, like alcohol. 
You frowned. “Have you been drinking?” 
Bob shrugged. “Bradshaw and I had some beers.” 
“What’s going on with you?” you whispered, moving closer. 
Jake shifted to the side. “I'm going to go to my room.” He tossed a look at you. “Are you OK?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, we’re fine.” 
Bob narrowed his gaze. “She’s my sister, Hangman,” he snapped. “I can take care of her better than you ever could. You don’t have to ask her if she’s OK when she’s with me.” 
Jake retreated to his room and you crossed your arms over your chest. ”Well, Bobby, what do you want?” 
“To see you.” 
“You’re seeing me,” you snapped. “So now you can go.” 
“Ducky,” he said and you felt your heart melt a little. “I—”
“I don’t know what’s going on with you,” you interrupted, “but I don’t like it.” 
“What’s going on with me?” Bob demanded. “What about what’s going on with you? You just leave, don’t say a word? Move in with Hangman of all people. And I have to hear it from Bradshaw.” 
“I’m sorry about that,” you whispered. “But I think it’s for the best.” 
“Nothing about this is good, Duck,” Bob said and you frowned. 
“I know you’re not happy about the situation, but it is the situation. So either learn how to live with it, Bobby, or walk away.” 
“What are you saying?” he asked, swaying side to side, the alcohol coursing through his veins. 
You crossed your arms over your chest and sighed. “I’m saying, maybe you’re doing this because you’re afraid of losing me. And maybe you’re afraid of that because it’s a possibility. You’ve spent your entire life taking care of me. So maybe you feel like you don’t know who you are if I’m able to take care of myself.” 
Bob’s eyes went wide behind his wire glasses. 
“I love you,” you whispered and your voice choked a little at the last word, “but I need you to leave. Because until you figure out how you fit into my life, not how I fit into yours, I don’t think we should talk.” 
“Ducky, I—”
“Leave,” you repeated, firmer this time. “Please.” 
“She’s asking you to leave, Floyd.” Jake appeared from the darkness, his voice firm and solid. “Do the right thing and go home and sleep this off.” 
Bob’s eyes flitted between you and jake. You watched him swallow his words. He turned around and yanked the door open, slamming it shut behind him. You winced at the noise. 
Jake put one hand on your shoulder. “Are you OK?” 
You shook your head, tears filling your eyes. “No. Not at all.” 
Jake left a few days later. The two of you had yet to find a routine. He stood awkwardly in the doorway, duffle bag at his feet. Finally,  he raised his eyes to yours. “We should be back next week.” 
You nodded. “Alright.” 
“I left the emergency number on the fridge for our team,” he added. “Just in case.” 
“I’ll be fine,” you replied. “I’ve done this before, remember?” 
“I haven’t.” There was something small about the way he said it. Jake shook his head. “Well, I should go.” 
A part of you wanted to hug him. Do something so he stopped looking like a dog that had gotten kicked. But it felt like a boundary you didn’t want to cross. So instead, you said, “Good luck.” 
“I’ll see you in five days.” Jake picked up his bag and opened the door. 
“Jake?” you called out as he opened the door to his truck. He turned. “You’ll make sure he’s safe, right?” 
“I’ll do my best.” 
The days were long. Even though it had only been a week of living with Jake, there was still comfort in having someone else around. Without him, the apartment felt emptier than you could have ever imagined. 
You and Bob had a routine before he went on missions. He would call you the morning he left and he would always say the same thing. I’ll see you at home.  
It was what he said to you when you were little and he would drop you off at your classroom in the morning. It was what he said when you were slightly older and he’d wave at you from a different bus. Even when you were a teenager and he came home from the academy, he would kiss your forehead before he left and whisper that he’d see you at home. 
Home was wherever Bob was. Or at least, that’s where it used to be. 
You no longer knew where home was. Or who home was. 
You were at the library when you got the call. It rang in your pocket before you were able to dig it out, the number on the front unfamiliar. Quietly, you answered. “Hello?” 
“Y/N? It’s Jake.” 
You let out a sigh of relief. “Thank God. You’re back.” 
“Landed twenty minutes ago,” he responded. He coughed. Then, “Listen, something happened up there.” 
Your heart froze. You felt all of the blood from your face drain and you scrambled for a chair, sitting down with a hard plop. “Tell me.” 
“Bob and Phoenix went down,” he whispered. “They’re alive, but, I’m not going to lie, it’s not good.” 
“Oh my God.” 
“You should come to the base,” Jake said. “They’re at the hospital here. Do you want me to pick you up?” 
“I’m on my way.” You were halfway out the door and to Bob’s truck before you realized you had left your purse at the desk. But you didn’t care. You were losing your home. Nothing else mattered.
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary as that will largely serve as my tag list. Anyone I previous promised to tag is here:
@blue-aconite @withahappyrefrain @wkndwlff @mamachasesmayhem @djs8891 @clancycucumber230 @gigisimsonmars @xomrsalliej4787xo @myfaveficrecs @mycobrakai1972 @sio-ina-bottle @joaquinwhorres @justanothermagicalsara @je-suis-prest-rachel @shanimallina87
@rosiahills22 @buckysteveloki-me  @kmc1989 @eloquentdreamer @mjisbby @seresinslady @seresinhangmanjake @blackwidownat2814 @bbyvanessaa  @mrsjobarnes @midnightmagpiemama @ingoaliesitrust @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @iangiemae @boiolay @sometimesanalice @spinning-away @na-ta-sh-aa @bobfloydsbabe @kmc1989 @rosiahills22 @palepeanutponyshoe @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @mel119g @daggerspare-standingby @grxcisxhy-wp @mrsjobarnes @csmt-m @rockbottompunk-blog @joaquinwhorres
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darkcrowprincess · 5 months
The losers club parents:
*trigger warning use of homophobic words*
*their parents have all noticed their children have been missing together for hours. They start looking in all the spots the kids hang out.*
Mrs and Mr Uris calling out together, their voices echoing together out near the barrens: STAN!! STANLEY!
Mrs Denbrough freaking out and hyper ventilating: We cant lose another child Zack! I can't lose another baby!
Mr Denbrough tries to console her but it feels like empty words: We'll find him. He'll be alright. Its not like Georgie he's with his friends.
Mr and Mrs Hanlon yell out together next: MIKE!!
Sonia Kaspbrak: Your children are never going near Eddie again! You hear me!
Mr and Mrs Hanlon call out again: MIKE!
Maggie Tozier is unfortunately stuck near Sonia, her husband up ahead with Ms Hanscom so they both could call out for Richie and Ben together. The parents have spread out in a big circle near the woods of the barrens. Each calling out their childrens names hoping they'll hear it. Maggie was unfortunately left to deal with Sonia( who they were surprised that the hypochondriac actually agreed to look with them)
Maggie tries to be nice and puts a comforting hand on Sonia's shoulder: Sonia it will be alright. Well find them. It's not any of the boys fault.
Sonia slaps the women's hand away and goes on a horrible tirade: NO! My Eddie Bear is delicate. He should have never run off with any of these boys! Especially your son!
Maggie is finally pissed off(and protective): What do you mean by that?!
Sonia with a cruel smile on her face: You know what your son is like. The whole town knows what a dirty boy he is. But I will not have that little faggot infecting my son with his disgusting feelings!
Maggie slaps the woman hard across her face. Red is in her vision. Her long nails leave scratches along her fat cheek.
Wentworth, goes to stop his wife from full on beating the shit out of Eddies bitch of a mother: Maggie!
Maggie: Our children are missing and all you care about is saying hurtful things about my son! I don't give a shit if my son is gay or both our kids have feelings for each other! As long as they're happy!
Maggie is about to jump on the vile woman but her husband picks her up. She's still tries to kick and hit at Sonia (unknowingly, she looks a lot like her son in that moment).
Maggie: You are a vile woman and your son deserves better. FRANK WOULD HATE YOU, especially for what your doing to your son.
Sonia: YOU BITCH! You take that back!
Sonia is held back by Mr and Mrs Denbrough.
Maggie: Why its not like I'm lying, Frank if he was alive right now would take Eddie away from you and never look back! And it be within his right! Your suffocating your son!
Sonia screams in anger: I'm protecting him! Its because of all your kids!
The two mothers keep fighting. Which causes the other parents to come closer and try to help. Unknowingly their children are at the top of the cliff of the barrens hearing everything.
All 7 of the losers peak their heads over the cliff to watch everything. Like little animals popping their heads out of hidding.
Eddie and Richie both stare at each other in shock.
Bill: W-we need to get down there. I-I can't believe t-the-y ww-were looking for us.
Richie: Do we have to, I'm actually finding it really cool how badass my mom is being right now.
Bill: R-richie! What about Eddie?!
Eddie with a bit of satisfaction for himself: Give it a few more minutes. Mrs Tozier just tackled my mom into the mud.
The losers all look back to see the fight.
Eddie to Richie: Your mom is so cool.
Richie with stars in his eyes: 🤩 I know right.
Richie without thinking moves fully out of hiding to cheer his mom on: GO MOM!
Maggie who finally hears her son, looks up to see the kids on the cliff: RICHIE?!
The other losers: Richie! How are we suppose to explain this to them?!
*This being the fact that they just finished fighting an evil space clown*
Richie: Oops.
Maggie dropping Sonia Kaspbrak back into the mud, yells back up to her son: RICHARD WENTWORTH TOZIER! Get your ass down here now! You know how worried we have all been!
Richie nervous now: Ooooh full name not good.
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absolxguardian · 3 months
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Thought I'd share my personal theory (and I'm calling it a theory, there's textual evidence) about why sky-walkers loose their powers, and its basically that the Ascendancy makes an existing problem worse.
Its already heavily suggested that when anyone begins puberty their connection to the Force becomes tenuous, because of the self-doubt that people start to feel at that age. That's why toddlers are able to levitate objects without training (TCW stolen younglings arc). While Osha struggles to use the Force again after leaving the Order. Because they don't feel self-doubt and don't know that they shouldn't be able to do such things. The Force is heavily influenced by one's preexisting ideas. That's why Yoda tells Luke in ESB the reason why he can't levitate his X-wing is because he thinks he can't. The Padawan novel is a good example of this kind of crisis of faith (in one's own self).
Another example of the Force starting to cause problems when someone begins puberty is Karr Nuq Sin in Force Collector developing psychometry at 13, which without training caused seizures and migraines. Now this seems like the opposite of it becoming harder to connect to the Force when one becomes a teenager, but I think this still works as an example. Karr's problem is that he's unknowingly letting the Force consume him, and I think its the same increased self-doubt and critical thinking. Before he developed to that point neurologically he could simply rid along with the Force completely subconsciously. And of course there's Vernestra, who looses her sky-walker powers like any Chiss, despite not being involved with the Ascendancy at all. She only retained the powers she consciously worked to keep.
Force usage coming naturally to the very young works with Yoda's whole "truely wonderful the mind of a child is". Whether he means it with the Force or the true in our world lack of preconceived motions, it establishes a theme in Star Wars that children are more connected to the world how it really is.
Now what about the Ascendancy? The aforementioned thing about the Force being influenced by one's own beliefs means that the sky-walkers are under a self fulfilling prophecy. They're told they'll loose their powers when they get older, so the difficulties with connecting to the Force that comes with puberty is multiplied. And since they have no source of training, no faith or scientific knowledge, their connection to the Force goes dormant.
The no training thing also ties into the theme of the Ascendancy trilogy about the importance of autistic children having autistic adults in their life- Che'ri and her relationship with Thalias (allegorical autism with force sensitivity) and Thrawn (regular autism). There is no tradition of Force using adults to pass down this training.
As a side thing, sky-walkers needing their memories wiped because of the trauma related to family separation is an accurate depiction of what happens in real world humans when you take toddlers from their primary caregivers. In Outbound Flight Timothy Zahn used this fact to write the villain attempting to recruit toddlers into the Jedi Order, with normal Order policy being to only take infants and recruit younglings as young as possible. Now TCW contraindicated it, with Lucas unknowingly attempting to write the Jedi as better by having them give parents more time to decide and recruiting babies more than literal newborns. The only Watsonian explanation for this, without saying humans irl and humans in Star Wars have different neurologies, is that the Jedi are (conciously or not) projecting a field of belonging into the Force which gets rid of the psychological problems of separation (admittedly there's basically no research on what happens when a kid is taken from one loving and properly equipped home to another so its hard to tell irl whats purely the result of separation). So again, its the lack of adult Force users which is the cause of the Ascendancy's problems.
Species specific Force abilities that Force sensitive people of other species might still have a natural tendency for has a precedent in Legends- with psychometry for the Kiffar and Force Sight for the Miraluka. With Vernestra having a natural talent for hyperspace navigation, that seems to be the case.
As for them being almost all female- I have no idea (and you get the issue if the "mostly" thing is because the Force knows if you're trans and so "male" sky-walkers are trans female eggs, or if its biological and all sky-walkers are afab- just some of them have transitioned). If the Ascendancy is really bad at this, it could be a "male presenting autism" thing, and the Ascendancy is mistakenly missing 50% of potential sky-walkers, but I find the headcanon that the Chiss are actually extremely good at development evaluations of children- both medically and socially. Its the only way they'd be able to find any sky-walkers without access to the techniques the Jedi use.
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lmm16 · 1 year
After the disaster now known as the ‘I’M IN MISERY Arc’(named by Idia), everyone is now somewhat used to their new surrounding.
Now all they have to do is find a way home, which is gonna be extremely hard. They first try to figure out the most common questions.
Such as why the portal opened in the first place? Who opened the portal? Why it only sucked specific people in when it was clearly meant for Yuu since it brought them home? WHY did the portal lead to Yuu home?
And after a whole lot of other questions with no answers, Kalim unknowingly asked the brilliant question that might lead to all their answers…….. ‘How did Yuu get to Twisted Wonderland in the first place, and why?
After that question was asked, everyone paused. Cause Kalim was right, how did Yuu get transported to another world? If they can solve that problem, it won’t only help the stranded group, but Yuu as well.
Unfortunately, this isn’t a world where magic exists, meaning that their aren’t any, websites, books or historical places where they can learn more about the magic that got them into this mess……….or maybe their is.
Milly(Yuu mother) buts into the conversation saying from what she remembered from Yuus Lore explanation of Twisted Wonderland and Night Raven College, the stories of the the Great Seven sound awfully familiar to the old fairytales that are told to children. She says that maybe if they can find the books about these Fairytales, maybe there would be answers within.
Not only that, but she also remembers on the other side of town, where she used to live as a child, there was an old man who owned a small shop(that’s more like a small museum) that holds many trinkets, big and small. Though Milly hasn’t been there in many years, she remembers how the trinkets he held always seemed…… unworldly. Like they weren’t even made from this world.
And though some trinkets did seem they were from this world, like stuff you would find in your grandparents basement, they still had this strange feeling or aura about them that still made them feel like they also weren’t from this word. And was as if the trinkets both worldly and unworldly were somehow……magical
If she also remembers correctly, the only man is still alive and well. And though he still works at his store(museum) that is still up and running perfectly, it’s his granddaughter and her girlfriend that run things nowadays.
Everyone pauses to think about it. Whiles it’s not the biggest leads they have, it’s still something worth checking into. After some more pondering, everyone agrees that some will look for the books, some will look for the old man’s Store, and the rest well go grocery shopping because Milly has to go work double shifts now to support everyone and they’re not about to let this women go grocery shopping when she already has enough on her plate.
After drawing some sticks, it was decided that Cater, Sebek, Idia, would go to the library. Floyd, Kalim, Grim, and Yuu would go to the Old Mans Store. And finally Leona and Ace would go help with Grocery Shopping……this makes me wonder however……if they’re gonna run into any trouble….while not only making new friends…..but also new enemies.
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kaijuposting · 2 years
Thinking thoughts about Ethan Winters
Been trying to dissect the character of Ethan Winters to try and figure out what makes him tick, and y'know what-
The vibe I'm getting is the kind of guy who's just hostile to everything that feels weird to him because he's afraid it's going to ruin his image as a Normal Guy. I feel like a reason this scares him is because he knows it's all he has going for him.
He's not particularly charming. He's not especially clever. He's likely spent his life coasting by on being a conventionally attractive cis white guy.
The kind of vibe I'm getting is similar to Betty Draper from Mad Men - going through the motions of a life that doesn't actually bring him any joy because he's internalized that this is just what you have to do.
In both RE7 and RE8, Ethan kills a bunch of people while believing that he and they have absolutely nothing in common. In Ethan's mind, he's normal, but these other people are all just monsters, and that's that. He sees no point in considering why they're like this and how they feel about their circumstances. Eveline is, I think, the most outstanding example of this. She's literally just a neglected, traumatized kid, acting out in a way that neglected, traumatized kids can do (albeit with a capacity to cause harm amplified by virtue of having a biology that other kids don't). Ethan never once registers the utter tragedy of Eveline, and he directs his anger toward the traumatized child, not at the adults who traumatized her.
In RE8, Ethan kills the four lords, whom he also regards as nothing more than revolting monsters that he has nothing in common with. He is, after all, just a Normal Guy. Not a Mutant Freak. He could never. Right?
And well, that's when Ethan discovers that he isn't just a Normal Guy (at least, in his reckoning of what constitutes a Normal Guy.) He's been a megamycete mutant for awhile now. He doesn't really and truly process this, he doesn't really think about what it means; he just soldiers on in his quest. And then he dies.
Diagetically, this is explained as the consequence of Ethan being critically injured and exhausted. It's implied that he might have even survived if he hadn't decided to fight Miranda. But one could argue that thematically, Ethan's death is ultimately caused by his own lack of imagination. He can't imagine how he could possibly go on living as a mutant freak. The narrative he's been telling himself for years, that mutant freaks deserve to die because they are mutant freaks, is probably gnawing at him from his subconscious. Evaline's cruel taunts could be interpreted as reflections of what Ethan himself already believes - one could argue that she's just throwing back the hatred that he's been unknowingly exposing her to for years.
Now of course, since Miranda walled off the village with mold, it's not as if Ethan could've gone to Chris Redfield for help... right? Well, I mean, it sure never seems to have crossed Ethan's mind that he could've just asked the mold to Stop Being In The Way Please and let Redfield and Pals inside.
The thing about the mold is, it's not inherently antagonistic or malicious; it's only as antagonistic and malicious as the people who influence it. So far, we've seen it under the influence of a troubled child and a parent who thinks her precious little girl is entitled to have the whole world. There's no reason to think that Ethan couldn't influence it, if he wanted to.
But for Ethan to recognize this and try to use that information to his advantage, he would have to question many of his assumptions about the monstrous and would have to go off his Normal Guy script. "Become Benevolent Mold Wizard" is a thing that Ethan can't even conceive of, because he's confined himself to a very tiny box that he refuses to leave for fear of what other people would think.
One could argue that what really killed Ethan Winters was a fear-driven refusal to question the meaning and value of "normal." The uncritical fear and hatred he directed toward anything outside of his own perception of normality turned into self-hatred when he finally realized that he himself wasn't normal. And if everyone else was worthy of death by simple virtue of being a "freak," then so, too, was he.
In a sense, I feel like Ethan Winters was always an extremely doomed man. If nothing weird had ever happened to him, he'd have likely gone on acting out the motions of a "normal" life, always afraid of what might happen if he didn't live up to expectations but never really understanding why he never felt any genuine emotional fulfillment. This likely would have led to a midlife crisis where he desperately tried to fill the aching void with all the things society and capitalism tell men that they should find fulfilling. He'd have likely lived as long as anyone with his particular forms of privilege might, but unless he reached a place where he was willing to question his beliefs and fears it would likely have been a very hollow existence.
In conclusion, fuck capitalism and embrace the fungus; the life you save might be your own.
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katefoxblog · 9 hours
My Very Short Beach/Fall Break Trip(2024)
So today i just got back from my surprisingly short beach trip for this year's fall break and it was a short experience. We left near noon on the 21st of this month and arrived near late afternoon.
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Of course the beach was nice for the four(Technically 3 or 2) days we were there and i of curse got many shells and some pretty nice pictures(Which will of course bee seen in this blog and my upcoming video).
9/21/2024 - Day 1
A repeat of hat i just said, and after that, it was night. I was just drawing in my sketch book because i did not bring my computer or drawing tablet with me(I didn't want to go through unplugging them and then having to set everything back up when we got back home...). Something i was doing tho was having the paper i was drawing on, be touching the table for i did not want the alcohol markers that i use o stain the paper under the drawing.
Sadly this stained a bit of the table and i freaked out a bit(Mostly had an internal freak out that could thankfully not be seen) and tried to clean it off with a wet paper towel, this did not work. Eventually my parents noticed and my mom was pissed because she thought that we would have to buy a new table and stuff like that. But thankfully after looking up ways to remove alcohol marker stains, it recommended toothpaste and it worked thankfully.
But, during the cleaning process my mo0m was still mad at me and saying that she is "Tired of babying me" and "How i should've not done something so stupid" and stuff like that. But then she said one thing that i will always remember no matter what;
"I could punch you right now."
Now, obviously this shit took me and my dad a back and then my mom and dad started to argue and I'm left sitting in a chair, scared that i might have caused a fracture in my parents' marriage. And here is the thing, my mom is not a violent person, she is a peaceful person 99% of the time(I say 99% because the other 1% are her "moments"), so when she said this to me, i was just...Shocked, violently surprise she would say that to her own child.
9/22/2024 - Day 2
For a decent proportion of the day i slept in, waking up somewhere around 12pm and mostly staying inside to draw because good lordy it was hot as fuck out(Because note, we were at IRL Jurassic Park, aka, Florida, the place where my ass was born/forged in). And thankfully my mom apologized for the other night and i forgave her...But i would never forget that moment.
Anyways, this day wasn't that eventful, it was mostly just me staying inside and only going out once to get sea shells and a souvenir in the form of a water bottle holding sand and seas water in it(Yeah i know it's not the most appealing thing to look at but hey, not everything on this planet is completely clean, or nice to look at).
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9/23/2024 - Day 3/Pre-Final Day
This was unknowingly the last day/pre-final day at the beach, why? Well it's because there was soon gonna be a hurricane coming soon and obviously, they are dangerous, so my parents were figuring out when we would have to leave(Originally we were supposed to leave on Thursday, but it was then changed to Wednesday, which just so happens to be today!).
On this day i mostly stayed inside and we then later went to this restaurant where we had to wait an hour to be seated(The place did seem to be a bit busy to be fair) and while we waited i got a root beer and mountain taffy from this gas station that happened to be a part of the restaurant(The ironic thing about the mountain taffy being at the beach was quite funny and i was kind of surprised they didn't call it "Beach Taffy" or something).
My parents had oysters and fried mushrooms as servings which was gross to my older sister since she could see the slime from the oysters. Thankfully our food came and i had a cheese burger and fries and HOLY FUCK they were delicious! Mean while my younger sister just had 6 shrimp(There was this whole thing of how she wasn't hungry and stuff like that and after she was done, she was mysteriously hungry and wanted my older sister's fries 🤦).
After this, we went back to the condo we were staying at and played some uno. After all of that and everyone went to bed, i stayed up for a little bit and then went to sleep on the quite comfortable couch.
9/24/2024 - Day 4/Final Day
I woke to my family starting to get things packed up for i discovered that the owner of the condo and seeming several others were ordered to evacuate non-residents(Basically, people who didn't live there) because of the upcoming hurricane. So we got everything packed up and begun the drive home, of course making a few stops and getting some chic fil a dinner(I highly recommend getting a chicken sandwich and mac'n'cheese and putting some mac'n'cheese on the chicken sandwich, it's so good~!).
We then arrived home where i went down to my room(My room is in the basement and the basement is thankfully one of those nice basements and not one of those creepy clown-sex offender basements you'd see in every horror movie ever) and took a shit so fat it would make CaseOh look anorexic then took the family dog on a walk(Because after 5+ hours in a car, my legs needed the movement).
Now it's currently 12 in the morning on September 25th, 2024 and i have just posted my video showing all of the images i took and i will soon be posting some art and another video related to something i happened to make during my trip.
All Pictures -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS5eMVg1aEQ
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kashilascorner · 2 years
The fact that the thinner than paper plot of lady k and the sick man thickened to the point it could put some blockbusters to shame lmao (spoilers in the tags i guess)
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iniquitycynthian · 3 years
I just watched Encanto for the 7 th time today in the last two days and I am absolutely obsessed with it. (Contains spoilers)
First things first is that I *Hate* Abuela. Like I understand that shes been through a lot: she saw her husband die, she lost her home and she was a single mother to three kids, and the whole village basically depended on her. Out of nowhere she was given a miracle which was a second chance for her so she was absolutely paranoid about losing it, which was the reason why she was emotionally abusive to the rest of the family. She forced them to BECOME their gifts to keep the miracle going. But my statement still stands: Just because you have gone through something does not mean you can put others through something bad. I still hate Abuela and I will not change my mind.
As much as Abuela is the main abuser, I think the parents also play a part in what the children go through: Julietta's gift is to heal people with a meal so therefore this makes her the "fixer" of the family which basically means that whenever there is an issue in the family, she believes that it's *her* responsibility to take care of it and solve it and she feels as if she has "failed" if she can't solve something. Also healing is a very laborious task, we can see this kind of mentality in Julietta's kids; they both have very powerful and useful gifts which they have to use to help the village to the point where they overdo it and if they don't, they feel like they have failed. This is very well represented in the song "Surface Pressure" were Luisa basically outright says ' I am pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service' also we see this with Isabella, she had been forced to be the perfect child and make perfect flowers and help the village, even as much as marrying someone for the family. Which we can see in the song " Wha else can I do" later after the song ends she is genuinely happy but we can quickly see that happiness fade away when Abuela comes in and says "Isabella is out of control" . And if we talk about Mirabel, she was just straight up boycotted from her family for not having a gift. The only person shown to care about her were her parents but even then we can see that she felt like she had to do things she couldn't just sondhe could feel part of her family and be seen. This is how I feel that Julietta has till some extent unknowingly passed down her trauma to her kids.
Now if we talk about Pepa, she has been emotionally gaslit throughout the entire movie. As supportive as Felix is as a husband, nobody really validates her feelings. She is basically told to not feel her feelings and never really asked why she was feeling what she was. Whenever she was n a bad mood, she was told by Abuela that she had a cloud and she had to think about clear skies and have the cloud go away. This caused her to extra vigilant of her feeling and emotions to the point that she was paranoid about having feelings. Now, Dolores has a sensory gift: hearing. She can basically hear anything and everything that is going on in the entire Encanto. Having this gift means she is extremely sensitive to noises and has to be very vigilant because she has to know everything that is going on also because everybody expects her to know what's going on. This could be a very big headache-especially for her since loud noises. Her room is probably her sanctuary for when the world gets too loud. Camilo's gift is shapeshifting Camilo is a teen who doesn't know who they are yet, still growing in life and trying different personas. He is the "Entertainer" of the family. He makes people laugh and smile. That mentality could always come from seeing his mom distressed and wanting to make her smile and make her happy so that she can make genuine clear skies instead of faking it or pushing her feelings away. Seeing his mother go through something like that could always cause him to become someone who wants others to be happy and make them happy. And he feels obligated to do so. If we talk about Antonio, he had the weight of the world on his shoulders since he was born! After Mirabel didn't get her gift, all the hopes were riding on Antonio. He as a five year old had to worry about wether the family miracle would die with him... The entire family, the miracle, the family's reputation and the entire village's expectations; he had to shoulder them all. The stress and anxiety of not being "good enough" or "what if I fail" made him second guess himself. The only person who knew about this and actually cared was Mirabel.
Now Bruno, he is the Scapegoat of the family. Anything that went wrong was blamed on him. He was misunderstood and shunned. He was the only one who saw the truth and nobody allowed him to explain himself and but also blamed him for something he couldn't control. He could only see the future and interpret it, he could not say something and make it happen. He was just a very socially awkward person- the mistimed joke about rain about Pepa's nervousness and joy or the unfinished explanation about Dolores's lovelife- just proves that.
All in all, the characters are all amazing (except Abuela) but as a family....just nope.
They do change at the end of movie(as shown) but they still have a long way to go.
The music and song are lit though. (My favourites are surface pressure and we don't talk about Bruno)
Fun fact: Madrigal is actually a sort of music style where a number of different voices sing over each other like the ending of "we don't talk about Bruno"
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reihimura · 3 years
rei & touya’s relationship is so criminally underrated by canon and fanon imo. people have have pointed out how they look similar, especially when experiencing severe distress or melancholy (which they do look very similar, making their situation(s) all the more sadder), but i also feel a lot of people fail to mention how they are almost… mirror each other, in a sense.
the reason endvr abandoned training touya was because he “inherited rei’s weak constitution”, because he was too much like his mother - not only with the intolerance to heat, but perhaps in personality as well. they have similar reactions when under stress, usually lashing out verbally or sometimes physically. they’re both usually soft-spoken individuals, but also aren’t afraid to speak their minds when need be. they aren’t afraid of getting hurt if it means they deflect or reflect attention from themselves and others (i.e. rei stepping into one of shouto’s training sessions because it was getting too violent, and results in rei getting endvr’s attenttion in a slap. in contrast, touya trained everyday despite the massive amounts of pain it causes to get endvr’s attention.)
they were both the “firsts” in the todoroki family. rei was the first one to take on the todoroki surname as endvr’s wife, and touya was the firstborn todoroki child.
their actions also feel like parallels to each other. they’ve both harmed, or attempted to harm, shouto - but this harm was more-so meant for endvr; these attacks were an extension of the ideals endvr forced onto his family - that only one could be good enough for him.
they both separated from the family in nearly the same amount of time, due to mental breakdowns. they both spent a decade, if not more, away from the family, and then somewhat returned at, once again, nearly the same time. in canon time, it’s only been a year or so since rei and shouto reunited, and perhaps months after touya finally made his grand reveal. it’s kind of funny that this has happened twice - rei leaves, touya leaves. rei returns, touya returns.
and maybe it’s because these two are so similar and so seemingly (and perhaps unknowingly) connected that they don’t know how to help each other, much less themselves. the scene where rei tries to reach out to younger touya really showcases this imo: she almost got through to him, when she asked what he wanted to be. not what endvr wanted him to be; what he, touya, wants.
yet, she loses him when she brings endvr back into the equation - and you can’t fault her for this. her world so quickly and abruptly changed to focus on her husbands rather than her own, when he made her family agree to marry him. the forced marriage and abuse rei suffered from her husband caused her to focus on what she can do for endvr, to focus on him rather than herself. she has to have his children, care for said children, and pay special attention towards the “golden child”. endvr tells rei she needs to “take care of touya”, but not for touya’s sake, for endvr’s sake. because that’s the kind of household endvr has built for years and years. and that’s what causes rei and touya’s interaction to fall apart; because these characters don’t know how to separate themselves from their abuser. it’s a survival tactic; to focus on the needs of the abuser rather than the needs of the victims (including yourself). and neither rei, nor touya, nor any other member of the todofam are at fault for that aside from endvr.
but now, in canon, things are different. rei and touya have been physically separated from endvr for over a decade now, and in terms of mentally/emotionally separating themselves from their abuser, they’ve still got a ways to go. touya’s main goal revolves around killing his father, even if that means touya will die too. rei’s main goal is to bring touya back, and she even encourages endvr to help. while the whole situation regarding what the todofam actually wants to do with touya is still vague, we can see that endvr still has a strong influence over rei and touya.
maybe rei believes endvr can save touya because she couldn’t all those years ago. maybe touya believes he can’t go back to his family and should perish along with endvr instead because, in touya’s mind, he is his father’s ugly, failed creation. something-that-could’ve-been-turned-monster. he’s a reflection of the abuse endvr put both touya and his family through. he even sees himself as his father to an extent, as he’s called his own flames “endvr’s fire”.
they both feel like they can’t do anything for each other because of endvr, when in actuality, i think that rei and touya have always needed each other, and now they need each other more than ever. they had gotten close, back then, with rei asking touya what he wanted to do.
these two characters have so much in common, and their arcs play off of each other’s so well. they can teach each other that they’re not their abuser, and that they’re not what their abuser thinks of them. they are their own person, and it’s time for them to figure out what they truly want going forward.
touya is not his father’s failed creation, he is not weak due to having an intolerance to fire - he’s just touya.
rei is not the hospitalized wife of the #1 hero, she is not a failure of a mother - she’s just rei.
i think the two of them can help each other, and the rest of the family, find healing. they’re so similar, and they should understand each other so well.
basically there’s so much to rei & touya’s relationship that can be explored and analyzed, yet canon (and fanon) seemingly fail to realize this due to the focus on endvr and how He feels rather than… literally anyone else lmao.
there’s still so much about rei & touya’s relationship that we don’t know. but touya does still call rei “mom”, and refers to his father only by name. after all these years, after their brief falling-out before rei was hospitalized, touya still calls her “mother”. that means something.
there’s so much there for rei & touya’s relationship. and it’s a shame that canon and fanon don’t do much with it, or they take what’s been giving to us thus-far at face-value. their relationship has all the seeds planted to make it one that’s complex, caring, healing, and understanding. i just wish canon would actually let it grow instead of focusing on endvr for the millionth time /:
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oneoftheprettynerds · 4 years
Fixed: Dark!Steve x Reader (Mob AU)
Chapter 4 in the Lipstick and Crayons Series.
Chapter 3: Love So Soft
Main Masterlist
A/N: It’s shorter than my usual updates but I’m busy so sorry for the delay. My final exam dates have come and all I can do is pray right now lol. Please pray for me if you can, this sis is out here writing fanfics for yall instead of studying so, haha. ANyways, enjoy babies! Shit happens in this chapter.
Warning: Non-Con, Sickening Threats, Mob Themes, Violence, Death, Manipulation, a mild mental breakdown, Cheap Tricks.
Genres + Characters: Mob AU, Single Parents AU, Steve Rogers x Reader.
Summary: Steve can’t ever repay you for what you did. After meeting you, Steve believes his broken family is the missing piece in the puzzle of your own wrecked one. Indebting the crime lord to you has been the biggest mistake of your life, cause now you can’t get rid of him, no matter what. Loyalty and favours go a long way in the mob.
Word count: 5K
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Chapter 4: Fixed
You didn’t sleep that night. Or the next few. Your hands shook every time you got a flashback and even though you were numb to emotions that entire day, tears threatened to spill whenever your mind took to you to that overpriced kitchen again.
Now that he had gone to a dangerous and unnerved assaulter from a Dad trying to take care of his daughter, your mind wouldn’t put anything past him. You knew that in the back of your mind that he was a mobster and your ‘friendship’ was alarming to say the least, but now there was no denying his resources and power and the very obvious threat to your life lingering in the air.
At least before you had the luxury to be oblivious and ignorant, not anymore though. Steve felt even more unhinged and liberal now, even messaging you daily, greeting texts that you obviously ignored. He knew you both were aware that you never handed him your number and he felt no need to hide his pursuit.
You read most of the messages, not bothering with a single reply though. You tried to block him but somehow your phone would still receive messages from his number, even though his contact would always peek back at you from the otherwise empty blacklist.
As if his torment wasn’t ample, another message thread from a different number would forward you alarming images, photos of Grace in her daycare, on a class trip to the park and even her playing in your backyard. You had no doubt that this was another game of his to show you his resources.
You skipped daycare for a few days, your mental health worse than it was after the carnival attack, because now you had a personal tormentor and you cursed yourself for falling into this mess. At times, you believed it wasn’t your fault really, you just helped a kid and this situation spiraled itself but what would pointing fingers now get you? The harsh truth was you were in a calamitous situation now and every step from now on had to be thought out.
So, you let Grace attend her daycare and acted if nothing was amiss or altered, after the few initial breakdown days of course, kept going to your job and earning the bread. You considered your options, you really wanted to go to the cops or a higher fair power but those were few these days, almost non existent in your city. You also vaguely recalled meeting three of the Captains of the PD at Sarah’s birthday, all smiley and doe eyed for Steve. You knew they wouldn’t help, fucking kiss-asses.
Maybe you would have to move somewhere else, perhaps to your hometown, at least till things cooled down or better yet were forgotten? But that trail was very predictable and you didn’t want your parents in this mess.  
You also came to know that Steve had inserted himself in the other spheres of your life. You were sure your location was always being sent to him, the knowledge a courtesy of the black car following you while you travelled to home at some late day’s end.
Aiden told you whereabouts were easy to track, when you inquired ambiguously. Another instance was when you went to the bank to deposit cash for your debit card, you came face to face with an enormous amount already there. Somehow, the limit on your credit card was also extended. How, you knew. The clerk told you about an email you must have gotten in regards to it, you dismissed that justification away and told them to not accept the cash. To sum the discussion, they weren’t helpful and had no policy against anonymous donors.
Aiden, your trusted coworker cum pal, sensed the shift in your aura and fidgety form very easily, pestering you with questions and you decided to turn to him, stressed and tired and ready to do something. His questioning eyebrows made you confess vaguely but you refused to tell him the extent of it. Just that his prediction came true and you needed help. Let’s just say, Aiden was a good man.
With time, Steve’s ‘affectionate’ messages became deranged, and you found it harder to act nonchalant in your daily life. You were thankful he didn’t come to visit you, possibly occupied with the rumored war between the mobs. You just prayed for a few more days of ignorance, just enough time to think and do something.
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“What do you mean someone collected her?!” You had a hard time controlling your voice, you were about to burst, in tears or with anger, you didn’t know.
“The man was verified in the emergency contacts and we got a letter signed and approved by you to skip the day an hour into the first activity.”
“A man? Emergen-, wait no! What fucking approved letter?”
You had three emergency contacts, your mom in another state, Aiden, and one of the other kid’s mom you had grown close to. Aiden was with you at work all day, so did someone disguise themselves as him? And what was the deal with the letter signed by you? You surely didn’t remember writing and authorizing one.
The boy, Pietro, who had been the receptionist for as long as you could remember, shuffled through the chaotic piles of paper and presented a letter to you, and your blood froze as your eyes skimmed the font.
Your beautiful cursive stared right back at you and you knew that no one would ever be able to distinguish between this penmanship and the one in the pocketbook in your clutch. No one but you. Even though you knew you had not written it, the slightly different ‘f’ and ‘g’ told you everything.
Your signature at the bottom though, was done quite perfectly and that made you even more scared.
“I did-, I didn’t write this! What the-” Your widened eyes met Pietro’s from above the paper but all he offered you was a meek smile. Your hands shook with rage and for the first time in your life, you had the urge to slap someone really bad.
“Maybe your family had an emergency to take he-”
“No, you don’t get it!” You stopped yourself from getting frantic, willing yourself to take deep breaths and think rationally. Today of all days, things had to mess up.
He didn’t know you had no family in this city, that you had a mobster after you or the subtle threats that his hired spy sent to you.
Was going to the police an option? Aiden already told you that the cops were as good as Steve’s men. But this was about your missing kid! You’d never forgive yourself if something happened to her. And you were giving Steve way too much credit, what if he wasn’t behind this all? Come to think of it, what if the other number wasn’t his?
Relax yourself! Thinking of disturbing theories wouldn’t help anyone. You thought you should go to the cops, just in case. No mentioning of Steve, just a woman with a ‘missing child’ report.
‘Missing Child’ left an acrid taste behind and you were too close to a breakdown, but your whole journey of single-parenthood taught you to kick vulnerability aside, well most of the times.
You turned and were about to leave, but Pietro stopped you. “If you are going to the cops Ma’am, they require 8 hours of inactivity or disappearance time for kids under 5.”
Well look who just read your mind.
You huffed and kept the tears at bay, your mind thinking of what to do then? Grace was obviously taken-
“How could you let a toddler leave without informing the parents?” You knew your anger was channeling out at the wrong man but didn’t he all but hand Grace to the stranger?
You beat him answering and inquired, “What did the man look like? Do you have any footage? Anything?” The wrinkles in your forehead and stress creases on your face paired with the eyebags betrayed your age surely. You were sure you had aged more this week than an entire decade, juggling your normal life with the hovering threat.
“You shouldn’t be this worried Ma’am.”
The fucking audacity.
“Your daughter recognized him, she all but ran to him and this other little girl he came with. You should maybe ask your parent-friends around? A blonde family perhaps?”
As all the emotions drained from your face and terror took over, the young lad in front of you looked smug. You wondered as if you imagined the faintest of smirks on his face.
You crumpled the letter in your hands, seething with rage as you stepped in your car. Oh, you were mad, more wrathful than ever. You could take any hits on you, any threat but not on Grace, never on her.
You were stupid, you had already decided you wouldn’t put anything past him but unknowingly, you did put this past him. You thought this man had a shred of decency to not use your kid in this adult war, being a parent himself and all but what a surprise! You were wrong.
You drove to your home, your thoughts a mix of trepidation, anxiety and fury. You were scared of him and his reach and resources but if he put Grace in any type of danger; whether to teach you a lesson or use her as bait or both, there’d be consequences.
Lord knows you killed a man a month ago Grace was threatened.
You had one thing to do before contacting Steve about Grace but you never got to do it because unexpectedly the bastard was in your home. In your home.
The black sports car outside was a huge giveaway but your suspicions were confirmed when you opened the door with your house key. The banter and giggles from inside alarmed yet calmed you; the dread of confrontation and the assurance of Grace’s safety reigned your mind.
As the door opened painfully slow like a horror movie, the sight that met your eyes made you sick with a feeling of failure. It wasn’t gore or blood or grunge, it was Steve bouncing Grace in the air and catching her while Sarah twirled around in the living room.  
This man was craftier than you thought, every action of his was calculated, each a refined step. You had been so preoccupied to avoid direct encounters with him in your little family’s life that you didn’t think he had other ways. He was always looming around with Sarah and as Grace began to trust Sarah, she consequently began to trust her blonde guardian too.
As you slammed the door behind you, Steve’s eyes snapped to yours and his smirk made you want to punch him so hard. The smugness on his face while he let Grace down without breaking eye contact told you he had no regret, no remorse. In fact, he was loving every second of this cat and mouse chase between you two.
You were a millimeter close to losing your shit, the only check being the kids in the room. But you were mad and he was going to know it.
“What the hell, Steve? Messing with my kid?” You threw your clutch onto the couch, Steve haughty by the reception of his sent message but still holding back because of the kids. He called Wanda and you didn’t really notice where she came from but you did register Steve asking to take the girls to the park for a ‘private discussion’.
As Grace passed by you, you grabbed her arm lightly, making her look at you with doe eyes resembling yours. You gave her a smile trying to ease her, but you knew she was smart enough to sense the change in the atmosphere.
Apparently, the whining Sarah wasn’t.
You looked back to Steve, your hold still on Grace and continued with a frown and raised eyebrows, “She isn’t going anywhere, not out of my sight and obviously not with you or your goons.”
Wanda had the audacity to look offended and you scoffed at her, eyes staring Steve’s down.
“Honey, I don’t think the kids should hear what I think you have to say right now.” He said nodding to Wanda to take Grace.
“You must be deranged to think I trust Grace near anyone even remotely related to you! Take your people and get out.” You held your hand up to stop Wanda and pointed towards the door with the most menacing glare you could form.
Grace looked incomprehensibly between you two, concern and confusion on her face. That might have been the first time such a tone was used in your household. The grumbling Sarah was close to throwing a tantrum, irritated by the change in the playful air or the lack of attention to her, you didn’t know. She was hanging on Wanda’s forearm, her feet slipping on your printed rug. Wanda was trying to not look hurt still by your previous statement, distracting herself by the blonde kid and you were baffled by her obliviousness to all this.
Steve, the beefy blonde Lucifer, was furious and seething. His white knuckles and ticking jaw were the most obvious giveaways, the fingers just itching to beat the shit out of someone no doubt.
Was he imagining striking you into compliance into his weird playhouse game complex? You wouldn’t be surprised given the extent of his attempt to ‘win’ you over.
The ‘get out’ tone and blatant disrespect was a bruise to his ego for sure, and by you, a middle-class woman nonetheless was a worse injury. Steve was the deadly boss to armored men in the vicinity, the kids’ father figure, according to him, and Wanda’s stern yet kind employer.
People had been killed for less and there you were, standing in all your glory, being the only person alive to reject Steve Rogers and now, the only to raise your voice at him.
You almost scoffed at his impudence to look offended, what did he expect? For you to submit to him after the stunt he pulled? His reach was scary he proved today and that any future with him in your life in any way, was a fearsome possibility to entertain but you’d be damned if you went down without a fight.  
“You can’t make me leave; we both know. You don’t have the physical edge nor the mental one. I have no problem drawing out G-U-N-S in front of the kids or to throw the warnings around, although I would prefer not to.”
Your free hand itched to slap him, like how his did minutes ago. It wasn’t a mankind problem about men thinking they were entitled to everything; it was a Steve Rogers’s problem. Of course, with him consent didn’t matter. If he had a ‘housewife, kids and fences’ fixation, he’d make it come true.
“Do you even listen to what I say? Or your own words even? Please, go ahead! Traumatise my kid and also yours in your wooing process! Why are you so obsessed? Leave us alone, you freak! I just ignored few messages!” You had a hard time maintaining your cool, if there was any left. You were sure you were scaring Grace and no matter what happened next, you knew she was already traumatized by this entire ordeal already. You were so sorry, so, so, so sorry to your poor baby caught in this mess.
You knew, no, you hoped, he wouldn’t pull out the gun, his actions at the carnival a proof, you remembered how he hid his gun on finding Sarah. That threat was empty but the next one wasn’t, his words making you freeze in your spot.
“I think you keep on misunderstanding me, sweetheart. I don’t make empty promises,”
Posh word for threats.
“For starters, maybe I should pay my future in-laws a visit in their blue duplex. They might need help with the vast garden they have, it is the season for ‘violets’, isn’t it?”
As you froze with your parents being brought up, he also cooled, albeit differently, smirking once again gaining the upper hand, not that he lost it if you were being honest.
“Isn’t threatening my kid enough for you, Steve?” You hated how your loud voice almost broke, your anger slowly subsiding into helplessness and you hated that. You hated his guts, his entitlement, his claim; everything about him.
“You still don’t see it, do you? Our family of four is the most important thing to me right now and I’m not above doing anything to save it.”
“There is no family of four Steve! I keep explaining and you keep coming back to square one with all this bullshit!” The curse word did tick Steve off but he would correct that later, when bigger things weren’t at ploy.
“Your ignorance makes me a little mad sometimes sweetheart and that is why I have to do all I do. You haven’t realized we need each other yet, but I’m staying until you do and even after that, I promise. You know how much it pissed me off to see your tickets and the packed suitcases after I’ve been nothing but nice? I was so generous to spoil you with my riches but instead I find that in your finances.”
This fucker knew. Of course, he did!
You were wondering in the back of your head what had prompted this visit with so many threats and warnings and anguish. He was pissed even before you ‘acted out’, he tracked the tickets and the plan and that meant he even tracked-
“You have so much to learn, but luckily you interact with quite a few people. I am most tempted to start out with this Aiden guy, trying to be the hero and giving you all the ideas. Maybe I should visit him?” Steve wondered out loud, and you flinched at his suggestion, hating how you were trapped by this man.
You couldn’t live with yourself if anyone got hurt because of you, be it your parents or Aiden or any other possibility Steve would come up with. Of course, Grace was your peak priority but you doubted he would hurt her as he threatened to harm them.
“Steve, please.” The fire was almost out, your hands trembling, Grace worried and Steve smug.
“Let the kids go and I think we can come to a conclusion.”
“Steve this needs to stop.” You said, your breaths heavy and helplessness clawing away at you.
“I won’t repeat myself.” He voiced out with a threatening edge, gesturing to Grace and Wanda, clearly telling you to first get the kids out.
For a deranged fucktard, he sure cared about the kids a lot.
You loosened your hold on Grace, patting her arm softly and nudged her to Wanda. Wanda received her little hand and enticed the kids with the promise of ice-cream. Sarah clapped her hands and as the trio left, Grace did look over her shoulders at you in concern and for permission, majorly in concern though. You nodded and waved, a tear dropping as soon as the door clicked shut.
You were still staring at the door, not wanting to meet Steve’s stormy blue orbs when he began, “Today was a slip up that I won’t tolerate again. Neither the cursing nor the dramatics.”
We aren’t in a fucking play, what the fuck is he labelling as dramatics?
Your eyes slowly flickered to his, and you had a hard time not letting the tears escape except the one traitorous one earlier. The fatigue, the worry of Grace’s disappearance, the threats to your friends and family were all catching up to you. It took all in you to stay strong and not fall down right now.
“Steve this isn’t funny anymore. It’s sick and you know it! I just said no! Was that so inexcusable that you had to follow up with this? You have violated me for that, broken into my home and now kidnapped my daughter! At what extent will you stop?” You broke down finally, arms a flailing mess as fat tears rolled down. Nothing scared more than the helplessness this moment. He won and he knew it. The carnival incident was nothing in comparison to this. The only good thing you could hope in all this was a safe Grace but that too only if you complied, which seemed like what you would do now given your attempts at fighting back and scampering have failed laughably.
“Gosh, I forgot how theatrical women are. You are smart darling; you know what I want from day one, just a happy family. Nothing that horrendous has happened and especially not as badly as put it. I’m just looking out for you and me in the long run.” Steve slowly treaded towards you, his hand extended to pat your arm comfortingly but you involuntarily flinched at contact and stepped back. Steve clearly didn’t like that as he caught your arm in a bruising grip and jerked you towards him. Manhandling you as your wet hands rushed to ease his grip was not a tough task for Steve, a surprise to none.
“Stop trembling like I’ve actually done something to harm you!”
Steve clearly didn’t know how to comfort women and it showed.
You stopped with the cowering away, even though it disgusted you to be this much in close proximity with your assaulter. He clearly had anger issues and no clue how to solve them. You needed to steer the conversation right and get him out. You could see your hands visibly shake as you put them on his chest, just to create some distance and in a way of surrendering to not fight. The tears slowed but you don’t think they stopped; it was hard to tell with a million other things on your mind.
As your eyes made contact, Steve loosened his grip, clearly a bit satisfied by your submission, as he began counting to help you breathe. As much as you hated to admit, it helped you and you got a flashback to the time when you freaked out on him about Grace at that extravagant dinner date. That was a sweet gesture then, not so sweet now. Funny how drastically things change with time.
It wasn’t so much Steve’s help as it was your own mind telling you to be fucking smart about the whole ordeal right now.
“Good. Better. Now let’s talk. Why were you planning to run away? I’ve been busy and coming home to find out that wasn’t joyful, you know.” His smile suggested a better mood than before but his voice, his husky voice always had this daring edge that almost challenged you to defy him but at the same time warned you of unpleasant consequences if you did.
“Steve, I’m scared.” You spoke with utmost honesty. “The part of the world you associate yourself with scares me. You can’t blame me for not wanting that life for Grace, I mean you have a kid of your own. Wasn’t the carnival attack specifically on Sarah?”
The reasoning was right but you knew you triggered him the moment his smile evaporated. He either felt insulted as a parent or disrespected in his profession or probably both.
He was fighting his inner demons already and you pointing it out was a slap to his face, a hit he didn’t want to take.
“That was a slip up, I admit. Never again. I’m only human, okay?” He convinced himself and you, his grip tightening a bit again.
Oh no, not the right direction to take.
You reckoned he still had nightmares about it like you, he really did love Sarah a lot, all things aside.
“Besides, I am looking out for you! Out for you and Grace and Sarah. I remember my promise of never putting either of them in harm’s way ever again.”
You definitely didn’t trust his security or his people because what sort of a mobster let his daughter get targeted and possibly abducted? You definitely didn’t know the whole story or if it was just a bad day but he wasn’t a person that deserved some slack. Despite all this, you knew what all he held above you, above a common man. He might not be ‘Kingpin’ skilled but a threat to you nonetheless.
Before you could stop yourself, you blurted out, “Is that what you call following me around, huh?” which you immediately regretted.
“Trust the process, baby. Everything is just to protect you.”
Is that what he called stalking even Grace around and twistedly enough, sending you proof of that? The anonymous thread of photos was another nightmare of yours, thanks to him. The last being a candid photo inside Grace’s room, her sleeping in her bed this morning and that’s when you decided you needed to get out. Of course, that didn’t go as planned.
“How am I supposed to do that when you have cameras in my house?!” You scoffed and he reeled back at the accusation, having the nerve to look impressed at being uncovered and caught red-handed.
“Oh my fucking God, it was you! You sick pervert!” You jumped out of his grip, your eyes wide and horrified. “I wasn’t aware of what to make of it but of course, it was you! Who else would be sick enough to do that?” You let out a humorless chuckle. You always put things past him even when you keep telling yourself you shouldn’t. When will you ever learn huh?  
You were full on panicking yet again, this man was an assaulter, a stalker and a creep too. It would have made a good dark, psychological thriller for you to watch if you weren’t the protagonist about to suffer his obsession.
He reached out to steady you again, but you whipped and stumbled back, realizing too late that you elbowed Steve’s nose so bad that there was a crunch. That, right there, was the look a man real-fucking-furious on Steve’s face and now you could see the feared mobster, the man who was personally terrorizing you under the beautiful, Greek God façade.
Steve reacted so fast even with an injury that in a split second, your view of his face turned into a view of his crotch.
“You do realize that there are others ways for me to teach you obedience? I think it’s fucking time you show me your gratitude for my care and attention and apologize for your misconduct and unkind response.” Steve spoke with a hoarse voice, a voice running out of patience and just about done with defiance.
His hand fisted your hair, maintaining eye contact while he nodded between you and his crotch. You knew what he wanted, what he was expecting as ‘thanks’.
“Steve, please no, you don’t-”
His other hand grabbed your jaw, stopping you from speaking as he warned, “I think you have done just enough talking for today, so why don’t you put that tongue to a better use and show me how sorry you are. Better make it convincing because I’d hate to pay one of your friends a visit and then bitch about a nasty blowjob.” He smirked at the end of his monologue, eyes shining with triumph and amusement.
You wouldn’t let him harm anyone else, you couldn’t. You and your daughter were already knee-deep in a pit and at this point, it’d just be cruel to drag someone else in. With shaky hands opening his pants, you just hoped you could get Grace out before you eventually were buried in it.
“Now that’s a good girl. Submissive is a sexy look on you.” His hands patted your hair, playing with your tresses while yours pulled his pants and then briefs down.
His member jerked out, almost slapping you in the face as you recoiled at his insolence to get hard and erect at your torment. Your disdain must have shown which he took as admiration and derision to take his affluent cock in.
“No need to get shy, I have faith you’ll be able take it just as well in your pretty pussy as you will right now. Open up-”
“Steve, I beg you-”
Just as you had cut him off, he interrupted your pleading. Your gag reflex was probably the most efficient in the world but that turned this narcissist on. It had been years since you had done it, never with a man as beefy as Steve.
His taste was salty and if you had to put it into better words, it was the like overpriced sea salt flakes that you never bought. High and pricey and for the entitled.
Your hands clutched at his thighs as you blacked out multiple times; your jaw aching, uvula swaying and tears escaping. Him forcing himself on you brough a new sense of vulnerability as your body trembled. Steve relished like a sadist, practically rutting into you all by himself as you just sat there with your jaw unnaturally open.
His obscene moans and groans were crass and nauseating and you just prayed for this to be over soon and for no one to walk in on this, especially your kid.
It seemed like it would never end, your body dehydrating with all the spit it produced, the drool dribbling and landing just beside your knees on your printed rug. You would have to throw that out.
The tears stooped after some point, the sobbing an unnecessary action that just tired you out more on this eventful day. You moved your tongue around to prevent your teeth from scratching him when he shifted angles. If this was what he did on slightly mad, you didn’t want to find what he did for a more serious punishment.
Apparently, that action was something that turned him on even more, his breath hitching as neared closure. In broken whispers he demanded that again and you complied, wanting to get done with it.
He growled in the moment of his release and you tried to lean back but his grip didn’t relent. “Swallow.” His grainy, exasperated voice said out loud and you knew better than to defy.
He released you and you fell on to the rug, hip bruising by knocking into some furniture and tears coming back again after being hydrated by his seed. He packed himself, his smile smug and content as his expressions truly resembled ecstasy being personified.
“You be a good fiancée from now on and maybe you’ll have all your friends alive and present at our wedding. No cheeky business from now on, got it?” Steve hummed then and strutted out, not even bothering to listen to your reply.
As soon as the door slammed, your eyes closed and your demons danced again.
There was no right direction to take when you were stuck in a loop.  
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pwarkluv · 4 years
❝ electric love ❞ - pjs
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park jisung x reader | fluff | 2k words
WARNINGS | lowercase is intended, too fluffy because it’s my fav genre to write about, kinda strangers to lovers au, idol au, idol!jisung, itzysixthmember!reader, I’M SO SORRY TO MY CURVY AND THOSE TALLER THAN JISUNG READERS y/n is called small and tiny in this fic (i still love you though), mentions hair color but just pretend it’s dyed like lisa’s hair in the hylt era, shy!jisung and shy!reader because y’all are babies who don’t know how to approach someone who you like
SUMMARY | when itzy and nct dream meet on weekly idol, one member of itzy catches a certain maknae’s eye.
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by “electric love” by borns :P yes it’s a tiktok song but it’s a good tiktok song so bite me >:( i disappeared for a bit so enjoy this trash imagine because i lost the will to write for a bit. also not edited really well i’m sorry for mistakes :(
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your palms become sweaty as you nervously sit in the chair, the makeup artist diligently working on your face. wannabe came out about a month ago and the overwhelming popularity and support came flowing through, especially with ryujin’s shoulder part in the beginning. 
itzy’s fandom grew and so did the group as a whole, the six of you continuing to learn more about being an idol. 
but the one thing you were lacking in was interacting with other idols. 
itzy debuted in early 2019 giving you guys a little interaction with others like your brother group, stray kids. but when the whole pandemic hit, causing you all to isolate in quarantine to protect each other, talking to others outside of your company became rare. 
you were extremely awkward when it came to other idols. sure, you could talk to fans. you knew how to act and talk to them since that was a part of your training. but talking to idols, another person who wasn’t a fan, was different. 
unfortunately for you, on the episode of weekly idol you are about to appear on, another group was going to be present. and of course they just had to be one of your favorite boy groups of all time: nct dream.
you’ve always looked up to nct as a whole, but nct dream has always been your favorite because they were young when the six, originally seven, first debuted. you were twelve when you saw their debut stage. dancing has always been a passion of yours. it made you feel free and alive. music has always been a part of you as well. you taught yourself how to write songs and produce them, even releasing music on soundcloud under an alias. 
so ever since you saw nct dream debut, you decided you wanted to be an idol too. three years later and you’re in itzy, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. but now that you were going to be in close proximity to the people you’ve looked up to for so long, even talking to them made your head hurt. 
ryujin bumped your hip teasingly as the six of you prepared to go on screen, knowing how you felt about nct dream. she was casted during a got7 fansign so when she first met them after her debut, that girl was a statue (though she would never admit it). 
“don’t worry y/nnie, i won’t mention your crush on park jisung.” ryujin slyly said before moving to escape your wrath. 
“ryu!” you whined, trying to smack her moving body. your face flushed, the heat rushing to your cheeks at the mention of the older boy. though you’ve never said it outloud, you’ve always had a thing for the maknae of nct. how could you not? he’s tall, polite, has a really good voice, and is the main dancer just like you. his style and the way he moved was beyond impressive, causing you to fall for him even more. 
the girls found out about your so-called “crush” (quotation marks to make you feel better even though you’re head over heels for him) when you saw nct dream in an award show. yuna saw the way you blushed and how your eyes strayed to the tall then pink haired boy a couple tables away from the six of you. since then they’ve all teased you about it whenever they can, making you whine in embarrassment every time. 
you shakily wipe your hands on your outfit, a stylist making a sound of disapproval before you turn to give her a small smile. moving towards a small mirror, you examine how you look with a worried face. your pale blue paper bag jeans were slightly baggy and you cringed knowing you were gonna perform wannabe in those. you adored the flowery top you had on though. it was white with tiny black flowers printed all over, the puff sleeves adding to the look. your hair was slightly curled, the blonde highlights peeking through from your jet black hair. 
you let out a worried breath as the management ushered you to hurry. showtime, you thought to yourself as you anticipated for the words “action”. 
in the middle of the room was the iconic white stage where weekly idol have always held their episodes. on one side was itzy waiting to enter and on the other was nct dream. 
“today is a very special episode for we have two awesome groups joining us today!” one of the hosts exclaimed excitingly, adding on to your nerves. lia sensed your distress and reached to give your hand a reassuring squeeze. 
“give it up for the hottest girl group of their generation, itzy!” the other host yelled before the six of you partied onto the stage. each of you had an excited expression on your face as the two hosts continued on before introducing nct dream.
“let’s warmly welcome one of our favorite teams to have on this show, nct dream!”
your heart raced as you saw the six of them walk on stage goofily, trying not to laugh at how awkward jisung looked. as if he sensed your eyes, jisung’s gaze met yours causing you to look away in shock. suddenly the floor became more interesting than the boy you’ve been crushing on for almost a year. 
“all in us! hello, we are itzy!” the six of you greeted towards the screen. unknowingly to you, the boy you were caught staring at was looking at you too. 
❝ baby you’re like lightning in a bottle ❞
jisung likes to think he’s a simple boy. he doesn’t like breaking the rules and is mostly a good kid. but gosh from the moment you two made eye contact, the brown haired boy was ready to run away then and there. you were pretty. like beyond pretty, and he’s never felt this way before.
sure it was a little creepy and slightly concerning for his image seeing as he currently has heart eyes for you while the cameras are rolling, but jisung couldn’t help himself. that flowery top of yours made you look soft and small, as if he could scoop you up in his arms like a child. jisung knew he was tall but dang, seeing you from afar made him think he was extra tall. the boy chuckled under his breath seeing you wear boots, knowing that gave you an extra boost.
she’s so small, he thought, smiling a bit.
renjun nudged him, noticing the younger was spacing off before following his eyes to a certain member of itzy. the elder smirked a bit as they all did their introductions.
“to the world here is, nct.” 
the boy smugly looked at their maknae who was currently blushing at being caught by his hyung for looking at you.
young love, renjun thought before turning his attention back to the hosts. 
❝ i can’t let you go now that i got it ❞
“so you guys have two main dancers in itzy right?” one of the hosts asks as the 12 idols sit together on chairs. yeji nodded and spoke up.
“yes it’s me and y/nnie but y/n’s a better dancer than me.” she replied, pointing a shoulder to you. you quickly rebutted and waved your hands in disagreement.
“no way~” you denied, turning red. “yeji unnie is the best.” you replied shyly, an awkward thumbs up to try and back up your claim. 
everyone cooed at your shy face. although you were the second youngest in itzy, 4 months older than your maknae, yuna’s much taller than you which made you look like the youngest. because of this everyone, including yuna, tended to child you because you were just so baby. 
“weren’t you a part of a highlight reel?” the other host asks you, once again embarrassing you. the girls laughed, the other six boys looked at the host in confusion.
“y/n unnie was apart of bts sunbaenim’s love yourself highlight reel!” yuna exclaimed. although she too was in the highlight reel, yuna always thought you were much cooler because you got selected for your dancing skills. 
everyone gasped in surprise (the hosts a bit more fake since they already knew that) at the revelation. 
“i was able to dance with j-hope sunbaenim and jimin sunbaenim for that highlight reel.” you responded, smiling a bit at the memory. the boys were beyond shocked knowing this must meant you were good. 
“how was it?” a host asks.
you marveled at the thought. “they were such good dancers and really really nice!” you said with a happy expression. “i would definitely love to dance with them again if i were given the opportunity.” the look on your face was clear you loved dancing and loved working with the pair. 
“can you show us the dance?” the host asks and just like that you immediately become a shy mess.
“o-oh um i mean yeah i could do that.” you stuttered as chaeryoung softly pushed you off your chair and into the middle of the room. she smirked a bit at your timid form, knowing what she’s doing. from the moment you walked in, the maknae of nct seemed to be head over heels for you and she knew he was the main dancer just like you.
i swear if they don’t end up together after this i’m suing, chaeryoung thought as she looked at the starstruck boy watching you expectantly. 
❝ and all i need is to be struck ❞
jisung wasn’t surprised to hear that you were one of the main dancers in itzy but to hear that you worked with bts’s j-hope and jimin? he was beyond impressed and (though he would never admit it) was lowkey really excited to see you dance. 
he watched as you timidly walked towards the middle of the stage, calming down your nerves. jisung watched with a faint smile until the music started playing, and just like that he was a goner. 
❝ by your electric love ❞
the way you moved, your technique, your facial expressions. everything was mesmerizing. the whole room watched in awe as you danced to the routine you burned into your mind as a trainee, knowing that this was one of your biggest projects ever. in that moment jisung completely fell for you, and everyone in the room except for you knew that. 
“and that’s the end of today’s episode of weekly idol!” you all cheered with the hosts, jisung’s heart beating fast knowing he wanted to talk to you after this episode but not knowing how to. 
“cut!” the director yelled out, a little excited to know what was to come. they of course noticed jisung’s lovestruck expression and the way your eyes lingered on the boy, and of course they didn’t catch it on camera. knowing you two were young and idols, they didn’t want to ruin what you two might have since they were all rooting for you two. 
“if you don’t talk to her i swear i’ll tell her embarrassing stories of you.” donghyuck threatened. just like the others, he too noticed jisung’s attraction to you throughout this whole episode. the boy’s eyes widened in shock, yelping as chenle pushed him towards your way with a small smirk. 
“unnie no.” you cried out, beyond terrified as you watched jisung walk towards you. as soon as the episode ended you were pulled away by the girls who quickly explained to you that jisung “had the hots'' for you (ryujin’s words, not yours). 
your mind was going at a million miles per hour, heart racing as jisung came closer and cleared his throat.
“h-hi.” he said, his voice never not taking you by surprise. jisung was towering over you, looking down at you nervously.
“h-hello.” you smiled and jisung could’ve sworn he melted just a little. 
“get together already!” lia and jaemin yelled out together, making the two of you blush and unconsciously lean closer. 
❝ electric love ❞
“wanna hang out sometime soon?” jisung asked, his sudden confidence taking you and him off guard. you bit back a smile before holding your hand out. 
“give me your number.” you replied, jisung’s smile he let out making you fall even more for him. 
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jinx-jade · 4 years
Contagious adoption Part 2: Creatures
Marinette and Tim were sitting in the living room of one of Tim’s apartments. They had flown in from the Tibet village about thirteen or fourteen hours ago.
Tim had filled out all the adoption papers and any other legal papers his newly claimed daughter would need. To his surprise, Marinette had identification papers. He had thought the little deity didn’t need them. After all, Marinette had lived on the hill to grant wishes, why would she need identification papers.
Unless she didn’t live on the hill her whole life… 
Thinking back to what Marinette had said when he asked her why she stayed up on the mountain all alone. Tim had a feeling she’s been abandoned before.
Back on the mountain, Marinette had shifted from one foot to the other a few times before answering his question. She seemed to have been contemplating what to tell him. Or was it how much to tell him? 
Her answer, “Because I have nowhere else to go and no one waiting for me anywhere.” was a well-thought-out way to respond. 
If no one wants you, then no one waits for you.
If no one waits for you, then you have nowhere to go.
“... ake, Mr. Drake,” Marinette called for the umpteenth time.
“Sorry about that, guess I got lost in my thoughts,” Tim said with a sheepish smile. “Did you need something? Oh, and you can just call me Tim, or any variation of dad that you’re comfortable with.”
“Oh, uh, I don’t need anything… ” The little deity trailed off. “But, uh, does… does Papa work?”
Tim gave his daughter a soft smile.
‘His daughter. Now wasn’t that a strange thought.’ Tim couldn’t help but think to himself.
“You can call me Papa if you want.” He said with a smile, before adding, “I can speak French and a few other languages.”
Tim was unsure why he felt like mentioning that he can speak French was important. However, when Tim saw Marinette look up at him in awe, he couldn’t help but think It was the right thing to say.
“Now, what is it you wanted to do,” Tim asked, picking his daughter up so she doesn’t have to look up at him the whole conversation.
“Can we make cookies? It’s… It’s been a long time since I’ve had any…” Marinette trailed off again.
“Of course we can make cookies. What kind did you want to make?” Tim asked with a soft smile.
Life continued like normal for the young CEO, vigilante, with the addition of a small deity. However, there were a few changes to his lifestyle.
Tim was now able to cook and bake, not as good as Alfred, but he figured that Alfred won’t ban him from the kitchen.
Tim also registered Marinette Drake-Wayne as being homeschooled. Which was fine since Tim was technically qualified to homeschool his kid. However, Marinette flew through the classes like they were nothing. Her teachers wanted to have her IQ tested, but Marinette said she didn’t want to, so no one pushed it.
Tim also worked from home, only ever showing up to meetings. He also seemed to have a little helper when it came to some of the paperwork. Turns out, Marinette knows how a business runs, and how to run one. It was slightly concerning, but his daughter waved his concern off.
Tim took a break from being a vigilante. He still helped out by sending the bats reports of the rogue of the day, or sometimes a week, that they were tracking. Marinette helped out with this as well. Apparently, she’s been a vigilante before. To say that Tim was concerned was an understatement, but his concern was once again, waved off.
After a month of living with his adopted daughter, Tim had his first in-person meeting at W.E.
“Hey bean, do you want to come with me to work?” Tim asked while making breakfast.
“Am I allowed to?” Marinette shot back in response.
“I mean, B. always took his kids to work so, I’m just gonna say you’re allowed to,” Tim answered with a shrug, setting the food at the table.
Marinette shrugged back.
“Sure! I’ll go ahead and call H.R. and let them know I’ll be making my first appearance as Marinette Drake-Wayne.” Marinette informed him, before digging into her food.
Tim chuckled at that.
“You’re definitely gonna be H.R.’s favorite.” He claimed before he began eating his breakfast.
“Papa, I used to grant magic wishes on a hill with mythical creatures, that is my version of normal. I’m willing to bet that I will be H.R.’s least favorite person by the end of the year.” Marinette claimed, causing Tim to laugh.
“Bean, sweetheart, you’re about to call H.R. to let them know about a mess they will have to clean up. The rest of the Waynes, myself included, usually just let them find out through the tabloids and news stations. You’re definitely gonna be their favorite.” Tim informed his daughter.
Tim stepped out of his car and walked through W.E. up to his office. He was aware of the attention that was on him, not bothered by it in the slightest.
He looked down at his daughter to see that she was trying to hide from sight. She was clearly not comfortable with everyone looking at her. Well, everyone looking at her and the lack of magic. He really should have remembered that Marinette has extremely bad anxiety whenever she can’t freely use magic. In his defense, it seemed that neither of them had remembered due to having barely left the apartment the whole month Marinette has been living there.
Tim looked up and around the workplace. He raised a brow at the employees that were just watching, most of them scrambled to work, or simply turned their attention away to seem busy.
When Tim and Marinette finally made it to Tim’s office, they thought they could relax, only to see the rest of the Waynes sitting inside.
Bruce looked like he was about to ask something, but stopped when he caught sight of the little girl hiding behind Tim.
Tim of course, ignored his families questioning stares in favor of calming his daughter.
Tim sat Marinette down in his office chair with a cup of coffee, before turning his attention to the others in the room.
“I wasn’t aware everyone started working at W.E.” Tim joked with a raised brow. A clear question as to why they were in his office.
“Not all of us do,” Dick answered looking towards the small child. “Did you just give the tiny person coffee?”
Tim shrugs the question off easily, “Caffeine helps calm her anxiety when she’s too overwhelmed.”
“And who exactly is she?” Damian inquired, sounding a bit more like a demand than a question.
Tim looked over to Marinette who seemed to be doing slightly better. There wasn’t much else they could do besides give her more coffee and random tasks to do. He gestured for her to come over and talk, a simple task to take her mind off the lack of magic. She slowly made her way off the office chair and towards the group of people.
“Marinette, this is my adoptive father, brothers, and sister, Bruce, Barbara, Dick, Cass, Jason, Steph, and Damian. Guys, this is Marinette Drake-Wayne, my adopted daughter.”
Marinette gave a small, shy wave and smile before hiding behind her father once again.
“You disappeared for a month, and apparently adopted a kid.” Jason states. “Damn, and here I thought it was supposed to be my job to stress B. out.” He claimed with a chuckle.
“Could one of you watch Marinette for me while B. and I are in the meeting? I had asked her this morning if she wanted to come since I couldn’t leave her at home alone, but I don’t think either of us thought It would be this bad for her anxiety.” Tim states.
“How about those of us who don’t have a meeting to attend will go back to the manor, and we can watch over Marinette,” Barbara suggests.
Tim looked to Marinette to see if she would be ok with it, only to receive a shrug from the little deity.
“Ok.” Tim agreed after some hesitation. “If Marinette starts getting too anxious then give her something with caffeine in it and have her draw, or bake something,” Tim informs them.
After Marinette and Tim say their goodbyes, Marinette follows Barbara, Dick, Cass, and Steph out to the limo.
The drive to Wayne manor was awkward, to say the least. None of the Waynes had known that Tim adopted a kid, and they weren’t sure if she knew about their nightly activities, so they stayed quiet.
Tim’s daughter didn’t seem to mind the silence. Marinette was looking out the window calmly with no signs of her previous anxiety. However, every once in a while her hand slightly opens and closes as if grabbing something.
When they arrived at the manor, Dick was immediately grabbed into a hug by his daughter. Mar’i speaks too fast and excitedly for them to understand, unknowingly grabbing the attention of most of the Waynes.
Cass however, noticed the youngest and newest Waynes flinch at Mar’i’s unexpected appearance. Cass quickly and quietly, moved away from the other Waynes, bringing Marinette with her, inside the manor.
“Would the two of you like anything to drink or snack on?” Alfred asked when they entered.
“Tea. Muffin,” Cass says pointing to herself. “Coffee. Muffin?” Cass said pointing to Marinette.
“Of course, why don’t the two of you relax in the garden,” Alfred suggests.
Cass nodded her head leading them to the garden while Alfred left to prepare their snacks and drinks. Marinette seemed to be stuck in her head and simply followed Cass silently.
Marinette and Cass spent the afternoon in the garden, the plants seemed to have a calming effect on the smaller Wayne. After Marinette being in the garden for a while and drinking her coffee, Marinette seemed to have calmed down.
However, not all of Marinette’s anxiety and nerves were calmed by the coffee and plants. Cass just wasn’t sure what else could be calming the little bluenette.
After a few more minutes had passed, some small creatures started gravitating towards Marinette.
A white rabbit, some squirrels, birds, even a butterfly landed on Marinette’s nose making the girl giggle.
Cass could only watch in awe as the small creatures came closer. None of them wanted any food, water, or shelter, they simply wanted Marinette’s attention.
Then Cass noticed that the few small injuries and bruises she had received from last night’s patrol were fading away.
They were healing.
Cass took out her phone and quickly recorded her injuries healing too fast to be normal, this seemed like the kind of thing the other bats would want to know. 
Cass also took a video and a few pictures of Marinette playing with the animals. She had to admit, the pictures looked adorable, so of course, she sent some to Tim. 
Chat: Tim
Cass: one attached picture*
Tim: good call on bringing her to the garden
Cass: Alfred idea
Tim: where are the others
Cass: Mar’i frightened? Marenet?
Cass: why
Tim: Marinette isn’t
Tim: normal
Cass: one attached video*
Tim: yeah
Tim: her anxiety is caused by not being able to use magic freely
Tim: should have mentioned that before
Tim: sorry
Cass: I text others?
Tim: Yeah go-ahead
Tim: Lunch break is over
Tim: I'll see you guys when the meetings are over
Cass: ok
Cass shot a quick text to Dick, warning him that Tim doesn’t want Kor’i or Mar’i near Marinette till he was at the manor, before looking up from her phone to check on Marinette. She seemed to be relaxed, definitely not as anxious as before. Cass probably wouldn’t have been able to tell that Marinette has anxiety from looking at her right now.
Marinette looked up from the little creatures she seemed to have befriended, with a smile. She got up with some plants in her hand and made her way towards Cass.
Marinette placed a flower crown on Cass’s head with a giggle, before running back to the animals.
Cass couldn’t help but think that Tim had a lot of explaining to do when he gets to the manor.
‘But that’s not my problem to deal with.’ Cass thought to herself as she took a picture of the flower crown and sent it to the family chat.
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finalgirlbrainrot · 4 years
what really gets me about sam hate is that 99% of the things he's hated for, when applied to real life situations, are things that no-one should be hated for. not only that, but hating people for the things that sam is hated for would be considered victim blaming (that's a mouthful)
hating someone for wanting to go to college and live their own life, instead of the unsafe and dangerous life their parent and sibling want them to live is not okay
hating someone for escaping an abusive household is not okay
hating someone for not trying to contact their family, after said family disowned them for going to college, is not okay
hating someone for having an addiction is not okay
hating someone for keeping something about themself a secret (especially if the person they're keeping it secret from has previously shown how judgmental they are towards the things they're hiding) is not okay
hating someone for trusting the wrong person, even tho that person went to extraordinary lengths to gain their trust, is not okay
hating someone for not blindly following their sibling's every command is not okay
hating someone for unknowingly participating in causing something awful to happen, even tho they thought they were actually stopping the awful thing from happening, (especially when they willingly sacrificed themself and spend several lifetimes suffering in order to fix their mistake) is not okay
hating someone because they respected a mutual agreement and because they tried to move on with their life after losing someone is not okay
hating someone for trying to set boundaries after a person they trusted violated their bodily autonomy and for telling said person that they wouldn't do the same thing to them is not okay
hating someone for expressing basic human emotions in a way that harms no-one is not okay
hating someone for standing up for themself is not okay
meanwhile 99% of the shit for which dean gets a pass, when applied to real life situations, would horrify any semi decent human being
telling your sibling that they deserved to be abused because they were out of line (in which being out of line actually means "you wanted to live your own life") is not okay
vilifying someone for something they can't change about themself is not okay
acting judgmental towards an aspect of someone's life and then getting mad at them for keeping secrets regarding that same aspect is not okay
using someone's faith to manipulate them into doing what you want is not okay
getting mad at someone for saving people's lives, because you don't like the method they're using, is not okay
forcing someone into a torture-detox that almost kills them, then stalking them, calling them names, forcing them to choose between blindly following your every command and saving the world and then reducing the whole thing to "you chose someone else over me" is not okay
blaming someone for something you both unknowingly had a hand in, without taking responsibility for your own contribution, is not okay
deliberately hurting someone because their happy memories don't include you is not okay
erasing someone's memory without their consent is not okay
making someone's mental illness all about yourself is not okay
blaming someone because another person cut their arm off (idk, this is the closest real life analogy to the soulless situation I can think of) is not okay
getting mad at someone for honouring a mutual agreement, berating them for leaving a job (a job you yourself had previously left) and going as far as shaming them for doing something as normal as shopping for produce instead of working is not okay
forcing someone to stay in a job they're unhappy with is not okay
making someone think the person they love is in danger (especially if that someone already has a history of people they care about dying) is not okay
violating someone's bodily autonomy and tricking them into allowing a foreign being inside their body without their consent, gaslighting them about it for months, making disgusting jokes about said violation, refusing to see the violated person's point when they're rightfully upset and not acknowledging that what you did was wrong, even after you went through the same experience, is not okay
telling someone that the upside of them being alive is that you need a sidekick is not okay
telling someone you wish they were dead is not okay
killing an innocent kid because of who their family is is not okay
literally trying to kill your sibling, repeatedly, is not okay (and I can't believe I actually have to write this because the extents to which people will go to defend dean's every action is /that/ ridiculous)
having a consistent pattern of doing things that you previously berated other people for doing is not okay
being misogynist, homophobic, ableist and racist because ~that's just the way you were raised~ is not okay
trying to kill a child, telling said child that you will kill them and emotionally and verbally abusing them to the point of pushing them to self harm, because circumstances regarding their birth led to the death of people you care about and because their biological father is evil (two things they absolutely have no control over) is not okay
threatening a teenage girl with a gun because she doesn't want to help you is not okay
acting entitled to know every detail about someone else's life and getting mad at them for keeping secrets about themselves, all while you're constantly keeping secrets, even about other people, is not okay
anyway my point is: sam hate isn't actually about his actions, it's about how the show and dean portray these actions. while dean negativity/hate (as rare as it is) is about his actions being objectively horrid
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mxtantrights · 3 years
past lives | epilogue
a/n: time to look forward. and back. this doesn’t feature a big time jump. I’m gonna make an ending so cheesy... I think I’ve left this story pretty open so that you can insert whatever you want / envision for yourself. Once again thank you all who kept up and read or who’s gonna binge read once this comes out! Love ya <3
You opened your front door and there they all were. Most importantly Alfred. You had to show the man you could cook and fend for yourself if need be. Even though others couldn’t say the same.
“Great you’re all here. Come in, I’ve got the table set up and everything.” you said. 
They walk in one-by-one into your home. You were up last night tossing and turning because it really wasn’t much. They didn’t all live in the manor currently but they all had lived there previously. 
You eyed Damian specifically, to see his reaction to your place. He hadn’t been inside of it yet. Only ever on the fire escape and even that needed some work. You watched as took one swift look around and nodded at you. 
“It’s quaint.” he said.
“Did you just call me cheap or something?” you said.
“It was a compliment.”
“You hesitated.”
You wince as Alfred wrapped up your lower stomach. It was to help the swelling he said. You were sitting up on the bed in the guest bedroom. 
“May I ask what caused such bruising.” he asks.
You look over at Bruce who’s out of his nighttime suit and is watching from across the room. 
“A really big box.” 
You see Tim leaning against the door archway, hands behind his back. Bruce was Batman and Damian was Robin. That meant the Tim shaped Red Robin was Tim. He steps further into the room and reveals his hands.
He hands you two pills, “for the pain.”
You take them out of his hands and put them into your mouth. Then he hands you an opened water bottle. You take that and gulp down the pills, you have to tilt you head back a bit. 
When you tilt it back forward you feel the hammering of the punches again. It makes you wince. Alfred had already did the best he could with your face. No stitches thankfully. But just bandages and ointments.
“So how long have you known I was his child?” you ask Tim.
He shrugs his shoulders, “After the gala before the lunch interview”
“You mean the set up to get my DNA.”
He winces when you say that. 
“Tomatoe, tomato.”
Alfred lets you know that he’s done wrapping you and that you should lay down and try to get some rest. Which you don't argue with, you get the feeling that you don’t really argue with a man like him. He helps you pull your shirt down.
So you lean back slowly into the bed. You try to hold back the sounds of pain but one slips past your lips. This makes Tim and Bruce stand over your bed.
“You don’t have to worry. I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna die from a couple beatings from Ra’s.” You say plainly.
And it hurts Bruce. Damian had told him that you were in the league years before. But he could tell the harsh treatment you suffered there stayed with you. You were able to take so many hits from Ra’s it was something he never wanted to witness in his life.
“Any normal person would.” Tim says.
Bruce looks over at him.
“Well after I came out the pit things changed.” You answer.
They both look at you then. You figured Damian told at least Bruce that you were brought back to life by the pit. Maybe he was leaving that to you to discuss. 
“We’ll talk about this in the morning. Get some-” Bruce begins.
Then you hear the incoming footsteps to your new room. Sure enough Damian pops into view in the doorway. He wastes no time in running over to you, stopping short of hugging you once he sees the wrappings peeking through your newly acquired pajamas.
“Alfred says you’ll live.” he says.
You nod you head lightly, as to not start another headache before the ibuprofen kicks in. 
“You got there right in time.”
“I shouldn’t have let him get to you in the first place.” 
“Wasn’t your fault, besides I can handle myself.” 
“Obviously not look at your face.”
“I was in retirement. Cut me some slack.”
Bruce interrupts the impromptu match the both of you were having. Even though a part of him didn’t want to. He wanted to see the two of you interact more, since the both of you were family after all.
“Time to rest, say goodnight Damian.”
Damian takes another look over you. 
He walks out the door with his brother and father. And they shut the lights on their way out. You're thankful you get to shut your eyes for a bit. The homecoming Ra’s gave you was anything but sweet.
By morning time, you wake up to find Damian sleeping in a chair at the end of your bed. He has a blanket pulled over his form, from either Alfred or Bruce you take it.
“Thanks for offering to do the dishes with me. I know Alfred is probably losing it in there.” You said.
Bruce looked at you with a laugh, “Yeah.”
When you handed the last dish for him to dry and cut off the sink you didn’t make a move to leave the kitchen. You had some words to say to him now that everything was out in the open.
“I wanna be clear, that day when you hinted at the recorder being on and me hearing your conversation with the others, I wasn’t rejecting you.” 
Bruce stopped drying the plate for a second. You saw him falter. He tried to pick up like it didn’t happen but you saw it. Instead of letting him continue you grabbed the plate from him.
He looked at you. 
“You weren’t?”
You shake your head, “No. I think you're a great guy, from what I know at least. And you had to be or my mother wouldn’t have liked you. Nor would she had wanted me to find you.”
“About your mother-”
“We can talk about her another time. I’m talking about you Bruce Wayne. I wanted to let you know that I do wanna figure out this relationship. I couldn’t say anything before because there was things I was unsure of.”
He cleared his throat.
“Like me?”
“No I wasn't unsure of you. I was unsure of how you would react about me and my past. I was your secret child who had been murdered and brought back to life by a mercenary who trained me to kill. On top of that, I had unknowingly cared for your youngest son before either of us knew anything.” you said.
He nodded his head at your words.
“But I think I knew I was sure of you when you wanted to fake me out about the added information in your interview. When you let me walk away.” you said.
Bruce tried to hide a grin but he couldn’t do it, “I thought you rejected me that day.”
“I was trying to protect you. Before I knew who you were during the night time, that is.”
“So now that you know, how do we do this?” he asked.
You hold up on finger, “First, you will not send me money. I make enough as it is and I do not need more.”
“Maybe just a savings account then.” 
“No, Bruce, no accounts. And no secret accounts either, I’ve heard from Alfred about your little set ups and such.”
“I like him”
When you finally get to the dinning room in the morning everyone, sans Alfred, is waiting for you. You hold onto your wrapping as you take the open seat next to Damian and across from Jason.
“I just wanna say I’m sorry for flirting with you before I knew you were family.” Jason says.
He doesn’t sound that sorry, which makes you look over at Damian. He’s got a proud smirk on his face. You face forward again.
“It’ll never happen again right Todd?” he asks.
Jason mumbles something indescribable. 
Then the room is filled with a moment of silence. It’s not really awkward per say, but you think it’ because they all have so many questions they don’t know where to start.
“So you guys LARP every night?” you ask.
Tim busts out laughing along with Dick. Jason crosses his arms over his chest with a chuckle. Damian, who you can tell is looking at you like you’ve grown another head, isn’t laughing. Neither is Bruce. Like father, like son you guess.
“I think you’re gonna fit right in.” Dick says.
“Speaking of which, are you gonna live here now?” Damian asks point blank.
Bruce beings to apologize for him but you shake your head and let him know it’s alright.
“I’m going to remain at my own residence. If you wanna come over you know the way.”
Jason has a look of shock on his face and Damian stops him. 
“Shut it Todd.”
A knock comes from your front door. It must be one of them, maybe they forgot something? You jog over to the door and open it.
Dick Grayson is in your doorway. 
“Did you leave something here?” you asked.
“No, I just wanted to say that I’m glad you're a part of the family. Honestly I’ve never seen Damian so calm before. And not his typical calm where he’s planning out every exit, this is different. It’s like he’s a normal kid.” he said.
You are speechless for a moment. 
“Thank you for letting me know, Dick.” you smiled.
“Gotta get going, a flight to catch.” 
You nodded you head, “Jason said you were in between red-heads. Do I wanna know what that means?”
He chuckled.
“I’ll let you know when I visit again, gotta go meet Wally.” he said.
Then he left with a simple wave. You could tell he wanted to hug you but didn’t want to cross any boundaries you might’ve had. In all honesty you would’ve hugged him back. You can see a bit of him in Damian and you’re thankful. 
You closed the door and turned the lock. 
As the rest of the boys cleared out, Bruce slid over your phone. The new one that you thought you had dropped on the sidewalk when you were taken. You reach for it and it’s totally fine.
You look up at him.
“Thanks, how did you get this?” 
Her name makes you still. She was never going to contact you after that night. Whatever friendship the two of your had was over. It was going to be hard to come to terms with but you’d have to make do.
But why did Nyssa have your phone?
“But this was on the ground last time I checked.” you asks.
“We saw on cctv, she picked it up while you were being put into the van. She had it on her the whole time, she’s the reason we were able to find you. Nyssa turned it on and it pinged a tower.” he answers.
Maybe it would be the last thing she ever did for you. Saving your life. You didn’t know what to think about her actions. It all felt like a past life or something.
You turn it on and see that you have unread messages and unanswered calls. Spanning days.
“How do I have all of this on my phone?” “I might’ve asked a favor from Killer Croc. It’s just the SIM card don't worry.”
“You mean Batman asked Killer Croc to find my phone?” 
“He told me it wasn’t that far from where you dropped it, outside of your building.”
“What I’m hearing is you and Killer Croc talk one-on-one.”
About fifteen minutes later, after Dick returned, there was a knock you were expecting. It came from your fire escape. You hurried your way into your room and drew up the blinds. There he was.
You slid open the window.
“Hurry up and get in, it’s fuckin cold out there and I’ve got nothing on.” you said.
He climbed through the window and stood toe to toe with you. 
“I can see that. Nice tank top.” he joked.
You raised your eyebrows at him, “You know I can just kick you out of my home you horny bastard.” 
“Oh but then we couldn’t all the fun stuff.”
“That would indeed be the point Jason.”
He kissed the top of your head. Then he began to peel off his jacket. The same one that he wore to the gala when you first met. He looked just as good right now as he did that night. The cigarette smell might’ve added to that too. He placed it over the chair that sat in the corner of your room near the window.
It was a quick, like lighting really, and you saw him move his eyes away but he looked at your scar below your collarbone. It stuck out like a sore thumb when you two weren’t rolling around in the dark.
But before you can say something to him, he speaks.
“I never told you this, but I think we must’ve ran into each other before all of this.” he says.
You tilt your head, “where would I run into you, Jason Todd?”
“I’m not sure, maybe in a past life or something.” he shrugs.
You watch as he walks past you, heading to the kitchen no doubt. Out of the both of you your fridge is the better choice for actual food and not takeout. You follow behind him, only up until your room’s doorway which you lean your body against. And you think to yourself, you have a couple of past lives now.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years
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Anyway, Lily Orchard stans still stay commenting on my posts and then instantly blocking me before I can view their comments fully, forgetting I can just log out and view the post on my blog. 
But here we see a Lily stan....basically parroting her on my post. But if you wanna pull the what she did the whole video move: she literally included a fucking image of self harm that you lot seem VERRYYY fine with, ignoring that even her trigger warning at the start of the video is weak as fuck- is it a image?? It is discussion?? Is it a small video??? BE SPECIFIC LILY. Or just don’t fucking include it, the image wasn’t needed in the first place, and maybe add discussion of child abuse to your trigger warnings, as that is also in the video.  And ironic she said this:
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As in the video, she complained about Bruno having fans and such.....hey Lily, does this mean hating popular things is your personality now??? Oh wait, its ALWAYS been your personality, my bad.  Oh, and of course, making all the Madrigal’s family trauma....about herself....look, I get relating to characters trauma and stuff, given I relate to characters when it comes to my family issues, but like....Lily does this every time now with her videos if she can and....gives questionable advice of dealing with the people who are causing the trauma, eg. the abusers/abusive family. As Lily’s advice is to yell and scream and such, cause it worked for her, when...no, abuse situations can vary and be different. Yelling and hitting back won’t always work and sadly, could result in worser situations. So Lily basically acting like this advice is the only go to is dangerous, when you look at it. 
Again, I think I should specify my interractions with Encanto fandom is reblogs and likes, I have yet to make an actual post of my own. But you blocked me so fast, makes sense you like Lily, prefer to throw me in with the wtf side of the fandom, not knowing I do disagree with people who villainify Alma. Do I like her? No, but do I think shes the villain? No, she’s someone with trauma who unknowingly took it out on her family in the end and it took Mirabel pointing it out for her to realize that, making Lily’s bitching about the house ignoring her pointless as the house clearly is fine with Mirabel but knew someone was needed to solve the families ongoing problems.....something the fandom agrees with, but I’m suggesting she enters the fandom for positive things and not to make things hostile, whoops.  “Fan” why put that in quotations??? I’m probably more of a fan then Lily whose only made things hostile so far. 
And cause your going at someone on my post....more parroting of Lily, cause no, only you lot think every one wants Game of Thrones like shows- a little bit of angst in shows and fandoms doesn’t hurt anyone, you know, just Lily whose probably the biggest hypocrite when it comes to hating angst, or is she going to deny shes written some shit as well??? But if she wants to whine about cartoon fandoms, whine about ACTUAL issues, not people writing fanfics about angst, cause that’s all she seems to do nowadays, cause she’s just incapable of understanding a fandom is a FANDOM, not a LILYdom.  And no one was using that argument. Seriously, you’d find out on my blog I get angry at fiction a-lot, but the problem is HOW Lily goes about it and crap, but given how your parroting her, stan, its pretty clear you don’t wanna acknowledge Lily has flaws and problems, so....
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