#so brandon been lying to her :( are we surprised tho ?
esseastri · 7 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 9)
Happy New Year, y’all.
“Heavy Fuel” by Dire Straits is a punk!Dalinar song, sorry, I don’t make the rules.
Part 9 encompasses pages 666-753 (previous parts)
Pray for the mountain internet, please, that it lets me do this liveblog without dropping tumblr every five minutes.
okay, but Elhokar is drawing a map and I’m suddenly vaguely desperate for Elhokar/Eshonai map buddies.
I s2g every time someone calls him “the bridgeman” I just hiss protectively. HE HAS A NAME
oh snap his baby’s name is Gavinor. that’s... listen bud, your dad doesn’t deserve to have anyone named after him, sorry.
“Storming lighteyes, Veil thought as she watched [the food distribution].” YEAH HON, THAT GOES FOR YOU TOO, NORMALLY.
Okay, no, not quite--Shallan would probably not go so far as to send her servants to get food that could be given to the poor instead of rich people, but like... the principle stands. Shallan does not recognize her own privilege half the time, and I guess?? that “Veil” noticing it... might? be a step in the right direction? But... probably not until she fuses her multiple identities back into one person.
And that doesn’t seem like it’s happening any time soon.
aw yis. storytime.
Aight, can Hoid see through Lightweaving, or can he just recognize Shallan by like... her stance and the way she moves or? HOW COOL IS HE, IS WHAT I’M ASKING HERE.
“You look like you could use the opportunity to buy me something to eat.” HOID, PLS.
“I’m not stupid enough to get mixed up in religion again.” Again. Hoid, wth does that mean.
but dear god, Hoid as a Herald would be hilarious.
“The sum total of stupid people is somewhere around the population of the planet. Plus one.” “Plus one?” “Sadeas counts twice.” GOD BLESS, WIT.
wait, so he wasn’t lying about the promise? About “always being there when needed” but not always knowing where or why? hm. Interesting concept. That I kind of love and wish I’d thought of first.
“Who came with you?” “Kaladin, Adolin, Elhokar, some of our servants.” I thiiiink the other bridgemen would take offense at that, but sure. Whatever.
I’m...intensely amused that chapter 69 is titled “Free Meal, No Strings.” Because I’m eleven and crude as fuck.
Idk, Kaladin, they have a point: the world is ending, so you might as well party. You can be miserable and afraid, or you can be partying and afraid. I’d go with the second.
(but dear god, the Kadolin is real)
Also, Adolin being stupidly happy about getting a new wardrobe is giving me life, I LOVE THIS RIDICULOUS FASHION BOY
HEHEHEH Adolin is going to bring Skar and Drehy pastries from the lighteyes party, that’S SO CUTE I LOVE THIS
“What?” “What what?” “You’re going drinking with bridgemen?” “Sure. Skar, Drehy, and I go way back.” “We spent some time keeping His Highness from falling into chasms.” I’M LIVING MY CROPS ARE FLOURISHING MY SKIN IS CLEAR THIS IS ALL I EVER WANTED THIS IS THE BEST THING THAT’S EVER HAPPENED TO ME I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS.
“He felt good lots of days. Trouble was, on the bad days, that was hard to remember. At those times, for some reason, he felt like he had always been in darkness, and always would be. Why was it so hard to remember? Did he have to keep slipping back down? Why couldn’t he stay up here in the sunlight, where everyone else lived?”
The Megan-and-Kaladin-Think-the-Same-Exact-Way-and-It’s-Both-Comforting-and-Terrifying Trend continues. 
Sometimes people ask me why he’s my favorite and I just. Have literally never related more strongly to another person ever, real life or fictional. It’s wild.
I love that the phrase “and you’re lighteyed today” is a normal thing now. That it changes and he can just. change it. and they’ve all accepted it. I love it.
bless these two nerds
“Adolin Kholin was simply a good person. Powder-blue clothing and all. You couldn’t hate a man like him; storms, you kind of had to like him.”
YOU REALLY REALLY DO. He’s infectious, this sunlight boy. And I adore him.
oh no
“Should have just gone to the party” YES YES YOU SHOULD HAVE. I’M WORRY.
also, why did the illusion wear off????? Shallan, what you do?
“The stew didn’t smell anywhere near as good as Rock’s.” HEHEH Nothing does, I’m sure.
I loooooove that Kaladin gets to tell the truth about Amaram now. Drag him, my boy.
the over-friendly wall guards are makin me nervous
I’m sure there are some good men here, and a lot of good soldiers, but... who are they and where did they come from and why are they all lighteyes and.... I have sooo many questions.
......I don’t remember if the squires’ eyes turn light when they’ve been flying with Kaladin.
I don’t think they do, but I don’t remember, and now I’m thinking...maybe the highmarshal is. some kind of Radiant whose squires are all...lighteyes?
AAHH!!!!??? AAAHH!!???? A LADY SHARDBEARER!!!!!?? A LADY!!!!
Okay. That was a pretty dang good speech.
But who is shhheeee
Is she a radiant or is that an Honorblade???
Mmmmmm, Kaladin also thinks she’s a Radiant, but WHICH KIND? If she’s got a bunch of squires, it could be Windrunner, but... dangit, I just... really want to meet a Stoneward.
“In every way, she was the perfect Alethi wife--and her unhappiness crushed his soul.” IT SHOULD. SHE DESERVES BETTER.
I’m reaaaally glad that Evi recognized the Thrill as a bad thing. A monster crouching in her husband’s body.
“...the Thrill was your reward.” Reward? Dalinar, listen to your wife. Please. That is not a reward.
Dalinar, look at you go. You did try this before, the talking thing. You are talking to this angry kiddo, and you’re bad at it, but you’re trying. This isn’t very punk!Dalinar of you. I like it. I can see the bits of presentday!Dalinar poking through the Thrill-encrusted shell of punk!Dalinar. I like it.
This is such interesting character movement, gaahh.
Evi still deserves better though. “Because of a good woman’s tears” ugh the fridge doors are slowly swinging shut, aren’t they?
I mean, I’m not surprised, because it’s Sadeas and he’s Sadeas and of course he’s a fucking traitor, but
Shallan needs to stop getting killed, please. This is really gross.
Kaladin “Good at Making Friends” Stormblessed being all sheepish at making friends easily when it took so much effort to make friends with Bridge Four, like... listen, buddy. YOU are excellent at making friends and these guys were all ready to be friends with you. The Bridge was not ready and you had to wear them down with your charm, and you did, and doesn’t that make it all the more precious that you are friends with them?
Also, I miss them. Are my boys okay, Brandon? How are they doing?
omg, Adolin, pls. Yellow?
The Wall Guards making fun of Adolin’s new wardrobe is DELIGHTFUL.
Hi, I love Kaladin, I am not sure you know this about me.
“Yes, his suit was a little bright--but if they would merely spend five minutes talking to him, they’d see he wasn’t so bad.”
You’ve come. So. Far.
I’m so proud of him, oh my god.  
mmmm this food shipment stuff is so weeeiiirrd. where is it coming from? why is it going?? uuugghhhhh
Part of me is like, “I love that they call Azure ‘sir’ and use male pronouns because there is no gender on the battlefield! Everyone gets treated equal!” and most of me is like “fuck this, she’s a fucking lady in command and she deserves to be known.”
also, wtf, she had them attack a monastery? Okay, I get it, you want to control the Soulcaster, but like.... you didn’t just go in there a kill a buncha monks for it, did you?
but which one.
We have the Skybreaker one.......so whose is this?
Unless it’s not.
confused. and worried.
Tell me things, Brandon!
OH. But then she wouldn’t need the Soulcaster...if she had an Honorblade for Soulcasting... so she went and got the Soulcaster to...keep up appearances? Hm.
....is it awkward that Stormlight Archive has, so far, been the story of several people slowly becoming atheist (Jasnah, Dalinar) or agnostic (Kaladin) as their lives fall to pieces around them and they slowly rebuild?
Kaladin is a Good, guys.
The best.
I feel so bad for Elhokar.
Buddy just needs some hugs, okay.
Okay, I know logically that Roshar is Bad At Horses, but somehow it never occurred to me that they wouldn’t have archers trained on horseback. Mounted archer is just... such a very Alethi thing, especially non-Shattered Plains Alethi. I didn’t realize, but of course they wouldn’t have that. Horses are too rare.
aight, I didn’t really think Sadeas had betrayed them THIS early on, but STILL, I was so hoping...
Still, rockslide ambush is... a pretty solid strategy for dealing with a Shardbearer.
Sucks for his elites tho. They did not deserve that. That’s shitty.
“They must know the punishment for broken oaths.” Huh. Even back then...
“for none shall remain to weep.” #YIKES, my dude. y i k e s.
punk!Dalinar needs to take a chill pill.
And maybe get some sleep.
Listen, if the Thrill is telling you not to sleep, yOU SHOULD PROBABLY SLEEP.
also, any time you are actually LISTENING to SADEAS? You should probably rethink your life and your choices.
Just saying.
So... presentday!Dalinar had a conversation with Taravangian, about sacrificing the few to save the many. That’s...sort of what Taravangian’s entire plan for world domination salvation rests on. But now here...at the Rift. This is 100% Sadeas’ argument: sacrifice the ten thousand commoners living in the Rift to make an example of their highlords to stop any rebellion further down the timeline that might result in more soldiers’ deaths. Which gives ...a really fascinating insight into just how incredibly far Dalinar has come. past!Dalinar is literally employing the exact plan that Taravangian is trying to do on a worldwide scale, and so he knows it. He understands the consequences that Taravangian can’t know and can’t anticipate and refuses to consider. And present!Dalinar learned from this, and knows what end these means lead to and...refuses. To do it again.
It’s SUCH an interesting character progression. And it’s absolutely fascinating to see it laid out in this order--to see the good, honorable man we know and love first and to see this...monster that he was and see exactly how very much he’s grown... It doesn’t excuse this bad period, the good he’s doing now, but maybe it explains it a little bit. Dalinar is getting a redemption arc and we didn’t even realize that he needed one until he’s almost done with it.
And that’s some badass non-linear storytelling for you.
Also past!Dalinar can get fucked by a cactus, holy shit, what an unbelievable fuck.
nooooo wonder Kadash leaves and becomes an ardent.
hoooooly shit.
“We’ve gone too far.” YA FUCKING THINK??
Meanwhile, Sadeas: “Nonsense!”
Fuck Sadeas, uuugghhhh I’m so glad he’s dead. UUGGHHH
Fun facts, y’all, the refrigerator is now on fire.
hoooollly fucking shiiiiiiit
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papillonrecordhouse · 7 years
Papillion x Brandon Support S
[AKA: “I just wanted the D!”]
In collaboration with: @sakudrew
Brandon: *filing documents* Sooo, what do you think? Did I finally get better at this? Papillion: *looking over at him and smiles* Definitely better than before, but far from perfect. *takes one of the files he misplaced and puts it in its proper position* There~ Brandon: Awww. I’ve never been good at tidying up anyway. But I’m good at turning things into a mess. Brandon: If you know what I’m talking about, hohoho~ *lenny face* Papillion: ooh~ I’m aware~ Took forever to get the stains out of my sheet from last time. *walks over to him and leans into his arm* But I don’t mind cleaning up your messes as long as you keep me happy~ *winks* Though now I’m curious. You’ve been coming around more lately. Brandon: *chuckles* The truth is that I don’t try to avoid you anymore. Seeing the butterflies on your kimono no longer has any effect on me… *puts his hands around her hips with a charming smile* Are you’re not happy to see me around? Papillion: Hey, I didn’t say that now did I? I’m more than happy to see you around~ Like I said, was just curious. *looks up at him* Though I don’t think you’re saying everything. Brandon: Well… Lately I was thinking about you. About what you told me about your dream. You refused to give up to hatred and chose to change people instead. All because you didn’t want to be like “him”… Who is that ‘him’? Papillion: ! *shocked and scared that he brought that up, takes a moment to calm herself * “HIM” is my twin brother Kenta. Papillion: Kenta was a hateful man, blaming our mother for our outcasting in the village, my love for Nohrian magic for his lack of friends, and so on and so forth. *holds herself* It only got worse when my father was killed in the war. IT was then that the blaming turned into threats. Brandon: … I see. Sorry for bringing up hurtful memories. He doesn’t sound like the kind of brother you could tease without getting kicks back. Papillion: *gives him a sad smile* Yeah. *unconsciously holds her side* There were plenty of kicks. But either way, he hated the fact that we were part Nohrian because to everyone in that village, being Nohrian is the equivalent to being evil. He thought if he hated us like everyone else did that made him more Hoshidian. More accepted. Though eventually it just warped into being a power game for him… *tears up* Papillion: I’m sorry, I’m just dumping all of this on you. *wiping her tears* I doubt this is what you expected. Brandon: *smiles and strokes her hair* Nah it’s okay. And well, you’re right I didn’t expect an evil twin. A classic! *laughs* You’re full of surprises Papillion… But I must say I love this side of yours. Brandon: Unfortunately though, that’s human nature. It’s nature that they would dump you, betray you, and do absolutely anything to protect what they hold dear. I think your brother couldn’t bear the fact that he was treated differently. He wasn’t as strong as you. Papillion: You’re right on one thing, my brother couldn’t see the love right in front of him and went out to try and find it elsewhere. My mother still blames herself for what happened, but there wasn’t much more she could have done. But that’s the past now, he’s gone who knows where, and hopefully it stays that way. *smiles at him* I must say, I never expected you to be the comforting type. Brandon: *chuckles* I didn’t think I would be considered as such either. But I’m very glad you confided in me. I feel more confident about giving you something… Papillion: Giving me something? *raises eyebrow* I hope it’s not a head~ *chuckles and starts getting back her happy mood* Brandon: Awww I would never dare~ … except if you ask me to kill someone. But knowing you it’s very unlikely to happen. Brandon: *softly takes her hand and gently put a ring on it* … Here’s my gift. Papillion: *bewildered and shocked* Wait what? *looks at him, waiting for him to say it’s a joke* Um Brandon, did you eat something funny? Are you feeling okay?  *looking at the ring* How did you even get my ring size?! Gods… Now I feel horrible. This wasn’t supposed to happen. *covers face with hands* Brandon: … Papillion I’m going to be frank with you. At the beginning I just wanted to play with you. I would have never thought that the current situation would happen… But here we are. Brandon: I never get bored around you, I’m always laughing. You’re so confident and determined all the time… I really like that. Brandon: I… Well I really want to go deeper than our current relationship. Do you think it could be possible? Papillion: *blushing* W-Well I’m glad I didn’t bore you. But Brandon, don’t you think this is too sudden? I mean we barely know much about each other. I… *looks away from him to collect her thoughts* Papillion: *looks back at him* Brandon, if… If you’re really serious about this, then would you be willing to wait? Brandon: … I’ll wait. Don’t worry I understand what you’re feeling. … I must be pretty similar to your evil twin I guess. Though I don’t give a damn about what the world could think about me. *chuckles* Papillion: *looks up at him* Well… I’d be lying if I denied the similarities but… *holds his hands* I mean when I first started flirting with you all I really wanted was a good time with a good-looking guy without risk of feelings being developed. You were the perfect candidate for that. Qualities such as bloodlust, womanizing, violence and sadism aren’t exactly what I usually look for in a partner. But… *smiles up at him* I don’t know, maybe I’m just crazy. I see something else in you that separates you from HIM and why I’m willing to give you a try. THIS a try. *gestures between them* Papillion: …but I think we should get to know each other properly first. *takes off the ring* Before we make such big promises. *takes off her necklace and puts the ring through there, wearing the necklace above her kimono* Brandon: !!! I-it’s like…!! …Being only half-married. Gosh doesn’t that sound like some exciting challenge?! Brandon: Well I guess it means I still have some liberties tho~ Good good, I have promised I would have some tea with a pretty lady~ *turns around* Papillion: *chuckles and grabs onto his waist* Oh do you?~ Think you can handle two women at once?~ Or should I find myself some company in someone else’s arms? Brandon: Oh, you could have your own liberties too… But then maybe I’ll bring you a head after all. *mischievous smile* Papillion: How mean! You get to have all the fun and I don’t? ~ *pouts* If you can’t handle me in someone else’s arms, then I guess you’ll just to have yours around me~ *turns him around so he holds her* Brandon: *chuckles* Yeah I know, unfair~ I want all the fun for myself. *holds her and brings his face closer, whispering into her ear* …And you are “all the fun”. Papillion: ! O-oh~? Good to know~ *chuckles* [End of Support S]
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miki-7heaven · 8 years
Papillion x Brandon Support S
Aka: (”I just wanted the D”)
In collaboration with: @sakudrew
Brandon: *filing documents* Sooo what do you think? Did I finally get better at this? Papillion: *looking over at him and smiles* Definitely better than before, but far from perfect. *takes one of the files he misplaced and puts it in its proper position* There~ Brandon: Awww. I’ve never been good at tidying up anyway. But I’m good at turning things into a mess. Brandon: If you know what I’m talking about hohoho~ *lenny face* Papillion: ooh~ I’m aware~ Took forever to get the stains out of my sheet from last time. *walks over to him and leans into his arm* But I don’t mind cleaning up your messes as long as you keep me happy~ *winks* Though now I’m curious. You’ve been coming around more lately. Brandon: *chuckles* The truth is that I don’t try to avoid you anymore. Seeing the butterflies on your kimono no longer has any effect on me… *puts his hands around her hips with a charming smile* You’re not happy to see me around? Papillion: Now I didn’t say that now did I? I’m more than happy to see you around~ Like I said, was just curious. *looks up at him* Though I don’t think you’re saying everything. Brandon: Well… Lately I was thinking about you. About what you told me about your dream. You refused to give up to hatred and chose to change people instead. All because you didn’t want to look like “him”… Who is that ‘him’? Papillion: ! *looks shocked and scared that he brought that up, taking a moment to calm herself by looking away* “HIM” is my twin brother Kenta. Papillion: Kenta was a hateful man, blaming our mother for our outcasting in the village, my love for Nohrian magic for his lack of friends, and so on and so forth. *holds herself* It only got worse when my father was killed in the war. IT was then that the blaming turned into threats. Brandon: … I see. Sorry for bringing up hurtful memories. He doesn’t sound like the kind of brother you could tease without getting kick backs Papillion: *gives him a sad smile* yeah. *unconsciously hold her side* There were plenty of kicks. But either way, he hated the fact that we were part Nohrian because to everyone in that village, being Nohrian is the equivalent to bring evil. He thought if he hated us like everyone else did that made him more Hoshidian. More accepted. Though eventually it just warped into power game for him… Papillion: I’m sorry if I’m just dumping all of this on you. *wiping her tears* I doubt this is what you expected. Brandon: *smiles and strokes her hair* Nah it’s okay. And well, you’re right I didn’t expect an evil twin. A classic! *laughs* You’re full of surprises Papillion… But I must say I love this side of yours. Brandon: Unfortunately, though that’s human nature. It’s nature that they would dump you, betray you, and do absolutely anything to protect what they hold dear. I think your brother couldn’t bear the fact that he was treated differently. He wasn’t as strong as you. Papillion: You’re right on one thing, my brother couldn’t see the love right in front of him and went out to try and find it elsewhere. My mother still blames herself what happened, but there really wasn’t much more she could have done. But that’s the past now, he’s gone who knows where and hopefully it stays that way. *smiles at him* I have to say, I never expected you to be the comforting type. Brandon: *chuckles* I didn’t think I would be considered as such either. But I’m very glad you confided in me. I feel more confident about giving you something… Papillion: Giving me something? *raises eyebrow* I hope it’s not a head~ *chuckles and starting to get back into her usual happy mood* Brandon: Awww I would never dare~ … except if you ask me to kill someone. But knowing you it’s very unlikely to happen. Brandon: *softly takes her hand and gently put a ring on it* … Here my gift. Papillion: *bewildered and shocked* Wait what? *looks at him, waiting for him to say it’s a joke* Um Brandon, did you eat something fun? Are you feeling okay?  *looking at the ring* How did you even get my ring size?! Gods… Now I feel horrible. This wasn’t supposed to happen. *covers face with hands* Brandon: … Papillion I’m going to be frank with you. At the beginning I just wanted to play with you. I would have never thought that the current situation would happen… But here we are. Brandon: I never get bored around you, I’m always laughing. You’re so confident and determined all the time… I really like that. Brandon: I… Well I really want to go deeper than our current relationship. Do you think it could be possible? Papillion: *blushing* W-Well I’m glad I didn’t bore you. But Brandon, don’t you think this is too sudden? I mean we barely know much about each other. I… *looks away from him to collect her thoughts* Papillion: *looks back at him* Brandon, if… If you’re really serious about this, then would you being willing to wait? Brandon: … I’ll wait. Don’t worry I understand what you’re feeling. … I must be pretty similar to your evil twin I guess. Though I don’t give a damn about what the world could think about me. *chuckles* Papillion: *looks up at him* Well… I’d be lying if I denied the similarities but… *holds his hands* I mean when I first started flirting with you all I really wanted was a good time with a good looking guy without risk of feelings being developed. You were the perfect candidate for that. Qualities such as bloodlust, womanizing, violence and sadism aren’t exactly what I usually look for in a person. But… *smiles up at him* I don’t know, maybe I’m just crazy. I see something else in you that separates you for HIM and why I’m willing to give you a try. THIS a try. *gestures between them* Papillion: …but I think we should get to know each other properly first. *takes of the ring* Before we make such big promises. *takes off her necklace and puts the ring through there, wearing the necklace above her kimono* Brandon: !!! I-it’s like…!! …Being only half-married. Gosh doesn’t that sound like some exciting challenge?! Brandon: Well I guess it means I still have some liberties tho~ good good, I have promised I would have some tea with a pretty lady~ *turns around* Papillion: *chuckles and grabs onto his waist* Oh do you?~ Think you can handle two women at once?~ Or should I find myself some company in someone else’s arms? Brandon: Oh you could have your own liberties too… But then maybe I’ll bring you a head after all. *mischievous smile* Papillion: How mean! You get to have all the fun and I don’t? ~ *pouts* If you can’t handle me in someone else’s arms then I guess you’ll just to have yours around me~* turns him around so he holds her* Brandon: *chuckles* Yeah, unfair, I know~ I want all the fun for me *holds her and bring his face closer, whispering into her ear* …And you are “all the fun”. Papillion: ! o-oh~ good to know~ chuckles [End of Support S]
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