#so core parts of sun's personality are being playful fun and a bit anxious (which is true for moon too)
space-mantis · 2 years
every time i see someone infantilising sun i double down and make it more unhinged, normalise how canonically sun has a pretty wild temper and will hold grudges for a long time after (even against children, yes)
yeah sun is nice in general but it really doesn't take that much for it to change especially if sun feels it's justified
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lilmajorshawty · 6 years
The 4th Wall 📰
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Aries in the 4th house cusp:
Boxing ring
Everything on an instinctual level is felt with much force. There is a level of heat and passion boiling in the inner cauldron of your heart and no matter how watery your chart or how reserved you present yourself, deep down you are a force to be reckoned with and struggle with avoiding some sort of confrontation or even instigating it in some fashion especially with loved ones or when in a place you perceive as “home.” You can be demanding but also Independent. You want your love unions to be passionate and authentic but can lack a level of diplomacy and co-tactics when it comes down to actually working with your partner. Sex and some sort of drive are deep emotional needs for you and at your core you’re very much so confident and self aware of who you are.
Taurus in the 4th house cusp:
Camp fire
Often quiet and obstinate you carry yourself with a inner level of stability and calm. You hate loud and obnoxious energy no matter how much of a fun and outgoing soul you may be. To you reliability and security are FIRST and FOREMOST in life, anything lacking isn’t worth your true emotional involvement. Often you adore the mundane and more sensual aspects of life, be it waking up in the early morning to the smell of breakfast or the soft touches of your dogs wet nose on your cheeks. Intimacy as well as depth matter a great deal to you and no matter how detached of a chart you may have a part of you( a very big part of you) will always crave some sort of authentic and genuine level of closeness and touch. More than most touch starvation can be hard for you and you often need intimate contact both platonic and romantic in some way. Romantically you’re extremely patient and loyal to whom you choose to stay with. Often you value solitude with your lover and can grow very possessive over them once you let your guard down. Deep down you’re tremendously stable and mature.
Gemini in the 4th house cusp:
There’s always this scattered nature to you, as if your mind is nine places at once only stopping to jump to a 10th sphere of fascination. Deep down life is a come and go experience for you and you likely grew up in a communicative upbringing for better or worse, wether it was communicating with your probation officer, wether it was with your parents who valued more detached intimacy, whether it might’ve been learning to survive on your own through means of “communication” you often learned to talk as a means to cope and express. You need a level of mental connectivity in your life and often anything lacking that can push you away greatly. For you it’s about the spark, the ease of communicating with someone on and on without feeling or questioning in your mind wether or not you should laugh or not. At a deep level your anxious and ungrounded and can feel a bit intimidated by the more committed aspects of life. To you a lack of restraint or responsibility even if your mercury sits in the 10th can make you feel at ease. You tend to be very active when at home and for a lover they may feel a bit overwhelmed by your vast mental energy. You often need a best friend in a lover before you let them in emotionally and usually you get very attached to someone who you feel as though you can speak with easily without much strain.
Cancer in the 4th house cusp:
The dinner Table
In some ways you are private, in others you’re warm and welcoming depending on the way the wind blows. You like a level of mystery when it comes to your personal life but can also struggle with being to smothering to others due to your deep need to protect and care for others. At your core you’re a mother. Man or female the divine feminine energy runs deeply within you. Your mom has a great impact on your life and you often take after her in the looks department and in the tendencies department. Your mothers chart has a lot of you in it as well. You can be very moody and often try to hide this part of yourself as you yourself don’t always know how to handle these emotions. Family and sympathy a strong values for you and you’re often attracted to people who are strong but gentle hearted. Romantically you’re so sweet and put everything on the line for the lover albeit you hide them like no bodies business due to your intensely private nature. Deep down you’re as emotional as any crab but also with a level of compassion that many can only admire.
Leo In the 4th house cusp:
The carnival
Often a level of playfulness and childishness characterizes who you really are. You love to enjoy yourself and often find a means of stimulation no matter what the circumstance. You think of yourself quite a bit(which isn’t a bad thing) but it makes it pretty hard to roommate with you of course 😂. You often have a very diva-like persona and a very high sense of your worth in this World. For you the most important thing is feeling as though your interactions and your life choices are always a reflection of your true desires and self. It’s honestly not in your nature to pretend and it can be hard to be around a superficial lot. You put your heart and soul into all you do, which at times can cause you to feel slighted when the same level of enthusiasm is not returned at least one trillion fold. No matter how earthy your chart you have a level of flamboyance and impulsivity that is engrained deep in your heart. You can lack the ability to see past your own pains and woes at times which makes it hard for you to sympathize with others but In that regard you have a huge heart and tend to do anything and everything for those you love! Even if you might complain about it at a later date! Romantically you’re a simple one to please! You just crave a high level of devotion and to be the center of your lovers world and anything lacking in that intensity is not for you.
Virgo in the 4th house cusp:
The Ironing board
You’re a bit more on the soft and passive side deep down. Most people may be a bit taken a back by your reserved nature especially if your have a more fiery chart or even surprised by your lack of emotional readability even if you have a watery chart. You tend to be brutally analytical of your emotions and can be a
Very intense crier because of how much of what you feel that is ignored or pushed away as being childish or unnecessary as deemed by your own mind. In truth you’re very sensitive and have a tremendous soft side for everyone in the world no matter how detached you may seem to those who get to know you better. You make light of tragedies in your life and tend to deal with your trauma by dry humor or even just laughing it off. You don’t like to linger on sadness and aren’t one to speak on your own woes in life so people who are constantly preaching about their angst tend to make you uncomfortable. In a way you view emotions as a weakness so you tend to withhold a great deal of your emotions. A level of depth and mystery surrounds you and your family and you may come from a family that shares a pattern of addiction or OCD in some way. Cleanliness and perfection are themes you live by and you might unfairly hold yourself to unrealistically high standards. Despite high standards you’ve programmed yourself to meet you’re often limitless in your potential and capability and have likely already reached these outrageously high standards you’ve set for yourself which is often why no matter how welcoming and sweet you may be there is always a level of intimidation and awe people feel when in your presence even without knowing you, people already know you’re someone to respect. Romantically you hold back really opening up for quite some time. You need to know they can handle your pain, your rage, your hurt and sadness before you truly open up to them otherwise it’s a waste to you. Animals tend to adore you albeit dogs especially, all animals look to you as if you’re their mother and may act infantile or clingy when in your presence, children as well.
Libra in the 4th house cusp:
The Salon
There’s a huge difference between your sociability and actually “knowing” you. Most people may struggle to have a actual bond with you because of how neatly and politely you keep them at a distance. The deep part of you loves to keep things surface level out of a deep seated fear of “needing” others. You prefer to be alone as opposed to approaching things with a “partner in crime” mentality. Libra here doesn’t incline you as a person who’s highly co-dependent. On the contrary this placement can make someone highly intent on maintaining a level of objectivity and a lack of bias in their dealings with others. At your core you believe in respect and at a deep level you adore and value the opinions of others and freedom is speech! You often have strong beliefs and values spiritually and politically even if in a sense you prefer to keep you mouth shut on more controversial issues. To outsiders you have the perfect family, the easy life, the perfect smile, the easiest of lovers to be with. The reality of these statements is that you suffer internally from being “seen” as what surrounds you rather than what you “are” romantically you prefer a down to earth lover who has a strong desire to build and nurture your bond with one another-always digging to decode who you are and vice versa, for you love is like a puzzle you earnestly seek to solve.
Scorpio on the 4th house cusp:
Crime scene
Deep down at your core you carry a heavy weight, one that shrouds the sun and tenses the seas. You have a highly attuned 7th sense and see the world for its good, bad and ugly. A level of real-ness exist for you when it comes to the world as a whole as you tend to dance with the darkest sides of humanity more than the most. Scorpio here sadly can manifest as very malefic and dark childhood experience for most especially if Pluto is afflicted but once more this is not a common theme. Their is a certain level of darkness to you and those who may meet you may be a bit unnerved or immersed by how poetic and profound you intimate nature really is. You love to play with fire and find that investigation, crime, psychology, layers all of these things excite you more so because it invites a level of authenticity to the human experience-a min-ute moment in time to truly connect and immerse into the emotional sanctum of others without the mask and farces many is wear everyday. You might have a mental block or complex surrounding sex that creates a level of intensity and restriction to the act for you. Romantically you want someone for all they are, their weaknesses, their faults, their ups and downs and want the same in return. It’s hard for you to let go of lovers and if they fall in your 8th house this is doubled. You usually struggle with opening up which causes you problems in the more lighthearted stages of romances but as you get deeper into it and with a more patient partner you’re well worth the wait.
Sagittarius on the 4th house cusp:
The airport
Something is inviting to you about the world, you envy the seemingly untethered nature of the world around you. You’re easily distracted by life itself, and have an inner gravitation to the many philosophies of the world religious or not. You can’t help but want to learn and study and see everything and anything you can. You hate stagnate situations and even more so people who are to heavily materialistic. Having this ic offsets a lot of even the most earthiest people as it creates an inner almost soulful need to be completely and soulful disconnected from everything that is tied down to the world of the physical. At your heart you’re so fill of life-endlessly and wholeheartedly! Your home life was often full of its fair share of ups and downs but you always managed to find the shining light above it all. Your family may have been big or just very protective and loving. Often one of the parents was absent minded but a very soulful person. Unlike a sag moon most with this position have a profound level of intimacy imbedded in them, they live for those close moments because Sagittarius expands their inner need for nurture. Romantically they’re babies and enjoy a good cuisine and good love.
Capricorn on the 4th house cusp:
Wallstreet journal
A stark coldness exist on the outset with you but it’s mainly because your home life was one raised with seriousness and intensity. One or both of the parents where very frugal and often made sure to instill a fear of mediocrity in the child. Because of this as a person you’re very mature, the world weighs heavily on your shoulders but as you’ve aged that burden as gotten much lighter. These natives hold a huge reserve of loyalty and tenacity in their heart as they’re often the ones to work tirelessly on a dead cause only to revive it beyond what it even was before it had given out. These natives are not firm believes in handouts earthly or spiritual in nature unless they have a highly attuned 9th house. Often these natives struggle with battling moments of depression or emotional exhaustion that many wouldn’t even be able to tell especially if they have a more optimistic personality on the surface. They take commitment and bonds very seriously, very scarcely extending out that hand for continued intimacy. They often have a cold but long lasting bond with their family albeit one that is lacking in its warmth(which is not always the case) romantically these natives want someone who is willing to live life in a way they cannot, with freedom. They strongly crave someone who understands the seriousness of this world but who still finds a way to look beyond the mechanism of society, to take them down highway 49 in the dead of night and blast chancla in the car singing along without a care in the world.
Aquarius on the 4th house cusp:
The space ship
You’re often someone who views the world in a wide lens, a glass always half filled. To you the world is meant to be questioned, never taken as is. You enjoy the more detached and mental aspects of your surroundings especially at home and can be a bit harder to read once you’re in a place you feel comfy. You aren’t the type heavily tied to your roots which shows in your rather impersonal dealings with family(not any less lacking in warmth mind you :)) you tend to adore a close knit buddy system when it comes to intimacy and family life but due to this lack a practical and grounded tug towards home. In many ways you’re a drifter or a nomad constantly shifting from scene to scene never truly feeling like home is any one place. Your mind moves like clock work and you’re genius can really show when you’re in a place of comfort. Mentally you’re unlike any other and have a bountiful love for humanity and those feelings created and fostered through such interactions. Unlike Aquarius moods you’re not the type to alienate you’re emotions rather you’re more apt to keep your emotional issues away from home and much rather handle you’re emotions albeit rationally, fairly head on. Romantically it’s the brains not the brawns that entice you. A lover who is a bit of a casual rider in life whilst keeping a genuine lust to explore and transverse the human psyche as you do is the one for you.
Pisces on the 4th house cusp:
The lake
The winds are constantly sweeping you across your feet. In some ways you’re soft hearted, constantly putting yourself in everyone’s shoes but on the other hand you maintain a good distance from letting anyone really see what’s going on. You tend to play with the dark here and there which gives you a more mysterious, uncharted type of energy. In many ways you’re irroestiable but also fragile and innocent. Your heart is vast and full of many strings all leading to different repressed and often glossed over childhood upbringing. In most cases these are people who hold on to figments and pieces of memories altering them in a way that shadows and past hurt in their lives. They adore nature and the more simplistic or rather subtle parts of the world. Most times they are reclusive and hidden always preferring to be the forgotten soul who just so happened to pass right by you without a sound. Men and women here tend to have a rather up/down relationship with their family or parents be it to obsessive, to unpredictable, to unstable, to manipulative, to ambiguous, to close, to detached and so on. Most cases the family is extremely tight knit and close but may lack a actually fundamental stability that holds most things together because of Neptune. Most natives with this tend to attract animals who were once humans in their past life or whom have a highly keen spiritual awareness making pets a more trying experience for these natives due to the strong personalities. You tend to have a deep set emotionally connected spiritual side and can pick up small and even minuscule changes in vibrations or feelings in the air. Energy is your 2nd language and you find it incredibly hard especially in the young years to follow your intuition. On a deep level you’re spiritually powerful and have an ability to understand and heal many of the burdens people carry heavy on their heart. Romantically you need someone who can dance with you in the spirit world. Most of these natives end up with rather powerful people mainly because they need someone who can match their inner level of emotional intensity.
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