#those are my fave parts about sun honestly
space-mantis · 2 years
every time i see someone infantilising sun i double down and make it more unhinged, normalise how canonically sun has a pretty wild temper and will hold grudges for a long time after (even against children, yes)
yeah sun is nice in general but it really doesn't take that much for it to change especially if sun feels it's justified
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mhbcaps · 9 months
I got tagged again for this by @chevvy-yates :3 thank you!
OC INTERVIEW: Sanctuary Zelenko & Joey Armas
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"Named myself Sanctuary after my favorite cologne, back when I was twenty. Company went under a year later, and then someone drank the rest of the only bottle I had. You remember Axis, baby?"
"That dumb piece of shit? Wait, that why you scrapped with him? Over the cologne?"
"Yeah. That's how I ended up with this. Couple people called me Zipperface for months."
"I 'member that. Won't lie, I thought it was pretty funny."
"'Course you did. Answer the question."
"Oh, my mama prob'ly named me Joseph or John or something but I've been Joey all my life."
"I want you to guess."
"C'mon, I don't wanna be here forever. I'm a boy, and they're Sanctuary. 'f you try to make it make sense, your little head'll explode."
"I'm a man of many tastes."
"Nah, he likes anybody who looks like they'd grab his hips and make him beg. Isn't that right, baby?"
"Ain't denying. Hey, what're you squirming for? You asked the question, choom. We're just bein' honest."
"Born and raised here, but my parents both came from Ukraine. Don't really know what that makes me."
"You know more than me. Which is fuck-all, honestly. Whole family is dead now, though, so what's it matter? Sorry, 'm I makin' you uncomfortable again? Don't feel bad. Not like you killed 'em. Fuckers who did were taken care of years ago, don't worry."
"Depends on what boots I'm wearin'."
"Flat, he's five-nine. And I'm five-eleven. I like to wear heels, though, so people look at me. Nothing gets someone's attention like a nice pair of heels. Or a big fucking knife."
"Yeah, I got the big fucking knife covered."
"I ain't even sure what my actual birthdate is. My citizen record says March twentieth but Mom always said she was just guessing. So that's, what, Aries or somethin'?"
"Not like it matters."
"Yeah, don't believe in that shit anyway."
"Ate a banana once. Real one. That shit was good."
"Where the hell'd you get a real banana?"
"Got a donor once who had a suite at the Highcourt, years back. Dub did her copycat thing and got in pretending she was a girlfriend experience or something. Stole everything she could carry. Not much, bitch had scrawny arms, but she got the fruit and some sweet threads."
"Don't remember that."
"Nah, it was right before we met. I remember, 'cause I was wearing the guy's underwear when we did meet."
"Do you still have the underwear?"
"No. Had to toss 'em after I got stabbed one time. Would've kept them 'cept that the bloodstain looked like I shit myself."
"You think the twenty-degree flux we get counts as seasons? Well, it's winter, anyway. Shorter days, less sun."
"Fall. I make good money in the fall. Everyone's done partying for the summer, got their new implants, lookin' for glory on the streets."
"I dunno dick about flowers. I don't even know what kinds I got tattooed on me. Guess those would be my favorite, 'f I knew what they were called."
"I don't pay much attention to flowers, either."
"Sanctuary. ...You didn't like it when we were talkin' about my "orientation" or whatever. Gonna really hate it if I go into detail about scent."
"I use pomegranate shampoo."
"Yeah, that's part of it."
"Don't like hot drinks. I'll drink lemonade, though."
"I used to drink coffee, but these days caffeine just fucks me up. I have enough headaches without it."
"Who keeps track? I'm a night owl, anyway."
"I try to get a reasonable amount in so I don't kill my patients."
"I've never met a dog. Friend of mine has a cat, though, and I like her well enough, so that's one-zero in cats' favor."
"I like 'em both. Hunters and survivors, in their own ways."
"Somewhere with a lotta trees. Grew up in the concrete jungle - a little more green'd be nice, y'know?"
"Yeah. I wouldn't mind visiting Ukraine. I don't know how much green is left, though - anywhere."
"Two, so we each have our own and nobody's stealing it - baby, what are you doing?"
"Fuuuuuuuuck! My fuckin' fries are cold. 'Cause I've been sittin' here answering stupid questions. Are we done now?"
"We're done now."
"I'm fucking hungry and now I gotta eat cold fries, that's a fact for you."
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spurious · 9 months
Your McShep fics are giving me life. I'm CRAVING McShep content recently - its so hard to discover a love for old fandoms that are now less active! Please send me all the great other McShep fics you stumble across, I've burned my way through your whole library
Oh my goodness!!!! This ask plus the one from a few weeks ago are really telling me I need to get back to doing fic rec posts regularly!!!!!
First of all thank you so much for your kind words about my fic 💖💖💖💖 honestly for me SGA fandom feels soooo active, even though I know it was an actual juggernaut back in the day lmao. BUT that means that there’s a MASSIVE backlog of stuff to read!!!! Just insane amounts of staggeringly good fics!!!!
And second of all you can check all my previous rec posts here: the tag is sometimes ficlets I’ve reblogged but also lots of links and lists in there!!
ANYWAY. Let me see if I can rustle up some new recs for you my friend! I have a couple of unposted recs in my notes so we’ll pop those in first:
Five People Who Know by hestia_lacey | ~4k, rated E
Five people who know exactly how John Sheppard feels about Rodney McKay.
Only read this if you’re prepared to have your heart stomped on, but ahhhhhhhh. The first part, with Jeannie, is definitely my favorite.
Wishes on a Wheel by waterfalliam | ~3.2k, rated T
The sun is gentle, faintly wrong against his skin. The wind whispers against his arms and neck that he’s alive and that counts for something, he’s never wholly alone, he still has himself—but it’s nothing like the sea breeze that feels like home.
Absolutely beautifully sad introspective Epiphany!John piece, dealing with his depression and feelings of abandonment, with a sweet ending 💖
Solitary by @esteefee | ~5k, rated M
Four days in solitary gives a guy time to think. Unless he's an idiot.
Aggggh the John voice in this is immaculate (as is to be expected from esteefee ofc). Sardonically funny with a soft and chewy emotional core that just...takes a little time and a little chipping away at to get to. But, you know, worth it.
Followed by two faves from this year’s sga secret santa, both of them variations on the theme of John and Rodney making up:
In the Dark of the Night by @hero-in-waiting | ~5.8k, rated M
The problem with arguments is that they never happen at a good time. Which is a to be expected given their nature. And the problem with trying to make up is, at least in the Pegasus galaxy, they come at an even worst time. Especially when John and Rodney get stuck off world, running from some locals who took a dislike to them immediately and five days after an argument that, in John's opinion, had started over nothing.
But at least they were together?
Love the concept of this one, love them being forced into life or death situations before being able to talk about their feelings, looooove the misunderstanding on Rodney’s part 🥰🥹
When I Think of All the Worries That People Seem to Find by @audioletter | ~2.3k, rated G
After ten years of being together, John acts like John and Rodney acts like Rodney.
Absolutely cried reading this I love it so much. The depth of knowledge that they have for each other after so long is so apparent in the best, most beautiful way.
Aaaand let’s round it out with a nice long one:
Inukshuk by murron | ~80k, rated M
A mission-gone-south isolates Rodney and John from the rest of the team. Forced to search for an Ancient outpost, they struggle to keep each other alive until the time their kidnappers prepare to sacrifice the one and purify the other.
This is absolutely a mcshep fic but I almost found that taking a backseat for me in my enjoyment of the way that the plot unfolds, the way that it’s written? Absolutely spellbinding work, I struggled to put it down.
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thunder-shadow · 3 months
Finally got to read all the chapters of the Ghe fic (Heaven says (you’re in danger)) after much procrastination, despite how excited I was after reading the first chapter that was published. I LOVED it! just was a bit anxious of reading the next chapters of what would’ve happened next (coupled with me being busy with some wedding stuff).
Anyways, now that I’m caught up I can finally say my thoughts and I’m gonna go in detail. So Brace yourself this might be long and I’d probably ramble and repeat a lot, but you asked for it.
I have to say I just LOVE how you incorporated the actual lore of Ghe with your own ideas and hc’s without losing the plot, everything was just so well explained and written! Let me tell that I’m a Earth centric/angst lover, so I’d usually only read those kind of fics. I’ve only ever read all your your Earth centric/angst or stories (except for the paranoia au (Luna pov) and moon switch (Uranus pov),not that I’m against your other fics just not my cup of tea (As you can tell Earth’s my fave). This fic isn’t an Earth centric fic but it might just be my top 1 fic written by you so far, with hush being close 2nd. I loved the way you included all the characters in this fic and gave them a role, and that we actually got to see the effect of the Iris on the whole solar system. How the Iris was introduced, the multiple pov’s, The Iris’s moons and their appearance! The way you balanced the role of all the characters together was immaculate, it just felt so natural, realistic. (Excited noise’s)
The ability of Iris to regenerate is genius, which would make sense why his as strong as to take down whole star systems. His black blood being deadly or at least really harmful to celestial bodies. His his third eye, the claws and they way you described his ability to mind control and take over their bodies gorgeous. 
Love The Iris as a character, such well written villain. Hate him as planet, but love him as a villain. I’ve noticed his the only mentioned as ‘The Iris’ with word starting before his name, and it just sounds so much more sinister and Menacing that way.
The Earthling pov’s are just the best feels like I’m watching a horror, thriller, suspense movie. It’s hard to find a story which is this good. Honestly your description ability are magnificent, you’re not explaining too little to understand, nor are they too excessive, just the right amount. The camera zooms and movements in general in the 2nd chapter and the glitches that appears whenever they mention something important to keep the suspense and anticipation is brilliant. (Applaud)
Dr. Arke, I’m guessing she is a part of Iris’s mutated creations, or maybe she’s a piece of him in earthling form. I’d like to know more about her and what she left exactly in that meeting room, what type of mutated being- was it natures mockery, woodcrawl…?
I was curious about how the sun was asleep, but got that answered with the supernova gem. Though I wanna know can The Iris use any supernova gem to make a star sleep or does every star have their own gem that can be used against them? And how exactly did the Iris get it?
Man poor Neptune, but I’m glad his moons are ok or at least alive despite some being badly injured and others being traumatised. At least he tried protecting them along side Titania.
I wonder what’s causing Saturn to be so tired. I’m guessing it’s the new moon he got - Chiron’s moon bracelet was tight around his wrist so the mutation might have gone through it? His rings were thinning out too, this might have to do with him being a gateway or whatever, if you’re going with that lore from ghe. Though I’m not sure what him being a gateway means exactly.
The Iris finally got what is meant to be ‘his’. I wonder what he plans to do with Earth and the rest of the solar system?- aside from destroying it and leaving everyone dead (except Earth) once his done with it. Is this gonna be like a platonic obsession or like a one sided attraction. And why is he after Earth, is it because of his life or is that just a factor amongst many others?
Will this story have a bad ending or a good sad ending? Is the Iris gonna get what he wants or will his plans fail? I guess I’ll just have to wait to figure out huh.
I hope you get to answer some of my questions if possible without spoiling too much. Overall I’m rating this fics, and it’s a solid 1000000/10 from meh! Ik you might be disappointed by not getting as much written interaction for your recent chapter, so i hope this compensates for that. 
Anyways I’ve made this long enough. Take care, looking forward to the next chapter! <3
Finally getting to this 😭🙏🏼 I woke up at 3am randomly to see this in my inbox and I was so happy it was hard to fall back asleep so I wasn't extremely tired at work LOL
Thank u sm for the praise, I really appreciate it 🥺 Gonna save this ask and reread it so many times I already know :3
Okay, now into the meat of it!! I'm glad u like how I've worked the Iris into it, I wanted him to have these powers that made him such a threat and I'm glad it's working out like that :D I waffle between calling him the Iris and just Iris sm idk if you can tell in the chapters themselves ;-;
Dr. Arke is a sort of piece of the Iris (the way I view it, he can fracture his mind like infinitely many times so that he can more easily take over systems, because otherwise how could he control so many people at once?) sorta like the men in suits in the original GHE (i forget if that's what they are but yeahhh)
We've got one more piece of human lore to cover, and we're returning to Astrowife next chapter (as well as an Astrodude segment!!!); but I gotta be honest y'all the humans are fucked LOL like even in the actual analog horror itself it's kinda like... useless to fight back, the solarballs/ghe universe earthlings are just lucky the planets actually Can fight back LOL
We're not done with Neptune's moons, especially Triton (I luv Triton sm can you tell), they'll be more of them :DDD
can The Iris use any supernova gem to make a star sleep or does every star have their own gem that can be used against them? And how exactly did the Iris get it?
Supernova gems are meant to be used for any star, there's no like... tailoring application. Iris has used the same gem over and over again, which also means that sometimes it glitches ;) The Iris has had it for billions of years, and how he originally got it... well, still figuring that out ;)
I'm somewhat going with the GHE lore for Saturn? I have no idea what the gateway thing could mean either, so it's a little different in my AU. You'll see!
Iris and Earth - one-sided obsession :D LOL THIS JUST RANDOMLY POPPED INTO MY MIND it's like THIS
and it IS because of his life! you'll see something in the next chapter :D
and on the the ending - just wait and seeeeee <3 :D
sorry, this is so disjointed but thank u sm i literally love u random anon /p
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epickiya722 · 8 months
Would you mind if I ask about your thoughts on Takako Uro or Yorozu (either one) for the ask game?
Since Uro jumped on my list of faves since I recently reread her chapters, I'm gonna answer for her.
My first impression: "Is she... naked? That's actually a creative way to cover the bits!"
My impression now: As I said, Uro became one of my favorites of JJK. She's just such a cool character and I would like a spinoff story of her history. She was a leader of the Sun, Moon and Stars Squad! I would have loved to see how that went!!
Favorite thing about that character: She's just a great character to me, overall. Her design definitely captured my attention, but oh my gosh, that technique? It is so damn cool probably my favorite one in the whole series.
Least favorite thing: Oh my gosh, I hated she just blasted away by Ryu out of the fight and that was the end of her part of it. And then Ryu and Yuta got to sit down and have this chat while Uro was somewhere laying on the ground, probably unconscious, bleeding out and missing an arm because Rika fucking ate it! Glad she was alive after that though. She was smart enough in 216 to stay put because she felt Sukuna's presence in Sendai. Meanwhile, Ryu decides to challenge him... then look what happened! Uro would survive a horror movie, Ryu would probably be the first to go.
Favorite line/scene: Her response to Yuta will always be glorious to me. "The only ones who can say such things are the people who already made a name for themselves!" All what Uro had done in her first life was cater to a clan that didn't even allow her to have a name. And when she got one? When she got a name from someone she thought she could trust? She was used as a scapegoat. It was just so unfair!!
Favorite interaction that character has with another: She only has interacted with Ryu and Yuta and honestly, I liked those interactions but more so because Uro is just more entertaining during that whole fight. She was not afraid to say what she wanted and I love her for that!
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: I wrote a post about this and I it got to the point I had to write my fic, The Pink Sky and Cherry Blossoms. I wished for her and Yuji to have met. I just feel like they could have gotten along so well and I feel like Yuji would get where she's coming from.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: Mina Ashido from My Hero Academia. In terms of design, they both have pink hair and eyes with black sclera. I also find it funny they're related to space in some way. Uro manipulates it and Ashido is alien themed.
A song that reminds of that character: I have been continuously listening to Cobra by Megan Thee Stallion and every I do, I think of Uro. Also Rain by Coco Jones. That song is so beautiful and I just think that song captivates who Uro is.
A headcanon about that character: We didn't get to see what Uro's DE looks like, bit I imagine it would look like a sky with blues, pinks and oranges with hints of stars here and there. I think a sky would be fitting for her. Not only because of her technique being Sky Manipulation, but also she doesn't want to be tied down to anything. She wants to be free and the sky is an endless space she cab soar through like a bird.
An unpopular opinion about that character: Personally, I feel like she should have gotten to return at least in the fight against Sukuna. I said this is a recent post, but it just felt wrong to me that Yuta used one of her moves in the recent (249) chapter. I get his technique is copying and it was only for a second, but given how Uro feels about him and we really didn't get any closure for her character like that... it just felt unfair.
Favorite picture: She's just so beautiful!! 💖
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Send Me a Character... ✨️
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<[ ♡ ~ Introduction
Hi!! I'm Bvnny, I’m excited to do this exchange with you. I’m fem-presenting but I consider myself nonbinary. I don’t perceive myself as really having a gender and i don’t feel feminine or masculine, however, i like to do more feminine presenting things. I use she/her and they/them pronouns. I’d like a romantic matchup and I’m bisexual but tbh I don’t see myself with thirteen lol so that kind of cuts out the only girl. Also, if I could NOT get paired with Beel that would be awesome- he reminds me of my little brother for me to see him like that ;-;. I don’t have a lot of freetime but I play video games with my sister and I like to sew. I also love researching gang-related crime, serial killers, and anything involving children and their development. I love criminal psychology and child development-based psychology so opportunities to learn and even combine them always make me happy.
<[ ♡ ~ Appearance
I’ve got warm black hair that goes down just past my chin. Its a medium bob with some curtain bangs. I’m 5’2 and about 100 lbs so I'm pretty small (shelves are a bitch). I’ve got light brown eyes with a weird dark greenish brown ring around it. I’m biracial (whispanic lesgooo) so I’m not super tan but I’m not a ghost either. I’m a comfortable light olive and I can tan more with sunlight (ew) I’ve got enough freckles that you notice if you're right in front of me but not so many that it takes over my whole face. I’m normally in my converse or my work boots (which are always shined to be perfect thank u <3) I’m definitely a rectangle and I’m fairly thin. I’ve got hardly any ass and minimal boob-age. I’ve got p good thighs tho so that's nice. However, I've got the “ideal” body type for the stereotypical y2k outfits!!!! That's the majority of my closet- I wear lots of flare jeans, halter tops, and honestly if you look up 2000s I've probably worn half the outfits there. Brown is the best color for me, but I wear lots of yellow (my fave!!). Another huge part of my style is influenced by chicano culture since that’s what I was raised in and around. I have loads of FB County Charlie Brown crop tops in about 8 different colors. My dream is for the charlie brown halter tops, but for now I’ll live with just my flannel halter. I really just love dressing up for anything- no such thing as overdressed in my book. I like spending hours on my makeup and I refuse to leave the house without my eyeliner and eyeshadow being perfect. I put a lot of effort into my appearance- skincare twice a day, making sure my makeup is perfect, making sure my outfit is on point, etc., etc.. If I don't feel like it’s my best, I probably won’t wear it. It’s either a nice and easy 5 minutes or it takes me an hour. Between us, I’ve been late to school because of my makeup on more than one occasion (and it’ll happen again).
<[ ♡ ~ Personality
Here’s a few of my personality stuff incase you don't want to read through:
Enneagram 2w1
Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon, Pisces Rising
I’ve also got ADHD and a weird anxiety disorder (mentions of anxious thoughts and compulsions) I go into at the end. it’s the last paragraph of this section if you want to skip it!!
Those basically boil it down to everything you need to know, but i’ll go in depth! I’m the oldest of 5 siblings. My sister A is about to turn 16, my sister B is 14, my brother C is 13, and my youngest (and favorite i’ve got no shame about it) is D and she’s 7. Honestly being their big sister is my only personality trait- D is all I talk about. She’s literally always with me too. I’m at all of her school events, she hangs out in my room (even when I’m not there), she’s going with me to grocery stores and if I get free time I’ll play video games with her like minecraft, among us, and maybe roblox (strong maybe, i have to be in a real good mood it makes me car sick ;-;)
My learning disability can make me forget things and seem fairly spacey. Right now it’s for sure ADHD, and my therapist is leaning towards autism as well but we’re avoiding an official diagnosis bc it will limit me in the career I want to enter. I cannot sit still for the life of me- I’m convinced if i do i’m gonna die. Normally i’m pretty good about masking with minimal energy- one of my special interests has always been psychology. i’ll mirror people for fun sometimes, but then i end up accidentally picking up habits. but, at the end of the day, i’m still a big neurodivergent mess. my biggest stims are chewing (rubber, my lips and fingers (not hard!!!), and silicone), tippy taps, arm flapping, and spinning. I love headphone cords and lego tires, they’re my favorite and they’re just so comforting. bc if my chewing stim, i’m literally always snacking. people get concerned when i tell them i don’t have a lot of full meals but i literally ate 2 costco boxes of goldfish, about 3 packages of gerber star puffs for babies, and still had lasagna for dinner. i eat a lot- just not all at once. this also can cause me to start stress eating. Its hard for me to be hyper aware at the end of the day too. My jobs require me to be watching everything, but at the end of it, i just want to watch my LEDS change colors.
As much as I love my siblings, they are also the reason you can see a couple gray hairs starting to grow. They are the biggest trigger for my compulsions- especially D. If something isn’t perfect, and my youngest sister is around, I get unreasonably stressed out. I always joke that I can never sleep when she’s in my room because I’m worried the Kool-Aid man will bust through the wall and I'll sleep through it. However, there is some weight to that. If (and tbh when) my sister falls asleep in my bed, I’m up doing anything to keep me busy because for whatever reason it just doesn’t feel safe to sleep. This stems for the kids I work with as well. My co-workers make jokes about me being a perfectionist but it feels like if something is out of place bad things will happen. We love anxiety, real hot girl shit.
Small things I’ll do is constantly re-organize things. I’m constantly fidgeting with stuff and putting things back into “place” (where I decided they have to go for the rest of time). I do the same with our silverware. I’ll make sure all of our plates are in a rainbow. I have to do certain things in the exact same order every time. I’m VERY particular about how stuff in my room is- the quickest way to stress me out is to touch my stuff, move it around, or mess with my routine. Depending on how I’m feeling, that might literally make me have a breakdown. But being able to expect things every single time or fix things and make it right just calms me and makes me feel in control of something small, and even that can boost my mood and confidence a bit.
I work 3 jobs right now- law enforcement, I co-teach in a special occupational pre-school for high school students, and I baby sit at least twice a week. I have been pursuing a childcare career for 5 years, however, right now I’m piloting an state-wide high school internship program for local law enforcement departments. It was a pain to try and get started- I get to take the trial run since i’m 18 and a senior with a lot of law club training. I got voted as president of our high school’s law enforcement club as a joke my sophomore year and I just… keep… getting… re… elected. It’s not bad- I actually switched from thinking about teaching because of it and now I’m considering juvenile probation and teaching as a retirement job. I’m still debating- teaching is very important to me.
Because I’ve had a lot of work in childcare and shitty retail jobs, i’ve got an ungodly amount of patience. I have a scar on my leg from where a kid threw a table at me- he was still my favorite at the end of my program tho. It takes a lot for me to not like someone. I’m an upbeat person who is always eager to help and lend a hand. There’s an old lady trying to load something big into her car? Bam, Bvnny to the rescue. Need a door opened? Bam, door held. A lot of this stems from being the oldest of 5 tbh- I not only want to be someone my siblings can look up to, but I also want to be someone who can be as awesome as their parents. Admittedly, it gets really difficult when my siblings are all so different, my parents are grade-A overachievers, and I've got a bingo game going with potential learning disabilities. But I always push myself anyways- usually too far and burn myself out but it’s cool (this is a cry for help /j)
Because of how much I push myself to be better, I see a lot of improvement over time. However this also can make me a smidgen (a big smidgen lmaooo) bit defensive over how I present myself. Like, I’ve been ugly. I’ve been teased. I’ve been bullied. But I’ve worked my ass off to fix those things, and I work my ass off to maintain those things. I just put a lot of effort into how I carry myself and having it insulted is like damn I worked so hard for what???? Like if you call me ugly its like ugh but honestly I don’t care if I don’t know you. The one thing that will ALWAYS piss me off is when people try to discount my intelligence. Like I said before, I’ve been the ugly kid. I’ve been a weird kid. I’ve been the kid that gets bullied for stuff I can’t control. HOWEVER, the one thing I’ve always had going for me was that I’m smart. I was always the one helping with homework and it saved my ass more than once. I’ll take constructive criticisms, but not asshole criticism. It’ll hurt my pride </3
On a serious note, If I were to connect to any of the seven sins, it would 100% be Lucifer’s. I wouldn’t say i’m lucifer-levels of pride, but like it’s def there. I take pride in my siblings, my appearance, my job, etc., etc. I’m proud, but I feel like I’ve earned it with how hard I’ve worked to get here and how fucking cool my siblings turned out (that also might just be my ego talking, who knows?) Like A and B are so beyond beautiful and super popular. They're awesome at sports and are amazing with people. C is 6’2 and 270lbs of muscle (he’s 13 need i remind you ;-;) but he’s gentle and he gives the best hugs and he can fix literally anything. We also go on brother-sister dates to panda express after he wins a football game (he’s had a perfect season and my wallet hurts). D is so good at art and she’s beautifully kind. She can communicate better than adults do. Like if someone is bothering her she can set her boundary and stick with it. She is super empathetic and loves animals and wants to be a dog groomer when she grows up. She’s unironically funnier than all of us and with the amount of sass that leaves her mouth it’s obvious she’s got 4 big siblings (it’s never disrespectful tho, that’s the best part).They are all going to do wonderful things and I’m so excited to see it. I will also do anything, and I mean anything, to guarantee they get to do those great things they dream about.
<[ ♡ ~ Relationship Info
For a partner, I seriously need someone who can understand that I have no freetime. At all. Ever. I hardly ever leave the house, and if I do it’s literally to go shopping. For 18 i feel so lame lol. Chances are my partner is going to be one of my 3 friends. Despite not even being out of high school yet (2 more months thank god) I need something more domestic and less teenage romance. Like getting home from work and relaxing with our 4 dogs (forgot to mention I have 4 big dogs whoops). I need someone who is decent enough with kids to get along with my siblings. It’s also super important that I can have conversations with them- and they want to have them too. Not like “Hi honey how was your day?” “good” “What did you do?” “work.” I want them to want to talk too. I want to know everything about my partner. Would you love me if i was a worm? Would you love me if YOU were a worm? What if we were both worms? I want to have stupid conversations like that but I would also kill to talk about psychological theories and child development and have not-stupid conversations. I want someone intelligent enough to talk to me and make me want to learn, but also willing to indulge in my stupid theoretical conversations. They’ve also gotta understand my siblings will literally always come first. It could be our wedding day and if my sister calls me and says she needs me i’ll be out of there so fast you wouldn’t even have time to process. Family is super important to me, and eventually I want my very own little family that will be just as important, if not more so.
My top 3 love languages are quality time, physical touch, and acts of service. I’d say quality time and physical touch are the ones I want the most, but acts of service are the ones I appreciate the most if that makes any sense.
Quality Time- I'm huge on napping together and just parallel play (doing different activities but together). I love napping together because I literally always need one, but I'm more than content to just cuddle while I play my games on my phone and my partner does whatever they’re doing. Hell, we don’t even have to cuddle (I'd like it if we did). We can just sit in the same room and enjoy each other's presence. My quality time also extends to my family- the chances of my youngest sister being with me is pretty much 100%. She’s my thunder buddy- if she doesn't want to hang out with you neither do I. Most of the time if she’s with me she’s drawing or playing games on her own and is just hanging out with me in my room or in the car. If I have time Ill play games with her so if you aren’t down to spend some time with her then out the door with you. Realistically, if I were to go down to the devildom, she’d end up coming with me in some freak magic accident. And I’d make it so she can stay- when I said I’d do anything for them I was NOT kidding.
Physical Touch- I know I said we don't have to cuddle but like if we can I’m over the moon. I love getting to feel my partner. I'm okay with linking pinkies when we do stuff or touching knees when we sit. As long as I can feel my partner next to me I'm over the moon! I love hugs, I love kisses, I love playing with people's hair, I love getting my hair played with. I’m always giving my youngest sister little scratches on the head or smoothing her hair down or straightening her clothes. I’ll give her hugs before I leave and she always falls asleep cuddling with me. I never say no when my brother wants to give me hugs (which is all the time, bless his heart) and even when he picks me up off the ground I’m still okay with it. My middle sisters are NOT as fond of me touching them so I try to avoid it- B will literally swat my hand away if I’m even remotely close to her. But I’ll do small things like tucking in their shirt tags or fixing their hair. Does this fall into acts of service? Kind of, but it’s the only contact I get with them let me have it ;-;
Acts of Service- I have so much I need to get done. All the time. Every day. And there are tons of things I struggle with doing even when I’m not trying to get 80 other tasks done. Like laundry- laundry always ends up being the last of my list. Without fail. Cleaning in general just hardly ever happens.I pretty much live in my car with how often I’m driving and it definitely shows. If I find time to clean my spaces, chances are it’s at the very end of my day when I’m tired and honestly I end up putting it off for extra hours of much needed sleep. It’s not that I want my partner to do all the cleaning- honestly I’m so particular I’d rather do it myself- but if they did something like laundry or they made food for tomorrow or just something small it means the world. However this also goes both ways. I love doing stuff for other people. I love getting to make my partner meals or help with a project or carry something for them. It just makes my heart happy to relax with my loved ones. <3
Ifs too long let me know- I’ll give you a TLDR lol <3333 I’m super looking forward to this matchup with you :)))
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Hi Bvnny! I am so excited and happy to do this exchange* with you! Your idea is one of a kind and so unique, and I love it very much! Don't worry about having written too much, it's more material for me to work with after all. Now, without any further delay, I pair you with...
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To be quite honest, while I was reading through everything, it was so hard to pinpoint who would be a good match for you. I would think, "Huh, this character is perfect for them" and then BAM! you hit me with something that makes me go "Now wait a minute-"
In all honesty, it was fun, and for some time I was stuck between Mammon and Simeon, but Simeon won at the end, as you can see lol.
Simeon adores everything about you, from your freckles to your outfits. How can he not? You are mesmerizing in his eyes. He feels extremely happy that you take care of how you look, not because of what others think or say, but because you feel like it, because you want to. He wouldn't mind if the two of you got late for RAD because you wanted your makeup to be perfect. Chances are he's there with you watching you, his eyes wide in wonder and admiration, or helping you if you allow him to.
While he is not one for much PDA , one of Simeon's favorite things is to press featherlight kisses to your freckles, whenever you allow him. Solomon teases him about being obsessed with them every once in a while, but Simeon doesn't mind.
Simeon is good with children. He likes to listen to you talking about your siblings and wishes to meet them himself. He knows and understands that family comes first for you. He gets a little nervous about meeting your siblings, especially D, because he wants to leave a good impression on them. Not only because they are your siblings, but because your talking about them has made him grow fond of them.
Simeon is very attentive when it comes to you. He can't help it, its in his nature to care and nurture. He is good at realizing when you get a bit fidgety or look like you need sometime away from whatever has your anxiety spiking. He makes sure that you don't skip meals, and even if you do snack because of your chewing stim, whatever you snack on is nutritious. He will absolutely die if you mirror something he does or pick up a habit of his. You are too adorable for his poor angel heart, have mercy on him lol-
Simeon likes how the two of you you could be discussing whether you would love the other person if they were a worm, and afterwards, about a documentary you watched. Many of your discussions give him ideas for his books. You are, quite literally, his muse.
Simeon doesn't like seeing you burn yourself out. He loves you, and knows just how beautiful and amazing you are inside and out. Your tendency to push yourself too far brings out his protectiveness, and he can and will mother hen you into taking care of yourself before anything else. He will not have you ignoring your needs and wants. Simeon also will not stand for anyone taking undue advantage of your helpful nature.
Simeon is in awe of you. Your three jobs? Your ungodly amount of patience? Your fierce and protective love for your siblings? Your pride in yourself and your siblings? All of this inspires him, and he falls in love with you a little bit more every second he spends with you. Loving Simeon is very natural, very soft, and definitely domestic. He is very physically affectionate in private, but a little reserved in public. He adores cuddling with you anytime, whether it is while you are talking to each other, watching a movie, or its you playing a game on your phone while he reads or something. He knows you don't have a lot of free time, and likes to spend what time you do have with him plastered to your side. In public, he is not as clingy, but anyone who looks at him knows that he is completely head over heels for you. How? Because he is always at your side, his hand on the small of your back either guiding you somewhere or just resting there like a claim. His eyes never seem to wander from you, a content smile on his face.
Simeon likes doing things for you. So yes, he will do the laundry for you and clean up, just to see that radiant smile on your face. He likes playing with your hair, and falls in love with you all over again if you do it to him. One of the things he buys for you every time he goes shopping is hair accessories. One time he made a flower crown for you himself, then spelled it so the flowers wouldn't wilt. He is surprisingly innocent and boyish and just so, so in love with you~
Simeon is very supportive. No matter what you want to do, which career you want to choose, he is always there for you. He had been told his presence is soothing and comforting, and he wishes you feel the same way. That you feel comfortable and loved and cherished whenever you're with him, because you deserve the world. And he would love to give it to you on a silver platter.
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*Please note that matchups are not open right now.
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tazzykiki · 2 years
📺🌅🙀✨ For the ask game!
📺 = Favorite Childhood TV Show(s)?
Had to come back to this one because hoooooooooooooooo boy do I have so many that I can't even remember. I practically grew up with tv and spent a good chunk watching it, so uh mannnn. Here's some in no particular order:
-Let's just start right off with Wild Kratts. PBS show about two dudes helping animals live free and in the wild. So popular it always won the vote every Friday to air a double-special. It's also where I got my username, based off my fave ep "Tazzy Chris". ive no idea where kiki comes from.
-Jane and the Dragon <3
-Dreamworks Dragons series, especially Race to the Edge. I practically breathe HTTYD. Sucks they won't let it fuckin rest peacefully!!!!
-Obviously, Transformers Prime. I had a Bumblebee backpack and everything! And that whole almost getting hit by a train ordeal.
-Saddle Club, i watched a bunch of rerun episodes on Pluto TV! I still adore the theme song!
-Winx Club! Sucks they won't let it fuckin rest peacefully!!!!
-Monster High!! They had some lows but hey the new show seems to be wayyyyyy better than the live action movie, tho idk if any new incarnation can live up to the vibes of the first one for me.
-Code Lyoko! I still need to rewatch it(again), and honestly I'm not even sure I finished it. The latest I remember is the William Arc.
-TMNT 2k12! The show has some serious character writing issues and keeps tricking itself into thinking half-assed romance arcs are the peak of story telling but I still very much love it and it has a special place in my heart.
-Ninjago!!!! It recently just ended and I might cry aaaaaaaaaaaaa
-Ben 10 all the way to Ultimate Alien!
-Danny Phantom -Incredible Crew -TMNT Fast Forward -Spectacular Spider-man -Ultimate Spider-Man -Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes -Super Hero Squad Show -Teen Titans -Pearlie -Strawberry Shortcake(2003) -My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -Sleepy Hollow -Max Steel -Slugterra -Kim Possible -Lilo & Stitch the series -The Little Mermaid series -Powerpuff Girls -Okay i know this is the speed round but istg I watched cartoon shows The Swiss Family Robinson and Little Women but when I looked them up there was only 80's anime???? Were those my first anime that I remembered completely wrong???????
I also tried to do ones before 2018 as this is childhood, oughhhh my brain is full of many things
🌅 = Early Bird or Night Owl?
While I love the sun, absolutely a night owl. I only get up early when my body forces me to for some reason and then I just end up passing back out.
I am also mostly active near the evening and such, as evident by me answering this near 2am lmaoo
🙀 = Favorite Scary Movie?
I have to be super careful with horror as I get pretty freaked out easily but a few horror movies I love in no particular order:
-The Endless
-The Ritual
-A Quiet Place 1 & 2
-The Cube
-Vampire in Brooklyn(idk if it counts but it's marked as horror so HA)
-Event Horizon
and probably a few others. I know there's some like The Thing, The Ring, and Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2 that I like but aren't exactly my faves.
✨ = If You Could Be Any Supernatural Creature, What Would You Be?
While mermaids are an entire vibe, the ocean is fucking scary!!!!
Maybe a fae? I could shapeshift and do some funny supernatural shit to mess with people. I already love speaking nonsense.
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wooahaes · 1 year
hiiii!! im so excited about the cheol part for UTS!! i have been reading fanfic since like 2011 and i am being so fucking serious when i say uts is one of my favorite things i have read. i am seriously considering getting a darl+ing inspired tattoo with like hints of under the sun themed art work tied into it because the little world that you built means so much to me!! i saw that you said you were planning on writing a poly fic and is that gonna be a continuation of under the sun? like idk if you are planning to and i hope im not overstepping but i feel like it would be so cool if you went deep into explaining the lore and reasons why they were there, why they remember certain things about their past when they are with the reader etc. i would love to hear your plans if you’re willing to share without spoiling it too much lol. i hope you are doing okay and life treats you well!! p.s. if you have any suggestions or anyone has any artistic ability to give inspiration ideas for an UTS tattoo or uts artwork in general that would be so helpful!! would it be okay with you if i got an UTS inspired tat? idk if thats weird to get a fanfic themed tattoo i feel like i should ask permission LOL just to make sure ur comfortable with that. have a great day!!
anon i dont know how to tell u that i all but Literally screamed when i saw this like i have several friends who can attest to the fact i sent them a screenshot going "WHAT THE FUCK /POS" bc of how floored i was to see this ??? like i dont know if u know how like... genuinely thrilling it is to read something like this as a writer but its the kind of thing that keeps me writing
anyway!! yes 100% feel free to incorporate UtS into ur tattoo if u want!! its ur body so its fully up to you, but you absolutely have my blessing to do so if you decide on it! i literally played around with the idea of like. maybe making some sort of subtle stickers to sell on redbubble or something if anyone would be interested in those? i do love the idea of a darl+ing inspired tattoo in general like its not my fave song at all but the vibes are still so comfy <33 my go-to thoughts would either be literal sun-inspired stuff or flowers since both are mentioned within UtS, but anyone more artistic than i am (which is probably most ppl haha) is 100% welcome to weigh in <3
i dont really know what all i can share from my current poly fic plans other than the fact that i think i'm going with a genuinely bittersweet ending? plus the fact that some of the scenes i already have envisioned for poly fic involves alternate perspectives on various scenes seen throughout the different parts of UtS if tht makes sense. i kinda called it pulling back the camera mentally while i was planning it the first time around (my example is... literally a scene i cant talk about bc it happens early in cheol UtS haha its not a major spoiler but i'll leave it obscure for now). theres some angst from tension planned tho that im rly looking forward to writing <3 but i think like... idk if its a major spoiler, but i feel like a huge part of UtS is acceptance? and i think that really comes through in poly fic <3
anyway!!! im literally gonna save a screenshot of this ask to like. remember forever. literally im still not over the fact ur asking to get a tattoo that incorporates my silly fic into it like thats literally the sweetest thing and honestly the kind of sentiment that most writers dream about!!! i hope u have a lovely day anon ty for making mine <3
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the-assignment · 1 year
Blog #1 - Afrofuturism??
Okay, honestly, straight up. I had no idea what Afrofuturism was and how it related to pretty much anything else. Well, I guess that’s only partly true because while I didn’t know the name or that it was even a “thing,” I definitely enjoyed and consumed Afrofuturistic content – just without knowing it. For example, Black Panther, Kendrick Lamar, and Beyoncé are all Afrofuturistic art/artists that I know and love.
I also didn’t know there are different definitions or various ways different people can classify Afrofuturism – so I really like that it can mean different things to different people. I find that to be super inclusive! In general, I learned that Afrofuturism is more like Black Speculative Arts (as referenced by my professor) and can include Science Fiction, Futurism, Black Futurity, as well as some fantasy elements and even horror. What I personally found really interesting was one of the propellers of creating this type of genre – the aspect of the lack of inclusion often found in mainstream – *ahem* white – futuristic, fantasy, and dystopia films. Like, a lot of those films don’t feature Black people at all (or only briefly or they die) and while I could recognize that obvious lack of representation before, I didn’t really think about the bigger implications.
Like, the actual erasure of Black people in the future. If they are not in most versions or creations of peoples ideas of what the future is – Where are they? What does that say about how people see (or don’t see) them now? What happens to them? What about their future? Where do they belong? What does this exclusion say to them about their role in society? I know many may say it’s not that deep – but isn’t it tho? It’s an interesting train of thought that I have, unfortunately, never considered before in the context of Afrofuturism. And if I’m being honest, I’ll have to admit that stems mostly from me never having to be worried that I wouldn’t see a person like me – a white woman (even if only for the eye candy) – on a screen or in the future. (Though it is also in minor part because I don’t really watch a lot of futuristic / dystopia / utopia films in general).
But this lack of inclusion is what makes Afrofuturism so important and interesting! Because, much like I learned in my last AfAm Studies class about Black horror, this genre too is being reclaimed and rewritten. The idea of an apparently white utopian future is being challenged in really impactful ways and in various artforms – from movies and TV shows, to books and music. It’s been really fun to get introduced to artists I’ve never heard before (like Sun Ra) even if their sound isn’t really my thing. But it’s important to remember that it isn’t so much as whether I like the music or not, but about the way he challenged and changed the sound of music with (mostly) only his keyboard and how his style and imagery has had a lasting impact on musicians I do love – like Janelle Monáe! And now that I know what to look out for, I can see the references and callbacks – like the hooded mirrored faced entities present in both Sun Ra’s music videos and Janelle Monáe’s. I think its good to know what inspired some of my fave works of music and art – and the how and why of its creation.
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haeyeongs · 2 years
hi there, your secret santa here... im so sorry i'm just now messaging you for the first time... life has been a bit wild these days.
i hope you're doing well and excited for the upcoming holidays!
i know you're all about the ladies so i'm curious what some of your favorite female friends or female-driven dramas are?
~ your kdrama secret santa
hi love!! omg don't be sorry about not messaging me earlier, it's ok!!
and yess i'm really excited for the upcoming holidays! i've also almost finished my school semester so i have a few weeks off uni ♡ (there are still a few finals coming in january but they won't need too much studying so i can relax for now). i really hope you're doing well too! i know december can be tough for a lot of people so i'm sending you lots of love
ooh female driven dramas and female friendships...
the first drama that comes to my mind is work later, drink now because its second season is currently airing! this is a fun and silly show that isn’t perfect but the friendship they share is nicely written and they they’d do anything for each other.  yesterday i watched an interview with the writer and she explained that the trio was strongly inspired by her own friend group..... and that makes sense!! you can feel that the characters were written with love and tenderness
then, there’s of course age of youth and be melodramatic! i feel like age of youth became a classic and i believe it deserves all the love! be melodramatic is like its older version with 30-ish leads instead of uni students. i rarely laugh when watching shows but both got me laughing out loud. actually, some eps even made me scream of laughter! 
i can’t talk about female friendships without mentioning na heedo and go yurim from twenty-five, twenty-one... i know a lot of people hated the drama because of the main couple’s ending but to me the real duo of the drama was the two girls and their relationship was so beautifully written... honestly, every drama i’ve seen with bona as a lead actress had awesome female friendships! i can feel she’s all for the girlies?? i’ve already mentioned twenty-five twenty one but she was also in girls’ generation 1979* (an underrated gem, i wish more people would watch it!!!) and in your house helper (i’d rec this one for people who liked be melodramatic, although it’s less funny). she’s an idol actress so you’d expect her to play forgettable characters but she manages to always pick very interesting roles so i’m closely following her carreer as an actress! ♡
omg i didn’t mean to talk so much........ fzeklfjzfgé do you agree with those faves? if you also like female-driven dramas and great female friendships in dramas, i’d love to hear about your own favorites! (i mostly watch kdramas but if you have any recs from other countries i’d be glad to hear about them!)
*i need to say that one of the lead actors is lee jong hyun (ex-member of cn blue) and that he was part of the burning sun scandal. it’s one of my favorite drama and even if the main roles are the two girls, he’s still part of the lead cast. i don’t want to promote this drama without mentioning this
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thesims2comics · 2 years
any chance of rating the posters? cue eyes emoji
*cracks knuckles* let's GO!
(I've included some posters from the EPs and APs, otherwise this would be a very short list of like 4 posters)
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Engineered Angst Full poster: 5/10. what's going on here?? Is the person in front going to an eye doctor with funky walls? And why does she kinds look like a Urbz DS render? So many question, no answers
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Engineered Angst Red: 6/10. Better than the previous one imo, I like the sims' facial expression a lot! And this is a me problem, but it kind of reminds me of the promo clips of the virtual boy?? Y'know that nintendo console that only used red and black as its colors? Still pretty cool though!
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Searing Indifference: 7/10 Angsty teen poster number 3. Honestly? Iconic, this is one of those posters that I still remember from playing the game when I was younger. I've always thought it was a band poster though. Nonetheless, it's a very cheesy poster but I just can't rate this any lower
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"Civic Idol" by Adora Wall Arts: 7/10 AMAZING POSTER!! I'd say it's the best "emo/edgy" poster in the game. I'd only like to know what the hell that humanoid thing is. Also, the red thing looks wonky and apparently the white stripes are meant to say "Civic Idol". But the skyline and the moon look so great and the red stripe makes it look like dangerous and egdy. Kudos for the amazing composition of this one
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Pets poster: 5/10. Cursed. For some reason, this poster looks much more jankier and pixelated than the others, even the basegame ones. Kinda simple, but it sorta does the job (Fun fact: this is one of the few posters that have variants! Which redeems it)
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Revolutionary Rebellion poster: 8/10. Really cool! I love the hard red with the black and white and is much less crispier than some other posters. In the build&buy description it says that we should check out the Sim with the moustache but honestly, I have no idea what that's about. At least it looks pretty nice! Kent, Nervous and Moustache Mercutio is my fave rockband
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"It's Reggae, Mon" Poster: 9/10. Really pretty!! I love the posing of this guy and with the sun flare and background it's one of the most beautiful posters available! Also, seeing the previous music posters' description, I thought the devs would've made fun of the genre since they also did that with the teenage angst posters. But I think it's actually really nice and cool what they wrote about reggae music so I've included it for you to read
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"Fists of Bunny" poster: 8/10. I think this might be an anime reference or something? Or is this what the Social Bunny does when he's not with a sim? Just anime kicking in the Void? I don't get the reference, but it does look cool! Would I hang this up in my actual room? Probably yeah! And I like that it's the Social Bunny, we don't see the guy that often in the Build&Buy
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Inverted Vertigo, Cover art: 5/10. What the hell is going on here??? Hands??? light strokes? Some people? A face??? This reminds when I discovered blending layers in a drawing program for the first time honestly.
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All the alien posters: 8/10 Tumblr limits me to only upload 10 images, so these guys are getting grouped. Hell yeah! Alien posters! These look cool as hell, HD quality next to the pets poster. I don't know how to feel about the way too human alien head on the left though, it kinda freaks me out, because for the sims 2 this is far too realistic. And apparently the guy on the surfboard is PT#9 cousin, RT#66 surfing through the galaxy, good for him! These posters are rad as hell in my opinion, especially after some rather small and pixelated ones.
That's gonna be it for the poster review! There's an image limit of 10 and because I have the Super Collection I don't have all the posters, so there isn't gonna be a part 2 from me. If anyone else feels like completing this list with all the posters form the Ultimate Collection or make their own review with the posters, feel free to do so!
These were just my opinions on the posters, if you have others thoughts on the posters that's fine, your opinion is valid!
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moved2usagiiboo · 3 years
Oh wow this is awesome! I freaking LOVE Tokyo revengers! And you're black too!
Culd u write more with black!reader and Mikey? I her they'd be so cute. More of my fave lazy dangerous man and his oral fixation! F*cking LOVE HIM!
Black!Reader x Mikey
I hope this is what you were looking for!
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Can I just say that I bark everytime I see this man? Anyways minors dni or your mom's a hoe 😢🤡
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ミ❤️ Mikey + black woman = eternal happiness. He's so happy to have caught someone like you, he worships the ground you walk on. You're his goddess, he can't help but adore you.
ミ❤️ He brags about you all the time, just your smile makes his heart clench. Honestly, he loves everything about you, the way the sun highlights your skin. Your lashes that touch the sky, the golden highlights, your lips that are naturally plump and pouty. Your kinky, puffy hair.
ミ❤️ Oh lord, he loves your hair. He begs to watch you do your hair all the time, he even offers to help. He evens saves up his money to pay for your next hair appointment, only if he gets to pick the next style.
ミ❤️ He seems like the type to love curly pigtails or goddess locs, it does upset him a little that he can't play with your hair, but seeing you all done up like a doll, his heart might explode.
ミ❤️ He also loves your afro! He loves messing with your fro, asking how you got it in that shape, what products you use, how long did it take to style it. Why are you so pretty?
ミ❤️ He forces you to do his hair, Draken is grateful that someone else can deal with Mikey on a daily rather than it all falling on him, needless to say, Draken loves you.
ミ❤️ Wash day always lasts a couple of days, after washing and styling your hair you work on Mikey's. Mikey's hair is always matted for some reason, like always? it's like he doesn't brush his hair at all...
ミ❤️ He also doesn't sit still so he receives pops to his head with the comb.
"Y/n-chann~ that hurt"
"Stop moving ya' damn head then."
ミ❤️ Whines a lot. It's like doing a child's hair. So, you have to get creative.
ミ❤️ You'll give him snacks while he sits on the floor in between your spread legs. He likes lifting your bare legs up, putting them on his shoulders and locking them by the ankles. You part his hair, applying his favorite your leave in conditioner while gently detangling his hair.
ミ❤️ Like said before in the previous Mikey headcannon, he has a huge oral fixation, the entire time he's kissing and sucking on your bare leg. Biting the fleshy meat of your thighs, he loves leaving bite marks. It's a way of claiming you.
"Stop it— tryna do your hair here.."
"Can't help it bunny, you're addicting."
ミ❤️ He makes sure that whenever you're alone you never have any pants on so he can see his marks he made previously.
ミ❤️ After you finish his hair he litters your body and face with kisses thanking you for being such an angel. He mutters against your neck about a reward, knowing damn well it's for his own guilty pleasure.
ミ❤️ He starts leaving marks on your entire body, anywhere and everywhere he can get his mouth on.
ミ❤️ Majority of the time it's on your succulent breasts, he loves them.
ミ❤️ He also loves gripping your ass, please sit on his lap, chest, back, he loves feeling your plush cheeks on top of him.
ミ❤️ Doesn't care if you're plus size, skinny, slim thick, put that ass on him ✊🏿
ミ❤️ BTW, you smell like really good and he loves that.
ミ❤️ Mikey asked why you always smelt so nice, you decided to share your secrets and took him to bath and body works to use a gift card you got for your birthday, since then he got hooked.
ミ❤️ That same day you introduced him to Shea butter, fuck he loves it.
ミ❤️ He always goes out to bath and body works before bath time. He loves colorful bath bombs, he makes sure to get a different bath bomb each time, it's like he's collecting them.
ミ❤️ Oh god, he loves the shower gels and the body lotions. Anything that smells like sweet, he picks.
ミ❤️ He seems like the type to love sugar pancakes or the blueberry scent?
ミ❤️ When you guys take baths together he always has some sort of toy in there. A rubber ducky or something along those lines.
ミ❤️ You're behind him caressing him massaging his scalp, he lays in-between the crack of your breasts while he relaxes, taking about random things that come to mind while you hum a response.
ミ❤️ He'll turn around, shifting the water in the tub, some of the water falling out hitting the ground.
ミ❤️ He'll massage and kiss all over your neck and breast, sucking on them like milk will come out. Don't stop caressing his scalp, it feels so good.
ミ❤️ You'll be in that tub forever if he had it his way, never leaving your breasts out of his mouth for too long. Only to mutter soft praises and "I love you"
ミ❤️ It's his job to cover your body in shea butter and lotion.
ミ❤️ You never agreed to this 🙄
ミ❤️ He loves feeling the jiggle of your skin underneath his hands. Spends too much time moisturizering your ass 😕
ミ❤️ He'll stand behind you kissing your shoulder, he's just a needy baby. Putting the product on his hands, rubbing them together to produce a little heat as well as spreading the protect out before lathering your body.
ミ❤️ He's marveled at the way the lotion feels on your breasts. He pinches and pulls your nipples earning a soft slap on his hands.
ミ❤️ You kicked him out of the bathroom and finished the rest by yourself
ミ❤️ He cried
ミ❤️ You do his skin care before heading to bed. Always cuddling, hes small spoon most of the time. He loves to be babied.
ミ❤️ He sleeping in-between your breasts with his legs wrapped around yours.
ミ❤️ You wake up with his head in your shirt and like 10 new hickeys you didn't have before....
ミ❤️ Now this might be just me but I think Mikey likes having you suck on his fingers or he sucks on yours?
ミ❤️ I just think he gets a rush off of it, it's something so innocent that can be taken sexual, he loves it.
ミ❤️ He also loves when you mark him like he does to you, he'll take off his shirt and let you go to town. Your plush lips, all glossy from the lip gloss that coated the brown lip liner you put on earlier. You'll kiss up his happy trail leaving kiss marks and bites in his waist, sucking his toned body.
ミ❤️ He'll rub your breast or suck on your finger while you work.
ミ❤️ You'll make it up to his pecs(pls that's a weird word) and start sucking on them as well, you bite on his nipple with your canines earning a soft groan from his lips.
ミ❤️ For sure has sensitive nipples, idgaf.
ミ❤️ You'll mark up his neck leaving shiny brown kiss marks all over his body.
ミ❤️ He loves seeing you like this, you practically have heart eyes when you look up at him. Your lip liner and gloss smudged, a line of drool seeping from the corner of your mouth.
ミ❤️ It's absolutely adorable.
ミ❤️ Back to being wholesome 😕
ミ❤️ Mikey makes it his mission to learn about your culture and upbringing, teach him everything.
ミ❤️ Brotha woke ✌️
ミ❤️ He'll beat anybody's ass if they even mutter something about you. Doesn't matter the age, come catch this fade.
ミ❤️ He's so overprotective of you, it's crazy. It's just because he loves you so much, he wants to be the best boyfriend he can be for you.
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
Hi 💓
It is the month of Ramadan and I want to avoid reading any smutty/steamy fics for the month. Which is why I was wondering if you have any Jungkook or Taehyung non smut fic recs? It can be fluff or anything just no explicit sex scenes. Thank you for your recommendations you are literally my favorite page on this platform 💜✨
🌷 Hello @dhabatae101. First, I wish you and other followers a happy, safe, and blessed Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak! ✨
I decided to answer this right away so I tried compiling my reblogs (plus those fics I haven’t reviewed yet) and authors that “specialize” in fluff/angst. However, the list went on and on 🤭. So, I will split this post into two:
Part 1: authors that have more SFW content in their catalog (you are here)
Part 2: non-smut fics (my reblogs + other recs) - Taehyung | Jungkook
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(Fluff/Angst) Smut-less Fics | Taehyung & Jungkook
🌷 Part 1 (Recommended Authors)
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@jimlingss - Kina’s masterlist is just a dream. No two stories are the same and every fic is just memorable. A truly prolific and consistent writer. Usually witty, fluffy, and charming but the angsty fics are also deadly. I posted my fave JJK and KTH fics -  the Worshipers Series can be read independently but better if read sequentially to better understand the “universe”. The Slice of Life Series  is also a must, but you can read the KTH and JJK fics on their own but I seriously love ALL 💖.
Worshipers of the Sky - KTH | series [3/3] | 35k | God AU, Goddess!OC, Sacrifice!Taehyung, Worshipers Series | F, some A
Worshipers of the Sea - JJK | one shot | 16.3k | Pirate AU, Mermaid AU, God AU,  Worshipers Series  | F, A
President’s Son - KTH | series [20/20] | 80k | Bodyguard AU (reader), Slice of Life Sereis, Slow Burn | F
Sugar and Coffee - JJK | series [23/23] 101k | Patisserie School AU, Best Friend AU, Enemies to Lovers (slight), Slice of Life Series | F
Love So Shallow - KTH | series [3/3] | 34.8k | College AU, eventual Roommate AU, Best Friend AU, Humor | F, slight A  ⭐ #holygrailfic
Black Waltz -  KTH | two shot | Butler AU, Historical AU | F, A (ah I love Taehyung’s characterization here)
Moirai - KTH | series [8/8] | 46.9k | isekai au, fantasy au, reborn as a villain in a video game | F, A
Rent a Boyfriend - KTH | I noticed this is a crowd favorite, it might end up yours too =)
A Fairy Crime - KTH | one shot | Fairy godmother OC to grant someone a happy ever after  | F, A, crack
Date in a Box - JJK | one shot | 9.7k | Date Planner (like wedding planner but make it a service for dating) | F, F, F
His Name - JJK | series [8/8] | 52.4k | Multiple Personality AU, based on Kill Me, Heal Me (this is one of my favorite Korean drama series so I really enjoyed this fic series too) | A
A Piece of Moonlight - JJK | one shot | 22k | Warrior AU, Mulan AU | really angsty though
*didn’t include Chess of Ice (since this is in the Jungkook Jock AU list)
@inktae - If you’ve been following me I always rave about this author. Mostly her work is of fantasy genre but has a slice of life tone. Her fics are just masterpieces - just beautifully written and viscerally gripping. They remind me of Ghibli films for some reason (like the tone). You can check their fics here (just avoid those with M, usually with sexual content but honestly it’s not explicit). I love everything but if you want to start somewhere, you can try:
Blue Orchids, Moonlight, Home After Rain -  JJK Soulmate AU, Hanahaki AU, Angst  ⭐ #holygrailfic
First Light - KTH x R x JJK | raved about it here (angst)
Away From the Sun - KTH | soulmate AU
The train of lost souls - JJK, feat JHS | fantasy AU | A
The swirling Ways of Stars - JJK, fantasy | A, F
@gukyi - for your enemies to lovers needs. This is one of my favorite tropes so I just love that there is a writer that ‘specializes” in this. Please check their masterlist and take note of fics with (smut). Try:
Four Weeks - KTH, College AU, stuck in campus for four weeks during Christmas
Good Luck Charm - KTH, roommates, actor AU
Moonlight Melody + Part 2 - JJK, fake dating, orchestra AU | F, A
Coffee Shop Contract - JJK, fake dating, college AU | F
If I Told You - JJK, college, unrequited love/pining | F, A
Midas - JJK, magical realism | F, A
Love Project - JJK, comedy, photography assignment | F
@koorara - ugh I just adore their writing. Tooth-rotting fluff seems effortless with her drabbles/short stories. You can check their fics here. My faves:
Driving Me Wild - JJK, demon au, roommate au, ongoing drabble series but you can read it (not cliffhanger-ish), soulmate au | my review (tooth-rotting fluff)
His Dandelion - KTH, someone sent an ask about this you can read the description | A
Down and Down - JJK | MMA fighter, slight making out | A, F
The Pitter Patter of the Heart - skip the drabble with mature content, husband au, lecturer jungkook, this is super cuuuute | tooth-rotting fluff
@suhdays - it’s just amazing to find a writer with a non-smut catalog. Writing is just pure and focused on the plot and emotional/character development. Please give their masterlist lots of love. My faves:
Access Granted - I like hacker Jungkook. SMAU format
A Cinderella Story - JJK | also based on the movie | F, A
Wherever You Are - JJK | vampire, ceo (I love this) | A, F
Terms of Endearment - JJK | poet jjk x artist reader | F
Bucket List - JJK | friends to lovers (this is adorable! my review of this is still in the drafts like the rest of the fics 😥) | F, slight A
Camp Crush - KTH | brother’s best friend (this is funny like I was just smiling all throughout)
Made of Honor -  KTH | SMAU, recently completed! Like the movie
Baby I’m a Fool - JJK | Fake Dating, Co-worker AU, E2L | F, A
@vanaera - her Yoongi coworker E2L series is something I’m always waiting for and  I don’t think her other fics contain smut. Please check The Prince and His Rose (bestfriend AU, College AU, childhood friends, football player x writer!reader Jungkook, fluff/angst)
@namjoonchronicles - so I recently binged on this author’s writing (still bingeing on her other members’ fics). Their catalog has a lot of Domestic AUs which are beautiful slice of life pieces. It could be as simple as folding the laundry but it would be so meaningful. I said in one of my reviews that their domestic fics has same vibes as illustrator Puung’s Love is in Small Things. I would like to post my favorites here but I think I recently just reviewed/reblogged tons of their work (you can search my blog for the reviews). Please check their masterlist. Granite Glow is my ⭐ #holygrailfic
@rosaetae​ - if you like angst that hurts but it all makes sense why the situation had to be angsty, then her masterlist is something to binge on. Not all are angsty, just mind the tags for pure “fluff”. My favorites:
The Bedtime Contract - KTH, roommates, enemies to lovers, sort of cuddle buddy?, fluff but there’s slight angst | F, A
Dream a Little Dream of Me - KTH, soulmate au, could hear soulmate’s voice, waitress x songwriter | 
Lavender + Vanilla - KTH,  a story about a boy who had forgotten his memory of you
Chrysanthemum Effect - KTH (JJK has a side story too), Hanahaki AU
Among the Evergreen  - JJK, Christmas AU, E2L | F
Sweet Apple Biscuits - JJK, receives letter from their future self asking to save one boy ⭐ | A, slight F
Best Thing He Never Had 01 02 03 04 05 06  - JJK, bestfriends to lovers | A, F
Better Late Than Never - JJK drabble, exes AU, fake dating (I love this scenario, there’s one funny moment here with Jungkook saying his feelings through a door) | A, F
@justimajin - another favorite of mine - her fics actually try different genres/scenarios and are usually series. I find it fun to wait on episodes weekly. A consistent writer too. See masterlist here. Selected works:
Catching a Case of Doctor Blues - KTH, medical AU, enemies to lovers, slice of life
Swapped - JJK, body swap, really fluffy! I reviewed it before and screamed at how fluffy this is 😍 | tooth-rotting fluff
A Lone Wolf’s Howl - JJK, werewolf AU, sort of enemies/rivals, hunter AU, bestfriend. Note: there is a chapter with smut, you can skip that portion | A, F, S
@bubmyg​ - oh wow her works are just tooth-rotting fluffy goodness too (especially the Yoongi drabbles/one shots). But please check her fics for Tae and Koo. My picks:
Can’t Fake a Feeling - KTH, F2L, Fake Dating, College AU, Fuckboy (not smut)
Extra Cheese Sauce, Please - KTH, F2L, College, friends keep setting them up
Strawberry Boy - JJK, I just reblogged this weeks ago so you probably have read this | tooth-rotting fluff
Wonder - pool boy!jungkook x journalist!reader | F
Not a Date - JJK | one shot + drabble series, kinda E2L. cute |  tooth-rotting fluff
Dare to Begin - JJK | college au, idiots to lovers, broke college students |  tooth-rotting fluff
gcfguk + idcilh - a youtuber!jeongguk drabble series | F
you can check their masterlist for the other drabbles and fics I haven’t read/included
@cupofteaguk - a writer whose fics end up in my fic rec lists regularly. When I get asked about certain tropes, I always remember one or two of her fics. Their Reputation Series is binge-worthy but they also have plenty of scenarios/tropes to choose from. You can find a lot of KTH or JJK fluff-based fics here (or other members too):
the maze to you - KTH |  soulmate au | angst
along the boardwalk - KTH | skater boy/college au | fluff
it’s all fun & games - JJK | fake dating au | fluff
say you won’t let go - JJK | soulmate au | fluff
on the road (to you) - JJK |  road trip/strangers to lovers au | fluff
new romantics - JJK | hogwarts au, quidditch player, enemies to lovers | F, A
@crystaljins - another writer with fics that have well-developed plot, great angst and great endings. I recommend all (check other members’ fics here). Extra love for:
Take a Chance - JJK | series [7/7] | 63k | Hanahaki AU, Coworker AU, Boss!Reader, Wedding Planner AU | A, F | My review  ⭐ #holygrailfic
Schemes and Tricks to Win Her Heart - KTH | series [5/5] | 22.5k | Fake Dating, feat Chaebol/Rich Seokjin, Taehyung is Jin’s Little Brother, and OC is Tae’s bestfriend
I haven’t read the new Taehyung Christmas fic yet but give it a spin =)
@springbean - I love her story concepts and ideas! When I discovered her, I just binged on their work and I enjoy every new fic she releases. My personal favorites are listed below, but you can also check her masterlist here:
Onyx - JJK | cyberpunk AU, abo dynamics (it is sooo interesting to use abo dynamics this way. Usually abo is associated with werewolf aus but this is like a social classification system in this fic. It is still ongoing but it’s the type of story you can read and remember easily so in case it gets updated you can jump into the next chapter)  ongoing | A, F
Wolfsbane - KTH | Werewolf AU, college, soulmates (included in my KTH werewolf fic recs)
Cursed - JJK | Prince x Mage/Witch, Fantasy, Medieval, E2L, action (basically has all AUs I like) ongoing
Enshrined - JJK | this is new! fantasy, fae world, isekai, childhood friends, eventual smut (?) but since we’re not there yet you can still read it smut-less  ongoing
@army-author - another prolific writer with a catalog you can binge on. I recently reblogged/reviewed some of my favorites but believe me there are more (I am just lazy with reviewing and such). Personal faves:
Gamomania - JJK | childhood friends | tooth-rotting fluff, slight S
X and O - KTH | fake dating, single parent, teacher AU
A Monster Crush - KTH | childhood friends, angst, fluff, horror, implied S   ongoing
All This Stigma - KTH | fwb au, unplanned pregnancy, arranged marriage, divorce, really angsty but I love it!
The Village Idiots - JJK | soulmate au, childhood friends, they’re soulmate-less (or are they?) |  tooth-rotting fluff
The Alchemy of Amor - JJK | fantasy au, royalty au, enemies to lovers (new) | F
Fire and Ice - JJK | oh this is probably the first I’ve read from the author, E2L but make it fluffy rivals (he’s fire and she can yield ice), fantasy au, magic | F
Black and White Christmas - JJK | Office AU | F
@thedefinitionofbts - I love how emotionally invested I get when reading their fics. Most of their fics are smut-less but deeply rooted in emotions so I remember the story a lot even if I’ve read some years or months ago (I said in my werewolf fic rec list that there’s this Jungkook fic of theirs that’s really sad and I still imagine him waiting for OC.) Just powerful storytelling. You can check their masterlist and mind the fics with smut. I wanted to list my favorites here but I’ll end up listing everything. If you want to start a fic, I recommend:
A Story that We Paint - KTH x R x JJK | Sci-fi, College AU, Lucid Dreams AU | A, slight F
Our First and Last - JJK, VMIN | Soulmate AU, Sci-Fi | A, F
Kingdom of Crystal Snow - KTH | Christmas, Royalty (yay something purely fluffy)
Corner of the Universe - KTH | Reincarnation AU
other fics I like have S content or too sad
@threeletterslife - I love her fics because they make me dwell and ponder on things but themes are very heavy (I think she has one crack fic though). No smut and you can try all her works if you are in the mood for angst, some pondering, etc. Masterlist here. You can read the Love Chaser Series (though you have to read the Yoongi series first before reading Jungkook’s, it’s one universe).
Whipped with a Cherry on Top - KTH | friends to lovers, crack
The Time Traveler’s Playbook - KTH | time travel AU | F, A
Cuss Out - JJK | High school AU, crack | F
@artaefact - just feel good scenarios and I love her drabbles! I’ve reblogged and oohed aahed over the drabbles that are short but powerful scenarios.
incandesce + warmth drabble - JJK  (safe to say, you can read all their drabbles) | F
Aeturnal - KTH | fantasy au, royalty au (I loooove this. it has inexplicit S though, you can skip)
A Letter in Roses - KTH | husband au, valentine au
Calling You Mine - JJK | College AU, S2L, tooth-rotting fluff 
@augustbutwinter - a writer to watch out for. August delivers so much even with minimal word count; they can get you emotional (fluffy or angsty) and it is so easy to visualize the image she is trying to describe. Just wonderful. The words just flow easily too so the fics are not difficult to read/imagine. I recommend the ff:
My Tears Ricochet - KTH | ghost AU, roommate AU, fluff (sometimes angsty), drabble series ⭐⭐
Rose Coloured - JJK | post college AU, some sort of reunion with an old flame | F
@akinnie75 - What a wonderful storyteller. I would binge on her fics for their plot/storylines. Usually it feels as if you are reading a tale. Several of their fics ended up in my #holygrailfics (the namjoon and jimin ones). You can try:
Ghost Marriage - JJK | fantasy, idol au, kind of arranged marriage | A, F
Until Spring 1 | 2 - JJK | Romance, Fantasy, visited the Freesia Island for Spring but taken for Arranged Marriage instead | A, F
Moonchild - KTH | a tale about the legendary Moonchild, a mythical creature known for its ability to heal life of all sorts
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I’d also like to recommend checking the fics in each of the reading lists and Fic Recs by theme. You’ll find these lists in the NAVI page. Fics/Titles included per list are usually tagged for A/S/F content.
I will update this once I remember other authors that focus on A/F
Part 2 (Fic Recs) - linked top of this post
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seavoice · 2 years
tbh i need the director’s commentary of that particular Apollo-Will scene where they talk about Hal’s diary in BBTTS because YEAH but any scene is fine. gimme the director’s commentary of your fave Apollo-ish glory💃💃
HIIII! Yessss, Build It Bigger Than The Sun. Thank you for asking about this scene, it includes one of my most favourite and underutilized backstories in the RRverse: Halcyon Green’s.
Honestly, I debated a lot about what to do with the diary–if I had to include it at all, how would it come into Apollo’s hands, who should it be passed onto finally (I thought of having it stay with Apollo in Olympus as a reminder, or perhaps Thalia, or Annabeth, even Percy before ultimately settling on Will), what would be the logical emotional fallout from reading it, what could be done to honor Hal’s memory.
In the end the solutions to the first two questions seemed pretty straightforward – Hal’s punishment mirrors Apollo’s punishment in a strikingly parallel way. Both punished by their fathers for revealing visions/a prophecy (in part), both by being made less. In a story about fathers and sons it seemed just fitting to call back to it. BIBTTS was a way to reconcile the thesis of PJO with the thesis of TOA, and try to offer some sort of payoff for the conflict building from book one: the gods being the most awful parents. Hestia tells Percy and Nico about Luke in TLO, and is the keeper of the hearth of the family. Luke makes his promise to be a family in that very diary and meeting Hal was his first major turning point in what would be a month or so of so many quick turning points (rip Luke’s mental health). It made sense for her to have it. 
Having WILL end up with it however…that was something I really had to think over. If it made sense for him to even read it, if it would unnecessarily cause irreconcilable conflict between Apollo and him (how would he come back from that you know?) but ultimately I thought it had to end up with him. For Apollo as much as for him, but also in a way, for Hal. 
After their conversation in chapter 2 where Will goes “Sometimes I have trouble not feeling shame about what YOU’VE done” (paraphrase), it's clear that Apollo’s history is something he really grapples with. Even in canon, he keeps books about his father for newbies. He clearly takes his position as a counsellor–a representative, basically–quite seriously. Apollo giving him this diary was a way to come clean, and also allowing Will the space to choose to forgive his father. A choice Apollo doesn’t truly get to make for himself on Olympus when he meets (uh, for lack of a better term) Zeus. He puts the ball in Will’s court, even if it costs him his son, because Truth is important to him. 
It’s important for the memory of Hal too. With Percy, or Annabeth or Thalia, it would mean more about that last page–about Luke. Will is just another demigod in the war, but he is also Hal’s brother; he lost his elder siblings to the war started by the boy who Hal made his final prediction about. Will will share the story of Hal with his siblings, and they can mourn together. It’s a cautionary tale–it’s a promise from their father to be better than he was.
“You read the diary?” Apollo asks Will, who hasn’t moved an inch or breathed a word.
Will exhales, slow and deliberate. “Yeah. I did.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Will looks at the ground for the longest time. Apollo waits. Will screws laughs, a little breathlessly. “Well, it’s not—it’s not okay. Not really. I just don’t get why—”
“I know,” Apollo says. “There is nothing in my actions that makes sense. I…am so incredibly sorry, Will.”
“It feels like all those other stories,” Will says. He sounds a little weepy. “About Cassandra, and Niobe and all those other horrible stories…and I thought I could compartmentalize it as ancient history, as mythology. But I knew Luke Castellan. I know Thalia and Annabeth. It was now. ” Will doesn’t look up. After a long beat, he amends: “I guess…not now now. You said you’re trying.”
“I understand if that’s not enough. I won’t make it up to Hal, ever. It doesn’t have to be enough for you.”
Will doesn’t say anything for a while. He looks split. “The thing is,” he says, “I think we’ll be okay. I don't know how to feel about it yet, but we will be okay. I just—-need a minute. To process it all.”
“I’ll be there,” Apollo says. “If you need me, want me. I will.”
“I do,” Will says. “I don’t know if it makes me selfish, ignoring everything…but I really want a Dad, you know? And I want things between us to be okay.”
And how can Apollo refuse an offer like that? He holds out an arm and Will nods, still teary, before accepting the hug and settling into his side.
The scene AFTER Will reads it now…that was a gamble I’ll admit. How would someone react to that? How should someone react to that–honorably–which is what Will is concerned with? Will is mad at Apollo, and he wants to hold him accountable for Hal’s sake, the demigods’ sake…but in the end, it has been a long time since all that. Will has been sacrificial, selfless for the sake of his younger siblings, a parent-stand in, he’s grown up too soon. His dad, who he loves, who loves him, who has tried in a way no one else has, is here. And even if he feels a twisted grief and guilt about forgiving Apollo too easily, in the end it is his one chance to be selfish. To be a kid. To not protect, but be protected. He takes that leap of faith.
Logically, the Hal plotline could have been earlier in the story– that would have given more narrative space to Will to digest it. But in the end, I decided it worked better towards the end of the story. Apollo’s whole shtick has been about earning the capacity for growth–there may still be more to atone for in his immortal life. It’s not a linear journey. It will be hard, but it can be worth it if you have good intentions like he did here. It’s a process which has no clear end.
Also, it was an unexpected kindness for Apollo. He’s just had the most horrible, triggering encounter with his father, and had to forgive him despite it all (with some power in the situation, but still bittersweet). So to receive forgiveness in return…it soothes a balm. After having ended one terrible cycle of vengeance, it means a lot to him to have some other better type of cycle for him to be a part of. 
Quite simply, in the three lessons he had to learn it was the final one–to remember what it means to be a mortal, to be a god, and to be a parent.
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jemmo · 3 years
Habe you seen any of P'Aofs other works? I'm still quite new to BL so I wonder if he's just that good or if Ohm and Nanon make most of the greatness of Bad Buddy? I mean obviously they play a big part but with a shitty script even fantastic actors couldn't do much. 😳
hello dear anon!!
and yes, i've seen a lot of p'aofs works. from what i remember, his most notable series have been he's coming to me, dark blue kiss, still 2gether and atots. and they have all been very good in my opinion. i wasn't much of a fan of 2gether, but i dont know what p'aof did when he picked up those follow up eps but to me they were a big improvement, so he must have some kind of magic up his sleeve.
and as for all the others, i couldn't recommend them enough. to me, dark blue kiss is one of the best handlings of an established relationship in a BL ive ever seen. it might be a tad overdramatic and have its own shortcomings, and yes it is centred around jealousy which isnt always my fave, but i do honestly understand where both the characters are coming from. there are reasons for both of their actions and how they behave and i really appreciate that. plus tay and new do have great chemistry and i like their dynamic, but thats just bc i love when they bicker like an old married couple. and lets not forget mork and sun who literally invented side couple syndrome. i think they stole everyone's hearts, their storyline and dynamic was just so good and i so wanted to see more of them.
atots is atots. i feel like its already legendary even tho it only aired last year. such a refreshing storyline and setting. both characters felt so fleshed out and whole as people. and i love that, besides the romance which was amazing, you got to see how both characters went on journeys as individual people. i cry at a lot of things and there's a lot of things to cry at in atots, but what got to me the most was the scene where tian has to leave the village. let me tell you, if you love the found family trope and want to see a young man find true fulfilment and happiness in his life, watch this show.
and last but definitely DEFINATELY not least, he's coming to me. this show THIS SHOW. if the rest of my reply is trying to convey to you that p'aof really is just that good, this is where i say that if you pair p'aof with seasoned, talented actors as we did with bad buddy, you get a masterpiece. bc p'aof, working with singto and ohm in this show must've been a match made in heaven bc this show is amazing. for such an out there and kinda ridiculous concept, it somehow delivers. nothing about it feels like a joke. they took a story about falling in love with a ghost and made me actually care. not once while watching was i thinking in my head 'this is stupid and pointless bc this would never happen' bc i was too invested in the journeys these characters were having, of learning to move on and learning to be and accept yourself. and yes singto was amazing, but for me ohm stole the show. watching this series was what made me watch bad buddy, bc i just needed to see more of ohm acting. his portrayal in the series is legit faultless to me. at such a young age as well he gave me everything. the innocence and pure joy of someone so young and naive to the world, the sheer amount of empathy and care he had for mes, gosh i dont even know what else to say without crying he just carried this show. and i can see why it created such a strong bond between him and p'aof.
but bad buddy really and truly knocked it out of the park. and from what i can see, that is ohm and nanon. bc p'aof has brought magic to everything he's done but this is another level. bc to me, p'aof is great at everything he does and can do, scripting and directing and helping actors with characters etc, but where these other series dont compare to bad buddy is in the chemistry. ohm and nanon have the ability to act so naturally together and thats not something p'aof can create himself. sure, he can help a lot, but that chemistry comes from their close bond, their understanding of themselves and each other and their talent and passion as actors. its just a dream team the three of them. and i so hope that gmmtv will let p'aof run wild with experienced and talented actors again so we keep getting more masterpieces like bad buddy. bc there's no hiding now, we know they can do it, we know they have all they need, so just be brave gmmtv. let p'aof work his magic.
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fmdjoosung · 2 years
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hiya i’m demi and this is my Baby sung, aka choi joosung, stage name sun, main dancer of candy. her stage name sums up at least three quarters of who she is, but there’s more info under the cut. you can also read more about her on her pinterest, bio, public profile, private profile, and claims. if you’d like to plot, hit this post with a like. if you’d like a random starter, reply with an emoji. and if you’d like an event starter, reply with a word and an exclamation point!
my fave part of sungs profile are the sims 4 traits so i’m copying them here: cheerful, creative, romantic, bookworm, music lover, childish, dance machine, slob, squeamish, family oriented, good, insider, outgoing, proper
to expand more on this, sung is excitable. she takes an inch and gives a mile, which can be nice in some situations, but especially as a child it caused her to push potential friends away by being Too Much. as she’s aged, she’s learned to tone this down, but it’s still a work in progress
the claps and bursts out when laughing type
the sends you personal holiday and birthday cards type
sends you 30 texts in a row type
loves reading, scrapbooking, cats, pop & coffee shop music
adores pink and yellow and will be wearing one and/or the other whenever possible
likes anything Cute, clothes or otherwise
in many ways, a pretty traditionally feminine type of girl. she likes being ~pretty, has been cooking from a young age, likes playing homemaker, is very emotional, like jesus the amount that this gorl can cry... you’d think she’d run out eventually, but Nope
tries to be optimistic when possible. brains aren’t always that nice, and sung deals with those struggles too. but she’s a big advocate for talking about your feelings and feeling your feelings so they can be expelled and go away healthily. she tries to observe that as well, but she’s not as good at talking about her deepest non happy emotions, and tends to curl inward in those times. every other emotion level Will be shared and worn on her sleeve though, even to strangers lmao
very physically affectionate. she’s not Particularly careful about gender divides with this, and it applies to anyone she considers a friend, which honestly doesn’t take much
she comes from a very traditional and devout catholic family, though, and it’s framed a lot of her ways of thinking. especially when she was younger, she had mindsets like the ‘love you, but not your lifestyle’ and needed to break out of that when she was exposed to more queer people through the industry. she also has decently strong opinions on things like over-drinking, smoking, sleeping around, and can be a little judgmental over those things
for the most part, she doesn’t ever intend to start arguments. she wants to get on with everyone. one of few times she’s full on cold to someone is if they’re an ex of a close friend who treated them badly, because she’s very loyal and ‘if you hate them i hate them’ type of friend
also unfortunately het. i’m as disappointed as the rest of u
sung was born with a fraternal twin to parents that owned an itty bitty restaurant together. and it’s very bob’s burgers they barely scraped by
but when sung was about ~9, her dad caught some luck, and was always away from home doing business meetings for the shop. then by the time sung was 10, the whole family packed up to start building a chain for their restaurant
sung already struggled making friends before moving, but moving made it a bit worse. she became an idol fan as an escape, and started dancing because of it
when she was 17, her family settled down in seoul as a new permanent location, and sung saw it as her opportunity to be the idol she’d dreamt she could be over the last 6 years of dancing
her luck wouldn’t be the Greatest, though, as she’d fall into a scam for a couple of months
she developed higher standards for checking for scams, started training at a real company, but had to find out through an article online that the company had shut down
her parents wanted her to give up, but up to that point, she’d only auditioned for smaller companies because of the higher success rate. she presented a plan to audition for only the top five companies, and they eventually agreed to that
however, it still took a year of auditioning for bc ent to accept her
and when she was accepted, she didn’t train for long at all before being put on candy shop, then straight to debut
sung’s public persona isn’t very different from who she is. like with most idols, she has to put on a happy face even when she’s not feeling so hot, but beyond that, who she is, is what the public sees
she’s a sunshine/vitamin archetype
her appeal as an idol according to the public has three main sections. at the top, personality, then second is her looks, and third would be dancing
though she really enjoyed candy shop (as a fan of healthy competitiveness - mostly against herself) it introduced her to the public and made her aware that what she’s most proud of, her dancing, falls behind looks, which she’s always worried people will value her for over who she is. while i think personality wins over looks, i don’t think sung sees it that way, and it’s a sore spot for her
being in candy in general is great for her, tho. she adores the music, the styling, the image, some of the choreo. then again, she’s also gone viral twice with candy (shy shy shy, and a dance the night away fancam) so it’s inevitable she’ll have nice feelings towards it lol
in her future career, she’ll have focuses mostly on modelling and choreography methinks, so if anyone would like a choreographer, hit sung up
sung’s fave group of all is lily so anything around her being starry eyed. maybe it makes for a nice successful fan connection or your muse doesn’t fit sung’s expectations and it breaks sung’s rose tinted glasses
she’s also a fan of idols and the idol world in general tho! she has favorites, but even if she isn’t a big fan of your group, she probably knows your choreography. could be your muse thinks she’s a bigger fan than she is because of clips of her dancing to their songs, or she genuinely is a big fan, or them doing challenge videos together a lot
negative plots are great since they’re not all that common with a sung type! men who’ve done her dirty, people she’s been judgmental to, people who get turned away by her overwhelming and sudden affection, or maybe the practice room monster she turns into rubs someone the wrong way at one point
late 2019 to right now, i have in my head that sung would be dating, but i’ve left what this time looks like as an open plot. so, this could be multiple relationships one after the next, or a three year relationship. if someone wants to take up a current plot, i have this Thot... hear me out. so she’s dating this person for some amount of time and for some reason, they break up real time in-verse and because she felt the most in luv w this person over anyone else she’s dated, it hits hard, and she makes decisions that breach her morals (aka full sleepin w someone when up to this point she’d have been a ‘technical’ virgin to appease her own religious rules) this could all be talked about more in depth in dms since this is getting quite long, but it’s the first storyline i have in mind for sung personally
piggybacking off of that with a smaller one would be if somehow someone is close friends with an ex of sung’s and thinks poorly of sung for moving on so quickly, since i think it’s been like... max two weeks for almost every guy she’s been with before she starts dating another
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