#so don’t mind if I join in the RP for a lil bit xD
datamodel-of-disaster · 5 months
So… my pet sitter let my Skitarii troop break out of their enclosure while I was gone for the weekend. He had told me he had experience with Admech so I had hoped it would be ok, but I guess the guy underestimated what daily walks for a Skitarii troop entails. And well… everyone knows bored Skits are escape artists.
I went through the infoslave footage of their little excursion and it looks like they got in a scuffle with a pack of Iron Warriors and irradiated a park two towns over, which is bad enough. But they have somehow, don’t ask me how, acquired a space marine while out there.
I’m not sure what breed he is; he’s red but it is suspiciously exactly the shade of my Skitarii (Martian purebreds), and he has several Cog Mechanicus markings that look recent. My lazy old Magos Dominus is positively delighted with him and the Skitarii are very protective, so I haven’t been able to remove him from the troop to check for any chip or owner ID.
What is going on here? My Admech have clearly and against all good sense decided he’s one of them -is this going to be a problem? Should I expect a pissed-off space marine owner at my door accusing me of pet theft? Also… is this a safe situation? I know next to nothing about space marines. If no owner shows up, what do I do with him? I’m open to keeping him if he’s not a risk and I can reasonably meet his care needs.
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Quarantine Survey
Tagged by the wonderful @bluecookiesforrick
Where are you isolated?
I’m in my student housing room. It’s in a little old house in Waterloo, Canada. My housemates have gone home so I’ve got the whole house.
What are you currently reading or watching?
Omg, I’m not reading or watching anything at the moment! Last week I reread two really good fanfics “We found Love (In A Hopeless Place)” by TalesFromPeridition and “Defect” by kikkimax if that counts. (I need somthing to watch!)
If you can go outside, what do you like to do during this time?
I try to go on short walks every few days, just to get a lil exercise and sunlight. I’m hoping I can do some work outside today. I don’t have a table but I’m considering bringing a chair and working on my laptop in the empty driveway. 
Any fascinating concept you’re studying?
I’m studying for a final in microbiology, and while I’m not too good with memorizing, I think its really cool to learn about how important they can be to the ecosystem. (Also we have units on viruses)
What kind of acts of creativity/forms of art are you currently doing?
I joined a few rp servers on discord so hypothetically going to participate in some of them, but having a bit of writers block. I kinda want to go buy one of those little wooden deco items from the dollarama and decorate them just to do something with my hands.
A song that resonates with your state of mind at the moment?
This question is the reason I procrastinated on this tag game XD I’m all over the place, but I’ve been trying to join a recording of “Welcome to the Rock” on smule, originally by the Come From Away Company so I’ve been listening to it everyday to get it right. It doesn’t exactly describe my state of mind but the whole musical does. Solidarity and compassion in times that we can’t predict and that are difficult for people. But trying to find the good in our situations together.
Favourite impulsive/’bad’ coping techniques?
Honestly I’m not a fan of any of my bad coping techniques, and I’ve got quite a few. I guess if I really think, the fact that I go to dollarama from time to time to get snack is technically a bad coping mechanism cause I shouldn’t go and interact with anyone, but it is my favorite because its nice to smile with strangers in this time.
Favourite healthy/’good’ coping techniques?
I talk to people everyday over skype or messenger, and I get to talk to some of my friends more than I would normally. But I like that I’m trying to go to sleep when it gets dark and wake up when its light. It doesn’t always work, but it really makes me happy!
Tagging @alextblue and @fandomona if she still checks up on tumblr from time to time, and anyone else who sees this and wants to!
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