rooksunday · 5 months
listening to thrawn: treason, and so far the theme appears to be “where is eli vanto???”, a theme to which i can personally relate
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The Girl With A Red Shirt (A Red Shirt, part II.)
A/N: This is for @papisully, bcs I just wanted to, alrite? Also, you, as the reader, are drunk as hell in this, just letting you know. Also, the reader is drunk and cocky as shit, so let me live, pls. 
Description: Victor Sullivan, treasure hunter and a businessman in his late thirties. One day, he got back from his gig and met a cute girl in his favorite laundry; just to forget his talisman there. And so, the trouble with the girl starts.
Mood for this one-shot: It just somehow went from Location by Khalid, went through Let’s Get Lost by G-Eazy and Devon Baldwin and somehow ended up at Tumblr Girls by G-Eazy. But you know the drill, listen to what you like to.
Warnings: I might get too carried away by smut. I did an oopsie. 
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“Don’t ask me why,” Sully said to the cell phone he had pinned to his shoulder with his head. He was smoking a cigar, calling someone and shaving at the same time. His mind was blown away not even a half an hour ago and he was actually curious about how many things he can multitask at once. “But Imma not gonna come tonite.” 
“But we’re finishing the last pieces of the gig!” A woman with an Australian accent shouted back. She seemed to be mad at him and Sully couldn't say even a word back. They were almost done, after all, and he will be missing during the most important meeting of all. “You know how useless can you be when you get the intel on paper and not personally!”
“I just can't come to see ya tonite, Chloe. I have some different things planned.” Except his planes came to the sight before twenty minutes, maybe even less. He wasn’t sure about that. 
Victor just needed his red shirt back, because he didn't feel complete without it. It was his talisman, after all, wasn't it? And a ridiculously hot girl who chewed bubblegum all the time had it on and she asked him to take it off. 
Was he actually mad to miss this opportunity? Bet your best cowboy hat that he wasn't.   
“You suck my blood so much it isn't healthy, Sullivan. You’ll have to count on Nathan to give you the intel. But I'm genuinely scared of the idea, God knows what would he tell you,” Chloe answered in a seriously irritated tone. 
She and Charlie Cutter were usually the brains of the operation, Sullivan was the money giver and transport reinsurer and Nate was used to be the dumb monkey and muscle. 
“Why couldn't you choose any other day?” She asked when Sully shouted a curse word out loud. He cut his chin on a place where it seriously hurt and he almost killed himself, when he jumped over a stool in his bathroom while he searched for a piece of toilet paper to stuck on the wound. 
“Some plans just come without expectation, love.” He answered when he saved himself from bleeding out. 
“Okay. But you'll need to study OUR plan then, don't forget about that.” She finally gave up and hung the phone. Sully finally got the time for himself to have a quick shower, put some cologne on and to choose clothes to not look like an old archeologic discovery. 
He settled down on a plain white t-shirt, his bomber which he wore while he was driving on a motorcycle and some old pair of jeans. He looked like a man close to his forties, he couldn't lie to himself. But at least he had some personal style.
And Y/N looked like she was into him, so he wasn't worrying as much as he would normally do. Having a woman of her age showing him some affection gave him boost on his pride and gave him some sort of confidence. 
Okay then, he answered her text finally. He was smiling wickedly to the screen of his phone while his tongue was stuck out a bit. Just tell me the place where we'll meet. I'll be there. 
Again, he wasn't waiting too long for a response. She just shared her location with him and he was more than kindly willing to see her. So Victor took his car and went on a short drive to see her. 
He came on the address that she sent to him after not even twenty minutes, looking at a house, there was a seriously loud party on. He had to say that he was disappointed. He looked forward to being alone with her; he really did. 
Not to mention countless scenarios brushing over his head. His imagination was more than kind when it came to those things. Which things, you might ask?
Things like having that girl sitting on his lap in that shirt which was his, slowly taking it off while her smile became larger because she could see the things she caused him, that beautiful pain in his lap. The slow blinking of her eyes while they became darker with lust while she took the jeans off her body, throwing them far, far away. Victor closed his eyes as he inhaled slowly, crawling off his car after that. 
There was a house full of people. Full of young chicks who were smiling at him while they sipped their beer with devils in their eyes. Some pop song was on and there were a few couples dancing, making out in a wild pace; everyone could see that they'll be in the bedsheets together in the next twenty minutes. 
Victor was never actually fond of parties. Yet he didn't seem to be the man, he liked to be with a woman in private, just him and her, not on a loud place, maybe on a walk or on a dinner. Not even at his marina days, which happened twenty years ago, he wasn't actually a party animal. 
The guys seemed to be amused by him; he was at least twenty years older after all. They were all buffed, all young and they seemed to be the funny ones, the cleverest in the whole world and the perfect lovers for someone like Y/N. And he was just there, an old man trying to look cool. 
Maybe he was reading to her in a bad way after all? Maybe he heard what he wanted to hear? Maybe she wasn’t into that idea? 
He almost turned around and walked off the house, letting her to keep his favorite shirt. But then he saw her. 
Well, at first he saw that shit which belonged to him. The shirt showed more and more as she jumped during the dance. Y/N was dancing on the table with another girl, in short, denim shorts and his shirt on, her ponytail was swinging from side to side and her eyes were partially closed as she sang the lyrics. 
He leaned onto a wall, smiling lightly as he watched her. She was smiling, dancing on the table and the youth was dripping from the tips of her fingers. Sometimes, she grabbed that second girl, pushed her body onto hers and put her hands onto the girl’s ass, sliding them into her back pockets.
“You're her dad or what?” A girl leaned next to him and offered him a cup of beer, watching Y/N on the table, putting the show-off. 
“Do I look like her dad?” Sullivan asked with amusement, taking the offered cup and smiled at the girl. She was a redhead with huge glasses on, yet she didn't look like a nerd. It made her round face cute and it just got along with her personal style. 
“If you are, she has an incredibly handsome dad, I must say,” redhead took a sip from her cup and then she trailed her look back to Y/N. “She’s always like that.”
“Seems to be funny enough to me,” Victor answered as he took another sip. He was becoming more and more thirsty as Y/N took the other girl’s to face into her hand, motioning that she might kiss her, yet she didn't. 
“If you like her, you better stop and you should find someone different. She’s almost unreachable for most of the guys out here. And, no offense, old pal, but you're definitely far after zenith for a girl like Y/N.” The girl patted his shoulder as she left him standing there. 
The song finally stopped and Y/N threw her hands into the thin air as the people around them started to clap. Then she high-fived the girl and accepted one boy's hand as he helped her to get off the table. Then she noticed him standing next to the door. Y/N felt as her smile grew a bit larger. She was drunk at that point; she always was when she was on a party of this type. 
Normally, she wouldn't be able to even foreshadow having something with a girl, but when she was drinking, she didn't care. When she was this level drunk, she was able to kiss literally anyone.
Or at least before. Now, she has one particular person on her mind. She wasn't truly believing that Victor will come there to see her. She thought he might not have the balls to strip the shirt off her. But she smiled when he truly came. 
“Hey there, washing lady,” Victor offered her his cup of beer because she seemed to be thirsty as hell. She didn't hesitate at all, drinking almost all of that beer. Y/N seemed to be really gentle, small and cute next to him. He was a giant next to her and that caught the attention of a few girls, including the redhead, and a lot of boys. Nobody actually believed that she would be into that guy, but these things happen.
“I'm glad ya here,” she threw her hands over the back of his neck, looking him to the eyes. Victor leaned in, forgetting all about him being a gentleman, putting his fingers into the back pocket of her denim shorts, bringing her lap closer to his. 
“Well, you told me to take the shirt off. Who am I to not to listen to a lady's wish?” Victor looked into her eyes as she smirked. He felt the redhead just focusing her stares in his direction and he was really proud to prove her wrong. 
Without any foreshadowing, she just leaned in and kissed him. Their lips crushed hard and he could feel her heat just slowly trailing his body as well. She was definitely drunk as hell, but Victor wasn’t complaining. It gave her the courage he liked and pushed him further as well. 
“Come then. I’m not able to wait for you any longer. You let me hang on for almost a week and you didn't come to wash your clothes in the meantime,” Y/N whispered with her eyes pinned to Sullivan’s, taking the cup out of his hand.
She tugged his hand as she navigated them through the house. Victor felt the stares surrounding them and yet he wasn't more proud until that day. 
They took a short hike on the stairs and Victor let her take the lead. She was looking around, changing short looks with other people. Every second she checked Victor. She was afraid that he would leave even tho he was holding her hand in a tight grip. He wasn't planning on leaving her there at any circumstances. 
Finally, she found a bedroom without anyone inside and she let out an animalish growl as she turned around and slammed the door shut, locking them. The music was loud so much Victor couldn't even hear his own thoughts which was actually a good thing. He didn't want to be bothered with his own thoughts. There was no space for rationality at the moment. 
It all happened so fast. Heated kisses stopped only when there was a need to breathe, fingers circled in his air and a smell of desire and passion in the air. Only growls mixed with the music could be heard in the thin air. His bomber flew off his body in an instance, just laying down on the ground just so he could feel her hands roaming his body. 
Then the shoes and socks left their bodies at an equally fast pace, disappearing into the unknown. There was no need for words, no need for anything. There was only her and him alone in a room and desire was burning on each of them.
"What the hell are you doing to me? Just rip the shirt off, stop teasing me, Victor." She begged into his lips and tried to take the shirt and take it off by her own force. Victor immediately stopped her, holding her wrist in a tight grip.
“You're so impatient, young lady,” Victor whispered as he pushed her and let her fall directly on the bed. “You need to learn some patience,” Sully whispered with a voice sounding more like an animal than himself. He had to say that he really adored that a young girl of her nature was able to do that to him. 
He learned how to have his own nature under control while he was in the marina. It looked like if it happened a hundred years ago, it was more than ten years ago and even now, sometimes the man who was working as a marina soldier showed up in him. Especially in times like this.
Victor wouldn't describe this part of himself like a dominant or selfish part, not at all. He just became sure in everything he has done, he was direct and he knew a few ways how to make her scream under his touch. All it took for her was a will to listen. 
“And if I don't want to be patient and I'll be a naughty girl?” Y/N asked as she swung on her knees, taking his belt to her small soft hands, trying to undo it with the grace of a horny beast. 
Victor held her wrists with a small effort to that touch, only a little push was needed to knock her off on her back, pushing his body directly on hers and letting his face rest in front of hers. He stayed in that position a while, he listened to her heartbeat and the rhythm of how she breathed. 
Y/N looked like a painting with her face full of the sweet expectations, she had rosy cheeks and a naughty light in her eyes. Her lips were swollen because of the urgency of the way he kissed her and he felt how much was her body trembling under his weight. 
She was sweet like honey and intoxicating like a shot of alcohol. His head was spinning a bit and if he couldn't feel the heat in between her legs, which was burning through their pants, he would stay in this position for forever. 
“Then I would have to use some methods which are used when I'm taming a little baby girl like you are,” Victor answered in a low, perfectly husky tone even though the voice was raspy and it was stuck inside of his throat. 
He lowered his hands after he made himself sure that she would stay in a position with her hands above her head, kissing her throat hungrily as he made a few of love marks and bites here and there. Victor couldn't help himself, some urge inside of him directly needed to mark her as his, for everyone to see when they left the room. He also expected her to stop him, but when she closed her eyes and panted in a sweet high tone, he knew that he's doing the right thing. 
His hands slowly lured over her, unfortunately, still clothed, body, caressing it through the fabric of his most beloved shirt. With a quick movement, he took off his white shirt and threw it all over the small bedroom. Y/N didn't even give him a quick look, because she used her own hands to unbutton the shirt. She slipped out of it, standing on her elbows and finally watched, how handsome he was. 
He was in good shape, without a doubt. His shoulders were really wide as the muscles were appearing perfectly clearly under his suntanned skin. He was scared and bruised in many places; her favorite was a light, yellow bruise under his left armpit. His body was through a lot and she knew it; he told her about what he does for a living. It wasn't a thing to wonder about.
“You are like some fucked up fantasy,” she whispered under breath when she touched Victor's chin while he unbuttoned her shorts. “Can I be your little dirty  kink?” 
“Let me taste and then we'll see, baby girl,” the shorts and panties were far gone now, as she lay in front of him with her legs opened to show him everything Y/N got. She was basically sinking into the mattress, even the little valley dividing her sweet fanny was wet. She was breathing heavily as he watched her, almost waiting for permission. 
Without any other things popping up in his head, he just leaned forward, showing his head directly to the place she was dripping from. His tongue was fast, rough and that's what she needed so badly. She screamed to the roof and leaned from him in a wave of pleasure; so his forearms circulated around the top of her thighs, holding her directly on his face. Victor wanted this girl to be his death and that was a thing he never wanted before. 
He wished to slowly drown in her dripping pussy, he wanted to close his eyes and slowly fall into the warmth of her lap, letting the tightness slowly choke him. Victor would accept all of that with a graceful smile. None of this was forced. He couldn't even remember a single time when he was kneeling in front of a woman, licking and sucking her like he was about to die and her pussy was the last thing that could save him. He growled into the sweetness as he was trying to get more of that juice. 
After a while, her body found its rhythm, slowly moving in the tempo of his tongue as her hand slowly risen up and twirled in his hair, tucking it gently. Her sweet pitches were the thing that was heating up to go further and further, even though his tongue and jaws were hurting.
“No, no, no,” Y/N said in a shaky voice. She tugged his lips from the hottest spot on her body and Victor looked at her with confusion. Was he too rough? Why didn't she tell him that he's not doing her good? What could be done better? “I want to come on ya, Texas. Take those fucking jeans off and just do me good with that dick you're hiding down there.” Y/N leaned in for a short kiss, tasting her own flavor from his lips. 
“I don't believe ya that ya haven't fucked woman in the woods. I mean, look at ya.” She said as she sat down on her ass and started to take her bra off, taking it with the shirt and throwing it on the ground.
“Look at me?”
“You look like a playboy, Texas. Your body just screams that you just lean woman on a tree and fuck the soul out of her body.” She smirked as she lied on her back, circling her fingers around the top of the bed. 
“I mean, I haven't tried it yet,” Victor smiled when he kicked his jeans on a nearby bookcase. He climbed on the bed in between her legs, watching as her breasts moved up and down. “But if you're up to this sort of things, you can teach me.”
“Fuck me hard, mister Sullivan and then well see,” she whispered in a quiet tone. He mumbled shirt curse word under his breath; he hadn't think about condoms until this minute. 
“Just do it, Texas,” she wiggled her hips from side to side with a smirk of a naughty girl. “I'm on my pills.” 
He didn't need any other words. This was everything he needed to hear. He wanted to fuck the words out of her mouth and the teasing out of her head. Victor took her left hand in his right, entwining their fingers together and crashing his lips into hers as he slowly buried himself inside of her. No words were needed at that moment. It was just the two of them, breathing, sighing of a high woman and animal man growls and the song downstairs just slowing down and thrifting into another one. 
He wasn't gentle with her at all. He was bouncing into her in a rough, quick tempo, he wasn't holding back anything. She was moaning his name with grace and gratefulness, being completely full of his dick. One of their hand was entwined with each other, holding each other in a tight grip, the second one was holding on the headboard od the bed, trying to hold it tightly from moving. 
They were already heard all over the second floor and they knew that, but nothing could stop them at that point.
Her little valley was burning hot and wetter than Niagaras, her boobs were jumping in the tempo which their bodies were moving in. She tilted her head backward, closing her eyes with a sweet symphony out of her mouth. Victor leaned into her throat and started to bite into the tight, firm skin she got there.
They weren't too far from achieving the heights of orgasm. At one point it seemed that she wasn’t able to even breathe as she whined and shaken bit, holding him close by putting her leg on his waist. He could feel her little sanctuary where he was buried tightening in light vibrations at first, just as those words escaped her mouth. 
“I'm about to come, Texas.” 
And that's what made the bomb inside Sullivan just wildly go off. He wasn't gentle with her until that point, but now he went fully in, fucking her into the mattress like a machine. Her body just moved into his as she arched her back and shook her head as the sounds were just escaping her mouth. They went higher and higher as the closed her eyes firmly and all of a sudden...
“Oh my fucking God, Victor!” Y/N screamed loudly out of pure extasy as her body shaken firmly, she held him in her arms as he continued on fucking her to release himself; now holding the head of the bed in his arms as the sweat was pouring from him onto her skin. 
Y/N was lucky enough to find a new level of ecstasy with him. Normally, the guys stopped when she was done, just handling their boners on their own; but Victor wasn't that kind of guy. He wanted to mark even on the place where no-one could see it. Her pussy was wet and handling him so good that he hadn't got any reason to stop until he felt, how the energy is released from him. 
Then, after all of that, he slowly put his forehead on hers, trying to catch his breath. He didn't even notice how wet both of them are because of the sweat and how red her cheeks were. She was still holding his back, trembling a bit, her eyes were closed. She held herself close to him, her pussy was holding his dick, her thighs were holding his waist and her hands were on his back. 
He could finally see what he caused to her - the left side of her neck was practically violet, full of bloody love marks and bites; there were a few on the other side of her neck as well, but not as much as on the other side.
“Are you alright, baby girl?” His palm slowly smoothed her wet hair, definitely released from the ponytail. 
“I've never experienced anything as good as this, Texas,” Y/N said quietly as she kissed him slowly, with that tender, post-sex passion. Sully slowly crawled out of her body, lying next to her, watching her slowly turning to lay on her belly. 
“So you asked if you could be my kink, did you?” Sully trailed his hand from her shoulder to her waist, gently caressing the skin of per perfectly shaped bum. She nodded, smiling into her forearms. “I'm sure you can. But what now?” 
“What about just take the clothes on and leaving this place together? Take me wherever ya want, Texas.” She sat, searching for her panties and denim shorts. 
“God. I want to fuck you again as soon as I can.” Sully whispered as she slowly put her bra on, hiding it underneath his white t-shirt and that motorcycle bomber. Her hair was all around her face in long waves and she was smiling, still having rosy cheeks and sweaty forehead. 
“So come on, we’ll see what we can do about that.” She tried to speed him up while he was taking his boxers and jeans on. When he was all tidily done, she took his hand in hers, taking him out of the house. Sullivan couldn't describe the pride when she moved her hair so every single person could see her marks. She showed them as war scars, she wore them proudly. 
So they left together that day. And the days after as well. 
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Snap Revamps Sly 4′s Villains
Because you’re not allowed to critique things on the Internet without being able to suggest full, professional-standard alternatives to everything you dislike!
Nah, I’m kidding. I just thought this might make for an interesting post. Keeping the plot and the basic concepts the same, here’s how I would do things differently:
El Jefe
As I’ve stated, I really don’t have a problem with the bossman, so my modifications are light. The only major overhaul: he’s a leopard. Maybe he’s melanistic, making him a “black panther”, but normal leopards look great too. That decision would ultimately be down to the artists squeezing him into that snazzy military outfit. My... brain says his fire and lightning superpowers should really be explained, but my heart thinks it’s cooler that he just pulls a Col. Volgin and has them for No Reason. Let’s stick with that. Hard rule: no more slapping Murray hungrily on the ass. That’s... that’s a cut I, personally, would choose to make.
Again, I like Toothpick the way he is, and the fandom seems to agree. Much like his counterpart Tenny (mentally ill raccoon cowboy of my heart <3), Toothpick seems to be far and away the most popular of Sly 4′s villainous characters. I really want to stick to keeping species and nationality consistent. But here again, it’s head versus heart. I think both elements work well - an armadillo is an interesting design for a villain, especially in the Old West, while him being Eastern European adds a great layer of absurdity to his desire to be a cowboy, and keeps him from being too similar to Muggshot’s backstory. So I don’t know which bit I’d amend.  Toothpick’s beautiful just the way he is. Moving on.
The Grizz
Now I can sink my teeth in. Let’s fix this nonsense.  As I outlined in my rant about him, I’m disappointed in retrospect that they didn’t actually utilize “evil graffiti artist” to its full potential. That’s what I’d focus on. Make him a pretentious artíst(tm) who is so certain of the Importance of his Challenging Artistic Work that he has no idea how bland and uninteresting it really is. That’d be hilarious.  That rapper stuff?? ALL that rapper stuff?? Out the goddamn window as fast as it can go. Burn every page of the script he has lines on and start over. He can still be black, absolutely! Let’s just, y’know, have him talk in AAVE. Like an actual person, not a bizarre stereotype written by an out-of-touch comedy writer in 1988. And maybe he can be voiced by a black voice actor. I hear there’s at least one, somewhere. Finally, his boss fight should be totally overhauled as well. It’s still versus Murray, because Murray does deserve both an arc and a boss fight. But the stuff about ice skating is also out the window. Even if it ends up being “simple”, just Murray whaling on him like against Rajan, I think that’d be an improvement. Better to be simple and satisfying than gimmicky and irritating. It’s a hippo punching a bear. How can that be boring?! This stuff writes itself.
uh Well I think it’s... kinda cool that she created a new “The Black [Title]” persona? (Even if it was painfully transparent.) Girl has a favourite colour. But mostly the Penelope Twist(tm) and its implications are a whole other bucket of bolts. Maybe it deserves its own post. I feel like I can’t get into it here. Sticking to the plot as given, though, I guess I would lengthen her screentime to give more room to explain her motivations whatever the heck they even are. That, and make her more proactive. Really emphasize how she’s a threat. I mean, Toothpick does more to impede the Cooper Gang than she does, and she’s a ruthless genius that knows exactly how they operate. I keep coming back to this: if you’re gonna make her evil, go all in!
Ms Decibel
Oh boy. How to fix this hot mess? Well, honestly, I kinda like how she gets betrayed by Le Paradox, in a very bare bones sense. It’s a climactic way to deal with the penultimate boss, and it characterizes Le Paradox as a ruthless, devious threat. But as we’ve discussed, the romance angle - with Decibel being firmly established to be unattractive - is dicey. That needs to either be reworked, or outright cut. My other major issue is her mind control. Honestly? Scrap it. Entirely. I’ve thought about it, and unlike the Contessa, who was narratively built around psychology, there is no reason for her to have the powers she does. How does she apply them in the story? By forcing Salim’s friends to make forgeries for her. Uh, you don’t need magic powers for that. Like, at all. Coerce them through other means. She’s kidnapped their families and is threatening to harm them if the thieves don’t comply! Sly and co. disentangle the hostages in an awesome rescue mission! There, I made that up on the spot, and the vague thought of it is way more satisfying to me than “she has magic powers because there is a musical instrument lodged in her nose”. C’mon, guys. Get it together.
Le Paradox
oh god i’m blanking I swear I’m not doing this for comedic effect, like “haha there’s no fixing him”. I’m genuinely unsure of where to begin. Uh... okay. First off, if he’s messing with the entire timestream, he needs to feel scary. A lot scarier than he does. Maybe not a god, but like... this is a man who is messing with something he really shouldn’t. His decisions are dangerous, for everyone. And just, generally speaking, let’s tweak his personality. Big shoes to fill, and varied ones, too. Each of the other main villains had interesting personalities. Clockwerk was cold and impersonal, like a natural disaster. You got the sense he was past mortal interaction. Neyla’s a schemer, so clever in what she does you kinda have to admire her. And as control slips away from her, her calm demeanor gives way to increasingly unstable anger. Dr M., as I’ve said before, is just hilariously... sensible. He’s sarcastic, and murderous, but mostly he carries himself like a grandpa who’s just irritated you’re in his backyard. Le Paradox is ugly. He’s haughty and arrogant and cruel to his employees. And he steeples his fingers! Mmmmh. It’s very difficult to make a character like that fun. He’s designed to annoy you. The obvious solution is to humiliate him. Really break him, the way Neyla gets a few choice kicks in the teeth as Sly 2 winds down. That makes it cathartic for the audience, it releases the tension that’s built up as we hate him. But in Sly 4’s ending, what? There’s a quick-time-event boss and then he’s arrested offscreen? Boo. Make him suffer. Twist the knife and let us watch! That, or try to make him more entertaining in his own right. Give him creepy presence like Clockwerk, or a funny attitude like Dr M, or clever schemes like Neyla. (Note: the schemes have to actually be clever. You can’t just tell us they’re clever.) Like, the groundwork is there! He successfully hides his criminal enterprise from Interpol for a while, sticking to the persona of a wealthy, respectable citizen. Lean into that! Use what you have! Maybe write him so that he’s always untouchable, just barely above board, and he delights in taunting both Sly and Carmelita with that. There’s definitely a place for irritating characters, when handled properly. But they need substance to justify themselves. And making that your final boss? Risky play. Oh yeah. One more thing. SKUNKS DON’T COME FROM FRANCE.
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