#so glad i managed to finish this BIG ass fic 💖
mirahuyooo · 2 years
Stranded [Why Dionysus?] | jhs
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[masterlist] | check out [Elysian Tales] & [BTS as Greek Myth Icons]!
have you read [Stranded]?
A/N: As promised, here's the messy "rationale" and the melting pot of ideas i had for writing Stranded! Again, TAKE EVERYTHING WITH A GRAIN OF SALT bc i may be wrong with some of the mythology parts ✌😭✌
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I get that Hoseok is mostly depicted as Apollo in these sorts of AUs, but Dionysus, man! DIONYSUS—Olympian god of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness, and wild frenzy. 
I know it’s usually Jimin for this type of thing too, but at the time (when I made this series lol) it just screamed JUNG HO SEOK to me somehow, you feel?
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Albeit, we all know how drunk Hoseok gets now (at the time I didn't lmao), I feel like since he'd be a god in this AU, he's bound to have greater alcohol tolerance 😅👌 BESIDES, Hobi would be all up on that dance floor! I just really thought that having him as Dionysus would be a nice change and it was v v fun (ToT)/~~~💖
Also, the love story of Dionysus and Ariadne gave me quite the uwu, so I thought I could add a bit more to the story for some cute shit 🥰
When it came to the whole sacrifice to the Minotaur thing though, I made a lot of shit up because some say that Athens had to bring tributes every 9 years, but some said it was every year??? (I AM CONFUSION 😭😭😭)
Anyways, to fit my fictional narrative (a.k.a her seeing the start of the downfall of her family), I had to do the some maths and vague research AHAHAHHA  i.e. searching how long it takes for a calf to turn into a bull (two years according to Google) bc Asterion started causing real trouble as he grew older lmao (he’s a beast raised to be a monster after all) + the fact that Theseus joined the third batch of the tributes to slay the Minotaur + Ariadne!Y/N being in her 20s???
I ended up settling for “every five years” (making Y/N 24-ish by the time she ran away, if Asterion the Minotaur was born when she was around 7 and he was locked up in the labyrinth when she was 9) 
P.S. I was planning to have (Y/N) die, since it’s part of some version of myths abt Dionysus and Ariadne, but it felt like it would be a repeat of Yoongi’s story so uh… i just left her at a near-death experience 🤪🤪🤪 
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Again, there are a lot of versions of this mythology.
With Ariadne’s upbringing, it was hard to get conclusive points??? All we know is that it’s in Crete, she’s a princess, her mom fucked a bull as a result of a divine curse, and her dad’s an all around j e r k LMAO I was also shocked to find out that the Minotaur had a name???? I kinda felt bad after ngl lmao 
AnyWAYS, several sources called Ariadne “mistress of the labyrinthe” (and that she might actually be a goddess too??) and that either way when Theseus came she fell hard like a SIMP ✋😭 She and her sister, Phaedra, both did, but it was Ariadne who helped Theseus with a thread (a clew) to let him know his way out of the labyrinthe after slaying the Minotaur (some sources say she was clever enough to do it on her own, but some say she asked Daedalus for help) 
Theseus, so glad that this chick is here to help him out, asks her to marry him once he returns successful, but some sources say that Ariadne asked him to. Another version also said that she asked him for marriage as protection since she's committing treason for helping him.
Either way, when the beast was slain, they obviously had to book it out of there before anyone could discover that they unalived the Minotaur. 
In Hesiod (and most of the other versions), Theseus abandons Ariadne on the island of Naxos after she had helped him and had fled Crete with him. Other accounts claim that Theseus was told (by Athena or Dionysus) to leave her there for the wine god as a sacrifice, because the island was Dionysus' territory. It was said in the Odyssey that Theseus had “no joy for her”, and had no issues with leaving her to Dionysus. Although, there are still some accounts that do depict him being distraught about the abandonment. Either way, he still left her there. 
So, with that, I had opted for the route of him being told to do it, but is still a jerk about it lol.
(This decision was fuelled by my utter anger for the myth where Theseus and his best bud, Pirithous, decided to kidnap daughters of Zeus to marry. Theseus chose to kidnap Helen of Troy, who was twelve at that time, and intended to keep her until she was old enough to marry—bLEGHH)
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Theseus is a hero, yes, but he was still a bastard lmao (SO i went ham on making him the (sort of) villain in this story WHAHAH i am petty and biased, I'm so sorry)
Alas, his kidnapping of Helen of Troy seems to have happened long after his time with Ariadne, so as much as I wanted to trash on him, I couldn’t do so very much :DDDD
Phaedra (her sister), on the other hand, ended up being the queen of Athens because she was either abducted by Theseus or arranged for political marriage with him by their oldest brother King Deucalion (bc at this point, their dad, Minos, got murked in Sicily looking for Daedalus lol) She then proceeds to later get cursed to thirst after her stepson, Hippolytus :DDD 
Anyways, at Naxos, Dionysus saw Ariadne and fell in love with her, deciding to put a ring on it. Ariadne had many children with Dionysus and she was said to be faithful to him, but according to some myths, she killed herself because of Theseus before they get to meet??? Other versions say that she was killed—either by Perseus (with medusa’s head) or Artemis (at Dionysus' request?? Bc she and Theseus banged at a sacred grotto or cave or something—ig this is probs in the version where he doesn't love her yikes). 
Also, (in the myths where they are lovey dovey but Ariadne, for some reason, dies) Dionysus, after becoming a full-fledged god of Olympus, goes to the underworld  to get his mother and wifey back (sacrificing either a grapevine of his first love (Ampelos) or his thyrsus—this one's a bit unclear so I decided to omit it from the storyline lol) and went to Mount Olympus to be with her forevs. He also made her into a deity along with his mother, and then put her wedding crown to the sky as the constellation Corona Borealis!
Dionysus is a bastard of Zeus (a lot are LMAo) through his priestess Semele, and was the first god to be born a deity even with a mortal parent. He’s unwelcomed in Olympus though (mostly bc Hera is v v salty) and so he lived his life on Earth, at some point getting dismembered by Titans and/or going insane from a curse by Hera, and getting reborn because of the shit he goes through. He becomes the last god to enter Olympus after his cult fully establishes itself in Greece, and this part (I read) happens AFTER he met Ariadne (that’s why the plot is the way it is lol). This is also why there are sources that say Ariadne accompanied Dionysus in his travels, helping him spread his cult and influence. 
Also, also, the animals associated with him are panthers (leopard), tigers, bulls and serpents, and is often depicted as riding a leopard or a chariot drawn by leopards. (I made up the name Agrios though!)
This has been a rollercoaster and my head is pACKED Imma need to sit down whEW!! 
Thanks for Reading!
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madame-fear · 2 years
Hello friend! I have another request. I couldn't stop thinking about your laser tag imagine with Gotham! Jonathan Crane and I was hoping if you could actually write a little story of it. 😍
-Love Vinca ^^
Hello my dear Vinca! 🥰 As always it's a pleasure to receive your requests! I'm glad to hear that you liked the imagine haha, hope you like it my dear! 😍💖 (p.s: I'm too bad at finishing fics so I apologise haha)
Laser Tag Date | Gotham!Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader
Out of all the places your boyfriend could've chosen to have a date with you, he decided to take you laser tagging.
You had a very slight idea about laser tag, but you weren't entirely familiarised with it, so you thought to yourself that maybe after all it would be a fun and original idea if you two had a laser tag date. So, of course, you agreed.
At the present moment, you were walking around the dark environment, your black clothes matching the whole place. You were being very slow and quiet as possible, and all your senses were activated. For you, even if it was a game, the adrenaline of the moment was thrilling to you.
You slightly jumped and quickly turned around when a familiar voice suddenly appeared from behind you. "What a pleasant surprise, (Y/N)." It was your boyfriend. You pointed your laser gun at him as you rolled your eyes to his teaseful comment. "I'm kicking some asses over here. Don't try to distract me, Crane." You boldly spat as you walked a few steps backwards, since he was walking towards you. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to distract you, I just think you look very pretty all dressed in black, especially with that competitive personality."
Your back finally hit the dark wall, so you were pressed against the wall and his tall body. "You're not going to shoot me, are you?" He said teasingly. His cockiness was a sign that his Jonathan Crane persona was fading away, welcoming his Scarecrow personality to completely take over him...and you loved it. You couldn't manage to say anything to him, due to his hypnotising personality and enchanting blue eyes.
Your recently tensed body was now relaxing, and you gently put down the laser gun that you were strongly holding against your chest in a self protective manner as he sweetly caressed your cheek with the back of his index finger. He leaned in and gently kissed your lips as you entirely immersed yourself in it, cupping his cheek and simply forgetting about the rest that surrounded you. As he kissed you while you were pushed against the corner, you petted his long, brunette hair. Suddenly felt something cold and hard pressed against your chest, and out of nowhere your protective vest began to loudly sound. He had taken advantage of the situation, and shot you.
"Pew pew." He broke apart the kiss, not taking too long for his lips to form into a smirk at the sight of your perplexed face. You opened your mouth to complain against it, but before you could say anything he shushed you by kissing your head. He turned around and began walking away, leaving you like a confused blushing mess.
Before he fully walked away, he turned around to look at you with a pretencious smile. "You know, love, for being a newbie you're good at this game. But I just couldn't let you win." He sticked his tongue out in a joking manner and continued walking away. You were speechless as you watched him walk out of the room as if nothing happened. You weren't able to even protest against it and you just awkwardly stood in the corner, processing the situation.
Eventually, a few seconds later, your lips began forming a big smile as you quietly giggled to yourself, and your cheeks intensified their reddish colour. Sometimes, he could be very cocky when his Scarecrow persona took over, but you certainly loved him that way, and you would never change him for someone else. He was your cocky little fear reaper.
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