#so glad this made it through the tumblr great twitter migration slowdown
laf-outloud · 2 years
I need it to be January already! What a great mid season finale! Tied up the right amount of loose ends, but kept us on the edge of our seat for what happens next.
I knew Luis killed Francis! He had the motive. I wasn’t expecting him to be in cahoots with the cattle thieves, though I don’t know if he is actually innocent of that crime like he claimed.
I’m so happy that Gus and Calian’s friendship is back, and perhaps even stronger than before after making it through all this. That ending scene when Gus opened up about how he wanted to go with Calian, but Calian knows him well enough to know that his heart is with the town even if the townspeople aren’t always with them. It will be interesting to see how long Calian stays away from Independence. Whether he realizes it or not, he’s in the same boat as Gus now. His ties with the town now are with his heart, and not avenging his sister’s memory. I swear, I was tearing up at every Calian scene this episode. His daughter is such a wonderful actress.
Hoyt had me so worried this episode! I really thought he was going to stick by the Reyes’ side no matter what evidence was presented. I was so hopeful when he caught Luis’ tick, worried again when he walked out with the family, then when he confronted Luis I was cheering! Don’t underestimate Hoyt! I’m looking forward to see Hoyt balancing becoming the man of the ranch, and his alliance with Abby. Will Hoyt be able to become the honest man he wants to be in honor of his father and Francis? Can he stay in one place for Lucia and Anna Marie after running for so long?
And poor Abby. I’m in the opposite boat as you, because I like her much more now than I did in the beginning. She’s really starting to flesh out as a character and stand up alongside such colorful characters. I love that she’s finding herself out west, even if that path isn’t as linear as she would like or what she was expecting. I know she was disheartened at losing Calian’s trial, but failure sometimes teaches us more than success. And we can’t forget that Gus hasn’t forgotten about her and is looking for answers! How long will she be able to hold him off, and will she tell the truth in the end or end up tangled in a web of lies?
While we didn’t get to see much of Kate this episode, what we did get to see was heavy hitting. Leaving Pinkerton to become a free agent, fleeing corruption (just like Abby!). Finally free of her past with her feet planted firmly in Independence alongside her heart. I’m excited for Abby and Kate to take Independence by storm when the show returns.
And time for my favorite man Tom! Looking so ruggedly handsome as he slowly bleeds to death 😍 I’m loving his character arc, criminal trying to turn a new leaf as a (semi) honest sheriff. Not innocent of all the crimes Abby and the gang are unraveling, but I think he’s innocent when it comes to Liam’s murder. I think through Abby he’ll eventually find an appreciation for the law, despite what Kate and Abby think he’s pretty willing to go with Abby’s justice seeking whims. I couldn’t believe when he cut the noose! Calian’s final words clearly moved him. I think Abby is beginning to be torn when he comes to Tom, I could see it in her face throughout the episode. She doesn’t want to like him because she’s dead set on the idea that Liam’s blood is on his hands, but he’s always defying her expectations of his character. And you can see it all over her face when she finds him on deaths door. Old Abby would have let him die and claimed justice, but western Abby doesn’t know where either of them stands.
The sneak peak we got as to what will be coming our way in 2023 was great. Abby’s past catching up to her, more of the Native side of the west! I love how this story has unraveled, it’s all been so unexpected in the best possible way. I hope everyone uses the hiatus to start watch and catch up for January, because this show is worthy of an audience!
It was such a fantastic episode! I was legit tearing up for Calian! I'm starting to warm up more to Abby, but I'm hoping the arrival of her sister will really help to flesh her out for me.
I cannot praise the writing enough for this show. Every character has a purpose (though I really missed Kai this week), and the storyline keeps moving without any signs of slowing down.
"I hope everyone uses the hiatus to start watch and catch up for January, because this show is worthy of an audience!" YES!!! One of the articles mentioned that WIndy is coming out from under the 1883 comparisons and making it's own way (though I think they did that from the beginning), but I really hope people give it a chance and the hiatus is a perfect time to do so!
Thank you again for sharing your fantastic reviews!!! I shall eagerly await them in the new year!
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